Meetings International proudly announces “World Congress on Herbal and Chinese Medicine” scheduled on March 26-27, 2018 Bali Indonesia.The theme of the meeting is "Global Aspects in Herbal and Chinese Medicine:Progressing to the Future".
EuroSciCon, founded in 2001 is a UK based independent life science Events Company with predominantly business and academic client base. The key strategic objective of EuroSciCon is to communicate science and medical research between academia, clinical practice and the pharmaceutical industry. Most of its events are in Europe and London or live streamed. EuroSciCon expanded its operations to international in association with Meetings International, Singapore. All major meetings of EuroSciCon and Meetings International are accredited with Continued Professional Education (CPD), Continued Education (CE), and Continued Medical Education (CME) Credits.
We hope that this Chinese medicine Meeting 2018 will be a benchmark in terms of the current situation and future prospects of the various medicines derived from Ancient Chinese medicine. That is why we have chosen the topic for this congress inviting the best specialists and institutions, not only from Indonesia. But also from Japan, Korea (Korean traditional medicine) and the rest of the world. To present from a perspective of integration.
This Meeting will provide a broad range of academic disciplines in natural product which will be emphasized from the discovery of natural products from natural sources through the clinical uses to attract researchers that are contributing in the field of traditional and alternative medicine. It includes a wide range of Keynote presentations, Oral talks, Poster presentations, Symposia, Workshops, Exhibitions and Career development programs.
Why to Attend??
With members from around the world focused on learning about Herbal and Chinese Medicine this is your best opportunity to reach the largest assemblage of participants from Chinese and Alternative Medicine community. Conduct presentations, distribute information, meet with current and potential scientists, make a splash with new developments, and receive name recognition at this 2-days event. World-renowned speakers, the novel and futuristic approaches of treating diseases, the most recent techniques, developments, and the newest updates are hallmarks of this Herbal and Chinese Medicine Meeting
Target Audience:
Kampo Practitioners
Medical Practitioners
Ayurveda practitioners
Homeopathy practitioners
Herbal Medicine
Acupuncture practitioners
Traditional Medicine practitioners
Naturopathic Physicians
Natural therapists
Business/Practice Managers
Associations, Societies and Universities
On behalf of the committee, we welcome you to join the upcoming World Congress on Herbal and Chinese Medicine during March 26-27, 2018 at Bali Indonesia.
Herbalism (also herbology or herbal medicine) is the use of plants for medicinal purposes, and the study of botany for such use.Plants have been the basis for medical treatments through much of human history, and such Traditional medicine is still widely practiced today. The art or practice of using herbs and herbal remedies to maintain health and to prevent, alleviate, or cure disease—called also herbalism. They are used for treating anxiety, depression, Healing, ache and many more. There are different types of herbs like Anti Inflammatory Herbs, Smoking Herbs, Fertility Herbs, Adoptogenic herbs, Healing Herbs. There are also different types of herbal products used in various forms some of them are Herbal Tea, Herbal Hair Products, Herbal Cigarettes, Herbal Antibiotics, and Herbal Toothpastes.
China was one of first nations to have a restorative culture. In correlation with Western medication, the Chinese technique adopts a far various strategy. With a background marked by 5,000 years, it has shaped a profound and enormous learning of medicinal science, hypothesis, demonstrative strategies, solutions and cures. The Physiology of Chinese drug holds that the human body's life is the consequence of the adjust of yin and yang. Yin is the inward and negative standards, and yang, external and positive. The key motivation behind why there is infection is on the grounds that the two perspectives lose their amicability. Seen from the recuperation instrument of organs, yang capacities to shield from external damage, and yin is the inward base to store and give vitality to its partner
In Acupuncture very thin needles, slightly thicker than a human hair, are inserted into acupuncture points. The objective of acupuncture as explained earlier is to regulate and normalize the flow of the Chi, so that the Yin and the Yang return to a state of dynamic equilibrium. Acupuncture aims to relieve symptoms by curing the disease. The choice of acupuncture points to be used is the most crucial part of the treatment. The acupuncturist must know the function of each acupuncture point and its interaction with other acupuncture points. He can then plan the treatment to eliminate obstructions in the flow of Chi and to balance the Yin and Yang. After the acupuncturist has examined the patient and reached a diagnosis, he decides how the patient should be treated.
