Webinar on

Surgery and Anaesthesia

Scientific Program

Keynote Session:

Meetings International -  Conference Keynote Speaker Galyna Khrushch photo

Galyna Khrushch

Peoples Friendship University of Russia, Moscow

Title: Non surgical Rhinoplasty with HA-fillers and PDO collagen stimulated barbed and smooth methothreads


Khrushch is a board certified plastic surgeon, board certified maxillofacial surgeon, international candidate of the American Society of Plastic surgeons and a member of MOSBT. In addition, she is a member of the OSEM and ASPS, a certified trainer of IPSEN, a specialist in injection techniques of the company ,Melis and she is a member of the Russian Association of Plastic and Reconstruction Surgery.


The dorsal nasal artery anastomoses with the ophthalmic,intratrochlear and agular arteries.The widespread embolism through the connected blood vessels manifists as skin necrosis in geographic pattern . It is also a branch of ophthalmic artery so we should remember that propagation of the fillers embolus may cause eye symptoms. The nasal tip area is supplied primarily by the angular and the superior labial arteries,which are derived from the facial artery. In general,the angular artery,provides the lateral nasal artery,wich passes medially along the cephalic margin of the Lateral crura and gives off caudal branches toward the nostril rim. The superior labial artery originates from the columella to the region between the domes. The lateral nasal and columellar arteries then meet over the dorsal region,forming an alar arcade that runs along the cephalic margin of the lateral crura.This arcade runs superficial to the SMAS. Superficial to the alar arcade is the subdermal plexus of the nasaltip skin that is supplied by branches of bouth ophthalmic and facial artery system.


Oral Session 1:

  • Plastic and Reconstructive surgery | Anaesthesia Risks and Complications | General Anaesthesia | General Surgery
Meetings International - surgery Conference Keynote Speaker Maxim Nikolaevich Vasilev  photo

Maxim Nikolaevich Vasilev

Platinental, Russia

Title: Multi-level techniques for neck-lift


Рlastic surgeon, candidate of medical sciences, PLATINENTAL clinic, IPHIK.

Member of RSPRAS


Correction of age-related changes of the neck remains an urgent problem of modern plastic surgery.

At present, patients are no longer satisfied with moderate results. With age, changes occur at all tissue levels of the neck: skin, subcutaneous fat, platism, subplatinum fat, digastric muscles, salivary glands, mandible bones and chin. The use of advanced multi-level techniques for plastic neck allows to obtain the desired dynamic aesthetic result.


Meetings International - surgery Conference Keynote Speaker Yasser Rayan photo

Yasser Rayan

Aswan University, Egypt

Title:  Pedicled Versus Microvascular Free Flaps Used for Reconstruction of Oral Cavity Defects Following Cancer Ablative Surgery: A Prospective Comparative Study


Yasser Rayan is currently working at Aswan University, Egypt.


This is a prospective comparative study that included 41 patients at National Cancer Institute (NCI) of Cairo University and Aswan University Hospital in the period from 2015 to 2018. Patients were selected from those who were attending the Outpatient Clinic of Head and Neck Surgery Unit at NCI, Cairo University and Aswan University Hospital.
Results: Detection of short-
Meetings International - surgery Conference Keynote Speaker Ahmed Ammar photo

Ahmed Ammar

King Fahd University Hospital, Saudi Arabia

Title: Surgeon is the second victim; Complication or an error- Ethical consideration


Ahmed Ammar is currently working at King Fahd University Hospital, Saudi Arabia.


The undesirable adverse events may occur during the management of any medical or surgical cases. It is obvious that such events have  serious outcomes on the patients’ wellbeing, recovery and general conditions.  The treating teams  who committed such errors or had to face serious complication of their performance, they usually suffer psychological pressure. In some cases they may feel that their whole  careers are threatened, especially if the case finds its way to the medical litigation system.  It is important to distinguish clearly what is complication and what is errors, and what the cause of both of them. Something should be avoided is dwelling on Adverse Events. The surgeon who may cause such adverse event need support from his colleagues and hospital.


