We are delighted to announce our upcoming International Conference on Plant Pathology and Soil Health will be scheduled in New York, USA during November 08-09,2021 Which includes prompt keynote presentations, Oral talks, Workshops/Symposia, Poster presentations, and Exhibition The theme of the conference is, “Future Renovation on Plant care and Disease management". Plant Pathology 2022 is the premier event that brings together a unique and international mix of experts, researchers, and decision-makers both from academia and industry across the globe to exchange their knowledge, expertise, and research innovations to build a world-class This Plant Pathology Conference will be having sessions on pathogen genetics, biological control by microorganisms, Plant diseases. identification & control, crop research & seed science technology, computer-aided drug discovery in plant pathology, epidemiology of plant diseases, microbial interactions and plant health, pathogenic fungi and fungal diseases, plant pathology and weed science, plant protection methods and its related subjects to establish a connection for exchanging ideas.
Session1:Biological Control by Microorganisms
The terms biological control used in different fields of biology and in plant pathology. It applies to the use of microbial antagonists to suppress diseases as well as the use of host-specific pathogens to control weed populations the organism that suppresses the pest or pathogen is referred to as the biological control agent. A wide variety of chemicals called antimicrobial agents are available for controlling the growth of microbes such as chemotherapeutic agents, disinfectants and antiseptics etc.
Keywords:Microbiology Conferences | Biological Control Conference | Plant Safety Conference | Plant Nutrition and Soil Sciences | Plant Pathology, Agriculture & Horticulture
Session 2:Plant Diseases: Identification & Control
The main aim of plant disease management is to reduce the economic and aesthetic damage caused by plant diseases. Traditionally, this has been called plant disease control, but current social and environmental values deem control as being absolute and the term too rigid disease fungi take their energy from the plants on which they live. They are responsible for a great deal of damage and are characterized by wilting, scabs, moldy coatings, rusts, and blotches and rotted tissue. Removal of diseased plant tissues on the plant itself is your next line of defence. Prune out diseased foliage, twigs or branches, handpick blighted camellia blossoms as they appear and dispose of these in the trash.
Keywords:Microbiology Conferences | Biological Control Conference | Plant Safety Conference | Plant Nutrition and Soil Sciences | Plant Pathology, Agriculture & Horticulture | Plant Disease Conferences | Plant Disease Control Meeting
Session 3:Common Vegetable Diseases and Protection
The vegetables including potato, tuber crops, mushroom, have become key drivers for economic development in many of the states in the country. Hence the adoption of suitable management measures with low residue levels in the final produces becomes a requirement. Mostly there are two types of diseases which can be seen in vegetables that is due to fungus and bacteria such as black rot, bacterial canker, bacterial leaf spot, white blister, downy mildew and club root etc.
Keywords:Plant Diseases Conference | Plant Disease Conferences | Plant Disease Control Meeting | | Plant Disease Conferences | Plant Disease Control Meeting | Plant Nutrition and Soil Sciences | Plant Pathology, Agriculture & Horticulture
Session 4:Crop Research & Seed Science Technology
Crop research might be characterized as action coordinated to making the generation, promoting and utilization of business crops more proficient and gainful. Consequently, edit research may include any of the majority of the accompanying: Plant Breeding, plant physiology and Biochemistry Yields incorporate grain and Oilseed crops, forages, claim to fame crops, vegetables, fruits and ornamental seed science is the analysis of the structure and advancement of seeds from the snapshot of treatment of the egg cell on the maternal plant until the point that arrangement of another plant from the seed. Seed science is partitioned into two segments carpology, studies the seeds and products of wild plants.
Keywords:Crop Research Conference | Seed Science Conference | Best Agriculture Conference | Plant Disease Conferences | Plant Disease Control Meeting | Plant Nutrition and Soil Sciences | Plant Pathology, Agriculture & Horticulture
Session 5:Computer-Aided Drug Discovery in Plant Pathology
Control of plant diseases is largely dependent on the use of agrochemicals. However, there are widening gaps between our knowledge on plant diseases gained from genetic/mechanistic studies and rapid translation of the knowledge into target-oriented development of effective agrochemicals. Here we propose that the time is ripe for computer-aided drug discovery in molecular plant pathology. CADD has played a pivotal role in the development of medically important molecules over the last three decades. Now, the explosive increase in information on genome sequences and three-dimensional structures of biological molecules, The strategies of designing a new drug by using bioinformatics implements have opened a brand new location of drug research and development y the use of computational methods and the 3D structural statistics of the protein. target.
