“5th International Meeting on Traditional & Alternative Medicine” scheduled on April 22-23, 2019 at Rome, Italy. The theme of Traditional Medicine congress is "Exploring New Horizons in Traditional & Alternative Medicine". Traditional Medicine Meeting will provide a broad range of academic disciplines in natural product which will be emphasized from the discovery of natural products from natural sources through the clinical uses to attract researchers that are contributing in the field of traditional and alternative medicine. It includes a wide range of Keynote presentations, Oral talks, Poster presentations, Symposia, Workshops, Exhibitions and Career development programs. This conference could be an excellent occasion that brings along novel and worldwide blend of monster, driving colleges and Institutions making the gathering a perfect stage to share mastery, encourage coordinated efforts over the world and reveal advancements in Traditional & Alternative Medicines.
Traditional Medicine Conference main slogan is to address the challenges in making a safer, sustainable and affordable system for medication, and health through consolidating the underpinning Alternative Medicine research platforms. Researcher and Expertise who’s in these subjects need in-depth understanding. It’s important to share knowledge with others due to newly generated problem. For that they need a platform to share their knowledge. We could say we create a golden opportunity for those people expose their knowledge through this Traditional Medicine Congress
In addition to attending the Traditional Medicine Meeting, we invite you to experience Rome, the beautiful and famous city in Italy, which attracts people from around the world.
Target Audience:
Medical Practitioners
Traditional Medicine Practitioners
Ayurveda Practitioners
Homeopathy Practitioners
Yoga Practitioners
Herbal Medicine Practitioners
Naturopathic Physicians
Natural therapists
Business/Practice Managers
Associations, Societies and Universities
Session 1: Acupuncture
Acupuncture is a form of alternative medicine in which thin needles are inserted into the body. It is a key component of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). TCM theory and practice are not based upon scientific knowledge and acupuncture is a pseudoscience. There is a diverse range of acupuncture theories based on different philosophies, and techniques vary depending on the country. The method used in TCM is likely the most widespread in the United States. It is most often used for pain relief, though it is also used for a wide range of other conditions. Acupuncture is generally used only in combination with other forms of treatment.
Traditional Medicine Conference | Alternative Medicine Conference | Traditional Medicine Meetings | Traditional & Alternative Medicine Conference | Herbal Medicine Conference | Chinese Medicine Conference | Acupuncture Conference | Acupuncture Meetings
Related Conferences: International Conference on Traditional and Alternative Medicine, November 15-17, 2018, Abu Dhabi, UAE; 21st International Conference on Traditional Medicine and Restoration of Wellness Strategies, January 24-25, 2019, Paris, France; World Congress and Expo on Traditional Medicine, March 18-19, 2019, Valencia, Spain; International Conference on Traditional Medicine and Ethnomedical Research, May 15-16, 2019, Tokyo, Japan; 3rd World Congress and Expo on Traditional and Alternative Medicine, June 06-08, 2019, Berlin, Germany.
Session 2: Complementary & Alternative Medicine (CAM)
Complementary & alternative medicine (CAM) is the mainstream term for wellbeing and health treatments that have commonly not been a piece of regular Western drug. Complementary means treatments that are used along with conventional medicine. Alternative means treatments used in place of conventional medicine. CAM concentrates all in all individual and incorporates physical, passionate, mental and profound wellbeing. For example, CAM includes mind-body medicine (such as meditation, acupuncture and yoga), manipulative and body-based practices (such as massage therapy and spinal manipulation),
Traditional Medicine Conference | Alternative Medicine Conference | Traditional Medicine Meetings | Traditional & Alternative Medicine Conference | Herbal Medicine Conference | Chinese Medicine Conference | Acupuncture Conference | Acupuncture Meetings
Related Conferences: International Conference on Traditional and Alternative Medicine, November 15-17, 2018, Abu Dhabi, UAE; 21st International Conference on Traditional Medicine and Restoration of Wellness Strategies, January 24-25, 2019, Paris, France; World Congress and Expo on Traditional Medicine, March 18-19, 2019, Valencia, Spain; International Conference on Traditional Medicine and Ethnomedical Research, May 15-16, 2019, Tokyo, Japan; 3rd World Congress and Expo on Traditional and Alternative Medicine, June 06-08, 2019, Berlin, Germany.