4: Traditional Chinese Medicine
Traditional Chinese medicine originated in ancient China and has evolved over thousands of years. Traditional Chinese Medicine is a system of primary health care that includes acupuncture, Chinese Herbal medicine, remedial massage, exercise and breathing therapy and diet and lifestyle advice. In Australia, the most popular forms of TCM healthcare are acupuncture and Herbal Medicine. It has an uninterrupted history of development in China and other parts of East Asia dating back thousands of years.
5: Ayurveda and Homeopathic Medicine
Ayurveda is an antiquated medical science which was produced in India a great many years prior. At the point when deciphered from Sanskrit, Ayurveda implies the investigation of life (the Sanskrit root Ayur implies life span or life and Veda implies science). Ayurveda, the Traditional Indian Medicine (TIM) and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) remain the eldest yet living conventions. These are the two 'extraordinary conventions' with sound philosophical, experiential and trial premise. Expanded symptoms, the absence of remedial treatment for a few ceaseless sicknesses, the high cost of new medications, microbial resistance and rising maladies are a few explanations behind restored open enthusiasm for reciprocal and option solutions. Pharmaceutical organizations have restored their procedures for regular item medicate advancement and revelation.
6: Challenges and Future Directions of Herbal Medicine
Certain European Countries have been investigating the utilization of Herbs and has been by and by since the hundreds of years. The fundamental herbs have no side effects; cures are in a state of harmony with nature which is the greatest in addition to point where no other drug can claim these facts. In Asia, utilization of Herbal medicine is may be more pervasive than western nations. A portion of the cases of Herbal medicines are Echinacea, Kava, Valerian, Gingko Biloba, Ginseng and St. John's Wort.
7: Evolution of Alternative Medicine
Alternative medicines utilization started in the mid of nineteenth century. Amid this time, alternative medical practitioners picked up prevalence and started to contend with conventional medical experts. Alternative medicine provides great healing effects as scientific medicine. Alternative medicine may treated as complimentary methods that improve the efficacy of treatment. Due to its healing effects Alternative Medicine usage is increasing more frequently
8: Telemedicine
Telemedicine is the use of telecommunication and information technologies to provide clinical health care at a distance. It helps eliminate distance barriers and can improve access to medical services that would often not be consistently available in distant rural communities. It is also used to save lives in critical care and emergency situations. Although there were distant precursors to telemedicine, it is essentially a product of 20th century telecommunication and information technologies. These technologies permit communications between patient and medical staff with both convenience and fidelity, as well as the transmission of medical, imaging and health informatics data from one site to another
9: Herbal Medicine Usage in Skin care and Cosmetics
Several herbal products are used in Cosmetics and Natural Skincare Ingredients and herbal Intermediates, their practical applications in Skincare and Cosmetics need to attain and meet certain guidelines in Quality Assurance check. Certain Cosmetic products are subject to legislative requirements in many countries, to maintain a competitive advantage through evaluation and reformulation.
10: Source of Innovation in Chinese Medicine
Chinese Medicine is self-evident to any modern medical historian that medical knowledge, just like any other aspect of culture, is subject to change. However, it is also true that the image of the history of Chinese medicine remains one of a stagnant, mysterious tradition bound by its ancient canons. It is not surprising that this image should be deeply etched on our historical consciousness, but there is much more to Chinese medical history, and, just as the editor Elizabeth Hsu claims in the beginning of the book, the Orientalizing view of China should be challenged. The study of Chinese cases will contribute to our broader understanding of human science. Innovation in Chinese Medicine is a collaborative effort that provides a sampling of such work in progress.
