Sameer krishnakant Jadhav is a well trained dentist (1995) and skilled endodontist from the prestigious Government Dental College and Hospital, Mumbai in 1999. He has one patent applied in India to his credit. Also a Dental laser Masters from Vienna, Austria. He has 17 years of long standing experience as academician and 20 yrs as a clinician in pune. He is a known guest faculty and speaker at numerous national conferences related to a wide range of subjects like- laser applications in dentistry and Dental ergonomics and minimally invasive endodontics. He has publications in national and international in peer reviewed journals. He is currently hon. secretary of society of oral laser application India, SOLA and Associate editor of Journal of dental lasers by Sola, India.
Traditional and complimentary medicines in dental practices-An evidence based approach
This will cover introduction to natural/herbal products used for oral health,their clinical indications and clinical cases
Role and mechanism of action relation of time and individual body type and herbal / natural medicines and its drug interaction.
Oil pulling its clinical and microbial study presentation for oral health and its significance in oral and general health.
Need for integrative or traditional medicine for oral health along with modern approach.