With Immense pleasure, Wound Care 2019 along with the Organizing Committee Members invites all the participants from all across the globe to attend 2nd International Conference on Wound Care, Tissue Repair and Regenerative Medicine which is slated on October 16-17, 2019 at London, UK with the theme Navigating the Future of Wound Healing, Tissue Regeneration and Regenerative Medicine. This year Wound Care Conference anticipated as two days interactive, stimulating discussion with 10+ keynote lectures, 50+ plenary lectures, 10+ Young Research Forum Lectures, 20 + Poster Sessions. Besides, there will be 3+ workshops and 2+ Symposiums. We also expect to provide technical demonstrations and numerous opportunities for informal networking.
Mission, Vision and Values:
Wound Care Conference mission is to provide the exclusive research topics where all the participants can be up to date with the latest developments in the wound care. Conference on Wound Care ultimate vision is to be the Premier and Exclusive healthcare conference in the worldwide regions. The values of Wound Care 2019 are Innovation, Quality, Integrity, Knowledge and Patient care.
Why London?
London, the capital of England and the United Kingdom, is a 21st-century city with history stretching back to Roman times. At its centre stand the imposing Houses of Parliament, the iconic ‘Big Ben’ clock tower and Westminster Abbey, site of British monarch coronations. Across the Thames River, the London Eye observation wheel provides panoramic views of the South Bank cultural complex, and the entire city.
Salient Features:
Commitment to deliver highest standards in wound management that exceeds the expectations of our participants.
Engage with phenomenal scholars across the world.
The sessions of Wound Care Conference sets a highly innovative and precious contribution to our medical professions at all who work in contact with skin wounds on a daily basis.
Act as career guidelines for young researches and motivates them by young researcher awards.
Perfect Platform for Global networking.
Reasons to attend:
Sharpen the Saw
Perspective yourself to be an expert
Meet Eminent Experts and Influencers Face to Face
New Tactics and Tips to enhance your views
Worldwide Networking and Business Opportunities
Target Audiences:
Wound Care Specialists, Surgeons, Physicians, Dermatologists, people working in Laboratories, Nurses, Plastic Surgeons, Nutritionists and Dieticians, Medical Devices and Pharmaceutical Companies, Microbiologists and all Associations and Societies related to Wound Care and Tissue Science.
Meet the future as we pledge to change the landscape of Wound Care Conferences 2019 by bringing the World wide Skin, Wound care and Tissue science Experts and Specialists to London, UK!
Session on: Wound Care & Infection Control
Wounds can be torn, cut or punctured or gruff injury which got the opportunity to be caused by partner act, type of an endeavour fall, or careful activity by unending sickness or by a hidden condition. Social insurance experts have diverse courses that inside which of arranging wounds. In view of the arrangement, endless (like the skin ulcers which is caused by diabetes mellitus) or intense (type of wound or creature chomp) and open (fundamental tissues are uncovered) or shut (injury to hidden structures has happened), the injuries can be taken consideration. For effective injury care, all patients with wounds ought to be appropriately evaluated and treated
Related Wound Care Conference | Wound Healing Congress | Tissue Science Event | Regenerative Medicine Meeting | Dermatology Workshop | Nursing Symposium | Healthcare Summit | Surgery Conferences
Related conferences
Mayo Clinic Wound Symposium 2019, Feb 28 - March 02, 2019, Minnesota, USA; Saudi International Wound Care Conference April 13-15, 2019, Makkah, Saudi Arabia; 6th Congress of the World Union of Wound Healing Societies March 8-12, 2020, Abu Dhabi, UAE; 21st International Conference on Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine February 14-15, 2019, London, UK; 2nd edition of Stem Cell Biology & Regenerative Medicine conference, June 06-08, 2019, Berlin, Germany; The Gordon Research Conference on Tissue Repair and Regeneration, June 09-14, 2019
Related Associations and Societies: North American Wound Care Council (NAWCC), Association for the Advancement of Wound Care (AAWC), Canadian Association of Wound Care (CAWC), Wound Care Institute, Swiss Association for Wound Care, Maltese Association of Skin and wound Care, American Professional Wound Care Association (APWCA), Malaysian Society of Wound Care Professionals, Asian Wound Care Association, New Zealand Wound Care Society
Session on: Surgical Wound Care & Ulcers
Careful injuries might be an indispensable and developing wellbeing load on the network. Wound administration will be an unpredictable treatment zone, with ceaseless injuries, intense injuries and careful injuries each having their own qualities; be that as it may, wounds fundamentally the same as the people influenced by them, got the opportunity to be treated on a private premise. Careful injury disease happens inside 30 days of medical procedure and recuperation can keep going for quite a long time to months. Robust advancement has been made on cutting edge items in the field of wound recuperating and assortments of most recent remedial methodologies are as of now accessible. The tireless advances joined with fundamental medicinal and careful methodologies, can quicken the mending of interminable injuries to a degree yet at the same time impracticable with current helpful specialists. Such propelled methodologies will encourage treat ceaseless injuries in an exceedingly clinically temperate way.
