2nd International Conference on

Orthopedics & Advanced Care

Scientific Program

Keynote Session:

Meetings International -  Conference Keynote Speaker Wong Boh Boi photo

Wong Boh Boi

Doctor, Wong Boh Boi Pvt Ltd, Singapore

Title: Workshop: To review TCM and the current practices for lower back pain management for a lasting effect.


Wong Boh Boi has graduated with a Bachelor of Health Science (Nursing) from the University of Sydney with distinction. She later went on to obtain a Master of Education (Early Childhood Education) and received her PhD from the National University of Singapore. 


Objective: To  introduce  pain  management  and  relief  for  lower  back  using  the  methods  of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and its approach.

Setting: Chien Chi Yow, a Traditional Chinese Medicine company and specialist with over 50 years of experience and expertise. Medical Case studies of 2 patients;

Patients Profile and Medical History: Sedentary lifestyle and occupational requirement, Senior & Sportsperson. History  of  lower  back  pain  and/or  have  received  medically-invasive  lower  back surgery Mothers in their Pre- and Post-Partum

Methods: Uses  (but  not  limited  to)  a  combination  of  Meridian  point  massage  (Tui  Na), Cupping,  Acupuncture,  Spinal  Lumbar  Reconstruction and Encourage  Stretching Exercise.

Results: Participants experience significant pain relief after the TCM treatment compared to before treatment was done.

Conclusion: While TCM is proven to be able to significantly manage and relieve the lower back pain with TCM approach, good advisory and counseling are as important to reinforce the importance of a healthy lifestyle for an enhanced quality of life.

Meetings International -  Conference Keynote Speaker James Stoxen photo

James Stoxen

President, Team Doctors Treatment Center, USA

Title: The integrated spring-Mass model approach to treating thoracic outlet syndrome


Dr. James Stoxen, DC, FSSEMM (hon) FWSSEM, is the president of Team Doctors, Chicago, Illinois, one of the most recognized treatment centers in the world. He has been invited to give scientific presentations at over 60 medical conferences in over 20 countries. In 2015 Dr. Stoxen was awarded an honorary fellowship by a member of the royal family, the Sultan of Pahang, at the World Congress of Sports and Exercise Medicine for his distinguished research and contributions to the advancement of sports and exercise medicine on an International level. In 2018 he published a book, called The Human Spring Approach to Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, which became a #1 International Best Seller.


The use of hand held devices (HHD) such as mobile phones, game controls, tablets, portable media players and personal digital assistants have increased dramatically in past decade. This drastic change has led to new batch of difficult to treat, musculoskeletal Disorders of the Upper Extremities such as myofascial pain syndrome of neck and upper back and thoracic outlet syndrome. The thoracic outlet anatomy and how the bundle passes through the passageway is complex for even musculoskeletal experts. So for doctors trained in other specialties there can be an inadequate understanding about nature and cause of thoracic outlet syndrome. A syndrome rather than a disease, the Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic and the National Institute of Neurological Disorders And Stroke, plus top 10 ranked hospitals for neurology and neurosurgery agree persistent compression of nerves, arteries and veins traveling through the thoracic outlet is what leads to thoracic outlet syndrome. I will discuss the three models of human movement, the inverted pendulum model, the spring-mass model and the integrated spring-mass model (ISMM). The (ISMM), which integrates the spring suspension systems of the foot and shoulder region as well as the torsion spring of the spine and the mass, the head. I will discuss my clinical findings show compressive disorders like TOS and herniated discs are merely an over control of tension on the human spring mechanism leading to these syndromes. I will give brief review of the symptoms and their patterns, the common orthopedic tests, and diagnostic tests, the 16 different common conservative therapies and the 10 reasons for when surgery is medically necessary. I will discuss an alternative treatment for this disorder based on the integrated spring mass model.

Meetings International -  Conference Keynote Speaker Huang Wei Ling photo

Huang Wei Ling

Doctor, Medical Acupuncture and Pain Management Clinic, Brazil

Title: Why patients with knee pain still have symptoms despite the use of anti-inflammatory medications?


Huang Wei Ling has graduated in medicine in Brazil, specialist in infectious and parasitic diseases, a General Practitioner and Parenteral and Enteral Medical Nutrition Therapist. Once in charge of the Hospital Infection Control Service of the City of Franca’s General Hospital, she was responsible for the control of all prescribed antimicrobial medication and received an award for the best paper presented at the Brazilian Hospital Infection Control Congress in 1998. Since 1997, she works with the approach and treatment of all diseases of all systems of the human body in a holistic way, with treatment guided through the teachings of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Hippocrates.


