AMF Ng, TY Lam, YW Ho, HY Hui and SM Kwan
Caritas Institute of Higher Educatioon, Hong Kong
Title: The effectiveness of education strategies to the health care professions on using physical restraint: an evidence-based prac􀆟 ce review
The use of physical restraint is high in prevalence
and it is being an important issue in hospital care in
Hong Kong. Using of physical restraint is controversial
in the past decades owing to the concern on extensive
or misuse in daily patient care. Nurses’ perception
and knowledge on using the physical restraint play a
pivotal role on care decision. In view of this, scholarly
works had shed light on educational approach to the
health care profession on the way of using physical
restraint. Research evidence has now been suggested
that educational strategies in different approach
are beneficial to enhance health care professions’
knowledge and practice in using physical restraint.
Besides, different levels of evidence significantly shown
that there are positive impacts in terms of fall reduction,
shift of application mode, increase use of alternatives,
practical skills enhancement, and reduce prevalence
of restraint-associated injuries. This paper aimed at
exploring the best available research evidence regarding
the educational strategies to the health care profession
on using physical restraint. The selected evidence are
critically appraise that follow by the justification for
clinical change. Further, recommendations to develop
the best evidence-based practice on educate health care
profession on using physical restraint are suggested. The
possible outcome indicators of the educational strategies
including the aspect of knowledge, attitude and practice
of the health care profession are discussed. The nursing
implication of the proposed practice change can improve
patients’ quality of life during hospitalization as well as
promoting continuing nursing education in patient care.
1. Huang, H. T., Chuang, Y. H., & Chiang, K. F. (2009).
Nurses’ physical restraint knowledge, attitudes, and
practices: The effectiveness of an in-service education
program. Journal of Nursing Research, 17(4), 241-248.
2. Lai, C. K., Chow, S. K., Suen, L. K., & Wong, I. Y. (2011).
The effect of a restraint reduction program on physical
restraint rates in rehabilitation settings in Hong Kong.
Rehabilitation Research and Practice, 2011.
3. Martin, A., Krieg, H., Esposito, F., Stubbe, D., & Cardona,
L. (2008). Reduction of restraint and seclusion through
collaborative problem solving: A five-year prospective
inpatient study. Psychiatric Services, 59(12), 1406-1412.
4. Nasrate, H., Shamlawi, A., & Darawad, M. W. (2017).
Improving ICU nurses’ practices of physical restraints in
Jordan: Effect of an educational program. Health, 9(12),
5. Omolewa, P. (2012). The impact of instructive
educational program on physical restraint reduction in
acute mental health hospitals. Walden University
AMF Ng. Caritas Ins􀆟 tute of Higher Educa􀆟 on, Hong Kong. She is Assistant Professor of the School of Health Sciences, Caritas Ins􀆟 tute of Higher Educa􀆟 on, Hong Kong. TY
Lam, YW Ho, HY Hui and SM Kwan. Caritas Ins􀆟 tute of Higher Educa􀆟 on, Hong Kong. Undergraduate students, Bachelor of Nursing, School of Health Sciences, Caritas Ins􀆟 tute
of Higher Educa􀆟 on, Hong Kong.
CHAN Wai Yee, LI Ka Kit, LI Man Kit, LI Yan Pui, LING Wai Hang and TAI Hoi Yee
Caritas Institute of Higher Education, Hong Kong
Title: Tap water as alternative dressing solutioon
Normal saline, Betadine and chlorhexidine are the common
dressing solu􀆟 ons in Hong Kong healthcare fi eld, which tap
water (TW) is not considered as proper dressing solu􀆟 on
because it contains bacteria and unknown substances.