Related Wound Care Meetings | Wound Healing Workshops | Tissue Science Symposiums | Regenerative Medicine Summits | Dermatology Conferences | Nursing Conference | Healthcare Congress | Surgery Events
Related Conferences
Mayo Clinic Wound Symposium 2019, Feb 28 - March 02, 2019, Minnesota, USA; Saudi International Wound Care Conference April 13-15, 2019, Makkah, Saudi Arabia; 6th Congress of the World Union of Wound Healing Societies March 8-12, 2020, Abu Dhabi, UAE; 21st International Conference on Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine February 14-15, 2019, London, UK; 2nd edition of Stem Cell Biology & Regenerative Medicine conference, June 06-08, 2019, Berlin, Germany; The Gordon Research Conference on Tissue Repair and Regeneration, June 09-14, 2019
Related Associations and Societies: Association for Academic Surgery (AAS), American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons (ACFAS), American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), American College of Surgeons (FACS), European Society for Vascular Surgery (ESVS), American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, Japan Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Asia Pacific Association of Surgical Tissue Banking, Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses (AMSN), Canadian Association of Critical Care Nurses
Session on: Diabetes Wound Care & Wound Dressings
Twisted contamination in diabetic patients could be an open awfulness. Disease of foot ulcers is here and there found in diabetic patients and will be an impressive dismal occasion. Roughly, 15% of patients with diabetes normally has the diabetic foot sore (an open sore or twisted) particularly, on the base of the foot. Of the individuals who build up a foot sore, six rates hospitalized because of contamination or totally unique injury associated confusion. Ulcers sort because of a mix of things, like absence of feeling at interims the foot, poor flow, foot distortions, disturbance like grinding or weight and injury, additionally as time of diabetes. The essential objective among the treatment of foot ulcers is to instigate recuperating at the most punctual as on the grounds that the quicker the mending, the less probability for a disease.
