Synthetic Chemistry Conference is delighted to welcome the participants from all over the world to attend the prestigious 6th World Congress on Natural Product & Synthetic Chemistry scheduled during June 24-25, 2019 at New York, USA. Synthetic Chemistry 2019 is the best platform with its well organized scientific program to the audience which includes symposiums, workshops, keynote lectures, plenary talks, panel discussions and poster sessions on latest research and technological developments in the arena as well as therapeutic aspects. The gathering gives the worldwide arena to global researchers, professors, doctors, scientists, chemist, students, business delegates and young researchers across the globe to voice their examination discoveries to the world. With representatives from all the major countries in attendance the atmosphere is exciting with open and friendly interaction between attendees. This is a conference, providing an opportunity for the Chemist industry to learn about current and upcoming issues, explore new developments in the field of synthetic chemistry and interact with others with similar interest.
Scientific Sessions
Sessions 1:Analytical Chemistry
Analytical chemistry is a branch of chemistry that deals with the identification, separation, and quantification of any chemical compounds. Analytical chemistry takes a prominent position among all fields of experimental sciences, ranging from fundamental studies to industrial/clinical applications. Analytical chemistry discusses the fundamentals of experimental and analytical methods. Analytical chemistry is often defined as the area of chemistry responsible for describing the composition of matter, both qualitatively and quantitatively. Analytical chemistry has broad applications to forensics, medicine, science and engineering. Bioanalytical chemistry is a part of analytical chemistry which involves the separation, detection, identification and quantification of biological samples. It also involves the study of molecules such as proteins, peptides, DNA and drugs. Bioanalytical chemistry is a bridge between biology and analytical process. Bioanalytical chemistry depends on on the identification and characterization of particles and compounds, particularly those involved with life and health processes. Bioanalytical chemistry is a main discipline in biomedical research and applied to a study of biological processes, detection and diagnosis of human diseases, and preclinical and clinical trials of drugs and biopharmaceutical products in biological systems.
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Sessions 2:Clinical Chemistry
Clinical chemistry is a branch of chemistry that is concerned with analysis of bodily fluids for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. It is actually an applied form of biochemistry. The discipline originated primarily with the use of simple chemical reaction tests for various components of blood and urine. Clinical chemistry is a diagnostic technique which tests for various components of blood and urine and enables healthcare professionals to overview significance of abnormal values. Typical clinical chemistry tests may include such as blood glucose levels, electrolytes, enzymes, hormones, lipids, other metabolic substances, and proteins.
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Sessions 3:Stereochemistry of Organic Compounds
The study of stereochemistry focuses on stereoisomers and spans the complete spectrum of organic, inorganic, biological, physical and particularly supra molecular chemistry. Stereochemistry includes strategies for determinant and describing these relationships; the result on the physical or biological properties these relationships impart upon the molecules in question, and also the manner during which these relationships influence the reactivity of the molecules.
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Sessions 4:Chemical bonding & Cheminformatics
Organic molecules are described additional ordinarily by drawings or structural formulas, combinations of drawings and chemical symbols. Lewis structures simplest model in addition brought up as Lewis-dot diagrams show the bonding relationship between atoms of a molecule and thus the lone pairs of electrons among the molecule. Lewis structures can also be useful in predicting molecular pure mathematics in conjunction with hybrid orbitals. Resonance structures are used once one Lewis structure for ionic bonding one molecule cannot fully describe the bonding that takes place between shut atoms relative to the empirical data for the actual bond lengths between those atoms. Organic reactions are chemical reactions involving organic compounds.
Cheminformatics is that the commixture of these information resources to transform information into info data and data into knowledge for the supposed purpose of constructing higher selections faster within the space of drug lead identification and optimisation. These in silicon techniques are employed in as example pharmaceutical companies within the method of drug discovery. These ways may be employed in chemical and allied industries in varied different forms. Cheminformatics may be applied to information analysis for varied industries like paper and pulp and dyes and such allied industries. Chemical information will pertain to real or virtual molecules.
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Sessions 5:Food Chemistry
Food and Nutrition are the framework that we get vitality for our bodies. We should to substitute supplements in our bodies with an inventive source once a day. Water is a huge component of sustenance. Starches, Proteins, Fats are likewise fundamental. Protecting essential Vitamins and Minerals are likewise noteworthy to safeguarding great constitution. For pre-birth ladies and adults more than 50, Vitamins for example Vitamin D and minerals, for example, iron and calcium are critical to think in the wake of demonstrating nourishments to eat, and in addition likely dietary supplements. Food chemistry is the science that arrangements with synthetic piece of nourishments, with chemical structure and properties of nourishment constituents, and with substance changes nourishment experiences amid handling and capacity
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Sessions 6:Molecular design and Synthesis
Chemical synthesis is a resolute execution of chemical reactions to attain a product, or numerous products. This occurs by physical and chemical influences frequently involving one or more reactions. In recent laboratory practice, this tends to infer that the procedure is reproducible, reliable, and established to work in multiple laboratories.A chemical synthesis originates by mixture of compounds that are known as reagents or reactants. Different reaction types can be applied to these to synthesize the product, or an intermediate product. This requires mixing the compounds in a reaction vessel such as a chemical apparatus or a simple round-bottom flask. Several reactions require some form of work-up practice before the final product is isolated.The quantity of product in a chemical synthesis is the reaction yield. Naturally, chemical yields are expressed as a weight in grams or as a percentage of the total theoretical quantity of product that could be produced. A side reaction is an undesirable chemical reaction taking place that reduces the yield of the preferred product.
