Muhammad Aadil Hakim is pursuing medical degree at the University of Bristol, UK and very keen to pursue a career in academia and surgery. He has special interest in neurosurgery and ENT surgery. He has accomplished BSc degree in physics from King’s College London University. He has held positions as president of the University of Bristol Surgery Society, the Bristol representative for NANSIG (Neurology and Neurosurgery Interest Group) and currently the vice president for NNS (the Neurosurgical and Neurological Society).
Introduction: Medical students in the UK report poor satisfaction with surgical teaching. The Surgical Skills Day (SSD), set up by medical students at the University of Bristol UK, begin to address this by exposing medical students to surgery through an easily accessible one-day practical workshop. This study shows how the SSD encourages undergraduate engagement in surgery.
Method: Feedback forms were emailed to attendees of the SSD and their anonymised responses were used to evaluate the SSD.
Results: A total of 144 students attended the SSD across three years and the feedback response rate was 74% (n=107). Key findings were that 100% (n=107) of respondents would like the SSD to be an annual event, 79% (n=83) were more inclined to pursue a surgical career following the event and 97% (n=103) would like to see practical surgical skills incorporated into the curriculum. The SSD was able to engage undergraduates with surgery through mentorship, practical skills, specialty exposure and teaching of General Medical Council (GMC) mandated skills.
Conclusions: Undergraduate surgical teaching in the UK is insufficient. The student-led annual SSD shows improved engagement in practical surgical skills and increased enthusiasm for a surgical career. In light of this, the authors feel the SSD or similar event should be integrated into the medical school curriculum.