However, to review the guidelines, some overseas countries
accept TW dressing. A fundamental study had already been
performed in Hong Kong which the poten􀆟 al benefi ts may
be discovered. This study is to review whether it is be􀆩 er
to use TW as dressing solu􀆟 on compared to normal saline
in a pa􀆟 ent with the superfi cial wound when it comes to
infec􀆟 on rate. To compare the water treatment in Hong
Kong and the USA, the chemical materials including
hydrated lime, chlorine, alum, powdered ac􀆟 vated carbon
are used in water purifi ca􀆟 on system. In the USA, studies
and applica􀆟 on of tap water have already performed and
found that TW does not induce more infec􀆟 on in both
acute and chronic wound. The water quality in Hong Kong is
similar to the USA that TW is safe as an alterna􀆟 ve cleansing
solu􀆟 on. It shows benefi ts using TW in dressing. There is
not only easily accessible in the community, but also more
cost-eff ec􀆟 ve in a health-care facility. So it possesses the
poten􀆟 al to be an alterna􀆟 ve solu􀆟 on to sodium chloride.
TW is recommended for superfi cial wound dressing because
of less life-threatening and most common in use. As TW
dressing is safe, it may introduce to nursing implica􀆟 on.
Community nurse may perform TW dressing in homecare
and may educate pa􀆟 ents’ to do TW dressing by themselves.
The community geriatric assessment team may educate old
age home staff s to perform TW dressing. Advanced prac􀆟 ce
nurses (APNs) may act as leaders of the evidence-based
prac􀆟 ce team and help formulate guidelines. In addi􀆟 on, the
APNs may develop a TW dressing commi􀆩 ee for promo􀆟 ng
TW dressing through nursing conferences. To kick off the
nursing implica􀆟 ons, some prac􀆟 ce change plans should
include, such as holding TW dressing workshop, developing
TW dressing guidelines, and se􀆫 ng up a commi􀆩 ee of TW
1 Fernandez R., Griffi ths R. (2012). Water for wound
cleansing. Cochrane Database of Systema􀆟 c Reviews. (2):
2. Weiss EA, Oldham G, Lin M, Foster T, Quinn JV. (2013)
Water is a safe and eff ec􀆟 ve alterna􀆟 ve to sterile normal
saline for wound irriga􀆟 on prior to suturing: a prospec􀆟 ve,
double-blind, randomised, controlled clinical trial. BMJ
Open, (3): 1-7.
3. Zamani M, Panah FS,Esmailian M, Azizkhani R., Yoosefi an
Z, Soltani M. (2015). Eff ects of irriga􀆟 on with diff erent
solu􀆟 on on Incidence of Wound Infec􀆟 on. Iranian Journal
of Emergency Medicine. (2):64-69.
4. Chan MC, Cheung K, Leung P. (2016). Tap Water Versus
Sterile Normal Saline in Wound Swabbing: A Double-Blind
Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Wound, Ostomy
and Con􀆟 nence Nursing. 43 (2):140-147.
LI Ka Kit, LI Man Kit, LI Yan Pui, LING Wai Hang and TAI Hoi Yee are Year 4 students of Bachelor of Nursing (Honours) Programme, Caritas Ins􀆟 tute of Higher Educa􀆟 on. Dr. Chan
Wai Yee is their tutor to guide the study.
Hsiao-Hui Chiu
National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences, Taiwan
Title: Menopausal transition: Concept analysis
Menopause is an intermediate period between young
adulthood and elderly adulthood. The crisis that
women with menopause are facing includes physical
and career developing stagna􀆟 on, pressure of educa􀆟 ng
children, imbalanced rela􀆟 onship in the marriage, and
confusion of self-iden􀆟 ty. The signs of menopause are listed
as the followings: 1. personal life, environment, condi􀆟 on
or ac􀆟 vi􀆟 es start changing. 2.Herself appeals some signs
of behavior, thinking, and emo􀆟 on regarding the changes
in life. 3. interac􀆟 on with the environment is shown in
personal changing process. This ar􀆟 cle uses the analysis
steps of Walker and Avant to describe the defi ni􀆟 onal
features of intermediate period, case report, the causes and
the results, and measuring tools of menopause symptoms.
Given with this ar􀆟 cle, nurses can increase the knowledge
of menopause intermediate period to help women to go
through this period of their lives.
1. Sobel R. (1996). Moods: A menopause polemic.Maturitas.
2. Goossens E, Hilderson D, Moons P. (2012). Coaching
through transi􀆟 on: A challenge for cri􀆟 cal care nurses.