The Molecular design software is software for molecular modelling that provides special support for developing molecular models.In contrast to the normal molecular modelling programs, such as molecular dynamics and quantum chemistry, such software directly supports the features related to constructing molecular models, including:Molecular graphics, interactive molecular drawing and conformational editing, building polymeric molecules, crystals, and solvated systems, partial charges development, geometry optimization
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Sessions 7:Medicinal Chemistry
Medicinal Chemistry and pharmaceutical science are disciplines at the conjunction of science, mainly synthetic organic science, and pharmacology and different other organic claims to fame, where they are included with plan, compound amalgamation and advancement for market of pharmaceutical specialists, or bio-dynamic atoms (drugs).Specially, restorative science in its most basic work on—concentrating on organic compounds —envelops manufactured organic chemistry and parts of common items and computational science in close blend with biological chemistry, enzymology and auxiliary science, together going for the disclosure and improvement of new helpful operators. Basically, it includes concoction parts of ID, and after that orderly, exhaustive engineered adjustment of new substance elements to make them reasonable for helpful utilize. It incorporates manufactured and computational parts of the investigation of existing medications and operators being developed in connection to their bioactivities (natural exercises and properties), i.e., understanding their structure-action connections (SAR). Pharmaceutical science is centred around quality parts of prescriptions and expects to guarantee wellness for motivation behind restorative products.At the organic interface, restorative chemistry consolidates to shape an arrangement of exceedingly interdisciplinary sciences, setting its organic , physical, and computational accentuations nearby organic ranges, for example, organic chemistry, atomic science, pharmacognosy and pharmacology, toxicology and veterinary and human medication; these, with extend administration, insights, and pharmaceutical business rehearses, methodically shortest
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Sessions 8:Natural products and Heterocyclic chemistry
The investigation of biological and chemical properties of natural products for the past two centuries has not only produced drugs for the treatment of several diseases, but has instigated the development of synthetic organic chemistry and the arrival of medicinal chemistry as a major route to discover efficacious and novel therapeutic agents. Structural alteration of natural compounds or synthesis of novel compounds based on designs following a natural compound scaffolding have offered us a lot of vital new drugs in the fields of medicine, agriculture and food spheres. Nature has provided a fascinating array of chemical structures in the form of bioactive secondary metabolites.
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Sessions 9:Green and Environmental Chemistry
Green chemistry, also referred to as property chemistry is a part of chemistry and chemical engineering targeted on the planning of products and processes that minimize the utilization and generation of hazardous substances. Environmental chemistry focuses on the consequences of polluting chemicals on nature inexperienced chemistry focuses on technological approaches preventing pollution and reducing consumption of un renewable resources. Green chemistry overlaps with all sub disciplines of chemistry however with a specific target chemical synthesis, method chemistry and chemical engineering in industrial applications. To a lesser extent the principles of green chemistry conjointly affect laboratory practices.
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Sessions 10:Polymers, organic materials and nanomaterials
Chemical reactions occur once collisions occur between atoms or molecules and there is ensuing modification among the arrangement of the chemical bonds. Therefore rate of a reaction is proportional to the number of collisions between molecules. Not every collision will cause a reaction of the complete variety of collisions solely a specific share will occur at the appropriate energy to allow the processes of force breaking and forming to occur. A first-order reaction could also be a reaction that yields at a rate that depends linearly on only one analysis. Differential rate laws square measure usually accustomed describe what is occurring on a molecular level throughout a reaction whereas integrated rate laws square measure used for crucial the reaction order and also the value of the speed constant from experimental measurements and chemical biology.
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Sessions 11: Environmental Chemistry
Natural science is the investigation of substance forms happening in the earth which are affected by mankind's exercises. These effects might be felt on a neighborhood scale, through the nearness of urban communities' air toxins or harmful substances emerging from a compound waste site, or on a worldwide scale, through consumption of stratospheric ozone or a dangerous atmospheric devation. The concentration in our courses and research exercises is after building up a key comprehension of the idea of these concoction forms, with the goal that mankind's exercises can be precisely assessed.
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Sessions 12: Natural Products: Oil, Natural gas, Fossil and Radioactive Fuels
Natural science is the investigation of substance forms happening in the earth which are affected by mankind's exercises. These effects might be felt on a neighborhood scale, through the nearness of urban communities' air toxins or harmful substances emerging from a compound waste site, or on a worldwide scale, through consumption of stratospheric ozone or a dangerous atmospheric devation. The concentration in our courses and research exercises is after building up a key comprehension of the idea of these concoction forms, with the goal that mankind's exercises can be precisely assessed.
