Meetings International is famously organizing out International Conference on High Potent Medicines, predominantly focusing on the subject "New developments and aspects in Potent Medicines" with an inspiration to give an astounding global stage to the academicians, researchers, analysts, engineers, modern members and budding students around the world to share their research findings with the global experts. Annual High Potent Medicines Conference will be held in Amsterdam, Netherlands on October 25-26, 2018.
Meetings International is a global leader in producing high quality conferences, meetings, workshops and symposia in all major fields of science, technology and medicine. Since its inception, Meetings Int. has been associated with national and international associations, corporations and high level individuals, dedicated to hosting world-class conferences and events. Meetings Int. supports broad scope research and peer review at a broad range of specialists around the world.
The Potent Medicines Meeting 2018 aides the upgrade gathered advances in the domain of Pharmacognosy and naturopathic medicine. Extraordinarily consolidate makers and rhetoricians are accumulated to talk at this social occasion to re-try future slants in trademark cures. This Potent Medicines Meeting 2018 will accord the new regards in characteristic and standard non-meddlesome treatment also other imaginative statures and, by having new banters with great speakers and furthermore new ones to prefix a phenomenal way for future retail achievement. Potent Medicines conference helps in making all the more front line slant in the advancements and their applications all through the globe.
Target audience:
From pharmaceutical manufacturing and Biopharmaceutical manufacturing, Chief executives, VP’s, Directors, Heads, Leaders, Senior Managers, Principal Scientists, Principal Toxicologists, Toxicologists, Fellows, Investigators working in the following departments:
For more information: https://www.meetingsint.com/conferences/potentmedicines
Session 1: High potent medicines : Clinical and Research Issues
Potent Medicine Conference gives a chance for prudent talks on potent drug advancements and application. Potent medicines is the utilization of medicinal plants and some natural sources for prevention and treatment of ailments: it ranges from traditional and popular medications of each nation to the utilization of standardized herbal extracts.
Keywords: Potent Medicine Conference | Potent Medicine 2018 | Potent Medicine Conference 2018 | Potent Medicine Congress 2018 | Europe Conference | USA conference | Asia Conference
Session 2: Pharmacokinetics & pharmacodynamics
Pharmacokinetics is presently characterized as the study of the time course of drug absorption, distribution, metabolism, also excretion. Pharmacodynamics, delineated as and combines receptor true blue , post receptor results, and substance affiliations. Planed pharmacokinetics picks the starting, time traverse, and importance of a medicine's impact. Arrangement bearing on these advancements packs the pharmacokinetic lead of everything thought about tablets.
Keywords: Potent Medicine Conference | Potent Medicine 2018 | Potent Medicine Conference 2018 | Potent Medicine Congress 2018 | Europe Conference | USA conference | Asia Conference
Session 3: Agonism & antagonism
The term agonist-antagonist is utilized to allude to a medication which under a some conditions behaves on as an agonist (a substance that completely activates the receptor that it ties to) while under different conditions, acts as an antagonist (a substance that ties to a receptor however does not initiate and can hinder the movement of different agonists).
Keywords: Potent Medicine Conference | Potent Medicine 2018 | Potent Medicine Conference 2018 | Potent Medicine Congress 2018 | Europe Conference | USA conference | Asia Conference
Session 4: Pharmacotherapy & Bio Therapeutics
All the sedative related damages to the individual and society can be diminished by pharmacotherapy. Since numerous medications exist in display days, pharmacotherapy is the successful response to all the opiod dependence problems. Drug specialists are master in the pharmacotherapy. Bio therapeutics is conveying of helpful materials by means of natural recombinant DNA development. Focusing on the particular particles inside human body is the fundamental point of bio therapeutics.
Keywords: Potent Medicine Conference | Potent Medicine 2018 | Potent Medicine Conference 2018 | Potent Medicine Congress 2018 | Europe Conference | USA conference | Asia Conference
Session 5: High Potent Medicines
A high potent medicine evokes a given reaction at low concentrations, while a medication of lower potency brings out a similar reaction only at higher concentrations. The potency relies on both the affinity and efficacy.
Keywords: Potent Medicine Conference | Potent Medicine 2018 | Potent Medicine Conference 2018 | Potent Medicine Congress 2018 | Europe Conference | USA conference | Asia Conference
Session 6: Antibody-Drug Conjugates (ADCs)
They are highly potent anti tumor medications which are built by appending a little molecule anticancer medication or another therapeutic agent to an antibody, with either a permanent or a labile linker. The antibody focuses a particular antigen only found on target cells. When it binds to the cell, it triggers disguise of the antibody, together with the medication. This conveys drugs with high specificity to the diseased cells, boosting their efficacy and limiting fundamental exposure, with the related danger of side effects. The ADC innovation can additionally utilized outside of cancer-related indications. Depending on the payload which is being attached to the antibody, a variety of biological functions can be impacted. Research areas where such advances are being investigated include onco-immunology and neuroscience.