Australian Cri􀆟 cal Care. 25:1-2.
3. Schumacher KL, Meleis AI. (1994). Transi􀆟 ons:A
central concept in nursing. Image-The Journal of Nursing
4. Chick N, Meleis AI. (1986). Transi􀆟 on: A nursing concern.
In P. L. Chinn (Ed.), Nursing research methodology: Issue an
dimplementa􀆟 on. 237-257. Rockville, MD:Aspen Publishing.
Hsiao-Hui Chiu is pursuing PhD programs from Na􀆟 onal Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences, Taiwan. She is the Nurse Supervisor of Taipei Veterans General Hospital,
a Medical Center. She has published more than 15 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an editorial board member of repute.
Chen Hsiao-Jung
Chang Gung University, Taiwan
Title: The eff effectiveness of oral hygiene care program in improving swallowing funct on for dysphagia of patients after stroke
Problem: In order to achieve good therapeu􀆟 c eff ect
of swallowing, we fi nd that the obstruc􀆟 on factors of
swallowing treatment are oral residual sputum and neglect
oral hygiene. Before treatment, oral care can not only
improve oral hygiene and remove sputum, but also improve
oral sense, dry mouth and saliva Flow, and thus promote
appe􀆟 te.
Purpose: To improve the eff ec􀆟 ve of oral hygiene of
hospitalized stroke dysphagia pa􀆟 ent, and to evaluate the
eff ect of oral hygiene care program on stroke swallowing
Methods: This study intends to adopt Randomized Clinical
Trials (RCT), using purposive sampling at a teaching hospital
in northern Taiwan, and choosing adults 50 years or older
as the subjects in two rehabilita􀆟 on wards. This sample
will then be randomly divided people into experimental
group (n=30) and control group (n=30). In the control
group, providing original swallowing treatment and health
educa􀆟 on for pa􀆟 ent. The experimental group was added
oral care program before the swallowing treatment.
To evaluate swallowing func􀆟 on for hospitalized stroke
swallowing therapy pa􀆟 ent by swallowing frequency and
func􀆟 onal oral intake scale.
Result: A􀅌 er oral hygiene care program for three weeks(21
days), swallowing frequency improved signifi cantly in
the interven􀆟 on group, compared to the control group
(p < 0.05). A􀅌 er oral hygiene care program for two
weeks(14days) and three weeks(21 days), all of which has
signifi cant improvement in func􀆟 onal oral intake(p < 0.05).
Conclusion: The use of oral hygiene care program can
improve the eff ec􀆟 veness of original swallowing treatment.
1. Arnold, M., Liesirova, K., Broeg-Morvay, A., Meisterernst,
J., Schlager, M., Mono, M.L., and H. Sarikaya, 2016.
Dysphagia in Acute Stroke: Incidence, Burden and Impact
on Clinical Outcome. PLoS ONE, 11: e0148424.
2. Chipps, E. Gatens, C. Gnter, L. Musto, M. Dbis-Bohn, A.
Gliemmo, M. Dudley, K.Holloman, C. Hoet, A. E.and T. Landers,
2014. Pilot study of an oral care protocol on poststroke
survivors. Rehabilita􀆟 on Nurse, 39: 294-304.
3. Crary, M.A. Mann, G.D. and M.E. Groher, 2005. Ini􀆟 al
psychometric assessment of afunc􀆟 onal oral intake scale for
dysphagia in stroke pa􀆟 ents. Archives of Physical Medicine and
Rehabilita􀆟 on, 86: 1516-1520.
4. Huang, K. L. Liu, T. Y. Hang, Y. C. Leong, C. P. Ln, W. C.
and Y. P. Pong, 2014. Func􀆟 onal outcome in acute stroke
pa􀆟 ents with oropharyngeal Dysphagia a􀅌 er swallowing
therapy. Journal of Stroke & Cerebrovascular Diseases, 23:
5. Kim, E.K. Park, E.Y. Sa Gong, J.W. Jang, S.H. Choi, Y.H.
and HK. Lee, 2016. Las􀆟 ng eff ect of an oral hygiene
care program for pa􀆟 ents with stroke during in-hospital
rehabilita􀆟 on: a randomized single-center clinical trial.
