Meetings International extends immense pleasure and honour by inviting you to attend “7th International Meeting on “Traditional & Alternative Medicine” scheduled during November 21-22, 2022, Rome, Italy. Traditional Medicine will be focusing on the theme “Traditional Medicine-Sharing a new vision to improvise global health" to enhance and explore knowledge. This Conference will be having sessions on, Acupuncture Alternative Medicine, Alternative Therapies, Aromatherapy Exercise and Physical Therapy, Folk Medicine, Holistic Therapy, Homeopathy Medicinal Herbs or Plants, Health protection methods and its related subjects to establish a connection for exchanging ideas. Detailed agenda of Traditional Medicine 2022 will have keynote presentations, plenary sessions, oral sessions, panel discussion, posters presentations, workshops, symposia and young researchers ‘forum.
Session 1: Herbal Medicine
Herbal Medicine is also called botanical medicine or phytomedicine. It is refers to using a plant's seeds, berries, roots, leaves, bark, or flowers for medicinal purposes. Natural Medicine manages the investigation of medication from plants and a part of Herbal consideration and Ayurveda. It covers every one of the fields of Herbal Medicine identified with Botany, Medicinal Plant Research, Phytochemistry Pharmacognosy, plant medications, Phytotherapy, Ayurveda and Natural science, Unani Medicine, Agriculture Science, Biotechnology and Biochemistry. Natural drug is increasing greater ubiquity because of utilization of herbs that makes more beneficial.
Session 2: Traditional Medicine
Conventional prescription is the local wellbeing customs of the world which are reciprocal to customary and elective medication from which individuals around the globe use to fix their afflictions, ailments and maladies. This session further examines the perspectives on customary prescription and its viability, wellbeing and administrative issues in assent with national medicinal services issues, social mindfulness and its effect on individuals.
Session 3: Siddha Medicine
The Siddha prescription is a treatment framework produced from Tamil culture. The siddha framework depends on mix of otherworldly prescriptions and old restorative practices just as mystery and speculative chemistry. As indicated by Siddha meds the five components are exit in nature water, fire, air, earth and ether. Siddha medication discoveries the qualities of plants, metals, minerals and creature items and properties of medications.
Session 4: Acupunture
Needle therapy refines the body normally and improves its working. The Practice of embedding needles into the body to diminish the agony or instigate anaesthesia by applying heat, the vitality is animated at that exact needle therapy focuses. In this manner, Acupuncture animates the sensory system to discharge synthetics in the spinal string, muscles and mind. These synthetic substances will trigger the arrival of different synthetic concoctions and hormones which will affect the body's inward directing framework with the assistance of common recuperating capacities and ad lib the enthusiastic prosperity. The most needle therapy focuses utilize entrance of the skin by slim, strong, metallic needles which are controlled by electrical incitement in the treatment of needle therapy.
Session 5: Pharmacognosy and Traditional Medicine
This arrangements with the characteristic medications got from life forms, for example, plants, microorganisms, and creatures. Numerous significant medications including morphine, atropine, galanthamine, and so forth have delivered from regular sources which are utilized in medication disclosure. Pharmacognosy is additionally a piece of Traditional prescription and home grown meds are as yet utilized by the vast majority of the nations on the planet. As needs be, Pharmacognosy consistently holds its ubiquity in pharmaceutical sciences and assumes a basic job in medication disclosure.
Session 6: Ayurveda
Ayurveda Medication, is a game plan of arrangement with chronicled builds up in the Indian subcontinent Ayurveda medications and practices have been facilitated all things considered wellbeing applications and too every so often in therapeutic use. Ayurveda experts regard physical nearness, mental nearness, and way of life as a unit, with each part having the ability to affect the others. This is a sweeping philosophy used in the midst of assurance and treatment, and is a chief piece of Ayurveda. Tibetan drug and Traditional Chinese Medicine both have their sources in Ayurveda. Ayurveda specialists had created different Medicinal Preparations and surgeries from in any event the start of the Common Era.
Session 7: Traditional African Medicine
One of the strategies for mending which has been found without anyone else idea and exertion of wellbeing and illness is called conventional drug. The different sorts incorporate Herbal prescription, Hydrotherapy, Radiant mending treatment, Venesection and numerous more. Traditional African Medicine is an elective drug which is a blend of indigenous herbalism and African otherworldliness. Cap Practitioners can fix different issue for example malignant growths, mental issues, BP, cholera, CNS issue, for example, epilepsy and COPD, asthma, skin inflammation, fever, tension, sorrow, benevolent prostatic hyperplasia, urinary tract contaminations, gout, and mending of wounds and consumes, Ebola.
Session 8: Crude Drugs and Plant Products
Crude Drugs are gotten from any pieces of parts of plants and may contain at least one dynamic fixings. Both controlled and unregulated are use in the around the world, 85% of unrefined medications are gotten from plants and 15% of being partaken in a 2:1 proportion for creature and mineral substances. The term characteristic substances found in nature that has not man made in the atomic structure. The rough medications principally utilized for Cultivation, handling and capacity, drugs cleaning and extraction techniques. Recognize the virtue and nature of unrefined medication.