Translational medicine is a rapidly growing discipline in biomedical research and aims to expedite the discovery of new diagnostic tools and treatments by using a multi-disciplinary, highly collaborative; "bench-to-bedside" approach.
Unani medication is antediluvian Greek pharmaceutical that has advanced inside the Muslim world for as long as 13 centuries (Unani is an Arabic spelling of Ionian, assigning Greek). Greek medication, extraordinarily disentangled for presentation here, was predicated on the idea of adjusting body humors. As an option type of medication, Unani has discovered support in India where famous items like Roghan Baiza Murgh (Egg Oil) and Roghan Badaam Shirin (Almond Oil) are generally used for hair mind. Unani experts can hone as qualified medicos in India, as the administration favors their practice. Unani drug has homogeneous credits to Ayurveda. Both are predicated on hypothesis of the nearness of the components (in Unani, they are thought to be fire, dihydrogen monoxide, earth and air) in the human body. (The components, ascribed to the savant Empedocles, decided the method for cerebrating in Medieval Europe.) According to followers of Unani solution, these components are available in various liquids and their adjust prompts wellbeing and their lopsidedness prompts sickness.
13: Traditional Korean medicine
Traditional Korean medicine refers to the traditional medicine practices that developed in Korea. Korean medicine traditions originated in ancient and prehistoric times and can be traced back as far as 3000 B.C. when stone and bone needles were found in North Hamgyong Province, in present-day North Korea. In Gojoseon, where the founding myth of Korea is recorded, there is a story of a tiger and a bear who wanted to reincarnate in human form and who ate wormwood and garlic. In Jewang Ungi which was written around the time of Samguk Yusa, wormwood and garlic are described as 'edible medicine', showing that, even in times when incantatory medicine was the mainstream, medicinal herbs were given as curatives in Korea. Moreover, wormwood and garlic are not found in ancient Chinese herbology, showing that traditional Korean medicine developed unique practices and inherited them from other cultures.
14: Herbal Cosmetics and Nutraceuticals
The craftsmanship or routine of utilizing herbs and natural arrangements to keep up wellbeing and to counteract, reduce, or cure infection and a plant or plant part or a concentrate or blend of these utilized as a part of home grown prescription by the Plant extraction technique for medication definition Herbal and medication cooperation and assessment, in which the home grown medication is utilized to analyze, cure, treat, or anticipate sickness. Drug treatment is a vital piece of the medicinal field and depends on the art of pharmacology for persistent headway and on drug store for suitable administration of Herbal medications/mixes disclosure and improvement. A pharmacological investigation of Natural home grown items is a strategy for utilizing characteristic herbs and plants to advance physical, passionate, and profound wellbeing. People intrigued by considering home grown pharmacology at the clinical level of option solution.
This therapy is a broad category of treatment options to help improve your lower limb pain and discomfort that affects your movement and limb function. It can range from treatment modalities to improve flexibility and range of motion to some non-invasive options like ultrasound & electronic stimulation. The type and extent of physical therapy depends entirely on your condition and needs.
16: Chiropractic and Osteopathic medicine
Chiropractic medicine is a type of alternative medicine involved in diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders, especially spinal and joints. Osteopathic medicine is a branch of the medical profession; its treatment includes Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment, Manual therapy.
Summary of Chinese Medicine Meeting 2018:
Chinese herbal medicine is part of a larger healing system called traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), which also includes massage dietary advice, acupuncture, and exercise. TCM is a popular method of medication, with nearly three million Australians visiting TCM practitioners every year.
Chinese medicine is designed to promote and maintain health through diet and exercise. If illness occurs, it is treated with Qigong, acupuncture and herbs. Chinese medicine practitioners diagnose and treat all types of illness and disease. TCM is undeniably a valid and effective form of medicine.