Disability Rehabilita􀆟 on, 15: 1-6.
6. Yu, P. Fu, Q. Shi, J. Tao, W. Pang, H. Cen, X. and X. Liu, 2016.
Eff ects of Diff erent Levels of Caregiver Training on Oral
Hygiene A􀅌 er Stroke. Journal of the American Geriatrics
Society, 64: 1335-1140.
Chen, Hsiao-Jung is Ph. D. student from Chang Gung University, Tao-Yuan, Taiwan. She has published 5 papers in journals and 2 poster
Liang Su-Hua
Chang Gung University, Taiwan
Title: Effectiveness of a multi factorial intervention on for care providers to reduce physical restraints in nursing home
In Taiwanese nursing homes, the use of physical restraints
on residents as a protec􀆟 ve measure is fairly common.
However, physical restraints can be seen as a viola􀆟 on of
human rights, and there is no guarantee of the eff ec􀆟 veness
or safety of such physical restraints. Scholars from around
the world have been strongly advoca􀆟 ng restraint-free care
in long-term care ins􀆟 tu􀆟 ons. Therefore, the aim of this
study was to evaluate the eff ec􀆟 veness of a mul􀆟 factorial
interven􀆟 on for care providers to reduce physical restraints
in nursing homes. Method: A cluster randomized controlled
trial was conducted using pretest-pos􀆩 est control group
design. A purposive sampling of par􀆟 cipants was chosen
from care providers of 4 nursing home ins􀆟 tu􀆟 ons in
Taiwan (n= 67), who were then randomly assigned to the
experimental group (2 nursing homes, n= 33) or the control
group (2 nursing homes, n= 34). The experimental group
underwent mul􀆟 factorial interven􀆟 ons to reduce physical
restraint (including developing rou􀆟 nes for physical
restraint, promo􀆟 ng ins􀆟 tu􀆟 onal policies to reduce the
use of physical restraint, developing alterna􀆟 ve methods,
educa􀆟 on, and consulta􀆟 ons). Results: Care providers in
the experimental group showed signifi cant improvements
in knowledge (p < .01), a􀆫 tude (p < .05), and observed
behavior (p < .05) pos􀆩 est. Conclusion: Mul􀆟 factorial
interven􀆟 ons to reduce physical restraint are eff ec􀆟 ve in
improving the knowledge, a􀆫 tude, and behavior of longterm
care providers. Future implementa􀆟 on into clinical
prac􀆟 ce could improve the quality of nursing care.
1. Gulpers, M. J. M., M. H. C. Bleijlevens, E. Capezu􀆟 , E. V.
Rossum, T. Ambergen and J. P. H. Hamers, 2012. Preven􀆟 ng
belt restraint use in newly admi􀆩 ed residents in Nursing
Homes: a quasi-experimental study. Int. J. Nurs. Stud., 49:
2. Gulpers, M. J. M., M. H. C. Bleijlevens, T. Ambergen, E.
Capezu􀆟 , E. V. Rossum and J. P. H. Hamers, 2013. Reduc􀆟 on of
belt restraint use: Long-term eff ects of the EXBELT interven􀆟 on.
J. Am. Geriatr Soc., 61: 107-112
3. Huang, H. C., Y. T. Huang, K. C. Lin and Y. F. Kuo, 2014. Risk
factors associated with physical restraints in residen􀆟 al aged
care facili􀆟 es: a community- based epidemiological survey in
Taiwan. J. Adv. Nurs., 70: 130-143
4. McCann, T. V., J. Baird and E. Muir-Cochrane, 2014.
A􀆫 tudes of clinical staff toward the causes and management
of aggression in acute old age psychiatry inpa􀆟 ent units.