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Sessions 13: Oil & Gas Manufacturing and Engineering
Green Manufacturing: Fundamentals and Applications presents the essential definitions and issues encompassing green assembling at the procedure, machine and framework (counting production network) levels. It likewise appears, by method for a few precedents from various industry parts, the potential for generous improvement and the ways to accomplish the improvement. Furthermore, this gathering talks about administrative and government inspirations for green assembling and diagrams the way for making fabricating increasingly green just as making generation progressively maintainable. In particular, inquire about is centered around limiting/expelling contaminants and machining absconds amid assembling, improving the exactness and repeatability of concoction mechanical cleaning, green machine instruments and procedures, maintainable bundling, and displaying supportable, earth cognizant assembling procedures and frameworks.
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Market Analysis
United States Chemical industry:
The chemical industry is one of the largest and most important industries worldwide. The United States is the largest national producer of chemical products globally. Including the pharmaceutical sector, its chemical output value was more than 767 billion U.S. dollars in 2016. The global chemical industry has grown by 7 percent annually, reaching €2.4 trillion in 2010. Most of the growth in the past 25 years has been driven by Asia, which now owns almost half of global chemical sales. The global chemical markets are expected to grow an average 3 percent in the next 20 years.
Chemical companies from the United States are among the industry’s leading global players. With revenue of 48.2 billion U.S. dollars in 2016, Dow Chemical is the largest U.S. chemical company, and the world’s third largest behind German chemical companies BASF and Bayer. Other U.S. top companies are Lyondell Basell, DuPont and Praxair. In 2016, several of the leading global chemical companies announced mergers, effectively changing the dynamics of the global chemical industry.
The U.S. is the world’s largest exporter of chemical goods. In 2016, chemical exports were worth some 185 billion U.S. dollars. Most of it was generated through exports to the Asia-Pacific region. The leading countries of destination for chemical exports from the U.S. were Canada, Mexico, and China. However, the U.S. also has a large demand for chemical imports. In 2016, these imports were worth around 206 billion U.S. dollars.
The U.S. chemical industry spends relevant amounts for research and development. In 2016, almost 91 billion U.S. dollars were spent for R&D purposes in the chemical industry. That means that R&D funds have almost doubled over the last decade. Accordingly, the United States is the global leader in developing new chemical and pharmaceutical entities.
Chemical industry has been one of the largest manufacturing industries of the world. Air, water, natural gas, metals, oils and minerals are the raw materials that are generally processed to manufacture a variety of chemical products used across the globe.
The global chemical market is segmented on the basis of product type and geography. Asia-Pacific Chemical Market Size on the basis of product type the market is segmented into protective coating, adhesive sealants, concentrate mixtures, Asphalt additives and frame retardants. The largest share in the market is accounted by protective coating. To resist from high level of wear and tear, paints, primers, lacquers, varnishes and stains are used as protective coating. On the basis of geography, the market is segmented into America, APAC and EMEA.
According to the report, “Chemicals Market Global Report 2017”, in 2016, it has been observed that about 26% of the market share was accounted by Asia and it became the largest region in the chemicals market. Asia Pacific chemical market has been the fastest growing because of excellent performances by China and India. Half of the sales of Asia chemical market were accounted by China itself. The main reasons for growth in Asian region have been the low cost of labour and concentration of manufacturing industries which further led to dominance in global market. With the market share of 18%, America has accounted the second largest region and with 14% market share, Japan followed with the third largest region across the globe.
Recently, in order to eliminate the negative impact of chemical manufacturing on environment, sustainable and eco-friendly methods are being used by chemical companies in large amounts. Due to innovation and development in the chemical market, the companies have started using alternative fuels to produce chemical products like- use of carbon dioxide which is naturally available, industrial products and other substances. To produce high concentrated detergents, methasis is being used, which is a green technology. It reduces energy consumption that further minimizes the harmful effect on environment.
BASF, Mapei, RPM, Sika and W.R. Grace & Co. are the major vendors in the Global Construction Chemical Market Trends. Many local vendors of the region also dominate the global chemical construction market by offering the products at low cost.
There has been a significant rise in demand for investment in construction project and also chemical construction demand in repairing old monuments and buildings. Due to changing trends and fast growing lifestyle, the requirement for housing has increased which has considerably resulted in more demand for construction chemicals. The Chemical Market Research Report the demand for eco-friendly construction material is increasing. Therefore, manufacturers are continuously developing chemicals to meet the demands like- water bone protective coating which provides benefits like self-cleaning features and graffiti resistance.
The global market is all set to register higher revenues in the years to follow, welcoming the advancements in technology and supporting the increasing demands for newer types of chemicals.
Research centres for Chemical Sciences and Applied Research in USA
Chemical Industry Associations
Jagiellonian University
Tsinghua University
Universite Grenoble Alpes
University Of Lisbon
University Of Lisbon
Yalova University
AGH University of Science and Technology
Nutrition Cellulaire
Associate Professor
GITAM University
Professor IIT Delhi
Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology