We are delighted to announce 14th International Conference on Pharmaceutical Chemistry group cheerfully welcomes members from everywhere the World is scheduled on April 25-26, 2022, Las Vegas, USA. The Theme “Explore the New Innovations in Discovery of Advanced Drug”.The Worldwide Pharm Chemistry Conference covers different parts of Bio-Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Drug Targeting and Design, Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics in Drugs, Pharmaceutical Formulation, Pharmaceutical Manufacturing, Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology, Novel Drug Delivery Systems, Smart Drug Delivery Systems, Nano medicine and Biomedical Applications, Biomaterials in Drug Delivery, Vaccine Drug Delivery Systems, Medical Devices for Drug Delivery, Biologics and Biosimilars, Pharmaceutical Analysis, Pharmaceutical Process Validation, Pharmaceutical Packaging, Clinical Trials and Clinical Research, Pharmacokinetics and Genomics, Regulatory Affairs and Intellectual Property Rights, Industrial and Drug Safety, Pharmacy Education and Practice etc. explained by experts and young researchers in respective backgrounds through their presentations on various sessions in this Conference.
Pharmaceutical Chemistry-2022 is aimed the World's leading technical Conferences. The two days event on Pharmaceutical Chemistry will host 20+ Scientific and technical sessions and sub-sessions on leading and latest research transformation related to the field, covering the globe. Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Conference 2022 will comprise of 10 major sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that discourse current topics in the field. The attendees can find exclusive sessions and panel discussions on the latest innovations in Pharmaceutical Chemistry by:
Track 1: Clinical Therapeutics
In broad sense, Therapeutics means serving and caring for the patients in a complete manner, inhibiting disease as well as treating particular problems. Exercise, diet, and mental factors are therefore essential to the prevention as well as the management of disease processes. Particular measures that are employed to treat actual symptoms includes, the use of medicine to get rid of pain or treat infection, surgery to remove unhealthy tissue or replace poorly functioning or non-functioning organs with fully operating ones and counseling to relieve emotional distress.
Track 2: Drug Formulation
The Drug subjected to drug development undergoes number of trials and are screened at different stages to produce a final potent drug for the treatment of various diseases. During this process different properties are checked to see whether the drug is non-toxic to living system and is Therapeutic or not. Using suitable excipients and technological preparations the active substances are formulated into final Dosage form. The final product is the Actual composition of preparation, manufacturing specification.
Track 3: Pharmaceutical Excipients
Pharmaceutical Excipients are those substances other than the prod rug which are included in the manufacturing process or are contained in a finished pharmaceutical product dosage form. There are many excipients. Few of them include Ant adherents, Binders, Coatings, Colors, Flavors, Lubricants, Preservatives, and Sweeteners etc. Excipients are crucial to drug dery within the body. Generally, an excipient has no medicinal properties. Its standard purpose is to streamline the manufacture of the drug product and ultimately facilitate physiological absorption of the drug.
Track 4: Drug Design and Development
Drug Design, also known as rational drug design, is the inventive process of finding new medications based on the knowledge of a biological target. Drug Design defines the design of molecules that are complementary in shape and charge to the bimolecular target with which they interact and therefore will bind to it. Drug development is the process of bringing a new pharmaceutical drug to the market once a lead compound has been identified through the process of drug discovery.
Track 5: Clinical and Medical Toxicology
Clinical Toxicology is the branch of science which deals with the removing of the poisonous substances or harmful chemicals from the body of any organism. Clinical toxicologists are the people who are expertized in the field of detoxification. Medical toxicology is a part of the toxicology and deals with the removal of the harmful toxins from the body. The poisoning may be intentional or unintentional but the adverse effects may lead to the lethal damage to the organism. Both clinical and medical toxicologists play an important role in detoxification.
Track 6: Drug Product Manufacturing
The Drug Product Manufacturing facility is designed to produce injectable in syringes or vials in Grade A environment. Industries strive to improve product quality in today’s competitive environment and as well reduce the production cost. Scaling up from our development services to full scale commercial drug product manufacture or transferring existing commercial products we can meet your commercial drug product manufacturing requirements.
Track 7: Pharmacotoxicology
The Pharmacotoxicology mainly deals with prevention and control of pharmaceutically induced adverse health effects. The Pharmacotoxicology is separated into two categories that is Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics .The pharmaceutical products show toxicity during conditions like drug-drug interactions, bio activation of drugs and due to immune system response to the Pharmaceutical product. Sometimes the drugs are toxic due to interaction with alternative targets.
Track 8: Semi Solid Dosage Forms
Semi Solid Dosage forms are the products when applied to the skin treat a pathological condition and protects from other harmful environment. They are smooth,non-staining and get miscible with skin secretions. Creams, Gels, Pastes etc. are the examples.