Session 3: Traditional Chinese Medicine
Traditional Chinese Medicine is a healing system developed in China more than 2,200 years ago, incorporating therapies that are in some cases. One of its guiding principles is to dispel evil and support the good. In addition to treating illness, Traditional Chinese Medicine focuses on strengthening the body's defenses and enhancing its capacity for healing herbs and to maintain health.
Traditional Medicine Conference | Alternative Medicine Conference | Traditional Medicine Meetings | Traditional & Alternative Medicine Conference | Herbal Medicine Conference | Chinese Medicine Conference | Acupuncture Conference | Acupuncture Meetings
Related Conferences: International Conference on Traditional and Alternative Medicine, November 15-17, 2018, Abu Dhabi, UAE; 21st International Conference on Traditional Medicine and Restoration of Wellness Strategies, January 24-25, 2019, Paris, France; World Congress and Expo on Traditional Medicine, March 18-19, 2019, Valencia, Spain; International Conference on Traditional Medicine and Ethnomedical Research, May 15-16, 2019, Tokyo, Japan; 3rd World Congress and Expo on Traditional and Alternative Medicine, June 06-08, 2019, Berlin, Germany.
Session 4: Ayurveda & Physiotherapy
According to Ayurvedic hypothesis, everything in the universe living or not is connected. Good health is achieved when your body, mind, spirit are in harmony with the universe. A disruption of this harmony can lead to poor health and illness. Anything that affects your physical, spiritual or emotional well-being can cause you to be out of balance with the universe. Some things that can cause a disturbance include: Genetic birth defects, Injuries, Climate and seasonal changes, Emotions, Age.
Traditional Medicine Conference | Alternative Medicine Conference | Traditional Medicine Meetings | Traditional & Alternative Medicine Conference | Herbal Medicine Conference | Chinese Medicine Conference | Acupuncture Conference | Acupuncture Meetings
Related Conferences: International Conference on Traditional and Alternative Medicine, November 15-17, 2018, Abu Dhabi, UAE; 21st International Conference on Traditional Medicine and Restoration of Wellness Strategies, January 24-25, 2019, Paris, France; World Congress and Expo on Traditional Medicine, March 18-19, 2019, Valencia, Spain; International Conference on Traditional Medicine and Ethnomedical Research, May 15-16, 2019, Tokyo, Japan; 3rd World Congress and Expo on Traditional and Alternative Medicine, June 06-08, 2019, Berlin, Germany.
Session 5: Homeopathy & Folk Medicine
Homeopathy is a system of alternative medicine. Homeopathy is a pseudoscience – a belief that is incorrectly presented as scientific. It is not a plausible system of treatment, as its dogmas about how drugs, illness, the human body, liquids and solutions operate are contradicted by a wide range of discoveries across biology, psychology, physics and chemistry made in the two centuries since its invention. Folk medicine is traditionally used as a term to describe healing skills that are associated with folk methods and that do not form part of formal medical training
Traditional Medicine Conference | Alternative Medicine Conference | Traditional Medicine Meetings | Traditional & Alternative Medicine Conference | Herbal Medicine Conference | Chinese Medicine Conference | Acupuncture Conference | Acupuncture Meetings
Related Conferences: International Conference on Traditional and Alternative Medicine, November 15-17, 2018, Abu Dhabi, UAE; 21st International Conference on Traditional Medicine and Restoration of Wellness Strategies, January 24-25, 2019, Paris, France; World Congress and Expo on Traditional Medicine, March 18-19, 2019, Valencia, Spain; International Conference on Traditional Medicine and Ethnomedical Research, May 15-16, 2019, Tokyo, Japan; 3rd World Congress and Expo on Traditional and Alternative Medicine, June 06-08, 2019, Berlin, Germany.
