With great pleasure, Meetings International organizing the Global Summit on Toxicology (Toxicology 2018) from October 24-25, 2018, in Paris, France. Our theme for 2018 is Toxicology: The Dose Makes the Poison. Toxicology 2018 offers an extraordinary window and chances to present and confirmation the most recent updates with a comprehensive way to deal with various regions of intrigue. As the saying of Paracelsus father of Toxicology' goes "All things are poison and nothing is without poison, only the dose permits something not to be poisonous" Toxicology, for the most part, manages the investigation of the connection between the dosage and its consequent remedial impact. The restorative impact converts to poisonous impact with expanding levels of dose. Meetings International (Meetings Int.) is a global leader in producing high-quality conferences, meetings, workshops and symposia in all major fields of science, technology and medicine. Since its inception, Meetings Int. has been associated with national and international associations, corporations and high-level individuals, dedicated to hosting world-class conferences and events. Meetings Int. supports broad scope research and peer review at a broad range of specialists around the world. The key strategic objective of Meetings Int. is to communicate science and medical research between academia, and industry. Through inspiring sessions and tons of networking, you will learn to be even more audacious and bold than you are now and free to grow your mind, grow your business, and grow your bottom-line. We can relieve you of the time and resource draining elements of the events that you plan to hold. From planning to coordinating, start to finish; we will be there to ensure you take the accolades for yet another brilliant program. We organize conferences worldwide. All major conferences of Meetings International are accredited with Continuing Professional Development (CPD), Continuing Education (CE), and Continuing Medical Education (CME) Credits.
Why to Toxicology 2018?
At 2018 Toxicology Conference you can meet the worlds’ leading toxicologists, pharmacologists, biochemists and furthermore the business monsters who will give you the most recent developments, innovations and logical methodologies along these lines help you in expanding your scientific skylines.
The points of the Toxicology Meeting will really mirror the present trends, recent advances, new methodologies and future patterns in Toxicology and Pharmacology and Genotoxicology. The 2018 Toxicology Summit will cover among others: Mechanisms and methods of action of different poisons, Genotoxicity and Mutagenicity, Clinical and Forensic toxicology, Omics advancements, Emerging in vitro models, Nanomaterials, Regulatory toxicology and to wrap things up, a wide extent of toxicology and pharmacology in various fields.
Consequently, our goal is, to make stages which will assemble famous researchers who will without a doubt improve our meeting amid the Q&A segments.
Target Audience:
Under the flagship of Meetings International we are here with the leading Toxicology Event this year, The Global Summit on Toxicology and Risk Assessment to be held during October 24-25, 2018 in Paris, France. The breadth of the conference includes a wide range of topics such as Pharmacology, Environmental Toxicology, Genetic Toxicology, Toxicologic Pathology, Human and Health Toxicology and so on. Working under the theme to “Toxicology: The dose makes the poison” Toxicology 2018 enables its patrons to showcase their research works in front of Speakers, Delegates and Attendees from vastly different areas across the Globe.
Session 1:Toxicology
We get exposed to lots of chemicals in the form of medicines, cosmetics and various other kinds of xenobiotic agents. The extent to which they can affect our living system the positive and negative effects they elicit, the adverse outcome etc. are dealt in Toxicology StudiesThe adverse outcome may be a disease, disorder, discomfort or irregularity in growth patterns.The dose is the major factor which influences and determines toxicity. Greater the exposure to a chemical greater is its toxicity. LD50 is the major term considered in toxicology.
With focus on particular aspects of Toxicology, there are several subspecialties like
· Toxicogenomics
· Toxicologic Pathology
· Genetic Toxicology
· Forensic Toxicology
· Environmental Toxicology
· Clinical Toxicology
· Human and Health Toxicology
Toxicology mainly being a branch of Pharmacology involves many basic aspects which are to be discussed thoroughly at Toxicology Summit.
Toxicology Conference | Toxicogenomics Conference | Toxicity Congress | Genetic Toxicology Summit | Forensic Toxicology Conference | Environmental Toxicology Conference | Clinical Toxicology Conference | Human Health Toxicology Meetings | Pathology Conference | Toxicology Symposium
Session 2: Food Toxicology
Toxic materials in food are to be determined in order to assess its quality. This is achieved by developing accurate analytical methods. This mainly involves separation of a toxic material from the food and then assessing the percentage of it present. Food toxicity is mainly exposed due to the distaste associated. Food safety council has advocated techniques such as decision tree approaches in order to minimize the usage of animals and also to decrease the time requirements.
