Ramunas Antanaitis
Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
Title: Relation between rumination time with somatic cell count, production, lactation number and reproductive status of dairy cows
According past investigations rumination time (RT) is generally used for early detection of metabolic diseases such as hypocalcemia, displaced abomasum and ketosis (Moretti et al., 2017). It was determinate RT changes during oestrus (Reith and Hoy 2012) and no work has been published on RT changes depending from reproductive status of dairy cows. The aim of this research was to determinate relation between rumination time with somatic cell count, lactation number and reproductive status of dairy cows. We were selected 500 cows on 1-365 days in milk (DIM). According somatic cell count (SCC) cows were selected to following groups: first group (SCC>200 thousand/ml, n=155) and second group (SCC≤200, thousand/ml, n=345). According reproduction status cows were selected to following groups: Inseminated (1– 35 days after insemination (n=150)); Open (45 – 90 days after calving(n=105), Frech (1 – 44 days after calving(n=35); not pregnant (>35 – 60 days after insemination and not pregnant(n=25); Pregnant (35 – 60 days after insemation and pregnant(n=185). According milk yield (MY) cows were selected to following groups: first group (<30kg/d), second group (≥30 kg/d). The cows are milked with Lely Astronaut® A3 milking robots. Daily milk yield, rumination time (RT), milk composition (Fat, protein, lactose, somatic cell count and gynecological status date are collected from the Lely T4C management program for analysis. Relation between RT and SCC of cows was statistically significant (P <0.01). It was found that cows with SCC higher that 200 thousand/ml, RT was lower that cows with SCC less that thousand/ml (492±3.9 min/day; and 460±11 min/day). It was found that cows with MY higher that 30 kg/d, RT was higher that cows with MY less that 30 kg/d (p<0.05), (505±4 min/day and 477±23 min/day. Analysis showed that the RT did not have a statistically significant effect on lactation number and reproductive status of dairy cows. We can conclude that the longest rumination time was determined in cows with SCC lower that 200 thousand/ml. RT statistically reliably positively correlated with productivity.
Ramunas Antanaitis has completed his PhD at the age of 27 years from Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Veterinary Academy in 2008. He is the Professor of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Veterinary Academy, Large Animal Clinic He has published more than 50 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an editorial board member of repute
Zeliha Selamoglu
Nigde Omer Halisdemir University
Title: Epilithic diatoms of Hazar lake/Elazig, Turkey
Knowledge of the change the algae show in time is of high importance in terms of both human benefit and preservation of water quality. Because the number and diversity of algae and other organisms may constantly change depending on environmental conditions. Diatoms, which are one of the most appropriate biological components for determining environmental destructions in aquatic habitats, are used as biomonitors in water quality assessment. The aim of this study carried out in the coastal region where Hazar Lake Sivrice district settlement is located, is to determine the epilithic diatoms of the lake and thus contribute to the identification of the algal flora of our inland waters. In this study, the epilithic diatoms in the samples taken from two stations in Hazar Lake (Elazig-Turkey) between June 2015 and November 2015 were analyzed. In total, 28 taxa belonging to the diatoms were recorded during the study. The diatom taxa Cymbella (6 taxa), Navicula (4 taxa) and Nitzschia (4 taxa) were represented by the most taxa.
Zeliha Selamoglu is the Professor in Medical Biology department of Nigde Ömer Halisdemir University, Turkey. She earned her PhD in Biology from Inonu University, She has published over 90 peerreviewed journal articles with over 835 citations and many technical reports. She is a member of Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine: Associate Membership and European association for cancer research. She has served as Editorial Board member for many Journals. Her research Interest focuses on Medical Biology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Oxidative stress, Antioxidants, Cancer
Betul Ozaltun
Nigde Omer Halisdemir University
Title: Cardiac ınvolvement in Hydatic Cyst
Echinococcal disease is caused by infection with the metacestode stage of Echinococcus. Echinococcus cause infection in humans; Echinococcus granulosus and E. alveolaris are the most common. The primary carriers are dogs and wolves, whereas the intermediate hosts are sheep, cattle, and deer. Humans, who are accidental hosts and do not play a role in the biological cycle, are infected by ingesting ova from soil or water contaminated by the feces of dogs.1–4 When ingested, the eggs lose their enveloping layer in the stomach and release embryos. The embryos pass through the intestinal mucosa and reach the liver through the portal vein, where most larvae become trapped and encysted. Some larvae may reach the lungs, and occasionally, may pass through the capillary filter of the liver and lungs and enter the circulation. Cystic echinococcosis (hydatid cysts) is not common in developed countries, common in developing countries such as Turkey. Cystic echinococcosis (hydatid cysts) is common in societies in which agriculture and raising animals are common. Hydatid disease is endemic in many parts of the world. It may develop in almost any part of the body. The location is mostly hepatic (75%) and pulmonary (15%), and only 10% occur in the rest of the body. Cardiac involvement is uncommon. Only 0.02% to 2% of human hydatid cysts are seen in heart. 7-11 The most frequent the left venticular wall abundant which has more vascularity and although it may seen the right ventricle anywhere.The left heart access of the echinococcus embryo occurs by coronary circulation.6 The right side is from the venous pathway. For embryonic coronary circulation, there are two possibilities, patent foramen ovale or pulmonary circulation.