Related Wound Care Workshop | Wound Healing Symposium | Tissue Science Summit | Regenerative Medicine Conferences | Dermatology Conference | Nursing Congress | Healthcare Event | Surgery Meeting
Related Conferences
6th Congress of the World Union of Wound Healing Societies March 8-12, 2020, Abu Dhabi, UAE; 21st International Conference on Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine February 14-15, 2019, London, UK; 2nd edition of Stem Cell Biology & Regenerative Medicine conference, June 06-08, 2019, Berlin, Germany; The Gordon Research Conference on Tissue Repair and Regeneration, June 09-14, 2019; Mayo Clinic Wound Symposium 2019, Feb 28 - March 02, 2019, Minnesota, USA; Saudi International Wound Care Conference April 13-15, 2019, Makkah, Saudi Arabia
Related Associations and Societies: American Diabetes Association (ADA), International Society of Limb Salvage Austria, European Society of Physical & Rehabilitation Medicine (ESPRM), Save a Leg, Save a Life Foundation, Malaysian Diabetic Limb Salvaging Society (MDLSS), Japanese Society of Limb Salvage and Podiatric Medicine (JLSPM), Federation of European Nurses in Diabetes, European Dialysis and Transplant Nurses Association
Session on: Wound Care Nursing
As the investigation of wound consideration advances into a great deal of confused environment, nursing is tested to satisfy this multifaceted nature. Verifiably and conventionally, twisted mending has been underneath the support of essential nursing care pursue incorporating dressings and disease control, anyway additionally advancement of restorative nourishment, versatility, psychosocial support, cleanliness, and solace. At all levels, in apply settings crossing from basic consideration through palliative consideration, from doctor's facilities to battleground, and from quality treatment to cloth, the medical caretaker is mostly thinking about patients with wounds. The job of nursing in twisted consideration from a chronicled and developmental viewpoint describes the pattern towards cutting edge work on nursing inside the injury care claim to fame. Outline of nursing jobs with regards to Nursing Education, licensure and accreditation can upgrade joint effort with the injury group and achieve best results for patient.
Related Wound Care Event | Wound Healing Meeting | Tissue Science Workshop | Regenerative Medicine Symposium | Dermatology Summit | Nursing Conferences | Healthcare Conference | Surgery Congress
Related Conferences:
21st International Conference on Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine February 14-15, 2019, London, UK; 2nd edition of Stem Cell Biology & Regenerative Medicine conference, June 06-08, 2019, Berlin, Germany; The Gordon Research Conference on Tissue Repair and Regeneration, June 09-14, 2019; Mayo Clinic Wound Symposium 2019, Feb 28 - March 02, 2019, Minnesota, USA; Saudi International Wound Care Conference April 13-15, 2019, Makkah, Saudi Arabia; 6th Congress of the World Union of Wound Healing Societies March 8-12, 2020, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Related Associations and Societies: Swedish Wound Care Nurses Association, Dermatology Nurses' Association, Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists, International Council of Nurses, Japanese Nursing Association, Nursing Council of New Zealand, Nursing and Midwifery Council, American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN), European Federation of Critical Care Nursing Associations
Session on: Wound Healing & Hyperbaric Medicine
The non-healing wounds occur once the amount of oxygen in and across the wound drops below a specific stage and your body's natural cure system and ability to battle infection emerge as typically impaired. Chronic wounds like these need specialised wound care and most importantly, hyperbaric remedy healing. Patients who will have the benefit of hyperbaric oxygen therapy embody Patients with non-healing wounds, Cancer patients with tissue injury as a result of radiotherapy, certain advanced diabetic foot wounds and chronic bone infections. Hyperbaric oxygen treatments in chosen patients will facilitate healing by increasing tissue oxygen tension, therefore providing the wound with additional favourable conditions for repair. Therefore, HBO therapy is often considered as a vital issue to any comprehensive wound care program.
Related Wound Care Congress | Wound Healing Event | Tissue Science Meeting | Regenerative Medicine Workshop | Dermatology Symposium | Nursing Summit | Healthcare Conferences | Surgery Conference
Related Conferences
6th Congress of the World Union of Wound Healing Societies March 8-12, 2020, Abu Dhabi, UAE; 21st International Conference on Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine February 14-15, 2019, London, UK; 2nd edition of Stem Cell Biology & Regenerative Medicine conference, June 06-08, 2019, Berlin, Germany; The Gordon Research Conference on Tissue Repair and Regeneration, June 09-14, 2019; Mayo Clinic Wound Symposium 2019, Feb 28 - March 02, 2019, Minnesota, USA; Saudi International Wound Care Conference April 13-15, 2019, Makkah, Saudi Arabia
Related Associations and Societies: Undersea & Hyperbaric Medical Society (UHMS), International Hyperbaric Medical Association, National Hyperbaric Medical Association, Veterinary Hyperbaric Medicine Society, Brazilian Society of Hyperbaric Medicine, Canadian Undersea & Hyperbaric Medicine Association (CUHMA)
Session on: Tissue Repair & Regenerative Medicine
The rising regenerative prescription field chiefly centre around the imaginative advancements to recuperate connective tissue wounds. Regenerative drug and in addition cell treatment and tissue building might be a rapidly creating field that is being inspected as a decision for the rebuilding of capacity in a few maladies. The significant objectives for specialists is to fuse premise information of recovery of each tissue and organ into clinical medicines for degenerative tissues and organs in patients which possibly has significant effect. In recent years, they moved from recombinant development components to living tissue building develops and to foundational microorganisms and now focussing on evident recovery with the goal that total rebuilding of structure and capacity can be accomplished.