B. M. C. Psychiatry., 14: h􀆩 p://www.biomedcentral.
5. Testad, I., T. E. Mekki, O. Førland, C. Øye, E. M. Tveit, F.
Jacobsen and Ø. Kirkevold, 2016. Modeling and evalua􀆟 ng
evidence-based con􀆟 nuing educa􀆟 on program in nursing
home demen􀆟 a care (MEDCED)—training of care home
staff to reduce use of restraint in care home residents with
demen􀆟 a. A cluster randomized controlled trial. Int. J.
Geriatr. Psychiatry., 31: 24-32
Su-Hua Liang, MSN, RN, is a PhD student, Graduate Ins􀆟 tute of Clinical Medical Sciences, School of Nursing, Chang Gung University, Tao-Yuan, Taiwan. She has published more
than 3 papers in reputed journals and has experience giving oral presenta􀆟 on in nursing mee􀆟 ngs.
Chun-Wen Chen
Saint Pauls Hospital, Taiwan
Title: The Effects of Breast Feeding by Network Learning
Breast feeding is unique to provide health and growth to newborn babies, as well as positive feedbacks to mothers. Medical personnel is a critical factor to initiate a successful learning curve. Hospital stay after delivery relatively is short, normal delivery stays for 3 days, C-section stays for 6 days. Medical facilities usually offer learning information on brochures or other paper-form reading materials. Due to the physical burden experienced by mother, they tend to spend the most part of attention to their own body recovery, and pay little or no attention to study. It turns most efforts into waste and non environmental-friendly. Verbal instruction by personnel also has its handicap on issues such as inconsistency and lack of time sufficiency. How to provide the most effective way to fulfill the needs for new mothers and sufficient essential health education is always a great challenge to Medical personnel. Cell phone and network is gaining popularity in daily life nowadays, and a proven auxiliary tool for bringing attention and promoting effective learning. Purpose on investigation of effectiveness in network education to breast feeding after baby delivery. The search is divided into experimental and control group. There are 56 in experimental group; 56 in control group. Result: Recognition rate raised from 72.3% to 96.2%. Satisfactory rate on learning raised from 50.0% to 95.2%. Conclusion :Learning by network is a learning process driven by the need of each individual, emphasized by highly self motivation. Breath feeding is a complicated and physical dependent learning curve, therefore using integration of literature, animation, motion pictures, and visual aide will overcome the traditional difficulties faced by medical personnel. Promoting breast feeding is heavy-load and time-consuming task. For the purpose of long-term propaganda and under limited human resources conditions, the clinic adaption of this learning protocol will bring win-win situation.
I graduated from Yuan Ze University with a master degree in Management. I work at St. Paul's Hospital as a head nurse. Since I was a child, I looked forward to being a nurse and wearing uniform of a nurse which we say “ the angel of the white co. I enjoy taking care of people who needs to be cared and I like to interact with different people. So that is the reason why I aimed to be a nurse. As a proverb says, “It is never too old to learn.†We are living in a stressful and competitive society and it changes rapidly, so I remind myself to keep a positive learning attitude and focus on self-improvement all the time. And it will help me to get more opportunities in my life.
Kazue Sawami
Nara Medical Universitys gerontological nursing science,Japan
Title: Verification of the impact of storage by the rhythm phrase to be repeated
Introduction】Alzheimers Disease (AD) accounts for a high percentage of dementia at over 60%. As dementia incidence doubles every 5 years from 65 years old onwards, developing a countermeasure is an urgent issue. As a countermeasure, the effectiveness of cognitive function training tasks such as dual-task (performing two tasks simultaneously) and n-back task (a delayed recall task for items shown n steps earlier) have been verified. Furthermore, it has been verified lyrics accompanied with sound or rhythm are stored easily by the memory, but difficult to remember when without sound or rhythm. It was hypothesized that combining rhythmic music with repeated memory tasks would improve memory performance. It was also predicted that stress associated with memory tasks would be alleviated by the relaxing effect of music.
The purpose of this study is to verify a new training method combining rhythmic music and repeated memory tasks. An intervention study was conducted over 3 months, and compared results from the intervention group and the control group.
ã€Method】Screening test for mild cognitive impairment: Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA test) and; Stress check: Measured α-amylase levels of saliva taken from the sublingual gland. Analysis was conducted by a corresponding t-test, comparing the control group and intervention group results.
