Meetings international welcomes and invites all the participants from over the world to attend the “Global Experts Meeting on Clinical Diabetes and Nutrition" going to be held on November 28-29, 2018 at Paris, France
“Clinical Diabetes Meeting 2018” highlights the theme “Innovative Research on Clinical Nutrition to Confront Diabetes”. Clinical Diabetes Meeting-2018 is an event designed to provide an exclusive forum for doctors, dieticians, researchers, scholars, students furthermore scientists to introduce and talk about the latest advancements, challenges encountered, trends, concerns, applications and the solutions taken up for mitigating diabetes. The two days of conference will include keynote presentations, session speakers, and poster presenters on the latest and innovative techniques as well as research articles in the areas of Diabetic Nutrition research, diabetic diet, Biomarkers for bio accessibility and bioavailability, Nutritional therapy, diabetic care and clinical diabetes.
About one third people with diabetes do not know they have the disease. Type 2 diabetes often does not have any symptoms. Only about five percent of all people with diabetes have type 1 diabetes. If you are at risk, type 2 diabetes can be prevented with moderate weight loss (10–15 pounds) and 30 minutes of moderate physical activity (such as brisk walking) each day. Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness in working-age adults. People with diabetes are twice as likely to develop heart disease than someone without diabetes. Bariatric surgery can reduce the symptoms of diabetes in obese people. Diabetes costs $174 billion annually, including $116 billion in direct medical expenses.
Your healthcare team will encourage you to follow your meal plan and exercise program, use your medications and monitor your blood glucose regularly to keep your blood glucose in as normal a range as possible as much of the time as possible. Why is this so important? Because poorly managed diabetes can lead to a host of long-term complications — among these are heart attacks, strokes, blindness, kidney failure, and blood vessel disease that may require an amputation, nerve damage, and impotence in men.
But happily, a nationwide study completed over a 10-year period showed that if people keep their blood glucose as close to normal as possible, they can reduce their risk of developing some of these complications by 50 percent or more.
The producers of diabetic foods have presented different items with low calories, zero additives, and without sugar items for the diabetic and health concerned populace. Some of these items incorporate desserts and jams, dairy items, dietary drinks, heated items, snacks and different items. Globally, the market is now esteemed at $82 billion.
The worldwide diabetic nourishment market sector expected to grow at CAGR of 5.9% amid the forecast frame. The market sector has been divided into dietary refreshments, ice creams and jams, dairy items, and sweets and baked products, among others. The total market share in 2013 took after by the dairy section, which remained at the second position with 24.8% revenue of the general diabetic food market around the same time. The jellies, ice creams and jams section represented 18.7% share value of the general business sector in 2013, and its share is estimated to achieve 19.0% by 2020. Both diabetic and non-diabetic buyers are demonstrating enthusiasm for diabetic desserts and jams with a perspective to keep up a healthy way of life.
Why to Attend?
Global Experts Meeting on Clinical Diabetes and Nutrition provides two days robust discussions on methods and strategies related to symptoms and management of Diabetes as well as explore new ideas and concepts on a global scale and the topics include Diabetic complications, Diabetic Medicare and its advantages, Diabetic Nutrition, Diabetes and metabolism, Alternative treatment and therapies of Diabetes, Advancement in Diabetic Treatment and Diagnosis, Energy balance, obesity and Diabetes, Present scenario and risk factor of Diabetes, Diabetic Drug market, Clinical trials in Diabetes, Diabetic Education and Research. The conference invites Endocrine surgeons, diabetologists, Reproductive Endocrinologists and all the eminent researchers and experts in the field of Endocrinal medicine. The conference also welcomes the participation of Presidents, CEO’s, Delegates and industrial executives from Endocrine Pharma and Health care sectors making the conference a perfect platform to network, share views and knowledge through interactive keynote, plenary, poster and B2B discussions.
This conference includes the renowned scientists, geneticist, diabetologist, doctors, professors, public health planners, physicians, dietitians, pharmacists, students under the research of diabetes, industrial delegates and those using bioinformatics tools for studying under the single roof to discuss and for improving the current therapies, and exploring radical new approaches.