Track 9: Smart Drug Delivery
Targeted Drug Delivery sometimes called Smart Drug Delivery is a method of delivering medication to a patient in a manner that increases the concentration of the medication in some parts of the body relative to other parts in the meantime reduce side effects/toxicity of payloads which are key factors for improving patient compliance.
Track 10: Gaseous Dosage Forms
Gaseous Dosage Forms are packed in a container which gets released upon applying pressure. The gas inside contains therapeutically active medicaments. The containers have valve systems with continuous or limited delivery. They are used for topical application on skin and as local application into nose and mouth.
Young Scientist Awards at Pharmaceutical Chemistry 2022 for the best researches in Pharmaceutical Chemistry.
Meetings International is announcing Young Scientist Awards through Pharmaceutical Chemistry Conference which is scheduled at Las Vegas, USA during April 25-26, 2022. This Pharmaceutical Chemistry conference focuses on Current Emerging Practices in Clinical and Experimental Pharmaceutical Chemistry.
Pharmaceutical Chemistry 2022 and upcoming conferences will recognise participants who have significantly added value to the scientific community of Medical science and provide them outstanding Young Scientist Awards. The Young Scientist Award will provide a strong professional development opportunity for young researches by meeting experts to exchange and share their experiences at our international conferences.
Young Scientists, faculty members, post-doctoral fellows, PhD scholars and bright Final Year MSc and M.Phil. Candidates. Persons from Scientific Industry can also participate.
Benefits: The Young Scientist Feature is a platform to promote young researchers in their respective area by giving them a chance to present their achievements and future perspectives.
Acknowledgement as YRF Awardee
Promotion on the conference website, Young Researcher Awards and certificates
Link on the conference website
Recognition on Meetings Int. Award Page
Chances to coordinate with partners around the world
Research work can be published in the relevant journal without any publication fee
Conditions of Acceptance:
To receive the award, the awardee must submit the presentation for which the award is given, for publication at the website, along with author permission. Failure to submit the PPT, and permission within the designated timeframe will result in forfeiture of award.
Award Announcements:
Official announcement of the recipients will occur after the completion of Pharmaceutical Chemistry Conference.
Global drug discovery services market size is projected to reach USD 21.4 billion by 2025 from USD 11.1 billion in 2020, at a CAGR of 14.0% during the forecast period. growing R&D expenditure in the pharmaceutical & biopharmaceutical industry, thus necessitating increasing demand for outsourcing analytical testing and clinical trial services. Initiatives for research on rare diseases and orphan drugs, and focus on drug discovery are driving the growth of the global drug discovery services industry. Growth in biologics, patent expiries and emerging economies are expected to provide a wide range of growth opportunities for players in the market.
The COVID-19 outbreak is an unprecedented global public health challenge and is expected to have a significant impact on the ISH market for diagnostics and research applications.In order to expedite the research and development process, leading pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies are entering into a collaboration and partnership program with drug discovery services firms to develop vaccines and therapeutics to combat coronavirus. For instance, Eurofins has joined hands with pharmaceutical and biotech companies to support and identify potential drug molecules. Some of the services offered by Eurofins include safety profiling, drug repositioning services, custom assay development, efficacy testing, and cytokine storm assessment. In June 2020, Covance entered into a partnership with Medable to accelerate the adoption of decentralized clinical trial technology. In June 2020, Covance also launched a COVID-19 clinical trial platform in the US to provide information about COVID-19 trails and to speed up the recruitment process for clinical research.Such strategies and initiatives by drug discovery services firms will accelerate the growth of this market during the forecast period.
The global market for drug discovery technologies should grow from $69.8 billion in 2020 to $110.4 billion by 2025 with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.6% for the period of 2020-2025. In recent years, the drug discovery technologies industry has seen remarkable developments and rapid progress. This report focuses on the global drug discovery technologies market and provides an updated review to include basic design and its applications in different disease areas. The drug discovery technologies include high-throughput screening, bioanalytical instruments, cell-based assays and reagents, genomics, bioinformatics, proteomics, and few others, like combinatorial chemistry, metabolomics, nanotechnology and system biology. These technologies are further classified into subcategories for the purpose of this report. The five main disease application areas described in this report concern different cancer diseases, immunological diseases, neurological diseases, cardiovascular diseases and others, including metabolic, endocrinology and genetic diseases. The report also covers the market by end-user for drug discovery technologies, segmented into biopharmaceutical companies, research and academia, and contract research organizations (CROs).
This BCC Research report is global in scope and includes an analysis of the various regulatory environments, advancements, new products, market projections and market shares. Also, the report includes relevant patent analysis and comprehensive profiles of companies that lead the drug discovery technologies market. The geographical regions covered are North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and the Rest of the World. Detailed analyses of major countries such as the U.S., Canada, Germany, the U.K., France, Spain, Italy, Japan, China and India are covered in regional segments. For market estimates, data is provided for 2019 as the base year, 2020, and forecast through year-end 2025. Projected and forecasted revenue values are in constant U.S. dollars that have not been adjusted for inflation.
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