Session 6: Ethnomedicine & Traditional Medicine
Ethnomedicine is a study or comparison of the traditional medicine practiced by various ethnic groups, and especially by indigenous peoples. The word ethnomedicine is sometimes used as a synonym for traditional medicine. Ethnomedical research is interdisciplinary; in its study of traditional medicines, it applies the methods of ethnobotany and medical anthropology. Often, the medicine traditions it studies are preserved only by oral tradition.
Traditional Medicine Conference | Alternative Medicine Conference | Traditional Medicine Meetings | Traditional & Alternative Medicine Conference | Herbal Medicine Conference | Chinese Medicine Conference | Acupuncture Conference | Acupuncture Meetings
Related Conferences: International Conference on Traditional and Alternative Medicine, November 15-17, 2018, Abu Dhabi, UAE; 21st International Conference on Traditional Medicine and Restoration of Wellness Strategies, January 24-25, 2019, Paris, France; World Congress and Expo on Traditional Medicine, March 18-19, 2019, Valencia, Spain; International Conference on Traditional Medicine and Ethnomedical Research, May 15-16, 2019, Tokyo, Japan; 3rd World Congress and Expo on Traditional and Alternative Medicine, June 06-08, 2019, Berlin, Germany.
Session 7: Herbal & Naturopathic Medicine
Herbal medicine, also called botanical medicine or phytomedicine, refers to using a plant's seeds, berries, roots, leaves, bark, or flowers for medicinal purposes. Naturopathic medicines and treatment are a distinct primary healthcare profession emphasizing prevention, treatment & optimal health care through the use of therapeutic methods and substances that encourage individuals inherent self-healing plants process. The practice of naturopathic medicines includes evidence based naturopathic medicines, modern and scientific, traditional, naturopathic treatments and practices and empirical methods.
Traditional Medicine Conference | Alternative Medicine Conference | Traditional Medicine Meetings | Traditional & Alternative Medicine Conference | Herbal Medicine Conference | Chinese Medicine Conference | Acupuncture Conference | Acupuncture Meetings
Related Conferences: International Conference on Traditional and Alternative Medicine, November 15-17, 2018, Abu Dhabi, UAE; 21st International Conference on Traditional Medicine and Restoration of Wellness Strategies, January 24-25, 2019, Paris, France; World Congress and Expo on Traditional Medicine, March 18-19, 2019, Valencia, Spain; International Conference on Traditional Medicine and Ethnomedical Research, May 15-16, 2019, Tokyo, Japan; 3rd World Congress and Expo on Traditional and Alternative Medicine, June 06-08, 2019, Berlin, Germany.
Session 8: Yoga & Mindfulness
Yoga is that the Indic word for association and might be a 5000-year-old Indian collection of data. although a few consider yoga exclusively as an activity wherever people bend, turn, extend, and suspire the chief propelled manners. The art of Yoga soaks up the whole substance of the way of Life. Yoga offers a large number of mental and physical advantages. In the cutting edge time of yoga, progresses in innovation and openness of data enable specialists to verify these advantages that have been talked about for ages. Yoga offers a substantial number of mental and physical favorable circumstances. Inside the age of yoga, propels in innovation and availability of information empower scientists to check and demonstrate these advantages that are mentioned for generations.
Traditional Medicine Conference | Alternative Medicine Conference | Traditional Medicine Meetings | Traditional & Alternative Medicine Conference | Herbal Medicine Conference | Chinese Medicine Conference | Acupuncture Conference | Acupuncture Meetings
Related Conferences: International Conference on Traditional and Alternative Medicine, November 15-17, 2018, Abu Dhabi, UAE; 21st International Conference on Traditional Medicine and Restoration of Wellness Strategies, January 24-25, 2019, Paris, France; World Congress and Expo on Traditional Medicine, March 18-19, 2019, Valencia, Spain; International Conference on Traditional Medicine and Ethnomedical Research, May 15-16, 2019, Tokyo, Japan; 3rd World Congress and Expo on Traditional and Alternative Medicine, June 06-08, 2019, Berlin, Germany.