ã€Results】In comparison to the control group, cognitive function was significantly improved and distress was reduced in the intervention group.
ã€Conclusion】Repeated memory tasks combined with rhythmic music were effective both in improving memory capacity and reducing stress.
I got my PhD in Health Sciences. Currently I work at Nara Medical University's gerontological nursing science.
Research Interest: Research focuses on verifying the effectiveness of efforts to prevent dementia. In the intervention, music therapy, rhythm exercise, sandplay of miniature garden and brain training task are combined. We are amazed at the potential of the elderly. We are re-recognize the valuable life of the elderly every day. We want to show the value and potentiality of a wonderful elderly by research. Our clinical trial information can be viewed: Our research results, has been published in the following.
Chun-Chun Chang
Saint Pauls Hospital, Taiwan
Title: The use of diversified training to construct a learner-centered clinical teaching model
The traditional teaching are mainly classroom teaching, nursing adopt passive learning, resulting in low willingness to learn; diversified training, teaching is usually a variety of ways to use each other, hoping to learner-centered, the use of multiple teaching and interesting of the flipped classroom, the development of new nurse can be interested in learning. The purpose of this research is to compare the traditional teaching and diversified training, whether to increased the satisfaction of teaching and training of new nurse and preceptors, and this result can be used as a reference for nursing education training content. This research, the experimental design of the experimental before and after the test, selects a new nurse in the Taiwan hospital 30, preceptors 30, in the Diversified teaching and training program before and after the intervention. The questionnaire was evaluated with a satisfaction questionnaire, and the data were analyzed by χ2 test, t-test and ANOVA. Quantitative research results showed: the satisfaction of the 30 new nurse was 94.8 points (100 points), and the satisfaction of preceptors was 96.4 points (100 points).The experimental group was significantly larger than the control group (p <.05), show that diversified instructional training program are effective. Qualitative research results show t: positive view that Objective structured clinical skills, flipped classroom, E-learning and reflection vs. feedback and other diversified teaching methods, can effectively improve the quality of teaching. Results: The new nurse and preceptors are sure that this training program shows that “The use of diversified training to construct a "learner-centered" clinical teaching model " will help new nurse to successfully transition to clinical roles, and apply multiple approaches for effectiveness evaluation, as a reference for nursing clinical teaching model. It is suggested that future research can focus on the consensus of preceptors, as a measure of consistency.
Chun-Chun Chung graduated from the National University of Taiwan Nursing Research Institute, have a professional in the field of pediatric care, to improve childrens health, Provide pediatric patients and their families daily care, To achieve family-centered care She Working in Taiwans Taiyuan Pauls Hospital Nursing Department as teaching supervision. In the hospital have many years of teaching and administrative experience. The establishment of a teaching and administrative model, to enhance the quality of clinical teaching. So that the organization is full of vitality, so that each colleague have the goal of progress, each patient get the best care quality and maintain a good morale and organizational atmosphere. In the research, she is constantly innovating the pursuit of excellence, to promote the development of nursing professional efforts. The results of this study are the best portrayal.
Ching-en Hsiao
Saint Pauls Hospital, Taiwan
Title: Use of bladder scanners to reduce maternal urine retention
Urine retention is a common complication of postpartum women, postpartum more than 6 hours can not solve their own urine and urine more than 500-700ml ,will perform indwelling catheterization, but causes maternal inconvenience, also increases the cost of medical care, Use the bladder scanner to reduce maternal urine retention, So that medical staff first assessment of maternal bladder residual urine, as soon as possible to help their own urination, reduce urine retention and indwelling catheterization ratio. Methodological: This study was Quasi-Experimental Design, divided into two groups (experimental group and control group) a total of 50 people, the control group did not use the bladder scanner; The experimental group was added to the bladder scanner to detect bladder residual urine, for the first time, please urinate the urine and then use the bladder scanner to detect residual urine, more than 500ml will be indwelling catheterization, the residual urine volume between 200-500ml in the fourth hour for the second assessment, two intervention measures were based on the postpartum urine retention assessment scale. Result: The use of bladder scanners can effectively reduce the effectiveness of maternal urine retention, the control group did not use the bladder scanner for the number of indwelling catheter 15 people, more than Residual urine volume are between 700-900ml , Indwelling catheterization days more than 2 days ratio accounted for more than 50%, the number of indwelling catheterization in the experimental group was 5, Residual urine volume are less than 550ml, retention catheter for 1 day to remove the catheter. Conclusion : The results of this study using bladder scanners can really reduce postpartum women, effectively reduce maternal urine retention and indwelling catheterization ratio, reduce maternal uncomfortable caused by indwelling catheterization and reduce medical costs and nursing care hours, Improve the quality of care.
