Meetings International welcomes you to attend the Webinar on Digestive Diseases Scheduled On March 24, 2021.
Digestive Diseases Webinar focuses on “Recent advancements and therapeutic techniques in Digestive Diseases” aims to compile leading academic scientists, researchers, and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Gastrointestinal and Digestive Diseases.
The sophisticated strategies and numerous methods for better digestive health management are covered in the Digestive Disease Webinar. This virtual conference will provide the greatest venue for researchers and business executives to appreciate current accomplishments and invest in the field of gastroenterology for the betterment of the future.
Sessions 1: Advances in Digestive Diseases
Progression within the analysis and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases has been outstanding within the running years. The examination is going on new diagnostic strategies and novel therapeutic frameworks for gastroesophageal reflux sickness (GERD), pancreatic-biliary and post-surgical issues, Barrett's throat, neuroendocrine tumors, and gastrointestinal stromal tumors. In Japan, gastric development is that the second driving purpose behind threat passing.
Digestive Disease Webinar | Hepatitis Conference | Liver Disease Conference | Gastroenterology Conference | Inflammatory Bowel Disease Conference | Colorectal Disease symposium
Sessions 2: Gastrointestinal Oncology
Gastrointestinal disease alludes to dangerous states of the alimentary canal (GI tract) and embellishment organs of processing, including the throat, stomach, biliary framework, pancreas, small gastrointestinal system , viscus , rectum, and anus. The symptoms are related to the damaged organ and may include obstruction (leading to difficulty swallowing or defecating), abnormal bleeding, or other related problems. The finding regularly requires endoscopy, trailed by biopsy of suspicious tissue. The treatment relies upon the world of the tumour, and additionally the type of disease cell and whether it's attacked different tissues or spread elsewhere . These components likewise decide the guess.
Gastrointestinal Diseases Conference | Digestive Health Summit | Gastroenteritis Conference | Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Conference | Gastrointestinal Disorders Meet | Digestive Disorder Summit
Sessions 3: Liver Diseases & Transplantation
Liver is the largest organ inside your body. It helps your body digest food, store energy, and remove poisons. Indications of liver sickness can differ, however they frequently incorporate swelling of the abdomen and legs, bruising easily, changes in the shade of your stool and urine. The first attempted human liver transplant was performed in 1963 by Dr. Thomas Starzl, although the pediatric patient died intraoperatively due to uncontrolled bleeding. In spite of the improvement of suitable surgical procedures, liver transplantation stayed trial through the 1970s, with one year tolerant survival in the region of 25%. Liver transplantation is now performed at over one hundred centres in the US, as well as numerous centres in Europe and elsewhere.
Digestive Disease Webinar | Hepatitis Conference | Liver Disease Conference | Gastroenterology Conference | Inflammatory Bowel Disease Conference | Colorectal Disease symposium
Sessions 4: Micro biome in Gastrointestinal & Liver
The micro biome comprises all of the genetic material within a microbiota (the entire collection of microorganisms in a specific niche, such as the human gut). This can also be referred to as the metagenome of the microbiota. Liver cirrhosis occurs as a consequence of many chronic liver diseases that are prevalent worldwide. Here we characterize the gut micro biome in liver cirrhosis by comparing 98 patients and 83 healthy control individuals. We manufacture a reference gene set for the accomplice containing 2.69 million genes, 36.1% of which are novel. Quantitative metagenomics reveals 75,245 genes that differ in abundance between the patients and healthy individuals (false discovery rate < 0.0001).
Gastrointestinal Diseases Conference | Digestive Health Summit | Gastroenteritis Conference | Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Conference | Gastrointestinal Disorders Meet | Digestive Disorder Summit
Sessions 5: Gallstones
They aren't generally stones. They're bits of strong material that shape in the gallbladder, a little organ situated under the liver. You won't not know you have them until the point that they obstruct a bile pipe, causing torment that you have to escape. The two fundamental sorts are: Cholesterol stones, Pigment stones.
Digestive Disease Webinar | Hepatitis Conference | Liver Disease Conference | Gastroenterology Conference | Inflammatory Bowel Disease Conference | Colorectal Disease symposium
Sessions 6: Obesity and Diabetes
Overweight and obesity are defined by an excess accumulation of adipose tissue to an extent that impairs both physical and psychosocial health and well-being. Obesity is considered a health disaster in both developed and developing countries.
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a chronic disorder that can alter carbohydrate, protein, and fat metabolism. It is caused by the absence of insulin secretion due to either the progressive or marked inability of the β-Langerhans islet cells of the pancreas to produce insulin, or due to defects in insulin uptake in the peripheral tissue. DM is broadly classified under two categories, which include type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
Digestive Disease Webinar | Hepatitis Conference | Liver Disease Conference | Gastroenterology Conference | Inflammatory Bowel Disease Conference | Colorectal Disease symposium
Sessions 7: Colorectal Disease
Together the colon and rectum make up our large intestine; they each play separate and important roles in our digestive process. For that reason, medical disorders that affect this area of the body may be called “colorectal” or “intestinal” disorders. Colorectal conditions range from common and often treatable problems such as chronic constipation, to rare or life-threatening disorders including anal cancer.
Gastrointestinal Diseases Conference | Digestive Health Summit | Gastroenteritis Conference | Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Conference | Gastrointestinal Disorders Meet | Digestive Disorder Summit