Global Ophthalmology 2018 offered the highest quality continuing education and the most current vision science research. Ophthalmologists and Optometrists are considered as one of the key restorative organizations masters for eye and visual framework. Global Ophthalmology 2018 provides a diverse array of ground breaking research in Optometry and Vision science and relevant education on the latest practices.
Global Ophthalmology and Optometry meeting contributes opportunities to optometrists to enhance their skills and improve quality of care. The Optometrist is all around put to recognize early signs of potential systemic and visual disease, while point by point history and symptoms examination can allow the expert to choose a patient's prosperity and lifestyle choices and necessities. By offering urging and support in perspective of this information, an optometrist in this way plays out a crucial general prosperity limit in diminishing and keep vision setback from both visual and systemic infection.
The sorting out advisory group is designed an educational meeting program including entire addresses, symposia, workshops on an assortment of points, blurb presentations and different projects for members from everywhere throughout the world. We welcome you to go along with us at the Global Ophthalmology 2018, where you will make certain to have an important involvement with both your colleagues and experts from around the globe. It helps you to implement practical, proven strategies to run your optometric practice more effectively, efficiently and profitably. All individuals from the Global Ophthalmology 2018 sorting out council anticipate meeting you in Singapore.
1. Comprehensive Ophthalmology
Comprehensive Ophthalmology-The combined study of the physiology, anatomy, pathology of the eye and the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the eye is known as ophthalmology. It is the branch of medicine which concerned with the diagnosis of the diseases and surgery of the visual path ways, including the eye, brain and areas surrounding the eye. Comprehensive ophthalmology means all areas of the eye are covered so it includes all the conditions & treatments of eye are like cataracts, ocular surface disorders, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy and macular degeneration. Diagnostic services include evaluation of visual acuity, refraction, slit lamp evaluation, ophthalmoscopy, tonometry and visual field testing. So, the hospitals are providing comprehensive ophthalmology and also the universities provide the courses based on comprehensive ophthalmology.
Related Meetings: Ophthalmology Congress 2018 | Ophthalmology Conferences | Ophthalmology Meetings | Ophthalmology Events | Asia Pacific | Singapore| Middle East | 2018
XII National Congress of the Bulgarian Society of Ophthalmology October 19-22 2017 ,Sofia Bulgaria; ICO 2017- International Conference on Ophthalmology, November 15-16 2017, Dubai United Arab Emirates; Eye Meeting 2017-2nd International Conference on Eye and Vision November 16-17,2017 Singapore; ESQUAE- 17th Emirates Society of Ophthalmology Conference 2017 December 14 -16 2017, Dubai United Arab Emirates; ICO- 2017 International Conference of Ophthalmology November 21-23, 2017Dubai United Arab Emirates; 2nd International Conference on Eye and Vision, December 06-07-2017, Dubai, UAE ;16th International Conference on Clinical and Experimental ophthalmology, September 18-20,2017, Hilton Zurich Airport, Zurich, Switzerland; 11th Global Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, September 25-26, 2017, JW Marriott Dubai UAE;, 17th Global Ophthalmology, optometry and Glaucoma Conference, November 2-4,2017 Bangkok, Thailand; 19th Global Ophthalmology Summit, , February 26-27, 2018 Berlin, Germany
2. Oculofacial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery
Plastic and reconstructive surgery of the eye is a specialized area of ophthalmology that deals with deformities and abnormalities of the eyelids, tear (lacrimal) system, the bony cavity surrounding the eye (orbit), and the surrounding part of the face. Ophthalmic plastic surgery, also called oculofacial plastic surgery or oculoplastic surgery, is plastic surgery that is limited to the eyes and face. Oculofacial plastic surgery is used to repair damage from trauma or disease, including cancer, and to treat abnormalities present at birth or that progress with age or for cosmetic reasons. Because this delicate type of surgery can affect eyesight, the oculofacial surgeons are best qualified in cosmetic and reconstructive methods designed to improve the appearance and function of the eyelids and face and make it possible for the patients to look beautiful and feel natural again. They can do this very carefully.