Target Audience:
Physiology of Diabetes:
Diabetes is one of the most significant global health concerns of modern times. The causes of type 2 diabetes are multi-factorial and include both genetic and environmental elements that affect beta-cell function and tissue (muscle, liver, adipose tissue, and pancreas) insulin sensitivity. Number of factors have been suggested as possibly linking insulin resistance and beta-cell dysfunction in the pathogenesis of Type 2 Diabetes. Majority of individuals suffering from type 2 diabetes are obese, with central visceral adiposity. According to the International Diabetes Federation, diabetes statistics says that there are more than 317 million people have been diagnosed with diabetes, and an additional 187 million are living undiagnosed. The global revenue earned from drugs sales to treat Type 2 Diabetes was approximately $36.89 billion in 2012 that is rapidly increasing in incidence and prevalence across the globe predicated to elevate this figure to approximately $68.42 billion by 2017. Patients with this disease cannot use glucose properly for their body needs. Latest research on Diabetes has led to the better living of the diabetic patients. In addition to this, self-monitoring of Blood glucose levels, lifestyle modifications and health eating habits are crucial in combating the critical manifestations of this disease which may require proper diabetic nursing. This may also include considerable amount of time educating patients and families on proper dietary, exercise and lifestyle habits to keep symptoms under control.
Related Conferences:
9th International Conference on Endocrinology and Diabetes Summit September 13-14, 2017 Singapore; 25th Global Diabetes Summit and Medicare Expo December 04-05, 2017 Dubai, UAE; International Conferences on Diabetes and its Complications May 21-22, 2018 Osaka, Japan; 23rd International Conference on Herbal and Alternative Remedies for Diabetes and Endocrine Disorders November 2-4, 2017 Bangkok, Thailand; 22nd International Congress on Prevention of Diabetes and Complications October 12-13, 2017 London, UK; 9th Annual Congress on Endocrine Disorders and Therapies October 30- November 1, 2017 Chicago, Illinois, USA; 10th International Conference on Endocrinology October 30-November 01, 2017 Chicago, Illinois, USA; International Conference on Diabetes, Metabolism & Obesity November 16-17, 2017 Las Vegas, USA.
Clinical Diabetes and Diagnostic Approaches:
Diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic diseases characterized by hyperglycemia resulting from defects in insulin secretion, insulin action, or both. The chronic hyperglycemia of diabetes is associated with long-term damage, dysfunction, and failure of various organs, especially the eyes, kidneys, nerves, heart, and blood vessels.
Diabetic kidney disease is recognized as the leading cause of excess mortality in the population with type 1 diabetes. The prevailing theory is that excess calories are processed via the mitochondria resulting in accumulation of superoxide radicals via the electron transfer chain. Novel Paradigms in Diabetic Complications, Diabetes, Pre-diabetes represents an elevation of plasma glucose above the normal range but below that of clinical diabetes. Prediabetes and Metabolic Syndrome study both the pathogenesis and potential therapeutic agents, appropriate animal models of type 2 diabetes (T2D) mellitus are needed for Clinical trials on animal models, sodium glucose co-transport inhibitors act as a novel strategy for the treatment of diabetes mellitus.
Type 2 diabetes is by far the most common type of diabetes in adults (>90 percent) and is characterized by hyperglycemia and variable degrees of insulin deficiency and resistance in Clinical presentation and diagnosis of diabetes mellitus in adults.
Related Conferences:
9th International Conference on Endocrinology and Diabetes Summit September 13-14, 2017 Singapore; 25th Global Diabetes Summit and Medicare Expo December 04-05, 2017 Dubai, UAE; International Conferences on Diabetes and its Complications May 21-22, 2018 Osaka, Japan; 23rd International Conference on Herbal and Alternative Remedies for Diabetes and Endocrine Disorders November 2-4, 2017 Bangkok, Thailand; 22nd International Congress on Prevention of Diabetes and Complications October 12-13, 2017 London, UK; 9th Annual Congress on Endocrine Disorders and Therapies October 30- November 1, 2017 Chicago, Illinois, USA; 10th International Conference on Endocrinology October 30-November 01, 2017 Chicago, Illinois, USA; International Conference on Diabetes, Metabolism & Obesity November 16-17, 2017 Las Vegas, USA.
Diabetes Genetics:
Diabetes constitutes a major public health problem. Although substantial progress has been made in defining the genetics of metabolic syndrome risk for specific subtypes of diabetes (e.g., maturity-onset diabetes of the young), Majority of genetic risk of diabetes (for type 1 and type 2) remain unresolved. This review focuses on the current knowledge of the genetic basis of diabetes and its complications, specifically diabetic nephropathy (DN), recent advances in genetics of diabetes, diabetes in ethnic groups, genetic lifestyle interactions and understanding the genetics of Diabetes. Ultimately, identification of genes that contribute to risk (or protection) of diabetes and its complications will allow identification of patients who have diabetes and are at risk and targeted treatment/interventional strategies. Diabetic amyotrophic is a disabling illness that is distinct from other forms of diabetic neuropathy.