Ching-en Hsiao graduated from the National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences ,Now worked at the St. Pauls Hospital, specialist for obstetrics and gynecology and Neonatology. previously served as delivery room, baby room, and now work in the field of obstetrics and gynecology. She is enthusiastic about the gynecological clinical care is full of enthusiasm. Have used kangaroo care and multimedia tools in the postpartum parent-child skin contact, and to improve the postpartum immediate parental skin contact rate and caregivers care quality and professional. Related academic articles are verified by Taiwan Nursing Institute. she is constantly innovating the pursuit of excellence, to promote the development of nursing professional efforts. The results of this study are the best portrayal.
Lu Jia-fen
Saint Pauls Hospital,Taiwan
Title: To Explore the efficacy of Therapeutic Play in the Treatment of Preschool Children with Respiratory Therapy
Question statement: Respiratory tract infection is the primary cause of the death of children under five years of age. The disposal will be spray treatment, but the child patients usually resist clinically. Thus it affect the treatment result. Before treatment, therapeutic play , instructions and technical operations, can be useful for preschool child patients to transfer pressure and fear, to increase acceptance, and to understand practical usefulness. Purpose : To explore the acceptance of respiratory therapy of the preschool child patients, to improve the effective discharge of sputum of the hospitalized children, and to evaluate the effect of therapeutic play on preschool child patients' respiratory therapy. Methodological and theoretical orientation: This study was Quasi-Experimental Design, Enrolled 3-6-year-old pre-school young children of the Division of Pediatrics wards in a certain regional hospital as the subjects, divided into two groups (experimental group and control group) to a total of 40 people. The control group did not use the therapeutic play; the experimental group was added the guiding play type of therapeutic play. Taking into account the development characteristics of hospitalized children, and therefore to use self-designed LED blowing device and some real medical supplies for therapeutic play before the treatment. Afterwards, we can realize the usefulness of practical uses by persuading parents to fill out Child Temperament Scale and Nursing Guidance Satisfaction Questionnaire .result: The use of therapeutic plays improve the effectiveness of respiratory therapy. In the experimental group, the interventional measures can significantly improve the correlation coefficient of child temperament and emotional regulation (p <.05) and Nursing Guidance Satisfaction reaching 97.1% Conclusion: The use of therapeutic play can improve the effectiveness of treatment, can also reduce the hospital hospital pressure and fear, thereby enhancing the quality of clinical care and care and professional ability.
Lu Jia-fen worked at the St. Pauls Hospital, specialized in pediatric and acute illness. Had served as leader of pediatric ward, obstetric ward, gynecology ward, maternity ward, baby room, and now work at the emergency field. She is enthusiastic about the pediatric clinical care and developing clinical medical aids with academic field. The uses of therapeutic plays to reduce pressure and fear of child patients , helping receiving treatment, and to improve the quality of nursing care and profession. Related academic articles are verified by Taiwan Nursing Institute and by Taiwan Evidence-Based Medicine Association.