Related Meetings: Ophthalmology Congress 2018 | Ophthalmology Conferences | Ophthalmology Meetings | Ophthalmology Events | Asia Pacific | Singapore| Middle East | 2018
XII National Congress of the Bulgarian Society of Ophthalmology October 19-22 2017 ,Sofia Bulgaria; ICO 2017- International Conference on Ophthalmology, November 15-16 2017, Dubai United Arab Emirates; Eye Meeting 2017-2nd International Conference on Eye and Vision November 16-17,2017 Singapore; ESQUAE- 17th Emirates Society of Ophthalmology Conference 2017 December 14 -16 2017, Dubai United Arab Emirates; ICO- 2017 International Conference of Ophthalmology November 21-23, 2017Dubai United Arab Emirates; 2nd International Conference on Eye and Vision, December 06-07-2017, Dubai, UAE ;16th International Conference on Clinical and Experimental ophthalmology, September 18-20,2017, Hilton Zurich Airport, Zurich, Switzerland; 11th Global Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, September 25-26, 2017, JW Marriott Dubai UAE;, 17th Global Ophthalmology, optometry and Glaucoma Conference, November 2-4,2017 Bangkok, Thailand; 19th Global Ophthalmology Summit, , February 26-27, 2018 Berlin, Germany
3. Retinal neurobiology and optogenetics
Reinal neurobiology includes research on light dependent signaling in the retina and brain, including visual and non visual light detection. It is ultimately related to Optogenetics, which uses genes to make neurons respond to light, switching on and off by way of light-stimulated proteins placed in specific populations of neurons. Optogenetics controls the neuron for the light stimulation. Light-responsive proteins are allowing scientists to turn neurons on or off selectively with unprecedented precision. Introducing these proteins into cultured cells or the brains of live animals allows investigation of the structure and function of neural networks. These ‘optogenetic’ tools also hold clinical promise, with the potential for modulating activity of brain circuits involved in neurological disorders or restoring vision loss.
Related Meetings: Ophthalmology Congress 2018 | Ophthalmology Conferences | Ophthalmology Meetings | Ophthalmology Events | Asia Pacific | Singapore| Middle East | 2018
XII National Congress of the Bulgarian Society of Ophthalmology October 19-22 2017 ,Sofia Bulgaria; ICO 2017- International Conference on Ophthalmology, November 15-16 2017, Dubai United Arab Emirates; Eye Meeting 2017-2nd International Conference on Eye and Vision November 16-17,2017 Singapore; ESQUAE- 17th Emirates Society of Ophthalmology Conference 2017 December 14 -16 2017, Dubai United Arab Emirates; ICO- 2017 International Conference of Ophthalmology November 21-23, 2017Dubai United Arab Emirates;2nd International Conference on Eye and Vision, December 06-07-2017, Dubai, UAE ;16th International Conference on Clinical and Experimental ophthalmology, September 18-20,2017, Hilton Zurich Airport, Zurich, Switzerland; 11th Global Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, September 25-26, 2017, JW Marriott Dubai UAE;, 17th Global Ophthalmology, optometry and Glaucoma Conference, November 2-4,2017 Bangkok, Thailand; 19th Global Ophthalmology Summit, , February 26-27, 2018 Berlin, Germany
4. Vision Science
Vision science is a relatively recent term and is used to describe all studies that are related to how humans and animals process information visually. In this the structure and function of the visual system will investigate properly. The student can gain skills in clinical assessment, and gain an understanding of management approaches, and ethical, legal, and professional standards of practice. The course will train the detection, treatment, and management of eye and vision disorders. In this specialized combined degree, the student will learn about visual health issues and their impact on communities. a recognized qualification in optometry. The aim of the researchers is to pursue fundamental and applied research into the basic mechanisms of human vision with the goal of developing new techniques for the assessment of visual function in disease processes and in provision of novel testing and amelioration strategies to help individuals deal with functional visual loss arising from poor development, ageing or disease in the home, workplace or other environments.