Statement of the Problem: According to Western Medicine, chronic knee pain can have different causes. The problem is usually associated with sprained ligaments, meniscus tears, tendinitis, and runner's knee. The usual treatment is done with ice, stretching exercises and anti-inflammatory medications. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the knee pain is associated with invasion of External Wind, Cold, Damp and Heat, deficiency of Liver and Kidney, or deficiency of Qi and Blood. Purpose: Demonstrate that by using anti-inflammatory for the treatment of knee pain, we will be causing a greater injury in Kidney and Liver energy, according to TCM, which are responsible for the integrity of the knee. Therefore, the use of these medications will worsen the energy imbalance, maintaining the pain condition. Methods: The description of two case reports of 65 and 70-year-old patients with chronic knee pain, who were using anti-inflammatory drugs for long periods without any significant improvement, only side effects such as epigastric pain and drug intolerance. They sought acupuncture in an attempt to control their pain without having to use such medications. Results: There was a significant improvement in pain symptoms when using acupuncture, dietary counseling and general guidelines on external pathogenic factors such as Wind, Cold, Humidity, and so on. We noticed that when the patient underwent treatment to restore the energy of the chakras corresponding in TCM to the Five Elements, the pain that the patient presented disappeared completely. Conclusion: In order to adequately treat patients with knee pain, we should understand more deeply the significance of this symptom at the energy level by treating the organs that command the knee such as Liver and Kidney according to TCM. The treatment of energy replacement of the internal organs through crystals-based drugs has proved to be very important for the consolidation of the treatment.

Meetings International -  Conference Keynote Speaker Abdulrahim Aljayar photo

Abdulrahim Aljayar

Doctor, Aljala Teaching Trauma Hospital, Libya

Title: A modified Sayre's technique, for correction of congenital radial club hand deformity


Abdulrahim Aljayar is a consultant Orthopedic surgeon in Aljala Hospital, Libya. He was a former consultant hand surgeon in Benghazi Hospital. He received many awards and rewards in several National and International Conferences.


Congenital radial club hand is a spectrum of complex pre-axial upper limb defect, Characterized by radial deviation and flexion of the hand, hypoplasia, or aplasia of the radius and thumb, shortened forearm and generalized underdevelopment of the involved extremity. Since first described by (Petit) in 1733, however a huge diversity of techniques ranging conservative stretching, to the complex microsurgical interventions, have been suggested, for treatment, the centralization remains the core idea, despite the recognized relapse rates. Such diversity would reflect the great challenge of management. Here is a prospective assessment of our local exposure, and satisfying results of correction in13 hands with congenital radial club hand deficiency, in 10 patients, using a newly modified technique (Sayre). Where we achieved a mean total hand-forearm angulation correction of 71.5 degrees, left with only 8.4 degrees mean residual angulation after an average 3.8 years follow up.

Meetings International -  Conference Keynote Speaker Huang Wei Ling photo

Huang Wei Ling

Doctor, Medical Acupuncture and Pain Management Clinic, Brazil

Title: Workshop: Can metallic surgical implants influence the body’s health?


Huang Wei Ling has graduated in medicine in Brazil, specialist in infectious and parasitic diseases, a General Practitioner and Parenteral and Enteral Medical Nutrition Therapist. Once in charge of the Hospital Infection Control Service of the City of Franca’s General Hospital, she was responsible for the control of all prescribed antimicrobial medication and received an award for the best paper presented at the Brazilian Hospital Infection Control Congress in 1998. Since 1997, she works with the approach and treatment of all diseases of all systems of the human body in a holistic way, with treatment guided through the teachings of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Hippocrates


Statement of the problem:  The necessity of surgical implants use is a consequence of the increase of life expectancy. Therefore, there is a range of studies regarding the implant materials and their interactions. However, those studies are carried out analyzing the factory and interaction of materials, and often, they do not consider the effects of those materials in the normal functioning of the human body. Purpose: Demonstrate that the placement of metal implants can influence body’s health, leading to a decrease in vital energy. Methods:  Two clinical cases, the first, of a 30-year-old male patient, who suffered an accident and broke the right elbow and right leg, requiring surgery with surgical implant of titanium rod in both limbs. Two months after surgery the patient presented a very severe depression, that would not improve with the use of antidepressants. The second case is from 60-years-old female patient, who implanted a titanium dental prosthesis. Three months after the implant, the patient started feeling weakness, indisposition for the daily activities, in contrast to her normal behavior, in addition to precocious aging with the wrath of her hair. The chakras energies of both patients were measured through a crystal pendulum. All chakras were energy depleted. Results: In the first case, the patient was instructed to try to remove the implant. Two hours after the removal, the patient presented extreme improvement of the symptoms. The second patient did not remove the implant yet, and continued to present symptoms of low vital energy. Conclusion:  The implantation of metallic material inside the human body, can lead to reduction of vital energy, inducing different symptoms, like depression, according to these two case reports.



