Webinar on Dementia 2021 will be delivering their presentations on their recent research related to Dementia . Current state of knowledge, its impact on future will be discussed in detailed. Meetings International invites all experts to be part this webinar series and make it a perfect platform for knowledge sharing and networking
Neuro-oncology is the study of brain and spinal cord neoplasms, many of which are very dangerous and life-threatening (astrocytoma, glioma, glioblastoma multiforme, ependymoma, pontine glioma, and brain stem tumors are among the many examples of these). Among the malignant brain cancers, gliomas of the brainstem and pons, glioblastoma multiforme, and high-grade (highly anaplastic) astrocytoma are among the worst.The CNS consists of the brain and spinal cord. The brain is protected by the skull (the cranial cavity) and the spinal cord travels from the back of the brain, down the center of the spine, stopping in the lumbar region of the lower back. The brain and spinal cord are both housed within a protective triple-layered membrane called the meninges.
Parkinson's disease (PD) is an age-related degenerative disorder of certain brain cells. It mainly affects movements of the body, but other problems, including dementia, may occur. It is not considered a hereditary disease, although a genetic link has been identified in a small number of families. Depression, anxiety, personality and behavior changes, sleep disturbances, and sexual problems are commonly associated with Parkinson's disease. In many cases, Parkinson's disease does not affect a person's ability to think, reason, learn, or remember (cognitive processes).
Neurodegenerative disease primarily affects the neurons in the human brain. Neurons are the building blocks of the nervous system which includes the brain and spinal cord. Neurons normally don’t reproduce or replace themselves, so when they become damaged or die they cannot be replaced by the body. Neurodegenerative diseases are incurable and debilitating conditions that result in progressive degeneration and / or death of nerve cells. This causes problems with movement (called ataxias), or mental functioning (called dementias). Dementias are responsible for the greatest burden of neurodegenerative diseases, with Alzheimer’s representing approximately 60-70% of dementia cases.
In Alzheimer's disease, high levels of certain proteins inside and outside brain cells make it hard for brain cells to stay healthy and to communicate with each other. The brain region called the hippocampus is the center of learning and memory in the brain, and the brain cells in this region are often the first to be damaged. That's why memory loss is often one of the earliest symptoms of Alzheimer's. While most changes in the brain that cause dementia are permanent and worsen over time, thinking and memory problems caused by various conditions
Vascular dementia, which occurs after a stroke, is the second most common dementia type. But there are many other conditions that can cause symptoms of dementia, including some that are reversible, such as thyroid problems and vitamin deficiencies. In vascular dementia, changes in thinking skills sometimes occur suddenly following strokes that block major brain blood vessels. Thinking problems also may begin as mild changes that worsen gradually as a result of multiple minor strokes or other conditions that affect smaller blood vessels, leading to cumulative damage. Vascular dementia symptoms can vary widely, depending on the severity of the blood vessel damage and the part of the brain affected. Memory loss may or may not be a significant symptom depending on the specific brain areas where blood flow is reduced. Symptoms may be most obvious when they happen soon after a major stroke
It is our pleasure to welcome you to the Dementia 2021 to be command in Paris, France from Nov 15-16, 2021. Dementia is general term for memory misfortune and alternative intellectual capacities sufficiently real to intervene existence. This gathering can build info, offer help, facilitate learning and alter families and carers to go looking out relevant administrations for his or her idolized one and to create up the foremost ideal home condition to assist healing from this fascinating and decimating malady.The global Alzheimer’s sickness (AD) market value $2.9 billion in 2016 is ready to achieve $14.8 Billon, rising at a Compound Annual rate of growth (CAGR) of seventeen.5%, across the 7 Million by 2026 consistent with world information, a recognized leader in providing business info and analytics Alzheimer's disease is that the commonest style of dementia. The proportions of these with totally different varieties of dementia are often dampened as follows:
Alzheimer's disease: sixty-two
Vascular dementia: Revolutionary Organization 17 November
Mixed dementia: 100%
Lewy-body dementia: four-dimensional
Fronto-temporal dementia: two
Parkinson's dementia: two
Other: 3%
Why to attend???
According to United Nations agency 47.5 million folks have dementedness and each year 7.7 million new cases square measure showing. By 2030 total cases of dementia is projected to be 75.6 million and virtually triple by 2050 to one hundred thirty-five.5 million. Alzheimer’s sickness contributes 60-70 you look after cases in dementia and second commonest condition of dementedness is tube-shaped structure dementia that contributes 2 hundredth of cases everywhere the globe. Total calculable price of dementedness is 818 billion U.S.A. $ in 2015.A great chance to network together with your peers from academe and business. At the dementia conferences and from the eminent folk’s speech, you'll update your data concerning current of dementia analysis and receive name recognition at this 2-day event. World-renowned speakers, the foremost recent techniques, tactics, and the newest updates in dementia fields square measure hallmarks of this conference.
Conference Highlights:
Alzheimer Association & Societies around the Globe:
Alzheimer's Australia
Albanian Alzheimer Society
Association de Lucha contra el Mal de Alzheimer
Foundation Alzheimer Aruba (FAA)
Alzheimer's Australia
Alzheimer Austria
Alzheimer Support Group
Alzheimer Society of Bangladesh
Barbados Alzheimer's Association Inc.
Alzheimer’s and Dementia Association of The Cayman Islands
Ligue National Alzheimer Liga
Alzheimer's Family Support Group
Association Bolivian de Alzheimer y Otras Dementias
FEBRAZ - Federico Brasilia de Associaçãoes de Alzheimer
Corporation Alzheimer Chile
Alzheimer's disease Chinese
Alzheimer Association & Societies in Canada
Products manufactured by the industries:
Three drugs are available to treat symptoms in people with Mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease
Aricept produced by Pfizer Canada Inc.,
Exelon produced by Novartis Pharma Canada Inc.
Reminy produced by Janssen Ortho Inc.
Two drugs for Moderate to advanced Alzheimer’s disease
University of Plymouth