Meetings International - surgery Conference Keynote Speaker Samer Makki Mohamed Al-Hakkak  photo

Samer Makki Mohamed Al-Hakkak

Jabir Ibn Hayyan Medical University, Iraq

Title: Laparoscopic or open treatment for hydatid liver cyst? A single institute experience: a prospective randomized control trial


Samer Makki Mohamed Al-Hakkak is currently working at Jabir Ibn Hayyan Medical University, Iraq.


Hydatid disease is an endemic disease in many cattle and sheep-raising parts of the world. Surgery remains the gold standard modality of therapy of cystic echinococcosis despite the increased interest in nonsurgical techniques.


Meetings International - surgery Conference Keynote Speaker Paul D Mongan  photo

Paul D Mongan

University of Florida College of Medicine, USA

Title: Minimally invasive versus open multi-level spine surgery: lessons learned from a level 1 trauma center


Mongan is Professor, Department of Anesthesiology University of Florida, Jacksonville Florida.  He has 30 years of anesthetic practice in trauma and neuroanesthesiology.  Author of over 100 manuscripts and abstracts and Co-Editor of A Practical Approach to Neuroanesthesia 


Statement of the Problem: Historically, the treatment of degenerative spine and thoracolumbar fractures consisted of open posterior fixation with or without anterior stabilization.  However, these procedures are associated with morbidity, such as infection, blood loss, venous thromboembolism, and other cardiopulmonary complications.  Since the advent of minimally invasive surgical (MIS) techniques, no clear consensus exists regarding the best way to treat these conditions.  Decision making considers the extent of anterior column disease, fracture stability, neurological status, other traumatic injuries, and the likelihood of nonoperative management success. Multi-level MIS procedures may have lower risks and promote a faster recovery time.  In this retrospective review we provide a single center experience comparing the open vs. MIS for 4-6 level posterior spinal thoracolumbar fusions.


Meetings International - surgery Conference Keynote Speaker Ram Niwas Meena photo

Ram Niwas Meena

Banaras Hindu University, India

Title: Analysis of serum level of 25-hydroxycholecalciferol, calcium and lipid profile in carcinoma breast


Ram Niwas Meena is currently working at Banaras Hindu University, India


To measure the serum vitamin D, calcium and lipid profile levels in BC, benign breast diseases (BBD) and healthy control (HC) subjects, and compared these variables with clinico-pathological parameters in BC patients. In this prospective study 40 histologically confirmed invasive breast carcinoma, 20 benign breast disease patients and 20 healthy individuals taken as controls were enrolled for estimation of serum lipid profile, calcium and vitamin D..Level of serum lipid profile, calcium and vitamin D were compared with all three groups. In BC group, the levels were also compared with clinico-pathological parameters such as stage, menopausal status and hormone receptor status.


Meetings International - surgery Conference Keynote Speaker Satyanam Bhartiya photo

Satyanam Bhartiya

Banaras Hindu University, India

Title: A Study of Laparoscopy in Abdominal Trauma


Satyanam Bhartiya is currently working at Banaras Hindu University, India.


A Prospective interventional study of both blunt and penetrating trauma abdomen were done from July 2017 to June 2019 at Trauma Centre, IMS-BHU on 52 patients. All 52 cases underwent laparoscopic exploration followed by either therapeutic laparoscopy or open laparotomy whenever deemed necessary. Radiological and Intraoperative findings, mechanism of injuries, grade of injuries, length of hospital stay and outcomes were compared between those who underwent laparoscopy Vs those who required conversion  

Meetings International - surgery Conference Keynote Speaker Satendra Kumar photo

Satendra Kumar

Banaras Hindu University, India

Title: Contralateral Occult Inguinal Hernia in adult male patients underwent TEP


Satendra Kumar is currently working at Banaras Hindu University, India.