Session 9: Molecular Biology, Biotechnology & Nanotechnology of Medicinal Plants
Molecular biology offers promising tools for the creation of novel crop varieties with improved nutritional value, resistance to herbicides, pests, diseases, pollutants and adverse climatic conditions. Medicinal plants are the most important source of life saving drugs for the majority of the world's population. Plant optional metabolites are monetarily essential as medications, aromas, shades, sustenance added substances and pesticides. The biotechnological tools are important to select, multiply, improve and analyse medicinal plants.The utilization of nanotechnology for "phytotherapy" or treatment of different ailments by natural medications/drugs, including home grown medication conveyance where present and developing nanotechnologies.
Traditional Medicine Conference | Alternative Medicine Conference | Traditional Medicine Meetings | Traditional & Alternative Medicine Conference | Herbal Medicine Conference | Chinese Medicine Conference | Acupuncture Conference | Acupuncture Meetings
Related Conferences: International Conference on Traditional and Alternative Medicine, November 15-17, 2018, Abu Dhabi, UAE; 21st International Conference on Traditional Medicine and Restoration of Wellness Strategies, January 24-25, 2019, Paris, France; World Congress and Expo on Traditional Medicine, March 18-19, 2019, Valencia, Spain; International Conference on Traditional Medicine and Ethnomedical Research, May 15-16, 2019, Tokyo, Japan; 3rd World Congress and Expo on Traditional and Alternative Medicine, June 06-08, 2019, Berlin, Germany.
Session 10: Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry of Medicinal Plants
Pharmacognosy is the investigation of restorative medications got from plants or other common sources. The American Society of Pharmacognosy defines pharmacognosy as "the study of the physical, chemical, biochemical and biological properties of drugs, drug substances or potential drugs or drug substances of natural origin as well as the search for new drugs from natural sources. Medicinal plants are a rich source of bioactive phytochemicals or bionutrients. Studies carried out during the past 2–3 decades have shown that these phytochemicals have an important role in preventing chronic diseases like cancer, diabetes and coronary heart disease.
Traditional Medicine Conference | Alternative Medicine Conference | Traditional Medicine Meetings | Traditional & Alternative Medicine Conference | Herbal Medicine Conference | Chinese Medicine Conference | Acupuncture Conference | Acupuncture Meetings
Related Conferences: International Conference on Traditional and Alternative Medicine, November 15-17, 2018, Abu Dhabi, UAE; 21st International Conference on Traditional Medicine and Restoration of Wellness Strategies, January 24-25, 2019, Paris, France; World Congress and Expo on Traditional Medicine, March 18-19, 2019, Valencia, Spain; International Conference on Traditional Medicine and Ethnomedical Research, May 15-16, 2019, Tokyo, Japan; 3rd World Congress and Expo on Traditional and Alternative Medicine, June 06-08, 2019, Berlin, Germany.
Session 11: Veterinary Acupuncture
Acupuncture may be defined as the insertion of needles into specific points on the body to produce a healing response. Each acupuncture point has specific actions when stimulated. This technique has been used in veterinary practice in China for thousands of years to treat many ailments. The Chinese also use acupuncture as preventative medicine. Acupuncture is used all around the world, either along or in conjunction with Western medicine, to treat a wide variety of conditions in every species of animal. Clinical research has been conducted showing positive results in the treatment of both animals and humans, and the use of acupuncture is increasing.