Related Wound Care Conferences | Wound Healing Conference | Tissue Science Congress | Regenerative Medicine Events | Dermatology Meetings | Nursing Workshops | Healthcare Symposiums | Surgery Summits
Related Conferences
21st International Conference on Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine February 14-15, 2019, London, UK; 2nd edition of Stem Cell Biology & Regenerative Medicine conference, June 06-08, 2019, Berlin, Germany; The Gordon Research Conference on Tissue Repair and Regeneration, June 09-14, 2019; Mayo Clinic Wound Symposium 2019, Feb 28 - March 02, 2019, Minnesota, USA; Saudi International Wound Care Conference April 13-15, 2019, Makkah, Saudi Arabia; 6th Congress of the World Union of Wound Healing Societies March 8-12, 2020, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Related Associations and Societies: European Tissue Repair Society (ETRS), The UK Tissue Viability Society, TERMIS-EU (formerly European Tissue Engineering Society), Chinese Tissue Repair Society, Japanese Society for Regenerative Medicine, National Society of Regenerative Medicine, International Society of Regenerative Medicine, The Japanese Society for Regenerative Medicine, Canadian Association for Research in Regenerative Medicine, American Academy and Board of Regenerative Medicine
Session on: Wound Care Nutrition & Lymphedema
Sustenance assumes a huge job in wound mending and wound consideration rehearses and wholesome help ought to be thought of a rudimentary piece of wound administration. Wound recuperating could be a propelled procedure; it's the strategy of substituting injured tissue with new tissue made by the body that requests a raised utilization of vitality and supplements, prominently protein and calories. Poor sustenance or dismissing the nutritionary soundness of a man with an injury can bargain the whole twisted administration process and furthermore lacking nourishment results in weakened and drawn out recuperating. Enhanced nutritionary status allows the body to recuperate wounds like the quickened wound mending seen with healthful supplementation.
Related Wound Care Summits | Wound Healing Conferences | Tissue Science Conference | Regenerative Medicine Congress | Dermatology Events | Nursing Meetings | Healthcare Workshops | Surgery Symposiums
Related Conferences
6th Congress of the World Union of Wound Healing Societies March 8-12, 2020, Abu Dhabi, UAE; 21st International Conference on Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine February 14-15, 2019, London, UK; 2nd edition of Stem Cell Biology & Regenerative Medicine conference, June 06-08, 2019, Berlin, Germany; The Gordon Research Conference on Tissue Repair and Regeneration, June 09-14, 2019; Mayo Clinic Wound Symposium 2019, Feb 28 - March 02, 2019, Minnesota, USA; Saudi International Wound Care Conference April 13-15, 2019, Makkah, Saudi Arabia
Related Associations and Societies: American Society for Clinical Nutrition, Federation of Asian Nutrition Societies (FANS), Federation of European Nutrition Societies (FENS), National Association of Nutrition Professionals, National Institute of Nutrition and Food Safety, Asia Pacific Clinical Nutrition Society
Session on: Stem Cells & Tissue Regeneration
Tissue recovery following damage or medical issue is for the most part thought to reiterate embryonic advancement by abusing comparative sub-atomic and cell pathways. The use of undifferentiated cells to wounds is worthwhile, as foundational microorganisms have the ability to separate and supplant the lost or harmed tissue, and in addition impact various natural pathways rapidly by means of paracrine flag. Undeveloped cell science and regenerative drug are rapidly expanding fields. The presentation of most recent innovation and the rise of novel immature microorganism populaces have enabled specialists to require an extra inside and out way to deal with the investigation of maladies and organic procedures.