Oral Session 1:

  • Exercise and Sports medicine | Orthotics and Prosthetics | Orthopedic Surgery | Arthroplasty and Associated Infections | 3D Printing Orthopedics & Robotics | Osteoarticular Infections | Musculoskeletal Injury and Repair |


Wong Boh Boi

Doctor, Wong Boh Boi Pvt Ltd, Singapore



James Stoxen

President, Team Doctors Treatment Center, USA

Meetings International - orthopedics 2025 Conference Keynote Speaker Shah Kushal V photo

Shah Kushal V

Doctor, Parul Sevasharam Hospital, India

Title:  High fibular osteotomy (HFO) for medial compartmental arthritis of Knee with varus deformity in Indian subcontinent


Kushal V. Shah has accomplished his MS in Orthopaedics from Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore in 2017. Currently he is working as Consultant Surgeon at Parul Sevashram Hospital (Vadodara) and was previously associated with Zydus Hospital (Dahod,Gujarat). He is a Member of ISKSAA, Member of Indian Orthopaedic Association and Member of Gujarat Orthopaedic Association


Osteoarthritis (OA) Knee is a common health problem affecting almost 29 % of India’s Population1. Gold standard treatment for high grade Arthritis is Total Knee Replacement2. However this procedure carries its risk to benefit ratio and complications3 like DVT, persistent pain. High tibial osteotomy and uni-compartmental replacement are other modalities for high grade knee which needs surgical skills and has its risk to benefit ratio and complications 4 like fracture, implant failure and others. Incidental findings Of High Fibular Osteotomy a Simple Surgical Procedure seems to be boon for those patients who have excruciating pain and waiting for total knee replacement but cannot go for it due to its prohibitive cost.  Evidence of its efficacy has been piling up fast and seems to buy time for patient with medial compartment arthritis for total knee replacement and gives short to medium term relief. For Indian subcontinent where > 50 % have varus deformity with medial compartment arthritis seems to be best interim surgery with minimal blood loss, small surgical scar, ability of full weight bearing walk and squat on the same day and cost effective with no age limits5. A total follow up of 20 patient shows increase in medial joint space of > 2mm and decrease Tibiofemoral angle around 2° with improved Visual Analogue Score (VAS) score from 2 To 8. Thus HFO can be considered as a choice of treatment for medial compartment knee with varus deformity as a joint preserving procedure for a span of 2-10 years.


Meetings International - orthopedics 2025 Conference Keynote Speaker Waters G photo

Waters G

Doctor, Fiona Stanley Fremantle Hospitals Group, Australia

Title: Functional navigation in hip resurfacing using the corin optimized positioning system


Waters G is an Orthopaedic Registrar at Fiona Stanley Hospital in Perth, Australia. She completed her post-graduate Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery at the University of Western Australia in 2014


Acetabular malposition in total hip arthroplasty can lead to instability, impingement, and edge loading resulting in eccentric loading and increased wear that can lead to bearing failure. Eccentric wear in metal on metal bearings used in Birmingham Hip Resurfacings (BHR) produces metal debris. Mounting body of evidence suggesting that one generic zone such as Lewennik’s “safe zone” is unreliable. Functional positioning of acetabular component relative to patient specific dynamic pelvic tilt throughout a range of activities is crucial. The aim use OPS to analyze pre-operative acetabular position, determine patient specific functional “safe-zone” and employ customized alignment guides to implant BHR acetabular components resulting in improved functional and radiographical outcomes. OPS performed pre-operatively in 13 patients to create customized implant alignment guides. Data collected pre and post-operatively at 6, 12 and 52 weeks. Primary outcome measures of functionality including Oxford Hip Scores, dislocation and revision rates. OPS post-operatively to evaluate positioning. Secondary outcome measure of serum metals ions monitoring for metallosis. Improved Oxford Hip Scores post-operatively. Currently no revision surgeries or dislocations have occurred. Preliminary results from post-operative OPS indicate no edge loading. Use of OPS results in improved precision and accuracy in achieving patient specific functional acetabular “safe-zone” thus improving functional outcomes and reducing edge loading in BHR.

Meetings International - orthopedics 2025 Conference Keynote Speaker Priyanka Rishi photo

Priyanka Rishi

Doctor, SGT University, India

Title: Effect of hamstring stretch pelvic control on pain, disability and work ability index in dentist with mechanical low back pain


Dr Priyanka Rishi (PT), BPT, MPT, Pursuing PhD with around 6 years of experience is working as an Assistant Professor in Faculty of Physiotherapy, SGT University Since 2014. Having teaching experience at graduate/postgraduate level. Has contributed 12 research papers and 1 book in various National and International Journals and was awarded with Frederick Sanger Researcher Award -2015 in Physiotherapy. Has presented papers in various conferences


Background: Dentist sits in a chair and leans forward towards the patient, lumbar curve flattens and the bony infrastructure provides very little support to the spine. Sitting in chair forces the hamstrings to become inactive and places them in a shortened position. Repetitive, prolonged sitting eventually leads to hamstring muscles that adapt to a new shortened length, and the result is Hamstring tightness which induces posterior pelvic tilt and decreased lumbar lordosis, which can result in low back pain

Objective: We investigated effects of hamstring stretch with pelvic control on pain, disability and work ability in Dentist with mechanical low back pain.

Methods: Thirty Dentist from Dental professional were randomly assigned to pelvic control hamstring stretching (Group A) (n = 15) and Supine hamstring stretching (Group B) (n = 15). All interventions were conducted 3 days per week for 6 weeks, and included in the hamstring stretching and lumbopelvic muscle strengthening.

Outcomes: Outcomes were evaluated through Numeric pain rating scale (NPRS) for Pain, Oswestry disability index (ODI) for Disability, and Work ability index (WAI) for Work ability.

Results: The paired t-test was used to compare within group differences and unpaired t-test was used to compare the between group differences. All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS statistical software version 21.Significant differences found between Group A and  group B in all three variables.(p<0.05).between pre and posttest of subjects. According to the results of the present research, it could be concluded that for reducing pain, disability and work ability in dentists pelvic control hamstring stretch and lumbopelvic strengthening exercises are recommended.

Conclusions: The pelvic control hamstring stretch exercise would be more helpful in back pain reduction and improvement of work ability in Dentist with mechanical low back pain. 

Meetings International - orthopedics 2025 Conference Keynote Speaker Morteza Rajai photo

Morteza Rajai

Doctor, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Iran

Title: Whats new in hallux valgus treatment?


Dr. Morteza Rajai graduated from the Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Science, at a general orthopedic surgeon in 2011 and received his MD degree from Tehran University of Medical Science in 1995. He also completed a fellowship with doctor Kerkhoffs in ankle arthroscopy and sports traumatology at the Academic Medical Centre Amsterdam, the University of Amsterdam in 2017. In addition, Since 2011, he has been a member of the Iran Society of Orthopedic Surgery. Moreover, He is head of the researchers at Borna Research Center (BRC). At present, Doctor Rajai serves as Orthopaedic Surgeon for Iran University of Medical Sciences in Shohadaye Yaftabad Hospital. Besides, he works at Moheb-Mehr hospital, Trita hospital, and Gandhi hotel hospital.


Introduction: Hallux valgus is a prevalent condition and affects a reported 30% of adults aged more than 40 years. There are several methods of conservative and surgical procedure (150 procedures) for treatment of that. The aim of this review is evaluation of advantages and disadvantages of these procedures.

Materials and Method: We recognize the studies utilizing data base of PubMed and Google scholar, with the keywords hallux valgus, osteotomy, minimally invasive, percutaneous, Conservative treatment, pain, quality of life and surgery.

Results: Percutaneous as a minimally invasive surgery is one of the major progresses in the operating field of orthopedic. Twenty-four studies compared the effectiveness of various kinds of surgeries. The results showed there is no difference in rate of pain between chevron-type osteotomy and other surgical procedures. One study revealed that chevron osteotomy is more beneficial than Lindgren osteotomy in terms of walking speed. A medium quality study evaluated the efficient of hallux valgus surgery compared to conservative or no treatment. This study revealed that surgery, specifically chevron osteotomy, is a more effective procedure for pain compared to conservative treatment   and also no treatment in the first year.

Conclusion: This review showed that differences between various types of surgical procedures are minimal; however there is evidence that surgery methods, are a more effective procedure than conservative or no treatment in decreasing pain in the first year following surgery. However, this review has showed that there is a loss of high-quality studies comparing equivalent types of Hallux valgus treatments that evaluate the same outcomes.

Meetings International - orthopedics 2025 Conference Keynote Speaker Sonia Pawaria photo

Sonia Pawaria

Doctor, SGT University, India

Title: Effectiveness of cervical stabilization exercises on respiratory strength in chronic neck pain patients with forward head posture- A pilot study



Background: Forward head posture is one of the most common abnormalities associated with chronic neck pain. In FHP the altered rib cage mechanics leads to decrease in thoraco abdominal mobility, impaired diaphragm muscle mobility and reduced the ventilator efficacy of diaphragm, reduced the effectiveness of abdominals and intercostals muscles.

Methods: Total of 20 subjects were taken, based on inclusion & exclusion criteria the experimental group (n=10) & control group (n=10) were randomized.  Experimental group received Cervical Stabilization Exercise with the conventional Physiotherapy and Control group received only Conventional Physiotherapy for 6 weeks. 

Outcome measures: Perceived recovery was assessed with Numeric Pain rating Scale (NRPS), Neck Disability Index (NDI), Forward head posture which was assesses by the digital camera by measuring the Craniovertebral Angle (CVA), Respiratory strengths (MIP & MEP) was assessed by Respiratory Pressure meter.

Results: Significant increase in Craniovertebral angle and respiratory strength with decrease in NRPS and NDI scores were found in the group which received the cervical stabilization exercises along with the conventional Physiotherapy (p< 0.05).

Conclusion: Cervical stabilization exercise is an effective approach to reduce the forward head posture and thus helps to regain the respiratory muscle strength by improving the biomechanics of respiratory muscles.

Meetings International - orthopedics 2025 Conference Keynote Speaker Waters G photo

Waters G

Doctor, Fiona Stanley Fremantle Hospitals Group, Australia

Title: A unique case of latissimus dorsi tendon avulsion injury in an athlete cycling anabolic steroids and successful delayed repair utilizing an intracortical button technique


Georgina Waters is an Orthopaedic Registrar at Fiona Stanley Hospital in Perth, Australia. She completed her post-graduate Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery at the University of Western Australia in 2014. 


Latissimus Dorsi is a large pectoral girdle muscle and powerful arm adductor (1, 2). Avulsion injuries of its tendinous insertion into the humerus are incredibly rare. Surgical repair has rarely been reported, literature showing fewer than 15 cases, most with tendon augmentation (1, 3-8). This unique and complex case of a delayed Latissimus Dorsi avulsion injury in a power-lifting athlete cycling anabolic steroids. Using an intracortical button technique, we proposed that this robust repair would enable restoration of full function, strength and cosmetic defects. 28-year-old competitive powerlifter cycling anabolic androgenic steroids and testosterone presented 15 weeks post injury. Clinical examination revealed obvious asymmetry, tenderness and posterior axillary fold defect. Profound weakness of resisted arm adduction. MRI revealed absent Latissimus Dorsi insertion, tendon stump in axilla. Surgical repair was undertaken via dual axillary approach. Retracted tendon mobilised and two titanium buttons with integrated Fibrewire Sutures (Arthrex Inc) created a modified Krakow suture, a novel technique. A dual fixation point at its anatomical insertion was created using an intracortical button. We described a successful delayed repair of this chronic injury without the need for tendon augmentation. Dual approach assists with tendon mobilization and preparation, along with restoration of anatomy and strong fixation at bicipital groove. Clinical and radiological evidence of recovery without pain, correction of cosmetic defects and full return to competitive powerlifting. This robust intracortical button technique produces a successful Latissimus Dorsi tendon avulsion repair with incredible results leading to restoration of full function, even in the most challenging competitive athletes

Meetings International - orthopedics 2025 Conference Keynote Speaker Supriya awasthi photo

Supriya awasthi

Doctor, School of Allied Health Sciences, India

Title: Efficacy of the functional mobilization approach in young adults with patellofemoral pain syndrome: A randomized clinical trial



Background: Patellofemoral pain syndrome is a relatively common diagnosis in outpatients presenting with anterior knee pain. Patellofemoral pain syndrome can be defined as retro patellar or peripatellar pain resulting from physical and biochemical changes in the patellofemoral joint.

Aim: This study was undertaken to investigate the efficacy of functional mobilization approach in terms of pain and function in young adults with patellofemoral pain syndrome and the clinical efficacy   of foot orthoses with functional mobilization in individuals with patellofemoral pain syndrome.

Methodology: 60 adults with patellofemoral joint pain. Each participant was randomly allocated to one of the two groups (a or b) using block randomization method. The two groups were as follows:  group a: functional mobilization of foot and ankle + exercises and group b: full length medial wedge insoles + exercises. A 12 week treatment program was prescribed for each patient, and each patient was assessed at baseline and after 12 weeks (pre- and post- intervention) for primary outcomes using lefs (lower extremity function test), nprs(numeric pain rating scale)and fpi(foot posture index).

Results: Patients from both groups demonstrated clinically significant improvement in primary outcomes with regard to self-reported pain and function upon completion of the study. A significant difference was also seen in foot posture. Post hoc analysis determined that post-intervention follow-up measures significantly improved (p < 0.05 for all) as compared to baseline values in terms of pain and function .Functional mobilization was more effective in reducing pain (mean difference 0.1) and orthoses were more effective in improving foot posture. Group b showed no immediate change in pain and function initially, indicating that improvement occurred at a slower rate in this group. Pain and function improved faster in group a.  However, the magnitude of change in foot posture was seen more in group b.

Conclusion: Therefore, incorporating functional mobilization of foot and ankle in addition to conventional therapy in physical therapy clinical practice in future may improve short term beneficial effects with regard to pain and function in patients with patellofemoral pain syndrome.


Meetings International - orthopedics 2025 Conference Keynote Speaker Huang Wei Ling photo

Huang Wei Ling

Doctor, Medical Acupuncture and Pain Management Clinic, Brazil

Title: Shoulder and elbow tendinitis as initial manifestation of autoimmune hepatitis


Huang Wei Ling has graduated in medicine in Brazil, specialist in infectious and parasitic diseases, a General Practitioner and Parenteral and Enteral Medical Nutrition Therapist. She has been the in charge of the Hospital Infection Control Service of the City of Franca’s General Hospital, she was responsible for the control of all prescribed antimicrobial medication and received an award for the best paper presented at the Brazilian Hospital Infection Control Congress in 1998. Since 1997, she works with the approach and treatment of all diseases of all systems of the human body in a holistic way, with treatment guided through the teachings of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Hippocrates.