Keywords:Drug Discovery Conference | Drug Discovery Conferences | Dug Design Conferences | Plant Disease Conferences | Plant Disease Control Meeting | Plant Nutrition and Soil Sciences | Plant Pathology, Agriculture & Horticulture
Session 6:Epidemiology of Plant Diseases
Plant disease epidemiology is the study of disease in plant populations, plant diseases occur due to pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, oomycetes, nematodes, phytoplasmas, protozoa, and parasitic plants. Plant disease epidemiologists strive for an understanding of the cause and effects of disease and develop strategies to intervene in situations where crop losses may occur. The study of epidemics and factors influencing them is called epidemiology Plant disease epidemiology studies the spatial and temporal dynamics as well as the ecology of the interaction between populations of plant pathogens, plant hosts, and the environment.
Keywords: Infection Prevention Conferences | Plant Epidemiology Conference | Plant Protection Conference | Plant Nutrition and Soil Sciences | Plant Pathology, Agriculture & Horticulture
Session 7:Microbial Interactions and Plant Health
Microorganism–host interactions are the key strategy to colonize and establish in a variety of different environments. These interactions involve all ecological aspects, including physiochemical changes, metabolite exchange, metabolite conversion, signalling, chemo taxis and genetic exchange resulting in genotype selection. In addition, the establishment in the environment depends on the species diversity, since high functional redundancy in the microbial community increases the competitive ability of the community, decreasing the possibility of an invader to establish in this environment. The plant phenotype and ecology can be affected by the impact of the symbiotic microbes on the environment and competition for soil resources.
Keywords:Plant-Microbe Interaction Conference | Microbial Interaction Conferences | Plant Health Conference | Plant Nutrition and Soil Sciences | Plant Pathology, Agriculture & Horticulture
Session 8:Organic Farming and Plant Diseases
Root diseases are generally less severe owing to greater soil health, whereas some foliar diseases can be problematic in organic agriculture. The soil microbial community and nitrogen availability play an important role in disease development and yield. Demand for safe and healthy food has been increasing with every passing day. The ill-effects of plant protection chemicals on the flora, fauna, humans and environment as a whole are the major concerns. Disease management in organic farming is largely based on the maintenance of biological diversity and soil health by balanced crop rotations, including nitrogen-fixing and cover crops, intercrops, additions of manure and compost and reductions in soil tillage
Keywords:Organic Farming Conference | Crop Safety Conferences | Crop Technology Conferences |Plant Nutrition and Soil Sciences | Plant Pathology, Agriculture & Horticulture
Session 9:Pathogenic Fungi and Fungal Diseases
Fungi are among the dominant causal agents of plant diseases. Some fungi kill their hosts and feed on dead material, while others colonize the living tissue For the successful invasion of plant organs, pathogenic development is tightly regulated and specialized infection structures are formed. To further colonize hosts and establish disease, fungal pathogens deploy a plethora of virulence factors, in contrast, biotrophs utilize effector molecules to suppress plant cell death and manipulate plant metabolism in favour of the pathogen.
Keywords:Pathogenic Fungi Conference | Fungal Disease Conference | Plant Fungal Disease Conferences |Plant Nutrition and Soil Sciences | Plant Pathology, Agriculture & Horticulture
Session 10:Plant Pathology and Weed science
Plant pathology is the scientific study of diseases in plants caused by pathogens and environmental conditions. Organisms that cause infectious disease include fungi, bacteria, viruses, viroids, virus-like organisms, phytoplasma, protozoa, nematodes and parasitic plants. Weed Science is the study of vegetation management in agriculture, aquatics, horticulture, right-of-way, essentially anywhere plants need to be managed. It involves the study of all the tools available for this purpose such as cropping systems, herbicides, and management techniques and seed genetics. However, it is not just the controlling of plants, but the study of these plants.
Keywords:Weed Science Conference | Plant Protection Event | Plant Pathology Symposium | Plant Nutrition and Soil Sciences | Plant Pathology, Agriculture & Horticulture
Session 11:Plant Protection Methods
Plant protection is the practice of managing weather, weeds, pests and diseases that damage or inhibit the growth of fruit, vegetable and other horticultural crops . Proper crop protection is important to produce higher quality crops with minimal wastage. This increase in productivity leads to less land, water and labour being required for food crops Plant protection measures are carried out to limit performance and yield losses in crop production during the growing season and afterwards storage protection as well as for quarantine purposes. They serve primarily to safeguard yields, although in combination with other cultivation measures they can also help to raise yields.