Food Toxicology Conference | Food Testing Workshops | Food Toxicity Meeting | Food Safety & Toxicology Conference | Toxicology Testing Workshops | Pharmacology Conferences | Computational Toxicology Conference | Toxicology and Pharmacology Conference
Session 3: Toxicologic Pathology
Toxicologic pathology is the safety assessment of nonhuman primates used in drug development through the identification and interpretation of microscopic tissue changes. The toxicologic pathology is the accurate identification and interpretation of histopathologic changes which relies on the experience of the pathologist as well as the utilization of as much applicable information as possible. Toxicologic pathologists are involved in the safety assessment of drugs, chemicals. Toxicologic pathology is the disciplines of pathology and toxicology.
Toxicologic Pathology conference | Toxicity Testing Meetings | Toxicologist Conference | Poison Meetings | Regulatory Toxicology Meetings | Medical Toxicology Conference | In Vitro Toxicology Conference | Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology Conference
Session 4: Genetic Toxicology and Toxicity Testing
Gene and chromosomal mutations have been framed in adverse health consequences in humans which include cancer and birth defects. It is necessary upon the scientific and regulatory community that the best available scientific tools can be employed to identify the inherent mutagenic hazard and also to mitigate the potential risk posed by such agents to humans. Genetic toxicology tests are basically used to predict the carcinogenic potential of new chemical entities during the discovery process and also to screen the chemicals that are already in commerce. These assays are very important measures to determine whether the exposure to an agent may induce heritable mutations.
Genetic Toxicology Conference | Chemical Testing Workshops | Industrial Toxicology Meeting | Critical Care Workshops | Chemical Safety Meetings | Health & Safety Conferences | Industrial Safety Meetings | Toxicology and Pharmacology Conference
Session 5: Pharmacology
Mainly comprising of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics, Pharmacology is the study of how drugs work, different principles of assimilation into the body such as absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion. Pharmacology has gone through many advancements with the recent topics being pharmacometric modeling and simulation, computational modeling and so on. The mechanistic relationship between the drug and the biological system, the best dose, the combination of drugs for specific patients will be best discussed at the toxicology conference.
Pharmacology Conference | Applied Pharmacology Conference | Toxicology & Pharmacology Meetings | Pharmacokinetics Meetings | ADME Testing Conference | Predictive Toxicology Conference | Drug Metabolism Conference | Dose Response Conference | Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology Conference
Session 6: Human and Health Toxicology
The management of acute poisonings, emergencies such as accidental poisonings, suicidal attempts with various pharmaceutical drugs etc. are dealt with human toxicology. Several analytical toxicological principles are implemented in it. Techniques like gas chromatography, high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), and thin layer chromatography different kinds of extractions are employed for these studies.
Health Toxicology deals with the identification of potential health hazards associated with the exposure to different chemicals and biological agents, their identification, assessment, and steps to curtail them.
Health Toxicology Conference | Human Toxicology Meeting | Poison Conference| Analytical Toxicological Conference | HPLC Toxicology Meeting| Workshop on Chromatography in Toxicology | Biological Hazards & Toxicology Meetings | Chemical Toxicology Conference | Toxicology and Pharmacology Conference
Session 7: Forensic Toxicology
Toxicologic analysis plays a very crucial role in the modern day investigations. Basic principles of several disciplines like analytical chemistry, biochemistry, epidemiology, pharmacodynamics, pathology, and physiology are applied in such kind of analysis. Forensic Toxicology mainly deals with the study of alcohol, licit and illicit drugs and other poisonous substances. It studies the characteristics of the substances such as their chemical structure and properties. Various aspects like the absorption, distribution, and elimination are also studied. Forensic toxicologists carry out the tests by taking samples if urine, blood, hair etc.
Forensic Toxicology Meetings | Biochemistry Conference | Alcohol Conference | Illicit Drugs Conference | Toxicology & Epidemiology Conference | Cosmetic Toxicology Conference | Organ Toxicology Conference
Session 8: Environmental Toxicology and Risk Assessment
The management of environmental contamination is one of the major concerns in the present scenario. The sources of environmental contamination, methods to curb them are to be studied. Various aspects like Ecotoxicology, Aquatic Toxicology, Occupational and Metallic toxicology and chemical warfare agents are the major topics to be discussed herewith.