Introduction: The tendinitis is commonly defined as an inflammation of the tendon, which is what connects bones to muscle. On the major literature, tendinitis is usually caused by repetition of movements and lack of stretching. However, the cause was never before associated to a disease in the liver, such as Autoimmune Hepatitis. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), tendons are governed by the energy of the Gallbladder meridian, which is attached to the Liver energy.  Purpose: The aim of this study is to demonstrate that tendinitis may be an early manifestation of Autoimmune Hepatitis. Methods:  Through a clinical case report of a female patient, M.C., 42 years old, with chronic pain in shoulder and elbow, resistant to conventional treatments with anti-inflammatories and physiotherapy. She sought acupuncture treatment, and even so, the improvement presented was scarce. In her physical examination, a bulging was detected in the right ear, on the area that corresponds to the Liver, according to Auricular Medicine. Laboratory tests were requested to see if there could be any undiagnosed liver disease until then. The only exam that was initially altered was the prothrombin time of 89%. More tests were ordered to see whether anti-bodies were present. Anti-nuclear, anti-smooth muscle, anti-microsomal. Results: To the physician's surprise, the patient had a 1:160 anti-nucleus reagent. Conclusion: The conclusion of this study is that tendinitis may be the initial manifestation of an Autoimmune Hepatitis.

Keynote Session:

Meetings International -  Conference Keynote Speaker Huang Wei Ling photo

Huang Wei Ling

Doctor, Medical Acupuncture and Pain Management Clinic, Brazil

Title: Why orthopedic patients still catch hospital infections despite the practice of infection prevention and control programs & can hospital osteomyelitis be treated without the use of antibiotics?


Huang Wei Ling has graduated in medicine in Brazil, specialist in infectious and parasitic diseases, a General Practitioner and Parenteral and Enteral Medical Nutrition Therapist. She has been the in charge of the Hospital Infection Control Service of the City of Franca’s General Hospital, she was responsible for the control of all prescribed antimicrobial medication and received an award for the best paper presented at the Brazilian Hospital Infection Control Congress in 1998. Since 1997, she works with the approach and treatment of all diseases of all systems of the human body in a holistic way, with treatment guided through the teachings of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Hippocrates.


Statement of the problem: Very few publications provide sound scientific data used to determine which components are essential for Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) programs in terms of effectiveness in reducing the risk of infection. As surgical procedures are common in the orthopedics specialty, the difficulty in preventing infections influences the orthopedic treatment outcome. The purpose of this study was to show why patients still catch hospital infections despite IPC programs. A better understanding of a variety of theories could explain the physiopathology of diverse diseases described in the medical past history, as in Traditional Chinese Medicine. A broader view seems to show the necessity of seeing the patient completely; not only focusing on the disease in the prevention of these hospital infections. The methodology used was a review of these theories such as those presented by Hippocrates (“Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease.”), as well as others from oriental medicine, which explain that diseases originate from three factors: external (exposure to cold, heat, humidity, wind and dryness), internal (emotional) and dietary. Findings: Having a broader view of the patient as a whole (Yin, Yang, Qi, Blood energy and Heat retention), we can understand better the formation of hospital infection which is a systemic energy reaction of the body undergoing normal hospital treatment.

Conclusion: To understand better why patients are still catching hospital infections, despite IPC programs, we need to broaden our view observing all emotional, environmental and dietary factors, as well as studying the energy imbalance at the moment of admittance, or prior to the orthopedic surgery. Every patient is unique and to achieve a more successful treatment, it is important to individualize them. Therefore, it is possible to identify those who have more risk of hospital infection, studying them in their energy levels. 

Meetings International -  Conference Keynote Speaker Sheetal Kalra photo

Sheetal Kalra

Doctor, SGT University, India

Title: Integrated role of yoga and physiotherapy in sports injuries prevention


Dr. Sheetal Kalra, born and brought up in Gurgaon, Haryana, She did my graduation from DAV College of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Yamunanagar and Post Graduation in Sports Rehabilitation from S.B.S.P.G.I Dehradoon. She is also pursuing PhD in Physiotherapy from SGT University Gurugram. She has worked with reputed
organizations like Indraprastha University, Manav Rachna International University and Guru Jhambeshwear University.