Session 9: Homeopathy in Medical Treatment
Homeopathy is a system of restorative treatment in the bogus view that specific contaminations can be relieved by giving little medicine to a person which would give indications of the disease. Its branches are characterized comprehensively as isopathy - a kind of homeopathic vaccination, Blossom game plans, Veterinary homeopathy: homeopathy used as a treatment for various animals.
Session 10: Herbal Cosmetics and Nutraceuticals
Nutraceutical is a pharmaceutical-grade and institutionalized supplement. Such advantages may consolidate the aversion or repeat of confusion. These items region from proteins, minerals, nutrients, unadulterated mixes and normally utilized in containers, tablets to nourishments that comprises of invigorated bioactive mixes. Everything from nutrients, enhancements to sports drinks, snacks, dairy items, and pre-arranged eating regimen dinners could be considered as Nutraceutical.
Session 11: Naturopathy: An art and science of healthy living
Naturopathy is a drugless arrangement of mending dependent on well-established way of thinking. It has its own idea of wellbeing and malady and furthermore standard of treatment. Naturopathy is an extremely old science. The appearing of naturopathic pharmaceutical consolidations show based naturopathic calm, present day and standard, quick, naturopathic prescriptions and practices, as opposed to confirm based medication.
Session 12: Ancient Greek Medicine
In Ancient Greek medication ailment was at first seen as an awesome discipline and recuperating as, actually, a blessing from the divine beings. In any case, by the fifth century BCE, there were endeavours to distinguish the material foundations for diseases instead of otherworldly ones and this prompted a move away from superstition towards logical enquiry, in spite of the fact that, in actuality, the two could never be completely isolated. Greek medical specialists, at that point, started to take a more noteworthy enthusiasm for the body itself and to investigate the association among circumstances and logical results, the connection of side effects to the ailment itself and the achievement or disappointment of different medications.
Session 13: Japanese Medicine (Kampo)
Kampo is the cutting edge arrangement of medicine which is polished in Japan. This framework depends on TCM with a trace of Japanese culture. This arrangement of medication is totally founded on remedy of herb equations, consequently eluded as the natural arrangement of china. Kampo medication framework utilizes various methodologies and analytic techniques in the treatment of different sicknesses.
In Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East, 70-95 per cent of the population still use traditional medicine (TM) for primary healthcare. And some 100 million people are believed to use traditional, complementary or herbal medicine in the European Union (EU) alone — as high as 90 per cent of the population in some countries. The industry is worth big money. In 2012, global sales of Chinese herbal medicine reached US$83 billion, up more than 20 per cent from 2011. The global market for all herbal supplements and remedies could reach US$115 billion by 2022, with Europe the largest and the Asia-Pacific the fastest growing markets. The demand is driven by women as the main consumers of dietary supplements, by growing emphasis on healthy living and concerns over the side-effects of mainstream drugs. As per WHO estimation, around 80% of population from most of Asian and African countries depends on the traditional medicine for primary health care. The market analysis drives for global Traditional medicine is growing rapid aging population, increase of consumer awareness, less or no side effects, supplying innovations, release of Current Good Manufacturing Practices (CGMP) for dietary supplements by FDA. Other factors are escalating prices, health budgets calculations of modern medicinal system that has more consumers towards the cost effective, economical and safe herbal medicine systems. Considering all these factors the market for Traditional medicine is expected to reach $ 115 billion by the end of 2023, this market is projected to reach a growth of CAGR of ~ 7.2 % during 2017-2023. Addressing these challenges and responding to the needs identified by the Member States, World Health Organization traditional medicine strategy for the period 2014 to 2023 show more attention to its predecessor prioritizing health service systems, including traditional & complementary medicine products, its practices and practitioners. Importance & Scope: Currently, total global market of Herbal Products & Medicinal Plants is US$ 60 billion with a good response growth. The use of plant products and its acceptance globally made the sector as a promising one. As per 1998 World Bank Report, world trade of medicinal plants and related products is expected to reach US$ 5 trillion by 2050.
Young Scientific Awards:
International Conference on Traditional & Alternative Medicine
November 21-22, 2021, Rome, Italy
Young Scientist Awards at Traditional-Medicine-2022 for the best researches in Traditional-Medicine
Meetings International is announcing Young Scientist Awards through International Conference on Traditional-Medicine (Traditional-Medicine-2022) which is scheduled at Rome, Italy during November 21-22, 2022.This Traditional-Medicine conference focuses on “Traditional Medicine-Sharing a New Vision to Improvise Global Health.”
Traditional-Medicine-2022 and upcoming conferences will recognise participants who have significantly added value to the scientific community of Traditional-Medicine-2022 and provide them outstanding Young Scientist Awards. The Young Scientist Award will provide a strong professional development opportunity for young researches by meeting experts to exchange and share their experiences at our international conferences.
