Meetings International delightfully welcomes you to the International Webinar on Cardiology and Cardiovascular Research which is scheduled on February 25, 2022, with an inspiring theme “Discovering new trends in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Research”. The main objective of this webinar is to create new learning space where worldwide global experts gather and share their innovative ideas. It also provides the best interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the latest innovations, trends, concerns and practical challenges and solutions in the areas of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Researches.
Session 1: Cardiovascular Therapy & Drug Discovery
Drug therapy is a major treatment modality in cardiovascular disease, but there have been few new medications approved for treatment. Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy focuses on developments in the treatment of hyperlipidemia, diabetes and other cardiometabolic conditions, atherosclerosis, ischemic syndromes, heart failure, cardiomyopathies, valvular heart disease, and arrhythmias. These include mechanisms of action and signaling pathways, their potential for new drug development, novel indications for older drugs, genetic approach to treatment, and new directions in device and cell therapy, interventional and structural heart disease, and cardiac and vascular surgery, as well as their guideline-based utilization in real-world patient populations.
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Session 2: Cardiovascular Diseases & Medication
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are a group of disorders of the heart and blood vessels. Cardiovascular disease has been responsible for more deaths annually than any other disease category. The key to cardiovascular disease reduction lies in the inclusion of cardiovascular disease management interventions in universal health coverage packages; although in a high number of countries health systems require significant investment and reorientation to effectively manage CVDs. All the aspects of cardiovascular medicine with an emphasis on studies that challenge the status quo of treatments and practices in cardiovascular care or facilitate the translation of scientific advances into the clinic as new therapies or diagnostic tools.
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Session 3: Cardiac Imaging
Cardiac imaging is a subspecialty of diagnostic radiology. Cardiac imaging trends over a decade reports that the rate of Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography (CCTA) exams by radiologists in hospital outpatient departments increased markedly suggesting a bright future for the technology. Imaging has long played a critical role in the diagnosis of cardiovascular disease, the leading killer in the world. Both radiologists and cardiologists perform noninvasive cardiac imaging, but over time two of the most common cardiac imaging methods, echocardiography and myocardial perfusion imaging became almost exclusively the domain of cardiologists. The new imaging technology is called HeartFlow, and it allows physicians to determine more easily if a patient needs an invasive procedure to clear blocked arteries or if a non-invasive treatment, such as medication, would work.
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Session 4: Cardiac Injury and Care
Cardiac care is moving out of hospitals into homes, offices, and outreach areas to the underserved areas; the real-time cardiac risk assessment with sophisticated AI algorithms cardio conversations have become date insight conversations enabling quick decisions and timely clinical intervention. It is concerned with the diagnosis, evaluation, and treatment of the entire spectrum of heart problems, diseases, and ailments through detailed examination, screenings, and tests that are conducted in our state of art laboratories.
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Session 5: Cardiometabolic Health
Cardiometabolic disease describes a spectrum of conditions beginning with insulin resistance, progressing to metabolic syndrome, pre-diabetes, and finally to more severe conditions including cardiovascular disease (CVD) and type 2 diabetes (T2DM). The cardiometabolic disease is a major cause of disability and death among older people. The scientific evidence purporting the cardiometabolic health benefits of moderate-intensity, habitual physical activity among older adults has grown in recent years. A cardiometabolic approach to exercise prescription is presented emphasizing daily accumulated, familiar and enjoyable light to moderate intensity, aerobic physical activity supplemented by resistive exercise for the functionally able older adult.
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Session 6: Interventional Cardiology
The field of interventional cardiology has a challenging and rewarding future. It is a new field of expertise where there is still much to be done. Despite a greater than 90% penetration of interventional cardiology procedures, stent sales are forecast to grow at nearly double-digit rates between 2014 and 2021. The growth is due to continuous innovations, the increasing prevalence of coronary artery disease, and further penetration of emerging markets. The rising incidence of cardiovascular diseases and the increasing geriatric population are significant factors driving the global interventional cardiology devices market.
Cardiology Conferences | Cardiology Conferences 2022 | Upcoming Cardiology Conferences | Cardiology Meetings | Cardiology Workshop | Cardiac Conferences | Cardiac Surgery Conferences | Cardiac Surgery Workshop | Cardiology Symposium | London Conferences | United Kingdom Conferences | Cardiovascular Diseases 2022