9th International Conference on Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine is scheduled during December 04-05, 2023 in Dubai, UAE with the theme "Current and Future Innovations in Tissue Engineering". This year we are bringing immunology, epidemiology, dermatology, and oncology experts to share the current issues in the field of tissue engineering and the advanced solutions which can be impactful to provide better outcomes for patients. Joining our conference will give insights to boost your research career and can be better for the upcoming young students.
Tissue Engineering 2023 includes prompt keynote presentations, speaker presentations, poster presentations, and exhibitions to gain more information and meet leading researchers and potential investigators and get recognition at this 2-day event.
Session 1: Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
Tissue Engineering is the learn about of substances that makes use of the mixture of cells to engineer biologically lively molecules to produce well-organized tissues and organs, which can be implanted into the donor with the use of many engineered techniques alongside with some physicochemical factors. Biomaterial helps the engineered tissues physically, and information cells by using topographical and chemical signals.
Tissue Engineering Conferences | Regenerative Medicine Conferences | Stem Cell Meetings | Bio Medical Congress | Regenerative Cells Conferences
Session 2: Regenerative Rehabilitation
Regenerative Rehabilitation is the mix of standards and methodologies from recovery and regenerative drug with an expectation of creating imaginative and conspicuous strategies that advance the reclamation of capacity through tissue recovery and repair. The real objective of regenerative recovery is to reestablish ordinary usefulness of deteriorated tissue by methods for joined cell and bioengineering advancements alongside physical modalities and exercise to enhance therapeutics.
Tissue Engineering Conferences | Stem Cell Meetings | Bio Medical Congress | Regenerative Cells Conferences | Regenerative Medicine Conferences
Session 3: Bio Medical Engineering
Bio Medical Engineering is the application of engineering principles in designing techniques and technology to medicine and biology for healthcare purposes .Biomedical techniques on tissue science and Regenerative Medicine are computer modeling, Tissue Mechanics, Bio patterning technology, Bio-inspired Computing to promote Tissue Regeneration.
Regenerative Medicine Conferences | Stem Cell Meetings | Bio Medical Congress | Regenerative Cells Conferences | Tissue Engineering Conferences
Session 4: Scaffolds Used In Tissue Engineering
Scaffolds have been utilized in tissue designing applications [50], particularly for development of host tissue, bone regrowth, or organ vascularization. Their permeable organization re-enacts the ECM design permitting cells to cooperate successfully with their current circumstance. Porous Scaffold, Hydrogel Scaffold, Fibrous Scaffold, Microsphere Scaffold, Biodegradable Scaffolds, Naturally Derived Scaffolds, Alternative Biopolymer Scaffolds, Polymer-Bio ceramic Composite Scaffold, Acellular Scaffold, Three-Dimensional Scaffolds.
Stem Cell Meetings | Tissue Engineering Conferences | Regenerative Medicine Conferences | Bio Medical Congress | Regenerative Cells Conferences
Session 5: Bone and Cartilage Tissue Engineering
Tissue Engineering of musculoskeletal tissues, especially bone and ligament, is a quickly propelling field. In bone, innovation has fixated on bone unite substitute materials and the advancement of biodegradable platforms. As of late, tissue designing methodologies have included cell and quality treatment.
Tissue Engineering Conferences | Regenerative Medicine Conferences | Stem Cell Meetings | Bio Medical Congress | Regenerative Cells Conferences
Session 6: Skin Tissue Engineering and Wound healing
The significant uses of Tissue Engineering substitutes are in advancing the recuperating of intense and persistent injuries. Examination of the method of activity of the tissue-designed skin substitutes has prompted impressive knowledge into the instrument of development, upkeep, and therapy of persistent wounds. The main phase of wound recuperating is to stop the dying. This is called haemostasis. Blood starts to cluster seconds to minutes after you get an injury.