Keywords: Potent Medicine Conference | Potent Medicine 2018 | Potent Medicine Conference 2018 | Potent Medicine Congress 2018 | Europe Conference | USA conference | Asia Conference
Session 7: High Potent Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (HP-APIs)
Highly potent medications speak to a huge change in the way innovators are utilizing small molecules to deliver new patient therapies. This move toward the utilization of highly potent active pharmaceutical ingredients (HPAPIs) has not only led to a pipeline of more effective medicines that require lower doses and lead to fewer side effects, yet in addition to new manufacturing challenges. Highly selective pharmacologically active ingredients that binds to specific receptors or enzymes and/or could cause cancer, mutations, developmental effects or reproductive toxicity at low doses.
Keywords: Potent Medicine Conference | Potent Medicine 2018 | Potent Medicine Conference 2018 | Potent Medicine Congress 2018 | Europe Conference | USA conference | Asia Conference
Session 8: Processing & Production of High Potent compounds
For medicine manufacturers, patient wellbeing is the pinnacle of concern, and efforts to prevent cross-contamination with highly potent active pharmaceutical ingredients (HPAPI) are a essential part of a protected assembling process. Likewise, the safety of workers who make APIs or completed medication items, and the environment in which they work, is additionally principal, especially when manufacturing with compounds that require high control. Lacking regulation of these compounds can put patients, employees, and the environment at increased risk, while diminishing product yields. Manufacturing expenses can likewise ascend with additional requirements for individual protective equipment and medical observation for workers, or for contamination controls and exceptional housekeeping for manufacturing areas.
Keywords: Potent Medicine Conference | Potent Medicine 2018 | Potent Medicine Conference 2018 | Potent Medicine Congress 2018 | Europe Conference | USA conference | Asia Conference
Session 9: Robust & Reliable Contaminants in HPAPIs
The fundamental test in HPAPI production resides in the ability of the producer to operate safely and adjust to the constraints of innovative and ever more potent molecules. It suggests using an appropriate confinement strategy based on engineering controls, group and individual security gear, continuous training for all personnel on site, foundation of standard operating procedures (SOP), monitoring occupational hygiene, and executing medical surveillance of the employees. This mastery can be obtained only through an broad and dependable involvement and experience in the area and only a few manufacturers hold the appropriate expertise to handle these compounds. External assessment of HPAPI production safety is provided by specialized organizations. The organization's certification is the main free assessment framework system to date and assesses the management, the evaluation, the containment, the control, and the communication components of HPAPI operations.
Keywords: Potent Medicine Conference | Potent Medicine 2018 | Potent Medicine Conference 2018 | Potent Medicine Congress 2018 | Europe Conference | USA conference | Asia Conference
Session 10: Potent Antibiotics
Potent Medicine Conference gives an opportunity for prudent talks on potent antibiotics advancements and their current trends. Superantibiotic is 25,000 times more potent than its predecessor. The world’s last line of defense against disease-causing bacteria just got a new warrior: vancomycin 3.0. Its predecessor—vancomycin 1.0—has been used since 1958 to combat dangerous infections like methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. But as the rise of resistant bacteria has blunted its effectiveness, scientists have engineered more potent versions of the drug—vancomycin 2.0. Now, version 3.0 has a unique three-pronged approach to killing bacteria that could give doctors a powerful new weapon against drug-resistant bacteria and help researchers engineer more durable antibiotics. The new antibiotic is at least 25,000 times more potent against microbes such as VRE and VRSA.
Keywords: Potent Medicine Conference | Potent Medicine 2018 | Potent Medicine Conference 2018 | Potent Medicine Congress 2018 | Europe Conference | USA conference | Asia Conference
Session 11: Safety & Toxicology in HPAPIs
The production of HPAPIs requires specialized facilities, equipment, and skills to guarantee the safety of operators and the nature. As such, the greater part of HPAPIs are produced by contract development and manufacturing organizations (CDMOs) with these particular capabilities. One of the challenges for CDMOs when accepting new undertakings, especially those involving new chemical entities (NCEs), is distinguishing the level of potency, or biological activity, in order to establish appropriate safety and handling procedures.
Keywords: Potent Medicine Conference | Potent Medicine 2018 | Potent Medicine Conference 2018 | Potent Medicine Congress 2018 | Europe Conference | USA conference | Asia Conference
Session 12: Potent Medicine: Neurology & Brain
In Traditional/Potent medicine, a healthy mind includes symmetry between the cerebellum and the Soul. Potent Medicine Conference provides a chance for prudent talks on potent medicine innovations and their applications.A TM user can some more treat the organ systems, neural points that profit particular ways of symmetrical changes associated with mind, dementia, reminding, remember the words etc.
Keywords: Potent Medicine Conference | Potent Medicine 2018 | Potent Medicine Conference 2018 | Potent Medicine Congress 2018 | Europe Conference | USA conference | Asia Conference
Session 13: Potent Medicines Side effects & Complications
Highly powerful and effective drugs can cause renal failure and hepatitis in some since they have a few toxins else some metals, or react harmfully with other drugs, a study has found. Potent Medicine Conference 2018 provides an opportunity for prudent talks on potent medicine innovations and new applications. We can use these toxins in low concentrations in order to have valuable therapeutic impacts.. Some people believe that because herbal medicines derive from natural products that they are not drugs, but rather they are, and they can possibly cause harm or to interact harmfully with prescription medications.
Keywords: Potent Medicine Conference | Potent Medicine 2018 | Potent Medicine Conference 2018 | Potent Medicine Congress 2018 | Europe Conference | USA conference | Asia Conference
Session 14: Regulatory Updates in GMP Regulation
According to the Health Authorities, current Good Manufacturing Practice (cGMP) regulations and guidelines regulate the manufacturing, use and testing of drug products and their components, including Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) proposed for use in humans. APIs produced to cGMP norms for clinical research or commercial deal must meet requirements for identity, strength, quality and purity. Few decisions in pharmaceutical operations are as critical as choosing the correct API Development process. At each step of the process development cycle, complete hazard assessment tools are available to allow for safe production of your compounds.
Keywords: Potent Medicine Conference | Potent Medicine 2018 | Potent Medicine Conference 2018 | Potent Medicine Congress 2018 | Europe Conference | USA conference | Asia Conference
Session 15: Quality Control & Marketing of Potent Medicine
WHO has issued Guidelines for the Assessment of Herbal Medicines (WHO, 1996). These guidelines characterized the fundamental criteria for the assessment of quality, safety and efficacy of herbal medicines with the goal of assisting national regulatory authorities, scientific organizations and manufacturers in assessing documentation, submissions and dossiers in respect of such products. Potent Medicine Meeting 2018 provides a chance for prudent talks on. It was recommended that such assessments take into account long-term use in the country.
Keywords: Potent Medicine Conference | Potent Medicine 2018 | Potent Medicine Conference 2018 | Potent Medicine Congress 2018 | Europe Conference | USA conference | Asia Conference
Session 16: Commercial Value of HPAPI
The worldwide high potency active pharmaceutical ingredients (HPAPI) market is expected to achieve USD 24.09 Billion by 2021 from USD 16.02 Billion in 2016, growing at a CAGR of 8.5% from 2016 to 2021.
Based on type, the high potency active pharmaceutical ingredients market is segmented into innovative and generic HPAPIs. The innovative HPAPIs segment is evaluated to account for the larger share of the total HPAPIs market. The large share of this segment is attributed to the presence of large number of patent-protected innovative HPAPIs, their higher cost as compared to generics, growing focus of major players on the advancement of novel high-potency products, and the growing demand for novel high-potency cancer therapeutics. Based on sort of type of manufacturer, the high potency active pharmaceutical ingredients market is segmented into captive and merchant HPAPI manufacturers.
Keywords: Potent Medicine Conference | Potent Medicine 2018 | Potent Medicine Conference 2018 | Potent Medicine Congress 2018 | Europe Conference | USA conference | Asia Conference
Session 17: Integrative Medicine
Potent Medicine Conference 2018 gives an opportunity to judicious talks on potent medicine innovations, developments and applications in future trends. Integrative Medicine (IM) is healing-oriented drug that assesses the entire individual, including all parts of way of life. It underlines the therapeutic connection between expert and patient, is informed by evidence, and makes utilization of every suitable treatment. The Defining Principles of Integrative Medicine. Patient and expert are partners in the healing process. All factors that influence health, wellness, and disease are taken into consideration, including mind, spirit, and community, as well as the body. Appropriate use of both conventional and alternative techniques encourages the body's innate healing response.
Keywords: Potent Medicine Conference | Potent Medicine 2018 | Potent Medicine Conference 2018 | Potent Medicine Congress 2018 | Europe Conference | USA conference | Asia Conference
Session 18: Traditional Chinese Medicine
Traditional Chinese medicine is the theory of conventional Chinese herbal therapy, which represents for the majority of treatments in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). TCM based on a establishment of more than 2,500 years of Chinese therapeutic practice includes various forms of herbal medicine, acupuncture, massage, exercise, and dietary therapy, but recently also influenced by modern Western medicine.