Related Meetings: Ophthalmology Congress 2018 | Ophthalmology Conferences | Ophthalmology Meetings | Ophthalmology Events | Asia Pacific | Singapore| Middle East | 2018
XII National Congress of the Bulgarian Society of Ophthalmology October 19-22 2017 ,Sofia Bulgaria; ICO 2017- International Conference on Ophthalmology, November 15-16 2017, Dubai United Arab Emirates; Eye Meeting 2017-2nd International Conference on Eye and Vision November 16-17,2017 Singapore; ESQUAE- 17th Emirates Society of Ophthalmology Conference 2017 December 14 -16 2017, Dubai United Arab Emirates; ICO- 2017 International Conference of Ophthalmology November 21-23, 2017Dubai United Arab Emirates;2nd International Conference on Eye and Vision, December 06-07-2017, Dubai, UAE ;16th International Conference on Clinical and Experimental ophthalmology, September 18-20,2017, Hilton Zurich Airport, Zurich, Switzerland; 11th Global Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, September 25-26, 2017, JW Marriott Dubai UAE;, 17th Global Ophthalmology, optometry and Glaucoma Conference, November 2-4,2017 Bangkok, Thailand; 19th Global Ophthalmology Summit, , February 26-27, 2018 Berlin, Germany
5. Ocular oncology
The Ocular Oncology Clinic specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of tumors that affect the eye, known as ocular tumors., the most common form of eye cancer. The commonest tumor of the eye occurs in children and is called ‘Retinoblastoma. Genetics is thought to play a role in eye cancer. In regards to retinoblastoma, it is believed that if a tumor develops only inone eye then it isn't hereditary. However, if a tumor occurs in both eyes then it is hereditary. Those who have hereditaryretinoblastoma have a rare risk of developing a tumor in the brain and should be monitored on a regular basis. Another common type is intraocular melanoma. The causes of intraocular melanoma are not fully understood as of the early 2000s. Age is a factor as well as geneticinheritance.The symptoms of this type of cancer usually begin with blurred vision and tenderness of the eye. Advanced symptomsmay include loss of vision. If these symptoms persist a person should make an appointment with an eye specialist. Hitherto, the only treatment available to prevent the tumor from spreading was removal of the eye, but now with newer technologies, the eye salvage rate has increased tremendously. The diagnosis of ocular oncology based on Thermo Therapy, Cryo Therapy, Laser Photocoagulation, Brachytherapy, Local Radiotherapy and Systemic and Local Chemotherapy, biomicroscopy, ultrasonography, angiography, optical coherence tomography, autofluorescence imaging and biopsy. The most common benign tumors include naevi, chorodal haemangiomas. vasoproliferative tumours, and retinal haemangioblastomas. Many of these lesions require treatment and/or long-term surveillance.
Related Meetings: Ophthalmology Congress 2018 | Ophthalmology Conferences | Ophthalmology Meetings | Ophthalmology Events | Asia Pacific | Singapore| Middle East | 2018
XII National Congress of the Bulgarian Society of Ophthalmology October 19-22 2017 ,Sofia Bulgaria; ICO 2017- International Conference on Ophthalmology, November 15-16 2017, Dubai United Arab Emirates; Eye Meeting 2017-2nd International Conference on Eye and Vision November 16-17,2017 Singapore; ESQUAE- 17th Emirates Society of Ophthalmology Conference 2017 December 14 -16 2017, Dubai United Arab Emirates; ICO- 2017 International Conference of Ophthalmology November 21-23, 2017Dubai United Arab Emirates;2nd International Conference on Eye and Vision, December 06-07-2017, Dubai, UAE ;16th International Conference on Clinical and Experimental ophthalmology, September 18-20,2017, Hilton Zurich Airport, Zurich, Switzerland; 11th Global Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, September 25-26, 2017, JW Marriott Dubai UAE;, 17th Global Ophthalmology, optometry and Glaucoma Conference, November 2-4,2017 Bangkok, Thailand; 19th Global Ophthalmology Summit, , February 26-27, 2018 Berlin, Germany
6. Ocular immunity, Autoimmunity & inflammation
Ocular immunology is one of the highly specialized branch of medicine, which includes diagnosing and treating patients with inflammatory eye diseases. These diseases can slightly reduce vision or lead to severe vision loss. It’s commonly associated with systemic diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis. Most of the cases blindness causes due to ocular inflammation. It mainly indicates inflammation of the uvea, the middle layer of eye. Uveitis can produce the complications like clouding of the cornea, increasing eye pressure, swelling of the retina or retinal detachment. It occurs mostly in people ages 20 to 50. Light sensitivity, decreased visual acuity, red eyes and eye pain are the most common symptoms of this disease. The other causes of inflammations are allergic conjunctivitis, viral conjunctivitis, cysts etc. Ocular Inflammation is a serious eye condition that may cause to blindness of the eye. Therefore, it should be treated as soon as possible. Eye drops, especially steroids and pupil dilators, can reduce inflammation and pain. For more severe inflammation, oral medication or injections may be necessary.