Tissue Engineering Conferences | Regenerative Medicine Conferences | Stem Cell Meetings | Bio Medical Congress | Regenerative Cells Conferences
Session 7: Biomaterials and Biomedical Applications
Biomaterials play a major role in medicine today—restoring function and facilitating healing for people after injury or disease. Biomaterials could also be natural or synthetic and are utilized in medical applications to support, enhance, or replace damaged tissue or a biological function. The first historical use of biomaterials dates to antiquity, when ancient Egyptians used sutures made up of animal sinew.
Tissue Engineering Conferences | Regenerative Medicine Conferences | Stem Cell Meetings | Bio Medical Congress | Regenerative Cells Conferences
Session 8: Cancer Stem Cell and Oncology
Cancer Stem cells CSCs area unit of rare timeless cells within a neoplasm which will hold the overall capability of a natural somatic cell with the flexibility of extremely proliferation and malignancy. They feed the neoplasm development associate degreed to border neoplasm and induce cancer in an organ. These extremely economical qualities of a cancer somatic cell area unit utilized in medication and therapeutic treatments in many diseases Whereas medical specialty outline the study of nature, types, cause, interference and cure of cancer and neoplasm biology.
Tissue Engineering Conferences | Regenerative Medicine Conferences | Stem Cell Meetings | Bio Medical Congress | Regenerative Cells Conferences
Session 9: Skin Tissue Engineering and Wound healing
Extreme loss of skin may occur due to various forms of injury or illness which might result in an ample physiological imbalance and it leads to major disability or even death. Tissue-engineered skin (TES) alternates signify a logical beneficial option for the treatment of severe and all chronic skin injuries. Wound healing is one of the natural regenerative processes by interacting with a complex cellular particle for the strengthening of the injured skin or tissues.
Tissue Engineering Conferences | Regenerative Medicine Conferences | Stem Cell Meetings | Bio Medical Congress | Regenerative Cells Conferences
Tissue Engineering business sector size was esteemed at USD 5 billion out of 2015 and is foreseen to show critical development throughout the following seven years. The rising need to connect the organ interest and supply hole is required to drive industry interest. Muscular applications offered over half to the tissue designing piece of the pie in 2015 and will keep driving income age, predominantly because of the expanded number of bone inserts because of mishaps and maturing populace base. An extensive level of examination in the nervous system science space will drive fragment interest. Raising prevalence in various areas, for example, nervous system science, consume treatment or wound consideration, and urological items are required to fuel tissue designing business sector development over the estimated time period. North America represented the biggest offer in 2015 and is probably going to proceed with its strength till 2023, driven by the U.S. tissue designing business sector.
The investigation shows that the worldwide regenerative medication market was worth $35 billion of every 2019 and will develop to over $124 billion by 2025, with a CAGR of 23.3% between this time period. This report depicts the development of a particularly tremendous market in 15 sections upheld by more than 350 tables and figures in 700 pages.
Significance and Scope
People and creatures lose tissues and organs because of inherent imperfections, injury, and sicknesses. The human body has a low regenerative potential instead of the urodele creatures of land and water usually alluded to as lizards. Worldwide, a great many individuals would profit monstrously if tissues and organs can be supplanted on interest. Generally, transplantation of unblemished tissues and organs has been the bedrock to supplant harmed and sick pieces of the body.
Important Dates:
Abstract Submission Start Date: June 20, 2023
Abstract Submission Last Date: November 25, 2023
Early Bird Registration Date: July 25, 2023
Important Links:
Mode of Participation:
Presentation Requirements:
Submission Options:
NOTE: YRF category includes short oral presentation especially for Ph. D. students
Extended abstract: Submissions should utilize the Abstract Template. Papers submitted in this category may represent original empirical research, theoretical development, reviews or critiques.
Contact Details:
Conference Manager: David Williams
Email: stemcell@meetingsint.net
Phone Number: +44-7482873756
Awards @ Tissue Engineering-2022
Meetings International: Recognizes the obligation and astounding work in all fields of scholastics and assessment. By seeing their responsibility; Meetings International rouses and convinces specialists, researchers and scholastics by giving the Best YRF and Researcher Awards in each academic request and arrangements close by other express distinctions. These distinctions fuse regarded Certificate of Award with various enrichments.
