Women health international event is going to showcase many facts and diversities in the field of Women Health and Health care. Women Health-2021 has been slated during June 24-25, 2022 in the beautiful city of New York, USA. This would be a two day congress with an expertise gathering of Obstetricians, Physicians, Breast Cancer Surgeons, Oncologists, Gynaecologist doctors, young researchers as well as people who dedicated their work for women health and care on a single global platform at Switzerland
This 7 international Conference on Women Health Science and Care is based on the the theme Strengthening the women health
To recognize the Young Researchers and expert individuals exhibited outstanding research in the area of Gynaecology, Obstetrics, Reproductive Medicines, and other related expertise of Women’s Health. Women Health-2022 Conference is planned to present the Young Research award
Breast implant
Breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma is a malignancy of T lymphocytes that is associated with the use of textured breast implants in both esthetical and reconstructive surgeries. Patients typically present with a delayed sermon 8-10 years following implantation or-less commonly-with a capsular mass or systemic disease. Current theories on disease pathogenesis focus on the interplay among textured implants, Gram-negative bacteria, host genetics,
Session 2
Heart health
Among 90 % women have one or more risk factors for heart disease at some point in their lives, according to American heart Association statistics. Yet 80% of cardiovascular diseases are preventable. It's important to get annual check-ups to assess heart health risk and take action
Session 3
High blood pressure
Hypertension, or high blood pressure refers to the pressure of blood against your artery walls. Over time, high blood pressure can cause blood vessel damage that leads to heart disease, kidney disease, stroke, and other problems.
Session 4
A mammogram is an x-ray picture of the breast. It can be used to check for breast cancer in women who have no signs or symptoms of the disease. It can also be used if you have a lump or other sign of breast cancer.
Session 5
Menopause is the time that marks the end of your menstrual cycles. It's diagnosed after you've gone 12 months without a menstrual period. Menopause can happen in your 40s or 50s, but the average age is 51 in the United States.
Menopause is a natural biological process. But the physical symptoms, such as hot flashes, and emotional symptoms of menopause may disrupt your sleep, lower your energy or affect emotional health. There are many effective treatments available, from lifestyle adjustments to hormone therapy.
Session 6
Pregnancy also known as gestation , is the time during which one or more offspring develops inside a woman A multiple pregnancy involves more than one offspring, such as with twins Pregnancy usually occurs by sexual intercourse , but can occur through assisted reproductive technology procedures. A pregnancy may end in a live birth , a 40 weeks from the start of the last menstrual period (LMP) This is just over nine months
spontaneous miscarriage an induced abortion , or a still birth . child birth typically occurs around
Session 7
Gastrointestinal Diabetes
Gastrointestinal Diabetes is a condition in which your blood sugar levels become high during pregnancy It affects up to 10% of women who are pregnant in the U.S. each year. It affects pregnant women who haven’t ever been diagnosed with diabetes .
Session 8
Safe medication use
Medication instructions tell you exactly what the medication is designed to treat, how and when you should take it, where to store it and what side effects have been reported. They also advise of any contraindications (situations when a medication, procedure or surgery should not be used because it may be harmful to you).
Session 9
Healthy aging
The life expectancy of women currently exceeds that of men by almost seven years, yet women spend approximately twice as many years disabled prior to death as their male counterparts. The diseases that account for death and health care utilization in older women (heart disease, cancer, stroke, fracture, pneumonia, osteoarthritis, cataracts) are also major contributors to disability. This paper reviews the scientific evidence that supports specific recommendations for older women that may prevent or delay these conditions for as long as possible. Risk factors for falls and fractures should be assessed and, where possible, modified. Adequate intakes of calcium, vitamin D, fruits, and vegetables should be encouraged. Weight should be monitored and weight loss discouraged for most women.
Session 10
Women & pain medicine
Pain is the body's way of sending a warning to the brain that something is wrong. It's a necessary evil, and it helps keep us safe from harm. Think of what would happen if you didn't feel pain when you touched a hot stove, for example, or a sharp knife. You feel pain when pain signals travel from the nerves along the spinal cord to the brain. Once they get to the brain, these pain signals combine with thoughts, feelings and expectations to shape the way we think and respond to that pain.
Session 11
Birth control
Birth control is any method used to prevent pregnancy. There are many different methods of birth control including condoms, IUDs, birth control pills, the rhythm method, vasectomy, and tubal ligation.
spontaneous miscarriage an induced abortion , or a still birth . child birth typically occurs around
Session 7
Gastrointestinal Diabetes
Gastrointestinal Diabetes is a condition in which your blood sugar levels become high during pregnancy It affects up to 10% of women who are pregnant in the U.S. each year. It affects pregnant women who haven’t ever been diagnosed with diabetes .
Session 8
Safe medication use
Medication instructions tell you exactly what the medication is designed to treat, how and when you should take it, where to store it and what side effects have been reported. They also advise of any contraindications (situations when a medication, procedure or surgery should not be used because it may be harmful to you).
Session 9
Healthy aging
The life expectancy of women currently exceeds that of men by almost seven years, yet women spend approximately twice as many years disabled prior to death as their male counterparts. The diseases that account for death and health care utilization in older women (heart disease, cancer, stroke, fracture, pneumonia, osteoarthritis, cataracts) are also major contributors to disability. This paper reviews the scientific evidence that supports specific recommendations for older women that may prevent or delay these conditions for as long as possible. Risk factors for falls and fractures should be assessed and, where possible, modified. Adequate intakes of calcium, vitamin D, fruits, and vegetables should be encouraged. Weight should be monitored and weight loss discouraged for most women.
Session 10
Women & pain medicine
Pain is the body's way of sending a warning to the brain that something is wrong. It's a necessary evil, and it helps keep us safe from harm. Think of what would happen if you didn't feel pain when you touched a hot stove, for example, or a sharp knife. You feel pain when pain signals travel from the nerves along the spinal cord to the brain. Once they get to the brain, these pain signals combine with thoughts, feelings and expectations to shape the way we think and respond to that pain.
Session 11
Birth control
Birth control is any method used to prevent pregnancy. There are many different methods of birth control including condoms, IUDs, birth control pills, the rhythm method, vasectomy, and tubal ligation.
Women's health care is a growing component of the health care business. Developing women's health services can offer hospitals and clinics the opportunity to generate greater revenue and gain the competitive edge. The nurse executive plays a critical role in the development of marketable women's health services.
The notion of a separate "women's health" component within the U.S. health care system emerged in the 1980s as many health care organizations recognized the opportunities offered by this market. While originally addressed traditional women's needs such as OB services, the 1990s witnessed as expansion of the scope of women's services as baby-boom women became a driving force for consumerism. For health care marketers, the female market is in many THE market for health care for the future and health care organizations have responded to this opportunity in a variety of ways. Demographic, social, and economic trends will only serve to increase the importance of women as health care consumers. For both providers of care and marketers, the women's market is clearly a force to be reckoned