Prakriti K.C pursuing post basic bachelor of nursing 3rd year, Asian College for Advance Studies, Lalitpur, Purbanchal University. She is from the department of Nursing, Asian College for Advance Studies, Lalitpur, Purbanchal University, Nepal.
The internet is the global system of interconnected computer network that use the internet protocol suite to link device worldwide. Internet addiction is characterized by excessive or poor controlled preoccupations, urges or behaviors regarding computer use & internet access that lead to impairment or distress. It was identified that psychological, educational, social, interpersonal, daily habits, routines of daily life, sleeping pattern, eating habits, study habits and living pattern effect by the internet. Internet addiction is the major problem in adolescents. Addicted show some physical, psychological and social problems.
Nursing and Healthcare
Intensive Care Nursing
Mental Health, Psychiatrist and Addictions Nursing