Related Conferences:
9th International Conference on Endocrinology and Diabetes Summit September 13-14, 2017 Singapore; 25th Global Diabetes Summit and Medicare Expo December 04-05, 2017 Dubai, UAE; International Conferences on Diabetes and its Complications May 21-22, 2018 Osaka, Japan; 23rd International Conference on Herbal and Alternative Remedies for Diabetes and Endocrine Disorders November 2-4, 2017 Bangkok, Thailand; 22nd International Congress on Prevention of Diabetes and Complications October 12-13, 2017 London, UK; 9th Annual Congress on Endocrine Disorders and Therapies October 30- November 1, 2017 Chicago, Illinois, USA; 10th International Conference on Endocrinology October 30-November 01, 2017 Chicago, Illinois, USA; International Conference on Diabetes, Metabolism & Obesity November 16-17, 2017 Las Vegas, USA.
Diabetes Medications and Pharmacotherapy:
The global diabetes treatment market is undergoing significant transition driven by the advent of new analytical technologies and developments in diabetes treatment. There has been a drastic increase in the incidents of diabetes worldwide, owing to the rising level of lifestyles and obesity in global population. The diabetes treatment products include injectable diabetes drugs, oral drugs, insulin therapies, insulin pumps, insulin injection devices and blood glucose monitoring systems which eliminates the risk of reverse diabetes. According to the new report the world market for diabetes medications will reach $55.3bn in 2017. The anti-diabetic medicines industry generated $35.6bn in 2012, and its revenues will show strong growth to 2023. Monitoring glucose levels is critical for the management of diabetes and new and improved portable, less costly, easy-to-use, accurate and virtually painless blood glucose monitoring systems are now available to take control of the disease.
Related Conferences:
9th International Conference on Endocrinology and Diabetes Summit September 13-14, 2017 Singapore; 25th Global Diabetes Summit and Medicare Expo December 04-05, 2017 Dubai, UAE; International Conferences on Diabetes and its Complications May 21-22, 2018 Osaka, Japan; 23rd International Conference on Herbal and Alternative Remedies for Diabetes and Endocrine Disorders November 2-4, 2017 Bangkok, Thailand; 22nd International Congress on Prevention of Diabetes and Complications October 12-13, 2017 London, UK; 9th Annual Congress on Endocrine Disorders and Therapies October 30- November 1, 2017 Chicago, Illinois, USA; 10th International Conference on Endocrinology October 30-November 01, 2017 Chicago, Illinois, USA; International Conference on Diabetes, Metabolism & Obesity November 16-17, 2017 Las Vegas, USA.
Advancement of Biomarkers for Diabetes:
Molecular Biomarkers can be demarcated as “a characteristic that is accurately measured and gauged as a pointer of normal biological procedures, pathogenic procedures, or pharmacologic responses to a pharmaceutical intervention. Biomarkers play a vital part in leading clinical trials and treating patients. Advances in molecular diagnostics help medical professionals make knowledgeable, scientifically valid decisions. More well-organized discovery and usage of biomarkers in the growth of anti-diabetes drugs will depend on accelerating our understanding of the pathogenesis of diabetes and specifically its macrovascular complications. Procedural improvements from other fields, especially cancer, are beginning to show the way towards better models of diabetes pathogenesis and molecular biomarker discovery.
Related Conferences:
9th International Conference on Endocrinology and Diabetes Summit September 13-14, 2017 Singapore; 25th Global Diabetes Summit and Medicare Expo December 04-05, 2017 Dubai, UAE; International Conferences on Diabetes and its Complications May 21-22, 2018 Osaka, Japan; 23rd International Conference on Herbal and Alternative Remedies for Diabetes and Endocrine Disorders November 2-4, 2017 Bangkok, Thailand; 22nd International Congress on Prevention of Diabetes and Complications October 12-13, 2017 London, UK; 9th Annual Congress on Endocrine Disorders and Therapies October 30- November 1, 2017 Chicago, Illinois, USA; 10th International Conference on Endocrinology October 30-November 01, 2017 Chicago, Illinois, USA; International Conference on Diabetes, Metabolism & Obesity November 16-17, 2017 Las Vegas, USA.
Emanating Focus in Diabetes Research:
Dyslipidemia is one of the major risk factors for cardiovascular disease in diabetes mellitus. The characteristic features of diabetic dyslipidemia are a high plasma triglyceride concentration, low HDL cholesterol concentration and increased concentration of small dense LDL-cholesterol particles.
