Mohammad Qasem is highly motivated dental practitioner more than 15 years in dental implants willing to share my experience globally and to establish my own training academy to support beginners in this field.
Healing is a complex process. and great potential is found in using biomaterials as surgical additives to control the inflammation and increase the speed of healing process in dentistry, the development of bioactive surgical additives, which are being used to regulate the inflammation and increase the speed of healing process, is one of the great challenges in clinical research. In this matter Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF) offers a promising natural solution providing satisfactory results. PRF is a fibrin matrix in which platelet cytokines, growth factors and cells are trapped and may be released after a certain time and that can serve as a resorbable membrane. PRF was developed in France by Joseph Choukroun et al. in 2001. They used PRF to improve bone healing in cases of implants. Finally, the next generation is MPM Since it shows a sticky and homogenous component. Therefore, the fibrin act as fibrin glue and in this way the whole mass of the MPM will not move. The MPM is the only natural and autogenous product that can offer the stability to the bone particles. This stability was missed in the particles on the PRF alone or mixed with bone graft or bone substitute, and it will not give the needed stability or the needed resistance to the chewing forces, so will not help in the bone regeneration. Based on the structure of the MPM, this product should be considered every time a bone grafting procedure is approached.