Related Wound Care Events | Wound Healing Meetings | Tissue Science Workshops | Regenerative Medicine Symposiums | Dermatology Summits | Nursing Conferences | Healthcare Conference | Surgery Congress
Related Conferences
6th Congress of the World Union of Wound Healing Societies March 8-12, 2020, Abu Dhabi, UAE; 21st International Conference on Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine February 14-15, 2019, London, UK; 2nd edition of Stem Cell Biology & Regenerative Medicine conference, June 06-08, 2019, Berlin, Germany; The Gordon Research Conference on Tissue Repair and Regeneration, June 09-14, 2019; Mayo Clinic Wound Symposium 2019, Feb 28 - March 02, 2019, Minnesota, USA; Saudi International Wound Care Conference April 13-15, 2019, Makkah, Saudi Arabia
Related Associations and Societies: Euro Stem Cell (European Consortium for Stem Cell Research), European Consortium for Stem Cell Research, International Society for Stem Cell Research, Stem Cell Society Singapore, National Stem Cell Foundation, Australian Society for Stem Cell Research
Session on Wound Care Products
There is an extensive type of cutting-edge wound consideration item available and once connected right off the bat in wound consideration treatment, they advance quicker mending and cut back the possibility of contamination. Old injury care stock will treat most modest cuts and minor scraped spots and rub and broken skin. Though Advanced injury care stock is planned which incorporates hydrogels, hydrocolloids, alginates, and film and froth dressings to treat huge amounts of troublesome injuries and after that on be secured underneath protection for the most part need a specialist's organization. Abusing the best possible propelled wound consideration item will accelerate this technique by empowering new tissue arrangement and with the fitting dressing helps the body's normal mending forms.
Related Wound Care Congress | Wound Healing Event | Tissue Science Meeting | Regenerative Medicine Workshop | Dermatology Symposium | Nursing Summit | Healthcare Conferences | Surgery Conference
Related Conferences
Mayo Clinic Wound Symposium 2019, Feb 28 - March 02, 2019, Minnesota, USA; Saudi International Wound Care Conference April 13-15, 2019, Makkah, Saudi Arabia; 6th Congress of the World Union of Wound Healing Societies March 8-12, 2020, Abu Dhabi, UAE; 21st International Conference on Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine February 14-15, 2019, London, UK; 2nd edition of Stem Cell Biology & Regenerative Medicine conference, June 06-08, 2019, Berlin, Germany; The Gordon Research Conference on Tissue Repair and Regeneration, June 09-14, 2019
Related Associations and Societies: Asian Academy of Wound Technology, North American Wound Care Council (NAWCC), Association for the Advancement of Wound Care (AAWC), Canadian Association of Wound Care (CAWC), Wound Care Institute, Swiss Association for Wound Care, Maltese Association of Skin and wound Care, American Professional Wound Care Association (APWCA), Malaysian Society of Wound Care Professionals, Asian Wound Care Association, New Zealand Wound Care Society
Session on: Entrepreneur Investment Meet
Wound Care provides nice avenues for Investors seeking for investment opportunities and increasing their business horizons. Our congress has participants from over forty countries and attracts a motivating combination of educational researchers, practitioners and people who are engaged in numerous aspects of innovations in Wound Care and Regenerative Medicine analysis thereby providing lots of networking opportunities and new information.