There are many risk factors for type 2 diabetes such as age, race, pregnancy, stress, certain medications, genetics or family history, high cholesterol and obesity. However, the single best predictor of type 2 diabetes is overweight or obesity. Almost 90% of people living with type 2 diabetes are overweight or have obesity. People who are overweight or have obesity have added pressure on their body's ability to use insulin to properly control blood sugar levels, and are therefore more likely to develop diabetes. The number of diabetes cases among American adults increased by a third during the 1990s, and additional increases are expected. This rapid increase in the occurrence of diabetes is mostly attributed to the growing prevalence of obesity in the United States.
The Bioinformatics/Computational Biology Service branch will provide basic capabilities to the Joslin Diabetes Center to analyze a wide range of high-throughput data. Housed on-site at the Joslin, the group and associated resources will be available to Joslin investigators and fellows who are either planning high-throughput experiments or need analysis of multi-scale data.
We prospectively followed 51,552 Finnish men and women 25–74 years of age without a history of Parkinson's disease at baseline. History of diabetes and other study parameters were determined at baseline using standardized measurements. Ascertainment of the Parkinson's disease status was based on the nationwide Social Insurance Institution's drug register data. Hazard ratios of incident Parkinson's disease associated with the history of type 2 diabetes were estimated. The entire spectrum of diabesity, including all its complications–diabetes, elevated blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol–are simply downstream symptoms that result from problems with diet, lifestyle, and environmental toxins interacting with our unique genetic susceptibilities. Bariatric surgery may be an option for adults with severe obesity. Body mass index (BMI), a measure of height in relation to weight, is used to define levels of obesity. Clinically severe obesity is a BMI > 40 or a BMI > 35 with a serious health problem linked to obesity. Such health problems could be type 2 diabetes, heart disease, or severe sleep apnea (when breathing stops for short periods during sleep).
Related Conferences:
9th International Conference on Endocrinology and Diabetes Summit September 13-14, 2017 Singapore; 25th Global Diabetes Summit and Medicare Expo December 04-05, 2017 Dubai, UAE; International Conferences on Diabetes and its Complications May 21-22, 2018 Osaka, Japan; 23rd International Conference on Herbal and Alternative Remedies for Diabetes and Endocrine Disorders November 2-4, 2017 Bangkok, Thailand; 22nd International Congress on Prevention of Diabetes and Complications October 12-13, 2017 London, UK; 9th Annual Congress on Endocrine Disorders and Therapies October 30- November 1, 2017 Chicago, Illinois, USA; 10th International Conference on Endocrinology October 30-November 01, 2017 Chicago, Illinois, USA; International Conference on Diabetes, Metabolism & Obesity November 16-17, 2017 Las Vegas, USA.
Cell Therapy For Diabetes:
Pancreatic β-cells are the target of an autoimmune assault in type 1 diabetes, with invasion of the islets by mononuclear cells in an inflammatory reaction termed “insulitis,” leading to loss of most β-cells after prolonged periods of disease.
Stem cells are essentially undifferentiated cells that can be induced into becoming specialized cells that are tissue- or organ-specific, according to the U.S. National Institutes of Health.
In some cases, such cells are sourced from embryonic tissue. Alternatively, it's possible to derive stem cells from prespecialized adult cells that are then reprogrammed to morph into an undifferentiated state. These are called induced pluripotent stem cells.
Related Conferences:
9th International Conference on Endocrinology and Diabetes Summit September 13-14, 2017 Singapore; 25th Global Diabetes Summit and Medicare Expo December 04-05, 2017 Dubai, UAE; International Conferences on Diabetes and its Complications May 21-22, 2018 Osaka, Japan; 23rd International Conference on Herbal and Alternative Remedies for Diabetes and Endocrine Disorders November 2-4, 2017 Bangkok, Thailand; 22nd International Congress on Prevention of Diabetes and Complications October 12-13, 2017 London, UK; 9th Annual Congress on Endocrine Disorders and Therapies October 30- November 1, 2017 Chicago, Illinois, USA; 10th International Conference on Endocrinology October 30-November 01, 2017 Chicago, Illinois, USA; International Conference on Diabetes, Metabolism & Obesity November 16-17, 2017 Las Vegas, USA.
Nutritional Remedy:
Nutrition therapy is a necessary part of the treatment and self-administration of diabetes. The objectives of Nutrition therapy are to keep up or enhance personal satisfaction and wholesome and physiological wellbeing, to anticipate and treat intense and longtime inconveniences of diabetes, related comorbid conditions and corresponding disorders. It is well recognized that nutrition therapy can enhance glycemic control by decreasing glycated hemoglobin and when utilized with different constituents of diabetes care, can enhance clinical and metabolic results bringing about diminished hospitalization rates. Besides, follow up with a dietician will help for the better dietary adherence in type II diabetes.