According to a research by Medical University of South Carolina by the Department of Complementary-Alternative Medicine reports that 3,200 physicians conducted by Health Products Research, more than 50 percent of physicians in the U.S. planned to start or increase use of alternative medicines, including those rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), within the following year.
Keywords: Potent Medicine Conference | Potent Medicine 2018 | Potent Medicine Conference 2018 | Potent Medicine Congress 2018 | Europe Conference | USA conference | Asia Conference
Session 19: Drug discovery and Development
Drug discovery and development together are the total strategy for seeing another arrangement and offering it available to be purchased to the general population. In this Potent Medicines conference, we will provide the unknown utilizations of new drugs and their evaluation. Revelation may incorporate screening of compound libraries, recognizing verification of the dynamic settling from a trademark cure or course of action occurring because of a comprehension of the objective. Change consolidates considers on microorganisms and animals, clinical trials and in the long run regulatory underwriting.
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Session 20: Potent Medicine: Pharmacology and Toxicology
In pharmacology, potency is a measure of drug activity expressed in terms of the amount required to deliver an impact of given force. A highly potent drug evokes a given response at low concentrations, while a drug of lower potency evokes the same response at higher concentrations.
Potency of a compound is identified to its toxicity. A more strong toxicant elicits a toxic response at lower concentrations, and vice versa. The dosages range between the dose producing a lethal effect and the dose not producing a lethal or desired effect. Death is the ultimate extreme in toxicity; however, other effects are possible, from desirable through just undesirable to harmful.
Keywords: Potent Medicine Conference | Potent Medicine 2018 | Potent Medicine Conference 2018 | Potent Medicine Congress 2018 | Europe Conference | USA conference | Asia Conference
Future Scope and importance
The pharmaceutical landscape keeps on advancing, with much R&D focusing on more specialized drugs. As the biological activity and specificity of the API increases, dosage strengths decrease – resulting in increased potency of the APIs in terms of occupational handling for drug product manufacture. We are seeing continued interest and investment in R&D with a visible shift towards speciality/potent medicines, with oncology being an especially exceptional region of center for the worldwide pharmaceutical market. Latest data suggests approximately 25 per cent of New Chemical Entities (NCEs) in development are deemed potent.
The focus of this Annual High Potent Medicine conference (AHPMC) would address the issues in process development, scale-up, regulatory updates, containment, handling, cleaning validation and toxicology of highly potent compounds. The conference would be addressing the major challenges in the AHPMC, manufacturing industry where the leading industry experts will discuss the strategies for both pharma and Contract Manufacturing Organizations (CMO’s) by presenting expert keynote presentations, live case studies and breakthrough panel sessions.
With this advancing scene, pharmaceutical product designers, developers and manufacturers have to re-evaluate their approach, as greater potent medicines generate increasingly complex regulatory requirements. With such a significant proportion of new drugs in development containing high potency APIs, the processing of such molecules presents many challenges, not least of which is the need for significant investment in specialised containment resources and requirement for noteworthy interest in specific regulation assets to ensure that employees and their environment are protected from exposure to these drug compounds.
Why to attend?
With people over the globe focused on finding a few arrangements concerning Potent Medicines, this is the best platform to meet the eminent personalities of Medicine. This scientific stage will allow the researcher to showcase their research work through presentations and have a chance to gain knowledge about the current situation of potent medicines and receive name recognition at this 3-day event.
Future scope for potent medicine in the world
Business respect in The Hague
A restored excitement for the standard and additionally home created arrangement has seen the Hague zone change into a world concentration point for Standard Chinese Medicine (TCM), with affiliations proposing to put and extend their business in Europe. The Hague, which has a vivacious Chinatown region, is home to a developing number of TCM related affiliations.
We drive TCM relationship to effectively change their obsolete ability to the forefront European-market. In 2017, 54 outside affiliations opened an office or expanded their business in The Hague. This was refined with the help of The Hague Business Affiliation and Progress Quarter, the securing embellishments of the City of The Hague. These affiliations are relied on to make 788 new employments inside three years and contribute an aggregate of 60 million euros in the city.
Top medicine Universities across Europe
University of Cambridge-UK
University of Oxford- UK
Karolinska Institutet-Sweden
UCL (University College London)-UK
Imperial College London-UK
Ruprecht-Karls-Universitaet Heidelberg- Germany
University of Amsterdam-Netherlands
Erasmus University Rotterdam-Netherlands
University of Copenhagen-Denmark
University of Zurich- Switzerland
Top Medicine Universities across US
Harvard University-United States
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)- US
Johns Hopkins University-US
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)-US
University of California, San Francisco-US
Yale University-US
Johns Hopkins University-US
University of Pennsylvania-US
Columbia University-US
Duke University-US
Director General, Amity Institute for Herbal and Biotech Products Development