According to a recent estimate approximately 30 % of the population worldwide is engaged in one or other kind of sports and approximately 60 % of them suffer from various kinds of sports injuries and a large percentage of sports men are rendered unfit for further sports life due to the nature of injuries they suffer from. Poor fitness in the form of inadequate flexibility needed for the type of sports, core strength, balance, agility and the psychological factors like anxieties, stress associated with the game not only hamper the performance of the players  but also make them prone to injuries. Physiotherapy has its origin in Yoga.  Integrated role of Physiotherapy and Yoga can be useful components of comprehensive preventive and treatment programs in athletic injuries. The aim of Yoga is to bring balance into the body physically, mentally and emotionally. The mind-body connection in yoga is essential to helping athletes develop mental acuity and concentration. In addition, yoga helps to relax not just tight muscles, but also anxious and overstressed minds. Various health benefits associated with Yoga and Physiotherapy are improved flexibility, strength endurance, neuromuscular coordination, enhanced control over body movements and hence prevent injuries by conditioning of the athlete. The integration of physiotherapy with yoga offers an evidence based approach not only to enhance the fitness and performance of the sports men but also prevent injuries on field as well as off field

Oral Session 1:

  • Exercise and Sports medicine | Orthotics and Prosthetics | Orthopedic Surgery | Arthroplasty and Associated Infections | 3D Printing Orthopedics & Robotics | Osteoarticular Infections | Musculoskeletal Injury and Repair |


Abdulrahim Aljayar

Aljala Teaching Trauma Hospital, Libya

Meetings International - orthopedics 2025 Conference Keynote Speaker O Fadili photo

O Fadili

Young researcher, Morocco

Title: Robotic equipment in upper limb amputations



The human hand is a very important member in our daily life, it is necessary in any activity. However, loss as a result of trauma, accident or other cause can have a detrimental effect on the individual's personal, social, psychological and economic life. Therefore, the establishment of a robotic device to restore the important functions in the simulation of the functions of a biological standard is of interest. We designed and created a robotic device, which served to the patients, who lost upper limb, to have a bionic hand under the vocal or myo-electrical command, and which can reproduce the movements’ elementals of a biological hand. During the design and manufacture of the equipment, we tried to respect the biomechanical rules of the physiological principle. The manufacture of the equipment passes through the main stages:

1. 3D modeling: it is the geometric design of all the pieces on a computer, but also to export these pieces in the form of a file accessible at any time.

2. 3D printing: it consists of converting a virtual computer file into a real object, via a 3D printer. All the printed parts are brought together to form all the equipment.

3. Motorization and implementation of the electronic circuit: we installed servo-engines (one responsible for the pronation / supination of the forearm and 5 for the mobilization of the fingers). These servo motors are connected to an electronic card with a programmable microprocessor.

The device can be connected to the patient and use vocal or myoelectrical command to move all the elements of this bionic hand. We are also developing a neurological component so the patient can use his brain to command the hand. Amputation is a big problem; this bionic hand is an ultimate solution for these patients and allows them to recover their hand functions.

Meetings International - orthopedics 2025 Conference Keynote Speaker Rakesh Goyal photo

Rakesh Goyal

Doctor, Lok Nayak Hospital and Maulana Azad Medical College, India

Title: Ganglion cyst of Hoffa’s fat pad of knee-a rare cause of anterior knee pain and swelling


Rakesh Goyal has completed his Master of surgery in field of orthopedics from Gujarat University, India. Previously he has worked as Senior Resident in Sir GangaRam Hospital, New Delhi. He is currently working as Senior Resident in department of orthopedics in Lok Nayak Hospital and Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi, India.



Ganglion cysts around knee joint are uncommon and that from Hoffa’s fat pad are even rarer. We present a case of 30 year old male patient with complaint of pain and swelling in left knee joint. Radiograph did not show any bony abnormality. MRI showed large tubulocystic lesion within Hoffa’s fat pad which showed low signal intensity on T1-weighted images and high signal intensity on T2-STIR images. Open excision of the lesion was done. Histopathology of the specimen confirmed the diagnosis of the ganglion cyst. In follow-up, patient had asymptomatic left knee with full range of motion and did not show any sign of recurrence. Ganglion cysts from fat pad though very rare but should be considered in differential diagnosis to have an early diagnosis and management. Symptomatic ganglion cyst should be excised by open procedure or arthroscopically depending upon the size and extent of the lesion

Meetings International - orthopedics 2025 Conference Keynote Speaker Rakesh Goyal photo

Rakesh Goyal

Doctor, Lok Nayak Hospital and Maulana Azad Medical College, India

Title: A rare case of traumatic posterior dislocation of hip in a 7 year old child following trivial trauma


Rakesh Goyal has completed his Master of surgery in field of orthopedics from Gujarat University, India. Previously he has worked as Senior Resident in Sir GangaRam Hospital, New Delhi. He is currently working as Senior Resident in department of orthopedics in Lok Nayak Hospital and Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi, India.