Related Conferences:
9th International Conference on Endocrinology and Diabetes Summit September 13-14, 2017 Singapore; 25th Global Diabetes Summit and Medicare Expo December 04-05, 2017 Dubai, UAE; International Conferences on Diabetes and its Complications May 21-22, 2018 Osaka, Japan; 23rd International Conference on Herbal and Alternative Remedies for Diabetes and Endocrine Disorders November 2-4, 2017 Bangkok, Thailand; 22nd International Congress on Prevention of Diabetes and Complications October 12-13, 2017 London, UK; 9th Annual Congress on Endocrine Disorders and Therapies October 30- November 1, 2017 Chicago, Illinois, USA; 10th International Conference on Endocrinology October 30-November 01, 2017 Chicago, Illinois, USA; International Conference on Diabetes, Metabolism & Obesity November 16-17, 2017 Las Vegas, USA.
Diabetic Nutrition and Obesity:
The exact causes of diabetes are still not fully understood, it is known that obesity features up the threat of developing different types of diabetes mellitus. For type 2 diabetes, this includes being overweight or obese (having a BMI of 30 or greater). In fact, obesity is believed to account for 80-85% of the threat of type II diabetes development, while recent research suggests that obese people are up to 80 times more inclined to develop type II diabetes than those with a BMI of less than 22. Studies suggest that abdominal fat reasons for the fat cells to discharge pro-inflammatory chemicals, which can make the body less sensitive to the insulin it produces by hindering the functionality of insulin responsive cells and their ability to respond to insulin.
Related Conferences:
9th International Conference on Endocrinology and Diabetes Summit September 13-14, 2017 Singapore; 25th Global Diabetes Summit and Medicare Expo December 04-05, 2017 Dubai, UAE; International Conferences on Diabetes and its Complications May 21-22, 2018 Osaka, Japan; 23rd International Conference on Herbal and Alternative Remedies for Diabetes and Endocrine Disorders November 2-4, 2017 Bangkok, Thailand; 22nd International Congress on Prevention of Diabetes and Complications October 12-13, 2017 London, UK; 9th Annual Congress on Endocrine Disorders and Therapies October 30- November 1, 2017 Chicago, Illinois, USA; 10th International Conference on Endocrinology October 30-November 01, 2017 Chicago, Illinois, USA; International Conference on Diabetes, Metabolism & Obesity November 16-17, 2017 Las Vegas, USA.
Paediatric Diabetes:
Diabetes is a long-term condition which can influence the life of an individual. It mainly affects kids in their development and advancement and enthusiastic prosperity. Worldwide there is a clear increment in its occurrence for kids particularly below 5 populaces. years old. Furthermore, this illness, may expand the danger of creating miniaturized scale vascular and full scale –vascular inconveniences. T1d is well-known interminable ailments starting in the adolescence and records for more than 90% of the instances of youth diabetes, with a general predominance rate of 0.2-0.5% over the Caucasoid.
Related Conferences:
9th International Conference on Endocrinology and Diabetes Summit September 13-14, 2017 Singapore; 25th Global Diabetes Summit and Medicare Expo December 04-05, 2017 Dubai, UAE; International Conferences on Diabetes and its Complications May 21-22, 2018 Osaka, Japan; 23rd International Conference on Herbal and Alternative Remedies for Diabetes and Endocrine Disorders November 2-4, 2017 Bangkok, Thailand; 22nd International Congress on Prevention of Diabetes and Complications October 12-13, 2017 London, UK; 9th Annual Congress on Endocrine Disorders and Therapies October 30- November 1, 2017 Chicago, Illinois, USA; 10th International Conference on Endocrinology October 30-November 01, 2017 Chicago, Illinois, USA; International Conference on Diabetes, Metabolism & Obesity November 16-17, 2017 Las Vegas, USA.
Gestational Diabetes:
Gestational diabetes otherwise called gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), is a condition in which a lady without diabetes grows high glucose levels amid pregnancy. Gestational diabetes lead to large outcomes in expanding the danger of requiring a Caesarean area. Babies destined to such moms with ineffectively treated gestational diabetes are at expanded danger of having low glucose after birth, and jaundice. On the off chance that untreated, it might prompt stillbirth. In long haul odds of creating type 2 diabetes may increment in that people.
Gestational diabetes is created because of insufficient insulin in the setting of insulin resistance. Chance variables incorporate being overweight and having polycystic ovarian disorder. Analysis is finished by blood tests. For those patients at ordinary hazard for the most part screening will be done in the vicinity of 24 and 28 weeks growth.