Related Meetings: Ophthalmology Congress 2018 | Ophthalmology Conferences | Ophthalmology Meetings | Ophthalmology Events | Asia Pacific | Singapore| Middle East | 2018
XII National Congress of the Bulgarian Society of Ophthalmology October 19-22 2017 ,Sofia Bulgaria; ICO 2017- International Conference on Ophthalmology, November 15-16 2017, Dubai United Arab Emirates; Eye Meeting 2017-2nd International Conference on Eye and Vision November 16-17,2017 Singapore; ESQUAE- 17th Emirates Society of Ophthalmology Conference 2017 December 14 -16 2017, Dubai United Arab Emirates; ICO- 2017 International Conference of Ophthalmology November 21-23, 2017Dubai United Arab Emirates; 2nd International Conference on Eye and Vision, December 06-07-2017, Dubai, UAE ;16th International Conference on Clinical and Experimental ophthalmology, September 18-20,2017, Hilton Zurich Airport, Zurich, Switzerland; 11th Global Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, September 25-26, 2017, JW Marriott Dubai UAE;, 17th Global Ophthalmology, optometry and Glaucoma Conference, November 2-4,2017 Bangkok, Thailand; 19th Global Ophthalmology Summit, , February 26-27, 2018 Berlin, Germany
7. Congenital disorders and Glaucoma
Congenital disorders, which refer to a condition that someone having from birth, So Congenital disorders cause mainly due to developmental problems, secondary to genetic conditions, or damage from infection or drugs while the baby is in the womb. Generally, Glaucoma is a group of disorders in which the optic nerves connected to eyes and brain are damaged. In childhood Glaucoma, there is abnormal increase in intraocular pressure. The multiple potential causes fall into one of two categories and may be primary or secondary to some other disease process. Primary Congenital Glaucoma (PCG) is very rare and mainly occurs to the new born baby at the time of birth, or tentatively in 80% of cases there is a chance to develop in the first year of life. The prevalence of the disease PCG is slightly higher in boys as compare to girls and 80% chances to affect both eyes. PCG is mainly due to abnormal development of the ocular drainage system. It can be treated abnormal development of the ocular drainage system.