Ecotoxicology studies the effect of natural and artificial substances on living organisms such as birds, animals, human beings etc. It also involves the study of interactions of these organisms with their surroundings. Aquatic toxicology is the study of the impact of chemical substances and other anthropogenic variables, natural materials and activities upon aquatic life at different levels of the aquatic ecosystem. The deviations may be both positive and negative, but the factors which cause deviation are mainly focused. It involves various integrated processes like toxicity testing, chemical measurements, statistical analyses, modeling, structure-activity relationships.
Environmental Toxicology Conference | Ecotoxicology Conference | Aquatic Toxicology Meetings | Occupational Toxicology Conference | Metallic Toxicology Conference | Toxicity Testing Symposium | Fiber Toxicology Conference | Toxicology and Pharmacology Conference
Session 9: Drug Toxicology
Drug Toxicology mainly deals with Tox Screen. Drugs may be screened for in blood, urine or saliva. Tox screen can be made for a varied range of drugs, like around 40 drugs can be screened at a time. Drug toxicology studies are mainly made to check the efficacy of drugs and also to detect overdoses if any.
Drug Toxicology Conference | Tox Screen Conference| Overdose Conference | Drug Monitoring Conference | Drug Discovery Toxicology Conference | Immunotoxicology Conference | Developmental Toxicology Conference | Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology Conference
Session 10: Toxicology Current Advances
Toxicology- A vast field with a great scope of research always pops up with advanced techniques and dogmas especially at the genetic and Nano levels. CRISPR- Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindrome Repeats is the most recent breakthrough in the field of Genetic Toxicology. It provides resistance to foreign genetic substances and thus provides acquired immunity against plasmids and phages. Other such advances include human gene editing, mass spectrometric advances and so on.
Molecular Toxicology Conference | Biochemical Toxicology Meeting | Hepatotoxicity Conference | Reproductive Toxicology Conference | Experimental Toxicology Conference | Ecotoxicology Conference | Nanotoxicology Conference | Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology Conference
Session 11: Toxicology and Pharmacology
They both involve the understanding of chemical properties of drugs and their interactions within the Biosystems. Toxicology and Pharmacology are very interrelated disciplines. Pharmacology studies the therapeutic effects caused by the drugs, whereas toxicology studies the adverse effects.
Toxicovigilance Conference | Pharmacovigilance Conference | Toxicology Symposium | In silico Toxicology Conference | Toxicology and Pharmacology Conference
Session 12: Toxicology Consulting
With an immense scope of research, toxicology is aided with many clinical and laboratory equipment in the form of Toxicology Laboratories and Toxicology Consulting Services. These services make use of advanced analytical technologies for drug testing, medication monitoring, and other such toxicology principles
Session 13: Toxicovigilance
Toxicovigilance is the dynamic procedure of recognizing and assessing the poisonous risks existing in a group, and assessing the measures taken to decrease or dispose of them.
Pharmacovigilance also called drug safety, is the pharmacological science identifying with the gathering, identification, evaluation, observing, and prevention of unfavorable effects with pharmaceutical products.
Toxicology Conference | Pharmacology Conference | Toxicology and Pharmacology Conference | Toxicology Summit | Toxicology Workshop | Toxicology Events | Toxicology Satellite Meetings | Toxicology Research Meetings
Meetings International invites all the participants across the globe to attend Global Summit on Toxicology which is going to be held during October 24-25, 2018 in Paris, France which includes prompt keynote presentations, Oral talks, Poster presentations, and Exhibitions. Toxicology 2018 is a specially designed cluster conference. The main theme of the conference is “Toxicology: The dose makes the poison which covers a wide range of critically important sessions.
Significance and Scope:
Toxicology is the investigation of the unfavorable impacts of physical, biological and chemical agents, toxicity on the living systems and the resulting articulation of these progressions. The safety assessment of pharma products includes assessment of the hazard that a drug can posture to living beings as for ordinary physiological function and reproduction/ regenerative performance. Drug safety and efficacy testing are fundamental focuses on new pharmaceutical products before they are presented in the market.
Global rules, especially standards of toxicity testing, are changing very quickly. Great research facilities, laboratory practice are compulsory standards for labs for worldwide acknowledgment of the work. With these difficulties, it is important to comprehend the expanding scope of toxicology in drug safety assessment.
Toxicology 2018 includes plenary sessions, keynotes, symposia, workshops, board meetings, special sessions, regional sessions, and posters. It has been opening doors to educational improvement and to trade the information and knowledge in toxicology and its applications.
