Abdullah Jaija has completed his post graduate study at the age of 30 years from Cairo University, Egypt.
He is the Director of Orthodontic department, Private dental center. He is practicing orthodontics more than 8years.
The aim of this study is to analyse the etiological factors underlying the presence of maxillary midline diastema in a sample of Orthodontic patients.
Materials and Methods. One hundred patients who fulfil the inclusion criteria were selected from1355 patients seeking orthodontic treatment. The pre-treatment orthodontic records were analysed. "The width of the maxillary midline diastema was estimated clinically with an advanced caliper at two levels: the mesioincisal edges of the focal incisors and five millimetres from the incisal edge." The two estimations were arrived at the midpoint of, and patients with diastema of more than 0.5 millimetres in width were selected."
Diastema is a multifactorial clinical finding with more than one underlying etiological cause. "The interrelationship between the familial example of midline diastema and the microdontia, macroglossia, labial fraenum, and alveolar separated acclimates was clear.
”The impact of a mesiodens and the upper sidelong incisor whether respectively absent, unerupted, or peg formed was negligible."
Etiological factors underlying maxillary midline diastema are interconnected. "Utilizing an agenda as a guide during taking care of maxillary midline diastema is significant in the various phases of treatment."