Aysha TajAlsar Library Assistant and User support in library of Kingdom University hold a BSc. Degree in Business Management, during her study she participate in many entrepreneurships’ conferences/ workshop and coemption where establishing a student Company as CEO for 13 Months, won on local level and moved on Arab region to represent the country, she presents a webinar entitled “How to start and manage a business”
Networking has been the core of all aspects of life but when it’s come to the entrepreneurship industry, we will observe that all these successful companies/firms have reached because of the networking they made through a collaboration with other firms or entrepreneurs. According to forbs article, a study has shown that for 78% Of Startups, Networking Is Vital To Entrepreneurial Success, which proofs that networking is an essential element for them since it evolves in their marketing, financial issues, advising, attracting investors, spread the awareness of their products/services and many more. Sustaining Network = Good communication skills Building a network is easy but to sustain and enlarge this network we should have a good communication skills eventhood if we know many people but have lack in communication thus will not lead to any points. Thus, adopting communication skills will reflect in sustain a good and long-term network. Nowadays entrepreneurial networking became more important which all entrepreneurs/ startups and even joint companies/firms finding ways to enhance and improve it since it contributes to their performance and position in the market.