Chinese Traditional Medicine (TCM) showcase is quickly creating since later of 1990s. In 2010, the yield estimation of TCM added up to RMB317.2 billion (about €36.8 billion), which expanded 24%. The net return and benefits of TCM creation is substantially more than the normal for the nation's medicinal industry. The aggregate TCM showcase in China will ascend to €96, 2 billion of every 2025.
In today’s world of high tech Natural medicines, Western medicine, have begun a comeback in recent years. In beauty care, the use of natural and herbs, organic substances are also making a huge comeback.
Scope and Importance:
Chinese Medicine Meeting 2018 aims to bring together leading researchers, academic scientists, and intellectual to share and exchange their experiences and research results about all aspects of Herbal and Chinese Medicine. It also provides the chance for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns, practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted in the fields of Herbal and Chinese Medicine.
Chinese Medicine Meeting 2018 is an international platform for presenting research about Treatments, exchanging ideas about it and thus, contributes to the dissemination of knowledge in Herbal and Chinese Medicine for the benefit of both the academia and business. Chinese Medicine Meeting 2018 is where the future of Herbal and Chinese Medicine intersects. This event brings together Professors, Researchers, surgeons to explore emerging trends techniques and Advancements in Herbal and Chinese Medicine. This is an exclusive study for Herbal and Chinese Medicine. The Study is describing all segments of Herbal and Chinese Medicine and state the developments and the market, from 2013 and the following years and the prognosis to 2015, 2020 and 2025.
Chinese and Herbal medicines is widely understood to increase the body’s ability to ward of diseases. Increased immunity and an overall healthier state of being can easily be achieved with continued therapy.
Global Market Analysis of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TMC)
Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital industry in China has accelerated its development. From 2012 to 2022, value-added for this industry is expected to increase at annualized rate of 12.8%, higher than China's GDP growth during the same period of about 6.5%.
Global Herbal Supplement Market to Reach $107 Billion By 2017
The global herbal supplements and remedies market is forecast to reach $107 billion by the year 2017, spurred by growing aging population and increasing consumer awareness about general health and wellbeing, according to a new report from Global Industry Analysts. Additionally, the fact that herbal supplements and remedies cause little or no side effects and provide greater efficacy is also proving to be a major factor aiding market growth.
Why Bali, Indonesia
Bali is an island and arena of Indonesia. Indonesia has a wealth of biological resources and is home to a large number of different cultural and ethnic groups, many of which have developed their own, distinct health care systems. As a result, the country is rich in both traditional medicinal knowledge and biological resources. Moreover, it is believed that the situation of Chinese medicine in Indonesia is more or less characteristic for that in several other countries in the region.
The use of traditional medicines in Indonesia is part of national cultivation and has begun from centuries ago. Taking into account this fact and achieving that Indonesia is the mega-center of herbal medicines in the world, it is regarded necessary to establish policy for national traditional medicines enable as reference for all parties involved. In Indonesia, many of this herbal knowledge were passed down from one generation to the next through oral tradition and daily rituals.
One of Indonesian traditional medicines is Jamu, has been declared as Indonesian brand by Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, President of the Republic of Indonesia on May 27, 2007 in Jakarta.
Indonesia holds the potential to contribute its immense cabinet of cosmetics and plant-based-medicine to the world. There is a great variety of fruits and plants, other producers of nature originating from Indonesia’s tropical environment which are beneficial both medicinally and also cosmetically.
Societies Associated with Natural Medicine:
Major Associations around Asia Pacific
Indian Board of Alternative Medicine
China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences
Australian Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Association
Australian Traditional Medicine Society
Association of Natural Medicines
Chinese Society of Plant Biology (CSPB)
Crop Science Society of China (CSSC)
Genetics Society of China (GSC)
Indian Society of Plant Physiology (ISPP)
Japanese Society for Plant Cell and Molecular Biology (JSPCMB)
Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists (JSPP)
Major Associations around the Globe