Related Meetings: Ophthalmology Congress 2018 | Ophthalmology Conferences | Ophthalmology Meetings | Ophthalmology Events | Asia Pacific | Singapore| Middle East | 2018
XII National Congress of the Bulgarian Society of Ophthalmology October 19-22 2017 ,Sofia Bulgaria; ICO 2017- International Conference on Ophthalmology, November 15-16 2017, Dubai United Arab Emirates; Eye Meeting 2017-2nd International Conference on Eye and Vision November 16-17,2017 Singapore; ESQUAE- 17th Emirates Society of Ophthalmology Conference 2017 December 14 -16 2017, Dubai United Arab Emirates; ICO- 2017 International Conference of Ophthalmology November 21-23, 2017Dubai United Arab Emirates;2nd International Conference on Eye and Vision, December 06-07-2017, Dubai, UAE ;16th International Conference on Clinical and Experimental ophthalmology, September 18-20,2017, Hilton Zurich Airport, Zurich, Switzerland; 11th Global Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, September 25-26, 2017, JW Marriott Dubai UAE;, 17th Global Ophthalmology, optometry and Glaucoma Conference, November 2-4,2017 Bangkok, Thailand; 19th Global Ophthalmology Summit, , February 26-27, 2018 Berlin, Germany
8. Ageing visual impairment
Vision loss and blindness among the elderly is a major health problem. After the age of 65 the normal function of eye tissues decreases and there is an increased incidence of ocular pathology. Presbyopia, cataracts, age related macular degeneration, primary open angle Glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy are the common causes of age related visual impairment. The symptoms of ocular pathology reduced or low vision in eye, sudden vision loss in only one eye or other issues like glaucoma, macular degeneration etc. So it can be treated by early referral, accurate diagnosis of the cause of visual impairment.
Related Meetings: Ophthalmology Congress 2018 | Ophthalmology Conferences | Ophthalmology Meetings | Ophthalmology Events | Asia Pacific | Singapore| Middle East | 2018
XII National Congress of the Bulgarian Society of Ophthalmology October 19-22 2017 ,Sofia Bulgaria; ICO 2017- International Conference on Ophthalmology, November 15-16 2017, Dubai United Arab Emirates; Eye Meeting 2017-2nd International Conference on Eye and Vision November 16-17,2017 Singapore; ESQUAE- 17th Emirates Society of Ophthalmology Conference 2017 December 14 -16 2017, Dubai United Arab Emirates; ICO- 2017 International Conference of Ophthalmology November 21-23, 2017Dubai United Arab Emirates;2nd International Conference on Eye and Vision, December 06-07-2017, Dubai, UAE ;16th International Conference on Clinical and Experimental ophthalmology, September 18-20,2017, Hilton Zurich Airport, Zurich, Switzerland; 11th Global Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, September 25-26, 2017, JW Marriott Dubai UAE;, 17th Global Ophthalmology, optometry and Glaucoma Conference, November 2-4,2017 Bangkok, Thailand; 19th Global Ophthalmology Summit, , February 26-27, 2018 Berlin, Germany
9. Diabatic Ratinopathy
Diabatic Ratinopathy affects people having high blood glucose levels. It changes in rational blood vessels. Sometimes these vessels will swell up and leak fluid into the rare of the eye. People having type1 & type2 diabetes are at risk for developing diabatic retinopathy. There are three different type of diabatic ratinopathy i.e. Background retinopathy, diabetic retinopathy and proliferative retinopathy. Sudden changes in vision, Distorted vision, Floaters vision, Reduction in night vision and loss of vision are the common symptoms of Diabatic ratinopathy. In later stages, the complications of ratinopathy can include blindness or retinal detachment. It can be treated by laser surgery or any other way depend upon the condition of the patient.
