Ashish Verma
Consultant at International Labour Organization
Title: Inclusive and integrated response paved the way to achieve 90:90:90: Lessons from India.
He has been instrumental in developing strategic partnership of NACO with several key Ministries of Govt. of India through entering into Memoranda of Understanding, partnership with employer organizations, industries of public and private sector, trade unions and key stakeholders for expansion of outreach of national programme and garner support for effective implementation. I have successfully implemented UN project in collaboration with Government (NACO) at the national and state level.
Prevention of HIV and AIDS required multi-faceted and multi-sectorial response in the resource constraint settings. An inclusive and Integrated approach worked well in minimizing the risk factor, reduction in new HIV cases, expansion of HIV related services and mitigate the impact through HIV sensitive (inclusive & exclusive) social protection schemes. Huge health infrastructure lies with various non-health Ministries, corporate and public sector undertakings, and several institutions actually played critically important roles in early detection and linkages with services on care support & treatment.
- Sexual and Reproductive Health and HIV.
- Universal Access to HIV/AIDS Prevention, Treatment and Cancer
- Blood Transfusion Safety
- Recent Advancement in Techniques involved in HIV
- HIV /AIDS and Retro Viral Disease
- Evolution of HIV
- HIV and Pregnancy
- Living with HIV
- AIDS Research and Therapy
- STD, STIs and Infertility
- Gender Inequality and HIV
- Progress for HIV Vaccine
- Preventing STD & STI
- SDG & AIDS Care
- Reproductive Health & Contraception
- A World without HIV