Eman Elgindy is a consultant in reproductive medicine, professor Obstetrics and Gynecology, Zagazig University and Clinical Director of Rahem fertility center, Zagazig, Egypt. She obtained her MD in 2001 from Zagazig University and PhD in reproductive Medicine in 2013 from Maastricht University. Dr Elgindy authored or co-authored many research studies published in both national and international journals (Highest ranked journals like, Green Journal, Human Reproduction journal, Fertility and Sterility journal and Reproductive Biomedicine Online journal). Her research interests include ovarian reserve, optimizing controlled ovarian stimulation protocols and fertility preservation. She has many presentations in national and international conferences. Dr Elgindy is a member of MEFS board from 2013 until 2017 and the editor of MEFS news from 2014 till now. In 2008 she received the Middle East Fertility Society Research Award for the best research in the field of human reproduction. The University of Zagazig offered Dr Elgindy the Certificate of Distinction in the field of medical sciences in 2012.
Last years have witnessed major advancement in the field of ART and improvement in its outcome. Some modalities were proven to be effective and others were not. The goal of the current presentation is to to assess and present the evidence for both established and emerging approaches for optimization of ART outcome. Pre-cycle evaluation and possible procedures suggested for improving the outcome will be discussed. Dealing with hydrosalpinx and endometrioma before ART will be highlighted in accordance to latest evidence. Individualized ovarian stimulation and decision making during different times of the stimulation cycle, whether on the day of oocyte triggering or the day of embryo transfer will be addressed. Additionally, the value of new modalities suggested for improving the ART outcome will be highlighted in according to the latest evidence and committee opinions.
Reproductive Endocrinology
Reproductive Physiology and Metabolic Disorders
Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART)
Reproductive Medicine & Sexually Transmitted Diseases