Related Meetings: Ophthalmology Congress 2018 | Ophthalmology Conferences | Ophthalmology Meetings | Ophthalmology Events | Asia Pacific | Singapore| Middle East | 2018
XII National Congress of the Bulgarian Society of Ophthalmology October 19-22 2017 ,Sofia Bulgaria; ICO 2017- International Conference on Ophthalmology, November 15-16 2017, Dubai United Arab Emirates; Eye Meeting 2017-2nd International Conference on Eye and Vision November 16-17,2017 Singapore; ESQUAE- 17th Emirates Society of Ophthalmology Conference 2017 December 14 -16 2017, Dubai United Arab Emirates; ICO- 2017 International Conference of Ophthalmology November 21-23, 2017Dubai United Arab Emirates;2nd International Conference on Eye and Vision, December 06-07-2017, Dubai, UAE ;16th International Conference on Clinical and Experimental ophthalmology, September 18-20,2017, Hilton Zurich Airport, Zurich, Switzerland; 11th Global Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, September 25-26, 2017, JW Marriott Dubai UAE;, 17th Global Ophthalmology, optometry and Glaucoma Conference, November 2-4,2017 Bangkok, Thailand; 19th Global Ophthalmology Summit, , February 26-27, 2018 Berlin, Germany
10. Optometric diagnosis and management
Optometric diagnosis and management is a big challenge for a doctor by utilizing cutting edge technology. Earlier and more precise diagnosis means earlier treatment and better outcomes. So, Doctors of optometry have the academic and clinical training to diagnose ocular manifestations that affect the body, such as diabetes, hypertension, arthritis and even some cancers. This course will illustrate advanced practice techniques and provide a clinical pathway to manage recalcitrant ocular surface disease. By using Sjogren’s syndrome as a template, the clinical decision tree of diagnosis, the initial systemic and ocular management will be addressed. Subsequent second line treatment options including autologous serum, compounding pharmaceuticals and scleral lens applications for the severe sequelae of OSD, such as persistent corneal defects and filamentary keratitis, will be highlighted. Additional tertiary adjunctive surgical treatment modalities of conjunctival flaps and autograft transplantation will be included as part of the multidisciplinary approach.
Related Meetings: Ophthalmology Congress 2018 | Ophthalmology Conferences | Ophthalmology Meetings | Ophthalmology Events | Asia Pacific | Singapore| Middle East | 2018
XII National Congress of the Bulgarian Society of Ophthalmology October 19-22 2017 ,Sofia Bulgaria; ICO 2017- International Conference on Ophthalmology, November 15-16 2017, Dubai United Arab Emirates; Eye Meeting 2017-2nd International Conference on Eye and Vision November 16-17,2017 Singapore; ESQUAE- 17th Emirates Society of Ophthalmology Conference 2017 December 14 -16 2017, Dubai United Arab Emirates; ICO- 2017 International Conference of Ophthalmology November 21-23, 2017Dubai United Arab Emirates;2nd International Conference on Eye and Vision, December 06-07-2017, Dubai, UAE ;16th International Conference on Clinical and Experimental ophthalmology, September 18-20,2017, Hilton Zurich Airport, Zurich, Switzerland; 11th Global Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, September 25-26, 2017, JW Marriott Dubai UAE;, 17th Global Ophthalmology, optometry and Glaucoma Conference, November 2-4,2017 Bangkok, Thailand; 19th Global Ophthalmology Summit, , February 26-27, 2018 Berlin, Germany
11. Optometrist meetings
Optometrists are healthcare professionals who provide primary vision care ranging from sight testing and correction to the diagnosis, treatment, and management of vision changes. An optometrist is not a medical doctor. An optometrist receives a doctor of optometry (OD) degree after completing four years of optometry school, preceded by three years or more years of college. They are licensed to practice optometry, which primarily involves performing eye exams and vision tests, prescribing and dispensing corrective lenses, detecting certain eye abnormalities, and prescribing medications for certain eye diseases. The main reason to arrange optometrist meetings is to provide them highest quality education and the most current vision science research. It encourages optometrists to enhance their knowledge in optometric practice.