Related Wound Care Meetings | Wound Healing Workshops | Tissue Science Symposiums | Regenerative Medicine Summits | Dermatology Conferences | Nursing Conference | Healthcare Congress | Surgery Events
Related Conferences
21st International Conference on Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine February 14-15, 2019, London, UK; 2nd edition of Stem Cell Biology & Regenerative Medicine conference, June 06-08, 2019, Berlin, Germany; The Gordon Research Conference on Tissue Repair and Regeneration, June 09-14, 2019; Mayo Clinic Wound Symposium 2019, Feb 28 - March 02, 2019, Minnesota, USA; Saudi International Wound Care Conference April 13-15, 2019, Makkah, Saudi Arabia; 6th Congress of the World Union of Wound Healing Societies March 8-12, 2020, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Related Associations and Societies: American Professional Wound Care Association (APWCA), Association for Practitioners in Infection Control (APIC), European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (EPUAP), European Society for Vascular Surgery (ESVS), Save a Leg, Save a Life Foundation, European Burns Association (EBA), European Federation of Critical Care Nursing Associations, International Hyperbaric Medical Association, French and Francophone Society of Wounds and Wound Healing (SFFPC), European Tissue Repair Society (ETRS), Canadian Association for Research in Regenerative Medicine
Wound Care Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends & Forecast 2016 – 2023
It was reported that Global Advance Wound Care market has set to reach USD 10,929.51 Million by 2023. The Europe region is one of the most appealing and winning wound care management market next to U.S. In 2016, the Europe Advances Wound Care market has been estimated as USD 2,568.0 million and in the forecast period from 2017 to 2025, it is projected to reach USD 3,330.6 billion by 2022 at a CAGR of 4.8%.
Glance of Global Wound Care market:
USA: Global wound care market in USA was valued at $ 684.05 billion in 2015 and is expected to reach $ 1,101 billion by 2023, at over 6.2% CAGR.
Europe: The surgical wound care market in Europe is projected to reach $ 3350 billion by 2022, at a CAGR of 4.63%.
Asia Pacific: The Asian global bioactive wound care management market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.3% during the period 2017 to 2025.
Middle East: Global wound care market in the United Arab Emirates has witnessed 9% value growth recorded in 2017 was a better performance than the 7% value CAGR witnessed over 2016.
Market Value of Products:
Wound Care market segments are classified based on the Product Type (Such as Collagen, hydrogels, growth factors, skin substitutes and therapy devices), Application (Such as Acute and Chronic Wounds), by End User (Such as Hospitals and Community Centres)and by Geography (Such as USA, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle-East and Africa).
Advanced Wound Care Market (AWC Market) was valued at $7,117 million, and is expected to reach $12,454 million by 2022, supported by a CAGR of 8.6%. Advanced wound care products and traditional wound care products are used to treat acute and chronic wounds. Chronic wounds take considerable time to heal and are expensive to treat. Due to its high cost, advanced wound care has emerged as a standard solution for treating chronic wounds. Advanced wound care products are gradually replacing the traditional wound care products due to their efficacy and effectiveness in managing wounds by enabling faster wound healing.
Global Key Players for Wound Care Market: Baxter International, Inc. (U.S.), Coloplast A/S (Denmark.), 3M Company (U.S.), Systagenix Wound Management Limited (U.K), Convatec Healthcare B.S.A.R.L (U.S.), Covidien PLC (Ireland), Ethicon, Inc. (U.S.), Derma Sciences, Inc. (U.S.), Ethicon, Inc. (U.S.), Acelity L.P/ (U.S.), Mölnlycke Health Care (Sweden), Smith & Nephew (U.K), Dealmed Medical Supplies LLC (U.S.), Safetec of America, Inc. (U.S.), Hollister, Inc. (U.S.), Care-Tech Laboratories Inc (U.S.), American Healthcare Products, Inc. (U.S.), Apollo Safety, Inc. (U.S.), Robinson Healthcare Limited (U.K), Systagenix Wound Management, Limited (U.K), HemCon Medical Technologies Europe, Ltd. (U.K), Medex Supply Distributors Inc. (U.S.), Advanced Protein Systems Ltd. (U.K), Robinson Healthcare Limited (U.K), Advanced Medical Solutions Group plc (U.K), Avita Medical Limited (U.K), Rikco International, LLC (U.S.), Shandong Wego Newlife Medical Device (U.S), Eucare Pharmaceuticals (U.S.), HemCon Medical Technologies Europe, Ltd. (U.S.), Johnson & Johnson (U.S), Molnlycke Health Care (U.S).