Traditional-Medicine-2021 focuses mainly on Recycling Basics, Rubber, Plastic & Recycling Technology, Paper Recycling Technology, Agriculture & Food Waste Recycling, and Chemical & Industrial Waste Recycling. Traditional-Medicine-2021 conference operating committee is providing a platform for all the budding young researchers, young investigators, post-graduate/Master students, PhD. students and trainees to showcase their research and innovation.
Young Scientists, faculty members, post-doctoral fellows, PhD scholars and bright Final Year MSc and M.Phil. Candidates. Persons from Scientific Industry can also participate.
The Young Scientist Feature is a platform to promote young researchers in their respective area by giving them a chance to present their achievements and future perspectives.
Conditions of Acceptance:
To receive the award, the awardee must submit the presentation for which the award is given, for publication at the website, along with author permission. Failure to submit the PPT, and permission within the designated timeframe will result in forfeiture of award.
Award Announcements:
Official announcement of the recipients will occur after the completion of Traditional Medicine 2022 Conference.
Meetings International recognizes the commitment and amazing work in all fields of academics and research. By recognizing their contribution; Meetings International inspires and motivates scholars, researchers and academics by awarding the Best YRF and Researcher Awards in all academic disciplines and categories along with other specific awards. These awards include prestigious Certificate of Award with other gifts.
To be eligible for the awards Students interested in having their posters considered for the Traditional-Medicine-2021 conference, they must have submitted an abstract of their poster to the conference. The awards committee will consider all posters that relate to the study of public opinion, whether they focus on theory, substantive findings, research methods, and/or statistical techniques used in such research. All posters will automatically be considered for the Poster Awards and the posters will take place in the conference venue and Poster Judges will select the best posters. The winners will be formally announced during the closing ceremony. The winners will receive a certificate awards.
Outstanding Masters/Ph.D/Post. Doc This work presentation Awards
Traditional-Medicine-2021 gives the opportunity to young researchers in the different field of conferences. The best participants are selected as per their research abstract before the conference. If you are a young and dynamic researcher than you can join our conferences to explore new idea and research. A panel of judges will select the best YRF. Best YRF will be recognized publicly at the end of the conference. The Best YRF Awards will be given to the most outstanding presentation presented by a participant who has registered under the student category. Undergraduates, Master students, and Ph.D. students will be considered under this category. Selection of the YRF will be made on the basis of the participant contribution in the respective research field each submission will be accepted based on the sessions of the conference. Irrelevant submissions will be rejected. The acceptance and rejection of abstract submissions will be selected by the committee. All submissions will go through a quality checking. Final approved abstract will consider for YRF award.
Traditional-Medicine-2021, chooses a relevant keynote speaker to speak at conference. All accepted keynote speakers proposals will be considered for the Best Keynote Speaker Awards. The committee will select a number of candidates for the award among the accepted proposals. The winner will be selected at the conference, taking into consideration both the proposal and the presentation. Best keynote speaker can help to boost motivation, change their way of thinking and make audience energized and inspired. For Keynote the person should be eminent or highly affiliated like Dean, Professor, HOD, Chair persons, CEO, CFO, MD etc. Selection of the Best Keynote Speaker will be made on the basis of the participant contribution and years of experience in the respective research field. Each submission will be accepted based on the quality of abstract and conference theme. Irrelevant submissions will be rejected .The acceptance and rejection of abstract submissions will be selected by the Organizing committee. All submissions will go through a quality checking. Final approved abstract will consider for Keynote award.
Traditional-Medicine-2021, believes in recognising our best speaker. The best speaker is selected as per their research abstract before the conference. All winners are determined by a selection panel. This awards are designed to recognise and identify outstanding speakers who have achieved recent extraordinary eminence and success. Being an outstanding speaker means to deliver a message that engages an audience. The outstanding speaker awards will also be given on the basis of organization and professionalism of presentation, communication skills of the presenter and appropriate use of time. Each session will be evaluated separately. For speaker the person should be Professor, Researcher, Scientist, Entrepreneur etc. Selection of the Speaker will be made on the basis of the participant contribution in the respective research field. Each submission will be accepted based on the quality of abstract and conference sessions. Irrelevant submissions will be rejected. The acceptance and rejection of abstract submissions will be selected by the Organizing committee. All submissions will go through a procedure of quality checking by our team. Final approved abstract will consider for outstanding speaker awards.
The organising committee can avail in the process of managing the multiple tasks that need to be done. Committee members, having a good erudition of the event management plan, are well placed to provide training, supervision and assistance to other personnel involved in the organisation of the event. Meetings International will honour as a best OCM the individual who has demonstrated their support and guidance throughout the conference. OCM should be eminent or highly affiliated like Dean, Professor, HOD, Chair persons, CEO, CFO, MD etc. .Selection of the best OCM will be made on the basis of the participant contribution and years of experience in the respective research field. They must have good number of research papers and citations and should be more number of years of experience.
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