Be a part of 6th International Conference on Pediatrics Health and Primary Care

Theme: Future Directions in Pediatric Primary Care: From Prevention to Treatment



February 27-28, 2025 | 09:30 AM GMT


Paris, France

Yan Wang

Membership in the American Thoracic Society University of Pennsylvania Medicine School, United States of America

Mohammad Ghodstehrani

Specialist Neonatologist Medeor 24x7 Hospital , UAE

Simone Battibugli

Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon The Children s Medical Center, UAE

Carol Jackson

UK Neonatal Nurse Consultant UK Department of Health Task Force , United Kingdom

Claude Billeaud

Clinical Assistant Director Childrens Hospital of Bordeaux, France

Dr.P. R. Jayakumar

Mahatma Gandhi University,India, India

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Paris, France

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To get to the venue place, you can take one of the city bus lines, tube or railway service. All the services are comfortable to reach into the place.