Jane Yah-Lun
Saint Pauls Hospital,Taiwan
Title: To Explore the efficacy of Therapeutic Play in the Treatment of Preschool Children with Respiratory Therapy
Question statement: Respiratory tract infection is the primary cause of the death of children under five years of age. The disposal will be spray treatment, but the child patients usually resist clinically. Thus it affect the treatment result. Before treatment, therapeutic play , instructions and technical operations, can be useful for preschool child patients to transfer pressure and fear, to increase acceptance, and to understand practical usefulness. Purpose : To explore the acceptance of respiratory therapy of the preschool child patients, to improve the effective discharge of sputum of the hospitalized children, and to evaluate the effect of therapeutic play on preschool child patients respiratory therapy. Methodological and theoretical orientation: This study was Quasi-Experimental Design, Enrolled 3-6-year-old pre-school young children of the Division of Pediatrics wards in a certain regional hospital as the subjects, divided into two groups (experimental group and control group) to a total of 40 people. The control group did not use the therapeutic play; the experimental group was added the guiding play type of therapeutic play. Taking into account the development characteristics of hospitalized children, and therefore to use self-designed LED blowing device and some real medical supplies for therapeutic play before the treatment. Afterwards, we can realize the usefulness of practical uses by persuading parents to fill out Child Temperament Scale and Nursing Guidance Satisfaction Questionnaire .result: The use of therapeutic plays improve the effectiveness of respiratory therapy. In the experimental group, the interventional measures can significantly improve the correlation coefficient of child temperament and emotional regulation (p <.05) and Nursing Guidance Satisfaction reaching 97.1% Conclusion: The use of therapeutic play can improve the effectiveness of treatment, can also reduce the hospital hospital pressure and fear, thereby enhancing the quality of clinical care and care and professional ability.
Jane Yah-Lun worked at the St. Pauls Hospital, specialized in neonatology, pediatric critical care and serves as breastfeeding seeded lecturer. Had served as leader of baby room, pediatric intensive care unit, and now works at the newborn area. She is enthusiastic about the neonatology and promoting the clinical care of breast milk. Ever used multimedia teaching aids into the nursing guide to enhance the interest, concentration, learning impression and memory of the nurses. And thus improve the learning outcomes and caring quality. Related academic articles are verified by Taiwan Nursing Institute and by Taiwan Evidence-Based Medicine Association.
Feng -Li Chou
Saint Pauls Hospital, Taiwan
Title: The Effects of Breast Feeding by Network Learning
Breast feeding is unique to provide health and growth to newborn babies, as well as positive feedbacks to mothers. Medical personnel is a critical factor to initiate a successful learning curve. Hospital stay after delivery relatively is short, normal delivery stays for 3 days, C-section stays for 6 days. Medical facilities usually offer learning information on brochures or other paper-form reading materials. Due to the physical burden experienced by mother, they tend to spend the most part of attention to their own body recovery, and pay little or no attention to study. It turns most efforts into waste and non environmental-friendly. Verbal instruction by personnel also has its handicap on issues such as inconsistency and lack of time sufficiency. How to provide the most effective way to fulfill the needs for new mothers and sufficient essential health education is always a great challenge to Medical personnel. Cell phone and network is gaining popularity in daily life nowadays, and a proven auxiliary tool for bringing attention and promoting effective learning. Purpose on investigation of effectiveness in network education to breast feeding after baby delivery. The search is divided into experimental and control group. There are 56 in experimental group; 56 in control group. Result: Recognition rate raised from 72.3% to 96.2%. Satisfactory rate on learning raised from 50.0% to 95.2%. Conclusion :Learning by network is a learning process driven by the need of each individual, emphasized by highly self motivation. Breath feeding is a complicated and physical dependent learning curve, therefore using integration of literature, animation, motion pictures, and visual aide will overcome the traditional difficulties faced by medical personnel. Promoting breast feeding is heavy-load and time-consuming task. For the purpose of long-term propaganda and under limited human resources conditions, the clinic adaption of this learning protocol will bring win-win situation.
I aimed to be a nurse because my sister is also working as a nursing staff. I have been working for clinical care for many years and now I am a head nurse in the delivery room. I have a lot of experiences on assisting in child delivery. To be a head nurse, I have learned a lot from dealing with different problems and interacting with different people. I ask and remind myself to be well considered in every respect. I am a person who is enthusiastic about learning. I improve and gain knowledge in a positive and hard-working attitude in order to pursue the goal of perfection and further development in my job.