Traditional Medicine Conference | Alternative Medicine Conference | Traditional Medicine Meetings | Traditional & Alternative Medicine Conference | Herbal Medicine Conference | Chinese Medicine Conference | Acupuncture Conference | Acupuncture Meetings
Related Conferences: International Conference on Traditional and Alternative Medicine, November 15-17, 2018, Abu Dhabi, UAE; 21st International Conference on Traditional Medicine and Restoration of Wellness Strategies, January 24-25, 2019, Paris, France; World Congress and Expo on Traditional Medicine, March 18-19, 2019, Valencia, Spain; International Conference on Traditional Medicine and Ethnomedical Research, May 15-16, 2019, Tokyo, Japan; 3rd World Congress and Expo on Traditional and Alternative Medicine, June 06-08, 2019, Berlin, Germany.
Global Market for Traditional Medicine:
The global alternative & complementary medicine market was valued at USD 40.32 billion in 2015. Owing to the increasing support by the masses, increased usage of traditional therapeutic methods has a scope for considerable growth in the coming decade. It was estimated that more than 60% of the global population uses some or the other form of traditional medicine as of 2015. The complementary & alternative medicine market is expected to generate a revenue of USD 196.87 billion by 2025, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. Factors such as the increase in adoption of alternative medicine by people combined with the government initiatives of a number of key countries to enhance reach is expected to help in expansion revenue generation avenues.
Ayurvedic medicines have seen the most exponential growth in the field of traditional medicine. It is valued at more than $75Bn by 2019 and has an annual growth rate of 6.6%. The herbal medicine market is valued at $71.19Bn and expected to grow fetching profitable gains. Medicinal plants are also gaining popularity due to their comparatively lower costs to allopathy. It has also been used to treat SARS severe acute respiratory syndrome in China. Tannins, flavonoids possess anti-cancer properties. They are expected to gain popularity due to the increasing cases of cancer.
Top Traditional & Alternative Medicine Universities Worldwide:
USA Traditional & Alternative Medicine Universities:
Europe Traditional & Alternative Medicine Universities:
Asia Traditional & Alternative Medicine Universities:
Top Traditional & Alternative Medicine Societies Worldwide:
USA Traditional & Alternative Medicine Societies:
Europe Traditional & Alternative Medicine Societies:
Asia Traditional & Alternative Medicine Societies:
Funding Bodies in Global Health:
Directory of Non-NIH Funding Opportunities – Grants and Fellowships
Yale/Stanford Johnson & Johnson Global Health Scholars Program
The O.C. Huber Student Fellowship in International Health
Mabelle Arole Fellowship
The Commonwealth Fund Mongan Fellowship in Minority Health Policy
Association of Schools & Programs of Public Health (ASPPH)/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Allan Rosenfield Global Health Fellowship
U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Global Health Fellows II Program (GHFP)
Traditional Medicine will contribute to human health care in the 21st century. There are many challenges to the safety and effective use of traditional medicine. The WHO Strategy will meet the gaps and challenges. One of the simplest and most effective ways to significantly lower health care costs and thus increase access is through a major focus on preventive medicine. In this clinical arena, many of the alternative health care systems may have much to offer. Homeopathic and naturopathic physicians, for example, strongly advise their patients about diet and other health-promoting lifestyle choices as a matter of routine care. In contrast, many conventional physicians do not routinely give such advice until a patient has already become chronically ill, by which time the patient may need expensive high-tech surgery and face a lifetime of expensive drug therapy. The widespread use of CAM therapies has implications not only for research but also for the education of conventional health care professionals. Health care professionals need to be informed about CAM and knowledgeable enough to discuss with their patients the CAM therapies that their patients are using or thinking of using.
Kwantlen Polytechnic University
Gaia Holistic Health
European Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Maharishi Ayurveda
Chirec Delta Hospital Pain Clinic Pole Neuroscience
University of Paderborn
Herdecke University
Hospital de Terrassa
M&Ms Consulting Ltd
Hospital Campo di Marte, Lucca-ASL Toscana Nord Ovest
Bologna University
University of Rome
Hirudotherapy Academy
Institute for healthcare of workers on Serbian railways
Aku Center
Psychosomatic Institute
Cork Institute of Technology
Bel Campus University of Technology
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Beijing University of Chinese Medicine
Dr Moulay-Tahar University of Saida
University of Mascara