Related Conferences:
9th International Conference on Endocrinology and Diabetes Summit September 13-14, 2017 Singapore; 25th Global Diabetes Summit and Medicare Expo December 04-05, 2017 Dubai, UAE; International Conferences on Diabetes and its Complications May 21-22, 2018 Osaka, Japan; 23rd International Conference on Herbal and Alternative Remedies for Diabetes and Endocrine Disorders November 2-4, 2017 Bangkok, Thailand; 22nd International Congress on Prevention of Diabetes and Complications October 12-13, 2017 London, UK; 9th Annual Congress on Endocrine Disorders and Therapies October 30- November 1, 2017 Chicago, Illinois, USA; 10th International Conference on Endocrinology October 30-November 01, 2017 Chicago, Illinois, USA; International Conference on Diabetes, Metabolism & Obesity November 16-17, 2017 Las Vegas, USA.
Risk Factor and Related Disease Of Diabetes:
Diabetes is always accompanied by several serious health issues. Consistent increase in blood glucose levels can lead to serious diseases affecting the vital organs of body like heart and blood vessels, eyes, kidneys, nerves and teeth. In almost all high-income countries, diabetes is a leading cause of cardiovascular disease like diabetic cardiomyopathy being one of the major risk factor, blindness, kidney failure, and lower limb amputation. Diabetic Retinopathy causes progressive damage to the retina in the patients with diabetes adding as the most vulnerable risk for the patient. Maintaining blood glucose levels, blood pressure, diabetic gastro paresis which has been reported to have the main cause as Diabetes Mellitus and cholesterol at or close to normal can help delay or prevent diabetes complications.
Related Conferences:
9th International Conference on Endocrinology and Diabetes Summit September 13-14, 2017 Singapore; 25th Global Diabetes Summit and Medicare Expo December 04-05, 2017 Dubai, UAE; International Conferences on Diabetes and its Complications May 21-22, 2018 Osaka, Japan; 23rd International Conference on Herbal and Alternative Remedies for Diabetes and Endocrine Disorders November 2-4, 2017 Bangkok, Thailand; 22nd International Congress on Prevention of Diabetes and Complications October 12-13, 2017 London, UK; 9th Annual Congress on Endocrine Disorders and Therapies October 30- November 1, 2017 Chicago, Illinois, USA; 10th International Conference on Endocrinology October 30-November 01, 2017 Chicago, Illinois, USA; International Conference on Diabetes, Metabolism & Obesity November 16-17, 2017 Las Vegas, USA.
Diabetic Drug Market:
Diabetes Drug Market has grown very rapidly over the time. The Diabetic drug sales of oral glucose- lowering treatments has increased from 10 billion USD TO 15 billion USD from 2005 to 2010 respectively, whereas the market of insulin plus analogues has made a rise to 4 billion USD from the course of 2005 to 2010 while the other drugs made increase of 1 billion USD in the same duration of time. Various companies are manufacturing different drugs for diabetic patients and the health complication caused due to it. Some of the advanced products like insulin pumps, sensors, bio markers and Innovation seem to be the key to success because it is quite mature and without novel functionality. Tele-medicines and software’s related to increased investments in research and development segment are expected to introduce competitive pharmaceutical products are discussed at different meetings like scientific sessions at cost effective prices in short time. This latest research on diabetes show as that the diabetes drug market segment would be filled with innovative products that would be able to offer better diabetes management which will protect from swollen pancreas to patients. Besides all these ayurvedic and herbal medicines were also found effective for the management of Diabetes. Therefore, the various gatherings are done in order to protect from metabolic diseases and these gatherings includes the world Diabetes meetings.
Related Conferences:
9th International Conference on Endocrinology and Diabetes Summit September 13-14, 2017 Singapore; 25th Global Diabetes Summit and Medicare Expo December 04-05, 2017 Dubai, UAE; International Conferences on Diabetes and its Complications May 21-22, 2018 Osaka, Japan; 23rd International Conference on Herbal and Alternative Remedies for Diabetes and Endocrine Disorders November 2-4, 2017 Bangkok, Thailand; 22nd International Congress on Prevention of Diabetes and Complications October 12-13, 2017 London, UK; 9th Annual Congress on Endocrine Disorders and Therapies October 30- November 1, 2017 Chicago, Illinois, USA; 10th International Conference on Endocrinology October 30-November 01, 2017 Chicago, Illinois, USA; International Conference on Diabetes, Metabolism & Obesity November 16-17, 2017 Las Vegas, USA.