Traumatic hip dislocation is relatively rare in children. It accounts for 5 % of total hip dislocations in all age groups. We reported a case of hip dislocation in a 7-year-old child following trivial trauma. Diagnosis was confirmed clinically and radiologically. The reduction was done after four hours of injury under general anaesthesia and fluoroscopic guidance. Post reduction radiograph and Computed tomographic scans showed joint congruency. Post reduction abduction bar was given and the child kept non-weight bearing initially and allowed weight bearing gradually as tolerated. At 10 weeks post reduction, the patient has a full range of motion at right hip joint and able to walk with full weight bearing. The reduction should be done as soon as possible to avoid complications like avascular necrosis.

Meetings International - orthopedics 2025 Conference Keynote Speaker Hiren Sarma photo

Hiren Sarma

Doctor, Solace Hospital and Research Centre, India

Title: Management of medial patellofemoral ligament injury- A case report.


Hiren Sarma is known among his peers and colleagues for his yearning keenness into matters of concern at hand. He has his prowess and passion into systemic investigation of burning issues of health and wellbeing. The conceptual framework of the current paper, i.e. anatomical double bundle reconstruction technique for MPFL, has been derived from the works of Dr. M. Kalra et al. He has completed his postgraduate studies from Southern Railway HQ hospital under National Board of Examinations, India. He is the Head of the department, Department of orthopaedics, Solace Hospital and Research Centre, Assam, India, a premier organization in the field of healthcare.


The medial patellofemoral ligament (MPFL) is the primary stabilizer of the patellofemoral joint; its reconstruction has been recommended in adults over the past decade after recurrent patellar instability. However, there has been no standardized technique for reconstruction, therefore, ideal graft and technique for reconstruction are as yet undetermined. We performed this procedure in a patient with chronic pain and patellar instability following trauma. MPFL reconstruction was done with hamstring tendons detached distally and secured to patellar periosteum after being passed through a bony tunnel in the patella without an implant and using the medial collateral ligament as a pulley. The MPFL reconstruction was isolated and was not associated with any other realignment procedures. No recurrent episodes of dislocation or subluxation were reported at 6 weeks follow up. The initial treatment of patellar instability is always conservative mainly Quadriceps progressive strengthening exercises (focusing on vastus medialis obliqus) and braces. Surgical treatment is indicated only when patient remains symptomatic after a fair conservative trial.Medial patellofemoral ligament (MPFL) is the most important static stabilizer of the patella, contributing 50-60% (average 53%) of the restraint during initial 30 degees of knee flexion. 94% patients of patellar dislocation have been found to have involvement of MPFL, 70% at the patellar insertion and the rest at the femoral origin. In all, however, there is also interstitial damage. Patellar tracking is significantly affected by a lateral force in the absence of the MPFL, but returns to normal following reconstruction. The Anatomic Double Bundle MPFL Reconstruction technique replicates the native shape of the MPFL and provides the best possible stability in both flexion and extension. The Double Bundle technique also effectively limits rotation throughout the ROM minimizing postoperative instability. So MPFL reconstruction surgeries are increasingly being used for recurrent patellar dislocations. The technique, if accomplished anatomically, may also provide for more aggressive rehabilitation protocols and earlier return to activity.

Meetings International - orthopedics 2025 Conference Keynote Speaker Rakesh Goyal photo

Rakesh Goyal

Doctor, Lok Nayak Hospital and Maulana Azad Medical College, India

Title: A rare case of giant cell tumor of tendon sheath of Hoffa’s fat pad of knee misdiagnosed as ganglion cyst


Rakesh Goyal has completed his Master of surgery in field of orthopedics from Gujarat University, India. He has worked as senior resident in Sir GangaRam Hospital, New Delhi. He is currently working as senior resident in department of orthopedics in Lok Nayak Hospital and Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi, India.


A giant cell tumor of tendon sheath (GCTTS) is a benign lesion whose presence in Hoffa’s pad has been rarely reported. In this case report we have demonstrated a case of GCTTS in a 37 year old female in Hoffa’s fat pad of knee. The patient had presented with the symptoms of pain and swelling in her left knee and provisionally diagnosed as ganglion cyst. The radiographic findings were inconclusive. The diagnosis was confirmed with excisional biopsy after the tumor was completely removed. This is a unique case report which shows the presence of a large tumor (5×3×2 cm) in Hoffa’s fat pad which was diagnosed as GCTTS and managed with open-resection due to its size. Oxford knee score has improved from 34 from the time of presentation to 58, six months post surgery. The patient was pain free, had full range of motion and had returned to previous level of activities and there was no sign of any recurrence. Giant Cell Tumor should be kept as a differential of non-traumatic chronic knee pain in young individuals

Oral Session 2:

  • Oral Prsentation


James Stoxen

Team Doctirs Treatment center, USA


Abdulrahim Aljayar

Aljala Teaching trauma Hospital, Libya

Meetings International - orthopedics 2025 Conference Keynote Speaker Arathy Mary John photo

Arathy Mary John

Manipal Academy of Higher education, India