Keywords: Pest Control conference | Pesticide Conference | | Plant Nutrition and Soil Sciences | Plant Pathology, Agriculture & Horticulture | Pathogenic Fungi Conference | Fungal Disease Conference
Session 12:Entomology and Insects:
The realm of agricultural entomology includes all basic studies of beneficial and pest insects associated with agricultural crops and farm animals. The starting point of such studies is a correct identification of the insect species, in accordance with the science known as biosystematics. Farmers - Crops and food products are consumed or spoiled by insects. Entomologists are working to sustain optimal agricultural production throughout the world. By identifying endangered species and studying their ecosystems, entomologists work to protect the environment and restore threatened habitats. Entomology is crucial to our understanding of human disease, agriculture, evolution, ecology and biodiversity. Entomologists are people who study insects, as a career, as amateurs or both.
Keywords;Pest Control conference | Pesticide Conference | Insects Species | Plant Pathology |Entomology | Soil health | Plant Nutrition and Soil Sciences | Plant Pathology, Agriculture & Horticulture
Meetings International is announcing Young Scientist Awards through through International Conference on Plant Pathology and Soil Health (Plants Pathology-2022) which is scheduled June 24-25, 2022 in New York, USA. This Plant pathology focuses on “Future Renovations On Plant Care And Disease Management" Plant Pathology 2022 and upcoming online conferences will recognize participants who have significantly added value to the scientific community of plant genome science and provide them outstanding Young Scientist Awards. The Young Scientist Award will provide a strong professional development opportunity for young researches by meeting experts to exchange and share their experiences at our international conferences.
Plant Pathology 2022 focuses mainly on Plant Genome Science, Tomato breeding, Plant Genetics and Genetics Market, Plant Biotechnology, Plant Science, Plant Proteomics & Plant Breeding. Plant Genomics Congress is providing a platform for all the budding young researchers, young investigators, post-graduate/Master students, Ph.D. students, and trainees to showcase their research and innovation.
Young Scientists, faculty members, post-doctoral fellows, PhD scholars and bright Final Year MSc and M.Phil.candidates. Persons from Scientific Industry can also participate.
The Young Scientist Feature is a platform to promote young researchers in their respective area by giving them a chance to present their achievements and future perspectives
Conditions of acceptance :
To receive the award, the awardees must submit the presentation for which the award is given, for publication at the website, along with author permission. Failure to submit the PPT and permission within the designated timeframe will result in the forfeiture of the award.
Award announcement:
The official announcement of the recipients will occur after the completion of Plant Pathology Conference.
Awards @ Plant Pathology -2022
Meetings International:Recognizes the obligation and astounding work in all fields of scholastics and assessment. By seeing their responsibility; Meetings International rouses and convinces specialists, researchers and scholastics by giving the Best YRF and Researcher Awards in each academic request and arrangements close by other express distinctions. These distinctions fuse regarded Certificate of Award with various enrichments.
Keynote Speaker Awards:
Plant Pathology -2022 picks a significant component master to talk to at the meeting. All recognized component topic specialists' suggestions will be considered for the Best Keynote Speaker Award. The leading body of trustees will pick different competitors for the honor among the recognized recommendation. The victor will be picked at the social affair, considering both the recommendation and the presentation. The best component master can help with boosting motivation, change their point of view, and make swarm animated and stirred. For Keynote the individual should be conspicuous or uncommonly banded together like Dean, Professor, HOD, Chair individuals, CEO, CFO, MD, etc. Assurance of the Best Keynote Speaker will be made dependent on the part responsibility and extended lengths of contribution with the individual investigation field. Each convenience will be recognized reliant of the idea of hypothetical and social occasion theme. Unessential sections will be excused. The affirmation and excusal of novel passages will be picked by the Organizing board. All passages will encounter quality checking. Last embraced hypothetical will consider for Keynote award.
Outstanding Speaker Awards:
Plant Pathology -2022 has confidence in seeing our best speaker. The best speaker is picked by their assessment remarkable before the social affair. All vectors are constrained by an assurance board. This honor is proposed to see and recognize extraordinary speakers who have achieved late striking conspicuousness and accomplishment. Being an extraordinary speaker expects to pass on a message that interfaces with a horde of individuals. The exceptional speaker award will in like manner be given dependent on affiliation and cleaned strategy of presentation, social capacities of the arbitrator, and fitting usage of time. Each gathering will be evaluated autonomously. For the speaker, the individual should be Professor, Researcher, Scientist, and Entrepreneur, etc. The decision of the Speaker will be made dependent on the part responsibility in the specific assessment field. Each convenience will be recognized subject to the idea of interesting and assembling gatherings. Pointless sections will be excused. The affirmation and excusal of dynamic passages will be picked by the Organizing chamber. All passages will encounter a strategy of significance worth checking by our gathering. Last asserted powerful will consider for extraordinary speaker award.