Clinical Trials on Diabetes:
Clinical trials are done basically to prevent disease, to develop new and better treatments, or to find a potential cure. A clinical trial is a way to carefully test a new drug or device in patients before it is approved by the FDA to be used in the public. Clinical trials are an important step in our being able to have new treatments for diabetes and other conditions. American Diabetes Association also provides support in the clinical trials of Diabetes. They conduct different trials for different type of Diabetes is being run here names as TrialNet is basically to delay and reverse the process of Type 1 Diabetes, GRADE is a comparative effectiveness study looking at what medications work best at lowering blood glucose level in patients who are newly diagnosed with diabetes, RISE (Restoring Insulin Secretion study), D2D (Vitamin D and type 2 diabetes), Accelerating medicines partnership (AMP) and FNIH biomarker Consortium. Many other associations also do diabetic trials for management of Diabetes. i.e. Diabetes UK Organization etc.
Related Conferences:
9th International Conference on Endocrinology and Diabetes Summit September 13-14, 2017 Singapore; 25th Global Diabetes Summit and Medicare Expo December 04-05, 2017 Dubai, UAE; International Conferences on Diabetes and its Complications May 21-22, 2018 Osaka, Japan; 23rd International Conference on Herbal and Alternative Remedies for Diabetes and Endocrine Disorders November 2-4, 2017 Bangkok, Thailand; 22nd International Congress on Prevention of Diabetes and Complications October 12-13, 2017 London, UK; 9th Annual Congress on Endocrine Disorders and Therapies October 30- November 1, 2017 Chicago, Illinois, USA; 10th International Conference on Endocrinology October 30-November 01, 2017 Chicago, Illinois, USA; International Conference on Diabetes, Metabolism & Obesity November 16-17, 2017 Las Vegas, USA.
Diabetes Education:
Diabetic Education is basically to make more and more people aware about the symptoms, causes, prevention and management of Diabetes. Diabetic Education can be provided to the crowd through Diabetic Education Programs, Diabetic Education Journals, Diabetic Education Material and certifications, Diabetic Education Books. Diabetic Education may include self- Management education, Diabetes and lifestyle intervention, Pharmacotherapy, Glycaemic Excursions, Diabetes-Related Complications, Special Situations, Research on Diabetes, advancements in tools for treatment and management of Diabetes, Nutritional or dietary education for the people suffering from Diabetes.
Related Conferences:
9th International Conference on Endocrinology and Diabetes Summit September 13-14, 2017 Singapore; 25th Global Diabetes Summit and Medicare Expo December 04-05, 2017 Dubai, UAE; International Conferences on Diabetes and its Complications May 21-22, 2018 Osaka, Japan; 23rd International Conference on Herbal and Alternative Remedies for Diabetes and Endocrine Disorders November 2-4, 2017 Bangkok, Thailand; 22nd International Congress on Prevention of Diabetes and Complications October 12-13, 2017 London, UK; 9th Annual Congress on Endocrine Disorders and Therapies October 30- November 1, 2017 Chicago, Illinois, USA; 10th International Conference on Endocrinology October 30-November 01, 2017 Chicago, Illinois, USA; International Conference on Diabetes, Metabolism & Obesity November 16-17, 2017 Las Vegas, USA.
“Global Experts Meeting on Clinical Diabetes and Nutrition” is going to be held on August 22-23, 2018 at Tokyo, Japan. Clinical Diabetes Meeting-2018 conference gathers renowned scientists, physicians, surgeons, young researchers, industrial delegates and talented student communities in the field of diabetic medicine under a single roof where networking and global partnering happens for the acceleration of future research.
The conference throws light on thought provoking topics and recent research in the field of Diabetic Medications like, Type 1 Diabetes- Therapies and treatments, Type 2 Diabetes- Therapies and treatments, Diabetic Neuropathy-Treatment and Care, Management of Diabetic Heart Diseases, Management of Diabetic Kidney Diseases, Clinical Diabetic Therapeutics & Management, Islet Biology and Beta cell targeting, Computational Approaches for Diabetes, and many more. The organizing committee is gearing up for an exciting and informative conference program including plenary lectures, symposia, workshops on a variety of topics, poster presentations and various programs for participants from all over the world. We invite you to join Clinical Diabetes Meeting 2018, where you are sure to have a meaningful experience with scholars from around the world. All the Organizing Committee Members of the conference look forward to meeting you in Tokyo, Japan.
Importance & scope:
The prevalence of diabetes for all age-groups worldwide was estimated to be 2.8% in 2000 and 4.4% in 2030. The total number of people with diabetes is projected to rise from 171 million in 2000 to 366 million in 2030. The prevalence of diabetes is higher in men than women, but there are more women with diabetes than men. The urban population in developing countries is projected to double between 2000 and 2030. The most important demographic change to diabetes prevalence across the world appears to be the increase in the proportion of people >65 years of age. These findings indicate that the “diabetes epidemic” will continue even if levels of obesity remain constant. Given the increasing prevalence of obesity, it is likely that these figures provide an underestimate of future diabetes prevalence.