Dimensions of Toxicology market
Market size (current and future) & Market growth rate
The Global In vitro toxicology testing market includes drug safety, safety assessment of chemicals, cosmetic products, food additives, etc, excluding animal testing. The global market was valued at USD 5.99 Billion in 2016 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 6.6% during the forecast period to reach to USD 8.74 Billion by 2022.
Growing demand for in-vitro toxicology tests over the in-vivo tests, Increasing technological developments, growing economy in emerging nations, increasing research & development in cell culture, increasing awareness towards studies on toxicity testing, increasing health-consciousness, the existence of good regulatory authorities for in-vitro toxicology testing are driving the growth of the market.
In-vitro toxicology market is portioned into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle East & Africa and Latin America. Europe is account for the largest share of around 32.5% of global market in 2016. North America Market dominates the toxicology testing market in revenue followed by Europe. Asia-Pacific estimated to grow at the highest CAGR of around 16.10 percent during the forecast period 2017-2021.
Rising number of investments in R & D by the European Commission to develop alternatives to in-vivo/ animal testing drives the growing demand for in-vitro toxicology testing in Europe.
Toxicology Market Segmentation
Toxicology Market By Product
Reagent & Labware
By Method
In vivo
In vitro
By Industry
Industry-wise the market is segmented into following:
Pharmaceutical & biopharmaceutical industry account for the largest share of the global market.
Growing R&D for detecting toxicity in the early stages of drug development The new research initiatives, mandatory preclinical safety evaluation of molecules, and are the primary growth drivers for this industry segment.
Endpoints & Tests
The endpoints segment can be classified as
By Region
Based on geography toxicology services global market is classified as North America, Europe, APAC and Rest of the world. North America accounts for the highest market share followed by Europe.
The report provides an in-depth market analysis of the above-mentioned segments across the following regions:
North America
Rest of the World (RoW)
By Type
ADME-Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, and Excretion
Toxic Substance
In 2017, the ADME segment is expected to account for the largest share of the global in vitro toxicology testing market owing to its highly reproducible & accurate data and the increasing demand to curb drug toxicity at the drug development phase.
By Technologies
Cell culture technology to hold the largest market share in 2017
Toxicogenomics is preferred to elucidate the changes in gene expression in response to toxic exposure and facilitates to identify toxicity pathways.
Market Drivers
The opposition to animal testing, increasing R&D at early stages of drug development, innovation in cell culture technology are factors driving the growth of the global market.
Mandatory toxicology testing in various industries such as pharmaceutical, biotechnology, agriculture, food industry, environmental and chemical, rapid technology advancements, increased demand for crop protection are some of the driving factors for this industry.
Increasing trend in outsourcing the toxicology services and increasing end-stage drug failures are creating newer opportunities for the market to grow. However, opposition to animal testing in case of in vivo tests and increased funding towards drug repurposing are hindering the market to grow.
In vivo Market Drivers
Growing demand from pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, rising significance of cardiotoxicity testing & cell imaging, prominence of cell-based assays in new drug discovery & ADME analysis, increasing number of drug developments form important growth drivers for this market.
Global In Vivo Toxicology Testing Market, By Product
Global In Vivo Toxicology Testing Market, by Type
Global In Vivo Toxicology Testing Market, by Application
Global In Vivo Toxicology Testing Market, by Technology
Global In Vivo Toxicology Testing Market, by Mode of Administration
Global In Vivo Toxicology Testing Market, by Industry
On the basis of region, the market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia, and the Rest of the World (RoW). The report maps each bioprocess technology in these geographic and regional segments.
Major Players
In 2017, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc. (US) is expected to dominate the in vitro toxicology testing market. Some of the other players competing in this market are Cyprotex (An Evotec AG subsidiary, Germany), Covance (A Laboratory Corporations of America Holding’s subsidiary, US), Eurofins Scientific SE (Luxembourg), GE Healthcare (US), SGS SA (Switzerland), Promega Corporation (US), Merck KGaA (Germany), Charles River Laboratories, Inc. (US), and Lonza Group Ltd. (Switzerland), etc.
Conference Highlights:
Major Associations around the Globe:
Major Associations in Europe:
Top Universities in Europe:
Top Universities in Spain
Professor, INRS Institute Armand-Frappier Research Centre
Ekaterinburg Medical Research Center for Prophylaxis and Health Protection
University of Castilla-La Mancha
University of Castilla-La Mancha
Gad Consulting Services
Ion Cyclotron Resonance Facility,
Florida State University
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
The Ekaterinburg Medical Research Center for Prophylaxis and Health
Professor New Mexico State University