Outstanding Masters /Ph.D./ Post. Doc Thesis work presentation Awards:
Plant Pathology -2022 offers the opportunity to young experts in different fields of gatherings. The best individuals are picked by their investigation hypothetical before the social affair. In case you are an energetic and dynamic researcher then you can join our social events to examine notable ideas and investigations. A leading body of judges will pick the best YRF. Best YRF will be seen transparently at the completion of the gathering. The Best YRF Award will be given to the most exceptional presentation presented by a part who has enrolled under the understudy characterization. Understudies, Master understudies, and Ph.D. understudies will be considered under this class. Assurance of the YRF will be made dependent on the part responsibility in the individual assessment field each convenience will be recognized subject to the gatherings of the social occasion. Immaterial sections will be excused. The affirmation and excusal of hypothetical sections will be picked by the gathering. All passages will encounter quality checking. The last attested exceptional will consider for the YRF award.
Best Poster Awards:
To be equipped for the honor Students excited about having their standards considered for Plant Pathology -2022 gathering, presumably introduced a hypothetical of their pennant to the gathering. The honor board will consider all pennants that relate to the examination of famous inclination, whether or not they revolve around speculation, important revelations, research methodologies, just as authentic techniques used in such assessment. All pennants will normally be considered for the flag honor and the standards will happen in the social event scene and Poster Judges will pick the best standards. The victors will be authoritatively detailed during the end work. The champs will get a confirmation award.
OCM Awards:
The masterminding leading group of trustees can profit during the time went through managing the various tasks that should be done. Board people, having good savvies of the event the heads plan, are specially situated to give planning, oversight, and help to other work power drew in with the relationship of the event. Social events International will regard as the best OCM the individual who has demonstrated their assistance and bearing all through the gathering. OCM should be conspicuous or uncommonly auxiliary like Dean, Professor, HOD, Chair individuals, CEO, CFO, MD, etc. .The decision of the best OCM will be made dependent on the part responsibility and significant length of association with the specific assessment field. They ought to have an incredible number of investigation papers and references and should be more extensive stretches of involvement.
The Plant Pathology market is estimated to account for a value of USD 7.3 billion in 2019 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 8.3% from 2019, to reach a value of USD 11.7 billion by 2025. The increasing application of Plant Pathology in plant breeding and conservation of soil Health are techniques that are gaining the attention of many researchers globally and are driving the growth of the market.Scope and responsibilities of plant pathology is unlimited. Its ultimate goal is to prevent and control plant diseases of economic importance. Responsibilities of the science of plantpathology may be summarized as under. Plant pathology comprises with the basic knowledge and technologies of Botany, Plant Anatomy, Plant Physiology, Mycology, Bacteriology, Virology, Nematology, Genetics, Molecular Biology, Genetic Engineering, Biochemistry, Horticulture, Tissue Culture, Soil Science, Forestry, Physics, Chemistry, Meteorology, Statistics and many other branches of applied science. Growth of research in plant pathology requires the support of government authorities and private investment firms, to increase the potential prospects of utilizing genetic information.
Major Plant Science Associations around the Globe
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Global demand for agriculture is increasing rapidly due to rising need to grow high-yielding crops to meet the food demand. According to a study conducted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 2016, the increased frequency of extreme weather events and global warming would adversely affect the livestock, crop, forestry, and aquaculture productivity in the years to come.
The global population is projected to surpass 9 billion by 2050 and it would be a challenge to ensure adequate crop production to meet the food demand. This would lead to new potential opportunities for crop improvement and plant science. Growing awareness about the benefits of plant culture in improving crop quality and yield is also positively impacting their domestic consumption.
Researcher Agricultural Research Center, Plant Pathology Research Institute
Department of Biotechnology, Rama Devi Women’s University
Forest Pathology Department, kfri sub-center Kerala Forest Research Institute, Chandakunnu
postdoctoral researcher with the USDA-ARS Beltsville Agricultural Research Center
Lead scientist and Research Plant Pathologist. USDA-ARS