Related Meetings: Ophthalmology Congress 2018 | Ophthalmology Conferences | Ophthalmology Meetings | Ophthalmology Events | Asia Pacific | Singapore| Middle East | 2018
XII National Congress of the Bulgarian Society of Ophthalmology October 19-22 2017 ,Sofia Bulgaria; ICO 2017- International Conference on Ophthalmology, November 15-16 2017, Dubai United Arab Emirates; Eye Meeting 2017-2nd International Conference on Eye and Vision November 16-17,2017 Singapore; ESQUAE- 17th Emirates Society of Ophthalmology Conference 2017 December 14 -16 2017, Dubai United Arab Emirates; ICO- 2017 International Conference of Ophthalmology November 21-23, 2017Dubai United Arab Emirates;2nd International Conference on Eye and Vision, December 06-07-2017, Dubai, UAE ;16th International Conference on Clinical and Experimental ophthalmology, September 18-20,2017, Hilton Zurich Airport, Zurich, Switzerland; 11th Global Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, September 25-26, 2017, JW Marriott Dubai UAE;, 17th Global Ophthalmology, optometry and Glaucoma Conference, November 2-4,2017 Bangkok, Thailand; 19th Global Ophthalmology Summit, , February 26-27, 2018 Berlin, Germany
12. Ophthalmic pathology & Drug Development
Progresses in ophthalmic medication conveyance frameworks, for example, Punctual Plugs, Ocular Therapeutix, Mati therapeutics (QLT) and gel-shaping drops can be leap forward in ophthalmic research and propel drug conveyance framework to boost the helpful impact of a specific medication. Topical blend of corticosteroid and against infective operators, Drugs utilized as a part of the treatment of hypersensitive conjunctivitis, Oral and topical nonsteroidal calming specialists (NSAIDs) and Retinoblastoma chemotherapy are few created detailing to treat ophthalmic sicknesses. Organizations like Allergan, Pfizer, Bausch + Lomb, Merck and Co. what's more, Regeneron are effectively partaken in ophthalmic research and tranquilize advancement. By (Ophthalmic Drugs: World Market Prospects - 2013-2023; October 2013), the overall ophthalmic business sector was $17.5 billion in 2011 and is relied upon to develop to $34.7 billion by 2023, speaking to a 5.9% aggravated yearly development rate.
Related Meetings: Ophthalmology Congress 2018 | Ophthalmology Conferences | Ophthalmology Meetings | Ophthalmology Events | Asia Pacific | Singapore| Middle East | 2018
XII National Congress of the Bulgarian Society of Ophthalmology October 19-22 2017 ,Sofia Bulgaria; ICO 2017- International Conference on Ophthalmology, November 15-16 2017, Dubai United Arab Emirates; Eye Meeting 2017-2nd International Conference on Eye and Vision November 16-17,2017 Singapore; ESQUAE- 17th Emirates Society of Ophthalmology Conference 2017 December 14 -16 2017, Dubai United Arab Emirates; ICO- 2017 International Conference of Ophthalmology November 21-23, 2017Dubai United Arab Emirates;2nd International Conference on Eye and Vision, December 06-07-2017, Dubai, UAE ;16th International Conference on Clinical and Experimental ophthalmology, September 18-20,2017, Hilton Zurich Airport, Zurich, Switzerland; 11th Global Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, September 25-26, 2017, JW Marriott Dubai UAE;, 17th Global Ophthalmology, optometry and Glaucoma Conference, November 2-4,2017 Bangkok, Thailand; 19th Global Ophthalmology Summit, , February 26-27, 2018 Berlin, Germany
13. Current trends & Research in ophthalmology
Translational Ophthalmology is a most current pattern that crosses over any barrier by accomplishing leap forward disclosures to patients quicker than at any other time. Translational Research is another activity of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) which means to make an interpretation of fundamental examination into more propelled structure to yield the better results. The examination pattern disclosures augment the chances to explore the issues minutely to diminish the danger of disappointment particularly amid surgical methodology such as waterfall and refractive surgery. Numerous productive realities have been found which in a roundabout way helps in regarding the separate conditions, for example, Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS) demonstrated that wholesome supplements (nourishment and ophthalmology) could minimize the danger of AMD. The American Health Assistance Foundation, devoted to killing age-related degenerative illnesses, gauges that up to 11 million individuals in the United States have some type of AMD - a number anticipated that would twofold by 2050. Assessments of the worldwide expense of visual weakness AMD reasons are $343 billion, incorporating $255 billion in direct human services costs, as indicated by the establishment. Ophthalmology speaks to 18 percent of the normal case volume in surgery focuses, second behind GI/endoscopy (25 percent). The normal surgery focus performs 4,869 cases every year, which would normal to around 876 ophthalmology cases yearly, as per VMG Health's 2009 Intellimarker.Related Meetings: Ophthalmology Congress 2018 | Ophthalmology Conferences | Ophthalmology Meetings | Ophthalmology Events | Asia Pacific | Singapore| Middle East | 2018