Conferences Hosted by Wound Care Associations & Societies:
European Wound Management Association (EWMA) Conference; Annual conference by the Austrian Wound Association; 9th International Lymphoedema Framework Conference; Annual Congress of SFFPC (French Wound Healing Society); First Annual Pressure Ulcer Summit; AAPM 35th Annual Meeting; Abu Dhabi Wound Care Conference; American Society for Pain Management Nursing (ASPMN) National Conference, American Surgical Association Annual Meeting, Annual Translational to Clinical (T2C) Regenerative Medicine Wound Care Conference, Canadian Association of Wound Care (CAWC) Conference; 2019 WHS Annual Meeting; WOCN Society's 50th Annual Conference.
Why London?
London, a city tries to heal the wound at its heart and consistently placed strongly in the index is largely due to its high concentration of internationally ranking universities and industries. The laboratories cover all scientific disciplines that mobilize over 15,000 scientists, researchers, and Ph.D scholars. The presence of hospitals, laboratories, universities, companies, tourist’s attractions and other professional services together make the France favourite destination for scientific meetings.
Major Wound care Associations in London:
Wound Healing Society, Tissue Viable Society, Wound Care Alliance UK, European Wound Management Association, The Wound Management Association of Ireland, Association for the Advancement of Wound Care, European Burns Association (EBA), European Council of Enterostomal Therapy (ECET), European Tissue Repair Society (ETRS), World Alliance for Wound & Lymphedema Care (WAWLC), International Compression Club (ICC), European Society for Vascular Surgery (ESVS), International Lymphoedema Framework (ILF), European Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (ESPRAS), German Society for Wound Healing and Wound Treatment
Key Universities working on Wound Care Programs in London:
University East Anglia, Glasgow university, Birmingham university, Surrey university, Liverpool university, University of Edinburgh, Cardiff university, University of Sheffield, University Newcastle, University kings-college-london, University of Southampton, University of Nottingham, University of manchester-metropolitan, University-of-south-wales, University of St Andrews, The Open University, University of Cambridge, OXFORD University, Queen Mary University of London, Goldsmiths University of London, University of Bath, University College London, Imperial College London
Intended Audience:
Wound Care Experts, Wound Care Specialists, Wound Care Nurses, Wound Care Surgeons, Plastic Surgeons, Wound Care Physicians, Wound Care Vendors, Dermatologists, Burn Care Nurse, Burn Care Specialist, Link Nurses & Registered Nurses in Wound Care, Microbiologists, Pharmaceutical companies, Diabetologists, Oncologists, Wound Care Associations and Societies, Public Health Departments, Health Clubs, Nutritionists and Dieticians, Psychologists, Manufacturing Medical Devices Companies, Consultants, Pathologists, Specialist Nurses, Vascular and General Surgeons, Internal Medicine Specialists/Internists.
The information developed in this report is intended only for the purpose of understanding the scope of hosting related international meetings at the respective locations. This information does not constitute managerial, legal or accounting advice, nor should it be considered as a corporate policy guide, laboratory manual or an endorsement of any product, as much of the information is speculative in nature. Conference Organizers take no responsibility for any loss or damage that might result from reliance on the reported information or from its use.
Arobella Medical
Bascom Palmer Eye Institute
Sheikh Khalifa Medical City
Tearsongs Equine Athletes, Rescue and Sanctuary
The London BioScience Innovation Centre
Washington State Association of Veterinary Technicians
International Society of Urogynecology, Aesthetic and Research
Pain and Wound Treatment Center
Air Specialized Forces Hospital