As we approach an age of deeper discoveries in hostile environments, we need to either improve on existing industry or design new ones in order to meet the technological demands for success.
Wide ranges of naturally occurring polymers derived from renewable resources are available for material applications (cellulose, starch, CMC, etc.). Natural resources like Baggas, Musket and wheat from different areas in Sudan are the research investigation interest.
Five basic properties are usually defined by the industrial program and monitored during fabricating: Rheology, density, and fluid density, and fluid loss, solid content and chemical properties. If the fluids properties are uncontrolled, there will be very serious risks and hazards in terms of economic and safety.
This study is focuses on the Isolation and Utilization of Polymers and suggests Cellulose Biomasses Polymers Fabricating Unit Design from Local materials for industry and especially for petroleum industry applications in order to increase the national income by adding a natural resource and to decrease the cost and dependency on the imported polymers from abroad.