A total of 30 male patients were included in the study who was having clinically diagnosed unilateral hernia. All patients were assessed by ultrasonography for contralateral occult inguinal hernia. Assessment of postoperative pain was done using VAS score and postoperative complications which were looked for to make comparison between unilateral and bilateral TEP.

Meetings International - surgery Conference Keynote Speaker Shashi Prakash photo

Shashi Prakash

Banaras Hindu University, India

Title: Comparison one handed traditional technique and glass holding technique of mask ventilation before induction in paediatric patients


Shashi Prakash is currently working at Banars Hindu University, India.


Successful and effective ventilation using a face mask is very basic, important and critical step in emergency resuscitation as well as in operating room for pre-oxygenation of patients before induction. Adequate ventilation along with maintaining good perfusion are two critical factors which determine the positive outcome in successful resuscitation. [1] In operating room mask ventilation is used for pre-oxygenation of patients. At adequate flow, 100% oxygen in breathing circuit in maintained using effective face mask seal to increases the oxygen reserve and achieve de-nitrogenation which give valuable additional time for laryngoscopy, tracheal intubation, and for airway rescue if laryngoscopy or intubation fail. For optimal pre-oxygenation recommended EtO2 values are >92%.[2,3] In healthy adults, optimal pre-oxygenation can extend the duration of apnea without desaturation (i.e. interval between the onset of apnea and till peripheral capillary oxygen saturation falls up to a value of ≤90%) to up to 8  mins which is otherwise limited to 1–2 min without pre-oxygenation.[4] Thus face-mask ventilation can be a lifesaving backup plan to bridge attempts at intubation, prior to establishing a supraglottic airway or before progressing to surgical airway. Mask ventilation requires a good seal and a maintaining patent airway. Good technique and proper practice of this important skill increases the clinician’s ability to provide effective ventilation. There are various techniques for face mask ventilation, which include the one-handed techniques and the twohanded techniques. One handed technique can be either classical C-E technique or glass holding technique. The classical C-E technique involves thumb and index finger to form a “C” on the mask surface to maintain an adequate seal and the little, ring and middle finger form an “E” on the mandible for jaw lift while glass holding technique involves index finger and thumb to form a seal with the mask in a way similar to classical C-E clamp technique, but using the other three fingers and rest of the palmer surface of the hand to engulf the under-surface of the chin or the mandible, very much like holding a glass.

Meetings International - surgery Conference Keynote Speaker Abirodh Ranabhat photo

Abirodh Ranabhat

First Affiliated Hospital of Jinzhou Medical University, Liaoning, China

Title: Clinical and functional outcome of schatzker type v and vi tibial plateau fracture treated by open reduction and internal fixation


Abirodh Ranabhat is currently working at First Affiliated Hospital of Jinzhou Medical University, Liaoning, China.


We conducted an interventional cross-sectional prospective study from November 2017 to May 2019 in the Orthopaedics and Traumatology Department of First Affiliated Hospital of Jinzhou Medical University, Liaoning, China. Fifty-two patients were included using a convenience sampling method. Standard Oxford Knee Score(OKS), questionnaire was used to evaluate the clinical and functional outcomes. Statistical analysis was done in SPSS version 22.0 using Student’s t-test and the Pearson correlation coefficient. A P-value of less than 0.05 was considered to be statistically significant.  


Meetings International - surgery Conference Keynote Speaker Shyam Parashar photo

Shyam Parashar

University of Dammam, Saudi Arabia

Title:  Surgery, then and now: A historical flashback


Shyam Parashar is currently working at University of Dammam, Saudi Arabia.


I have personal experience of more than six decades of practice of surgery and have seen many surgical landmarks in my life time.  Surgery has come a long way from the practice of barber surgeons to upcoming practice of robotic surgery. We owe this progress to many stalwarts, some of whom I had the opportunity to work with.  It is a challenge for me to condense surgical history of at least five millennia in few minutes allotted to me.