We are glad to announce our webinar on COVID-19 Vaccines scheduled for December 07, 2021. This webinar will be organized around the theme "Accelerating global access to life-saving vaccines". This webinar offers an opportunity to network with your peers around the world, exchange ideas with expertise, and provide you with the latest information. Our webinars will feature sessions that include cutting-edge screens, special panel discussions, and more immersive interactions with vaccine experts from around the world. Vaccination will help prevent the spread of new variants of COVID19.
Meetings International successfully anchored its leading "3rd Webinar on Covid-19 Vaccines" slated on August 27, 2021.
Covid Vaccines Webinar 2021 is distinguished with the attendance of Editorial Board Members of supported Journals, Scientists, young and brilliant researchers, business delegates and talented student communities representing more than 25 countries, who made this conference rewarding and fecund.
Our International Covid Vaccines 2021 was based on the theme “Accelerating the development of Covid-19 Vaccines” which has encrusted the below.
Scientific sessions:
Meetings International wishes to acknowledge with its deep sincere gratitude to all the supporters from the Editorial Board Members of our Open Access Journals, Keynote speakers, Honourable guests, Valuable speakers, Poster presenters, students, delegates and special thanks to the Media Partners (Filmetrics,Tabeey) for their promotion to make this event a huge success.
Meeting International on behalf of Organizing Committee Members, Editorial Board Members and Poster Judge congratulates the all attendeess for their outstanding contribution in the field of vaccines and simultaneously encourage all the participants who tried to put their efforts in poster presentations and wish them success in their future research.
For past conference kindly follow this link: https://www.meetingsint.com/webinars/covidvaccines
Session 1: Vaccines against Neurological Infections:
Immunization to guard children and adults from many infectious diseases is one among the best achievements of public health. Immunization isn't without risks, however. it's well established, for instance , that the oral polio vaccine on rare occasions has caused paralytic polio which vaccines sometimes produce an anaphylaxis . Given the widespread use of vaccines, state mandates requiring vaccination of youngsters for entry into school, college, or day care, and therefore the importance of ensuring that trust in immunization programs is justified, it's essential that safety concerns receive assiduous attention.
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Session 2: COVID Vaccines:
The COVID-19 pandemic which probably is that the most devastating one within the last 100 years after Spanish flu mandates the speedy evaluation of the multiple approaches for competence to elicit protective immunity and safety to curtail unwanted immune-potentiation which plays a crucial role within the pathogenesis of this virus. This review is aimed at providing an overview of the efforts dedicated to an effective vaccine for this novel coronavirus which has crippled the world in terms of economy, human health, and life. The current COVID-19 pandemic has urged the scientific community internationally to seek out answers in terms of therapeutics and vaccines to regulate SARS-CoV-2. Published investigations totally on SARS-CoV and to some extent on MERS has taught lessons on vaccination strategies to the present novel coronavirus.
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Session 3: Veterinary Vaccinology:
Veterinary Vaccinology may be a very interesting and rapidly developing field. In fact, veterinary vaccines aren't only used for the prevention of infectious diseases within the animal health sector but also help to unravel problems of public health, reduce the detrimental environmental impact of the utilization of some veterinary drugs and stop the emergence of resistance of micro-organisms or parasites. After a brief introduction, this paper will affect the utilization of vaccines for animal health and welfare, including new developments within the veterinary field like marker vaccines and vectored vaccines, the special case of equine influenza-inactivated vaccines, and therefore the use of veterinary vaccines publicly health. The conclusions will analyze the explanations on why develop veterinary vaccines and therefore the obstacles to their development.
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Session 4: Emerging Diseases (Chik, Zika, Dengue):
The recent emergence and re-emergence of Viral Infections transmitted by vectors Zika, Chikungunya, Dengue, Japanese encephalitis, West Nile, yellow jack and others is a cause for international concern. Using as examples Zika, chikungunya and dengue, we summarise current knowledge on characteristics of the viruses and their transmission, clinical features, laboratory diagnosis, burden, history, possible causes of the spread and the expectation for future epidemics. Arboviruses are transmitted by mosquitoes, are of inauspicious diagnosis, can have surprising clinical complications and cause severe burden. The current situation is complex, because there's no vaccine for Zika and chikungunya and no specific treatment for the three arboviruses.
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Session 5: Non-Communicable Diseases (Cancer/Allergy/Other):
People in the low socio-economic group are most affected by NCDs as they have poor access to policies, legislation, regulations, and healthcare services meant to combat NCDs. This leads to loss of productivity by a decreasing labour pool with implications at the macroeconomic level. Allergy disease as one of the NCDs is also experiencing a rapid increase in Asia-Pacific regions. The underlying risk factors for the epidemic allergic disorders in Asia-Pacific are more on the increasing urbanization, environmental factors of pollution and climate changes, and westernized and sedentary lifestyles in recent decades than the other part of the world. Asia-Pacific is one among the foremost densely populated regions of the planet and therefore the population within the region is comparatively younger as compared to countries in North America and Western Europe.
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Session 6: Vaccine Distribution:
Present hopes to conquer the Covid-19 epidemic are largely based on the expectation of a rapid availability of vaccines. However, once vaccine production starts, it will probably take time before there is enough vaccine for everyone, evoking the question how to distribute it best. While present vaccination guidelines largely focus on individual-based factors, i.e. on the question to whom vaccines should be provided first, e.g. to risk groups or to individuals with a strong social-mixing tendency, here we ask if a strategic spatiotemporal distribution of vaccines, e.g. to prioritize certain cities, can help to increase the overall survival rate of a population subject to an epidemic disease. To this end, we propose a strategy for the distribution of vaccines in time and space, which sequentially prioritizes regions with the most new cases of infection during a certain time frame and compare it with the standard practice of distributing vaccines demographically.
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University of South Florida
United States of America
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