Keynote Speaker Awards:
Tissue Engineering-2022 picks a significant component master to talk to at the meeting. All recognized component topic specialists' suggestions will be considered for the Best Keynote Speaker Award. The leading body of trustees will pick different competitors for the honor among the recognized recommendation. The victor will be picked at the social affair, considering both the recommendation and the presentation. The best component master can help with boosting motivation, change their point of view, and make swarm animated and stirred. For Keynote the individual should be conspicuous or uncommonly banded together like Dean, Professor, HOD, Chair individuals, CEO, CFO, MD, etc. Assurance of the Best Keynote Speaker will be made dependent on the part responsibility and extended lengths of contribution with the individual investigation field. Each convenience will be recognized reliant of the idea of hypothetical and social occasion theme. Unessential sections will be excused. The affirmation and excusal of novel passages will be picked by the Organizing board. All passages will encounter quality checking. Last embraced hypothetical will consider for Keynote award.
Outstanding Speaker Awards:
Tissue Engineering-2022 has confidence in seeing our best speaker. The best speaker is picked by their assessment remarkable before the social affair. All vectors are constrained by an assurance board. This honor is proposed to see and recognize extraordinary speakers who have achieved late striking conspicuousness and accomplishment. Being an extraordinary speaker expects to pass on a message that interfaces with a horde of individuals. The exceptional speaker award will in like manner be given dependent on affiliation and cleaned strategy of presentation, social capacities of the arbitrator, and fitting usage of time. Each gathering will be evaluated autonomously. For the speaker, the individual should be Professor, Researcher, Scientist, and Entrepreneur, etc. The decision of the Speaker will be made dependent on the part responsibility in the specific assessment field. Each convenience will be recognized subject to the idea of interesting and assembling gatherings. Pointless sections will be excused. The affirmation and excusal of dynamic passages will be picked by the Organizing chamber. All passages will encounter a strategy of significance worth checking by our gathering. Last asserted powerful will consider for extraordinary speaker award.
Outstanding Masters /Ph.D./ Post. Doc Thesis work presentation Awards:
Tissue Engineering-2022 offers the opportunity to young experts in different fields of gatherings. The best individuals are picked by their investigation hypothetical before the social affair. In case you are an energetic and dynamic researcher then you can join our social events to examine notable ideas and investigations. A leading body of judges will pick the best YRF. Best YRF will be seen transparently at the completion of the gathering. The Best YRF Award will be given to the most exceptional presentation presented by a part who has enrolled under the understudy characterization. Understudies, Master understudies, and Ph.D. understudies will be considered under this class. Assurance of the YRF will be made dependent on the part responsibility in the individual assessment field each convenience will be recognized subject to the gatherings of the social occasion. Immaterial sections will be excused. The affirmation and excusal of hypothetical sections will be picked by the gathering. All passages will encounter quality checking. The last attested exceptional will consider for the YRF award.
Best Poster Awards:
To be equipped for the honor Students excited about having their standards considered for the Tissue Engineering-2022 gathering, presumably introduced a hypothetical of their pennant to the gathering. The honor board will consider all pennants that relate to the examination of famous inclination, whether or not they revolve around speculation, important revelations, research methodologies, just as authentic techniques used in such assessment. All pennants will normally be considered for the flag honor and the standards will happen in the social event scene and Poster Judges will pick the best standards. The victors will be authoritatively detailed during the end work. The champs will get a confirmation award.
OCM Awards:
The masterminding leading group of trustees can profit during the time went through managing the various tasks that should be done. Board people, having good savvies of the event the heads plan, are specially situated to give planning, oversight, and help to other work power drew in with the relationship of the event. Social events International will regard as the best OCM the individual who has demonstrated their assistance and bearing all through the gathering. Organizing Committee Member should be conspicuous or uncommonly auxiliary like Dean, Professor, HOD, Chair individuals, CEO, CFO, MD, etc. The decision of the best OCM will be made dependent on the part responsibility and significant length of association with the specific assessment field. They ought to have an incredible number of investigation papers and references and should be more extensive stretches of involvement.