Smriti Dwivedi is working at Galgotias College of Engineering and Technology, India.
COVID-19 is a contagious illness that is caused by a newly recognized coronavirus. It has become the largest pandemic that has issued emergency all across the world. The objective of this research is to show how environment has been positively affected by it particularly in India. Our research shows that although human living and health are our major and immediate issues to concern, water and environmental systems from rural to urban scales have seen noticeable productive impacts due to the depletion of pollutants loading from industries, vehicle emission, and other sources. Seeing the past plots, the research also indicates that the pace and range of improvement seen would have been impossible without supreme actions that have been imposed on the society due to the epidemic, at the cost of several millions of dollars across the nation. Therefore, the research furtherfocuses on how India’s environmental problems can be tackled systematically so that country can aim green future even after exemption from the rules of home quarantine that has been imposed due to the ongoing pandemic.