The number of people with diabetes has risen from 108 million in 1980 to 422 million in 2014. The global prevalence of diabetes* among adults over 18 years of age has risen from 4.7% in 1980 to 8.5% in 2014. In 2012, an estimated 1.5 million deaths were directly caused by diabetes and another 2.2 million deaths were attributable to high blood glucose. Almost half of all deaths attributable to high blood glucose occur before the age of 70 years1. WHO projects that diabetes will be the 7th leading cause of death in 2030.
Clinical Diabetes Meeting 2018 will feature the latest developments in research, diagnosis and prevention and management of diabetes, new insulin analogues and new technologies and devices for diabetic prevention, and for treating obesity and many more. Not only will this innovative conference enhance your practical and theoretical knowledge, it will provide you with the unique opportunity to network with a wide range of professionals in the field of diabetes technologies and treatments.
Why Tokyo (Japan)?
In 2015, there were 7.2 million cases of diabetes in Japan. This astonishing number is the reason that Japan has the fifth largest population of diabetic patients worldwide. The increase in prevalence of diabetes can likely be attributed to the increase in dietary fat and protein consumption, as well as the expanding elderly population. With respect to Type I diabetes, Japan has a lower rate of incidence than many countries in the world; it has one of the lowest childhood-onset rates overall. Thus, Type II diabetes accounts for the majority of cases.
The increasing rate of diabetes onset is significant because this condition is closely associated with a number of serious diseases. For instance, some of the risks associated with diabetes include increased susceptibility to heart disease and kidney damage. However, it is important to note that these complications can be mitigated with proper management, including both medical treatment and lifestyle changes. The Japan Diabetes Complications Study followed 2033 diabetic patients for 8 years and found that rates of cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, and eye disease were notably decreased in patients that made lifestyle changes such as eating better and losing weight, in addition to taking appropriate medication.
Japan has 7.2 million people diagnosed with diabetes. The average cost per patient is more than ¥400,000 a year, mostly covered by national health insurance. About 7.6 percent of adults between the ages of 20 and 79 are diabetic and it is estimated that Japan may have more than 3 million undiagnosed cases.
Part of the reason for the sharp increase of diabetes in Japan is the increasing proportion of the population that is over 60, an age when Type 2 diabetes becomes more prevalent.
Societies Associated with Diabetes Research:
Today’s Market Study of Diabetes in Asia Pacific | Middle East | USA | Europe
Asia Pacific: The Asia-Pacific Diabetes Care Devices Market has been estimated at USD 2.461 Billion in 2015 and is projected to reach USD 3.518 billion by 2020, at a CAGR of 7.41% during the forecast period from 2015 to 2020.
Middle East: The rate of diabetes in parts of the Arabian Peninsula is over twice the global average rate, and much higher than some other areas of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). And cases of type-2 diabetes outnumber cases of type-1 diabetes by a ratio of 10:1.
USA: Diabetes Mellitus has been growing at an exponential rate and World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that the diabetic population is likely to reach 366 million in 2030. The United States is expected to have an increase of 102 per cent in the diabetic epidemic in 2030 when compared to 2000.
Europe: The number of people living with diabetes in Europe is expected to increase from 52 million in 2014 to 68.9 million by 2035, according to the International Diabetes Federation (IDF). Across Europe, around 1 in 11 adults is affected and this number is set to rise as the population ages.
Market Value on Diabetic Research:
The Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM) market across Japan will expand from $4.2 billion in 2014 to $7.1 billion by 2021, at a robust Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 7.9%, according to business intelligence provider GBI Research. According to the company’s latest report, Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Therapeutics in Major Developed Markets to 2021 - Innovative and Diversified Pipeline to Drive Market Growth Despite Patent Expirations, this rise will be driven by the uptake of recently approved and pipeline premium products, as well as the rapidly expanding treatment population, which is attributable to the increasing incidence of T1DM, as well as the fact that patients are being diagnosed at younger ages and living longer due to improved treatment options. Japan’s market for diabetes devices is expected to reach USD 1.463 billion by the end of 2021. The market is projected to grow at a CAGR of nearly 6.36% for the duration 2016-2021.
The Asia-Pacific market is likely to be of more interest in the near future it is in its growing phase and is expected to dominate the market, owing to the large patient pool in this region.
This escalation is developing the need to analyze, review and forecast the growth of the diabetes devices market. Owing to the rapid evolution of the market in the use of glucose monitoring device, medical device companies that are able to launch new innovative equipment will be rewarded with huge benefits.