Cardiac hydatid cyst can be asymptomatic or can cause any symptoms about its location. Clinical presentations of cardiac echinococcosis include arrhythmias, myocardial infarction, cardiac tamponade, pulmonary hypertension and sudden cardiac death. Angina can occur compresses a coronary artery. Mitral stenosis can be simulated when the cyst lies in the left atrium obstructing the cardiac outflow. When the cyst is located in the right heart the most common features are hepatomegaly, oliguria, ascites, or chronic cor pulmonale due to repeated pulmonary. From rupture of a cyst into the cardiac cavity a variety-of allergic phenomena result, ranging from wheals to anaphylactic shock. Acute pericarditis may be caused by rupture of the cyst into the pericardial sac. The diagnosis relies on positive serologic testing and radiographic findings. The drug of choice for the treatment of echinococcosis is albendazole and or praziquantel. Surgery, when feasible, is the most common form of treatment for echinococcosis.
Betul Ozaltun completed her education Ankara University faculty of medicine, she studied at Adana numune hospital cardilogy depertment between 2011-2015. For one years she is working in Omer Halisdemir university hospital
Adnan Ayan
Van Yuzuncu Yıl University
Title: Urine protein/creatinine ratio in canine monocytic ehrlichiosis
Urine protein/creatinine ratio (UPCR) has become an important biomarker in the detection of the level/severity of acute renal damage, and the prediction and detection of chronic renal insufficiency. With sequential UPCR measurement, it is possible to determine the stability and increase or decrease of proteinuria. In this study, we aimed to investigate the role of UPRC in the prediction of possible renal damage in dogs infected with Ehrlichia canis. UPRC was calculated in cases diagnosed with acute [antigen positive, antibody negative] or active [antigen positive, antibody positive] E. canis based on the antigen/antibody relationship using a buffy coat smear and rapid test kit analyses. According to the results, UPCR ranging from 0.1 to 2 in active infected cases and 0.1 to 10 in acute infected cases indicated that acute renal damage may develop in both phases of infection. Taking this into consideration in therapeutic planning, renal replacement therapy should be undertaken, and molecular agents should be carefully chosen in terms of renal excretion
Adnan Ayan has completed his PhD at the age of 31 years from Adnan Menderes University Faculty of Veterinary, Department of Parasitology and Postdoctoral Studies from Faculty of Veterinary, Van Yuzuncu Yil University, Turkey. He is Assistant Professor at Van Yuzuncu Yil University, Faculty of Veterinary, Department of Genetics. He has published more than 17 articles in peer-reviewed journals
Sajida Mushtaq
Department of Biology
Title: Whole cell protein profi ling of Brucella absortus strain 19 through SDS-page technique
Brucellosis is an important zoonotic infection and economically an important cause of abortion in cattles. The bacterium Brucella abortus is the causative agent of Bovine brucellosis. B. abortus vaccines; Strain 19 and RB51 used as part of an eradication program or can be used to control the disease in endemic areas. Routine vaccination is often done in calves to minimize the production of persistent antibodies that can interfere with serological tests. The present study was designed to determine the whole cell protein profiling of B. abortus strain 19 and to compare vaccinal strain and field isolates on the basis of protein patterns to observe the extent of homology between them through SDS-PAGE. B. abortus was settled down by centrifugation of after taking washings of cultures in normal saline. The cells were then suspended in normal saline and sonicated. The proteins released after sonication were separated out by centrifugation. The sonicated supernatant was used for SDS-PAGE. Conclusively, a single vaccine against all the strains can be used to overcome brucellosis in cattle. However for the development of specific vaccine against specific isolate needs further studies by using SDS-PAGE
Sajida Mushtaq has completed my M. Phil at the age of 27 years from Pir Mehar Ali Shah Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi, Pakistan. Currently I am working as a Lab Incharge at Sadiq Brothers Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory for Poultry Diseases Rawalpindi. During my M.S I had gained considerable and hands on experience of advanced techniques in the cell and molecular biology such as DNA, RNA, PCR, Electrophoresis