XII National Congress of the Bulgarian Society of Ophthalmology October 19-22 2017 ,Sofia Bulgaria; ICO 2017- International Conference on Ophthalmology, November 15-16 2017, Dubai United Arab Emirates; Eye Meeting 2017-2nd International Conference on Eye and Vision November 16-17,2017 Singapore; ESQUAE- 17th Emirates Society of Ophthalmology Conference 2017 December 14 -16 2017, Dubai United Arab Emirates; ICO- 2017 International Conference of Ophthalmology November 21-23, 2017Dubai United Arab Emirates; 2nd International Conference on Eye and Vision, December 06-07-2017, Dubai, UAE ;16th International Conference on Clinical and Experimental ophthalmology, September 18-20,2017, Hilton Zurich Airport, Zurich, Switzerland; 11th Global Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, September 25-26, 2017, JW Marriott Dubai UAE;, 17th Global Ophthalmology, optometry and Glaucoma Conference, November 2-4,2017 Bangkok, Thailand; 19th Global Ophthalmology Summit, , February 26-27, 2018 Berlin, Germany
Global market research of ophthalmology
The global ophthalmology market witnessed a dip during the economic downturn in 2008 and 2009; however, it is poised to grow at a stable rate mainly due to an increasing aging population, large pool of patients with eye diseases, changing demographics and geographical trends, and increased focus on combination therapies of drugs. Moreover, incidences of glaucoma and cataract are increasing every year.
Cataract is responsible for 48% of the population becoming totally blind. In addition, more than 60 million people suffer from glaucoma and this number is expected to reach 80 million by 2020. An increasing aging population is also resulting in more people suffering from refractive errors. It is estimated that in the U.S. and Europe, refractive errors affect more than 30% of the population aged 40 or older. However, the economic slowdown and drying pipeline of ophthalmology drugs is restricting the market.
Scope of the Report
The research report categorizes the global ophthalmology drugs and devices market into diagnostic devices, surgical devices, vision care and drugs. All these markets are broken down into segments and sub-segments, providing exhaustive value analysis for 2010, 2011 and 2012, as well as forecast up to 2017. Each of the devices market is comprehensively analysed at a granular level by geography (North America, Europe, Asia, and Rest of the World) to provide in-depth information on the global scenario. However, the drugs market is analysed in the U.S., Europe, Japan, Asia, and Rest of the world.
According to WHO:
285 million people are estimated to be visually impaired worldwide: 39 million are blind and 246 have low vision.
About 90% of the world’s visually impaired live in low-income setting
82% of people living with blindness are aged 50 and above.
Globally, uncorrected refractive errors are the main cause of moderate and sever visual impairment; cataracts remain the leading cause of blindness in middle- and low-income countries.
The number of people visually impaired from infectious diseases has reduced in the last 20 years according to global estimates work.
80% of all visual impairment can be prevented or cured.
Cataract removal is the most commonly performed ophthalmic surgical operation
Meetings international welcomes all the ophthalmologists, optometrists, research scholars, industrial professionals and student delegates from biomedical and healthcare sectors to be a part of the esteemed Global Ophthalmology and Optometry meeting. As this will be the best amalgamation of academia and research involving every aspect of cataract and refractive surgery techniques. It is open to all types of research methodologies both from academia and industry.
Why Singapore?
Singapore is the most modern city of Southeast Asia. The city blends Malay, Chinese, Arab, Indian and English cultures and religions. Its unique ethnic tapestry affords visitors a wide array of sightseeing and culinary opportunities from which to choose. Singapore offers luxury hotels, delectable cuisine and great shopping! The island nation of the Republic of Singapore lies one degree north of the Equator in Southern Asia. The country includes the island of Singapore and 58 or so smaller islands. Because of its efficient and determined government, Singapore has become a flourishing country that excels in trade and tourism and is a model to developing nations. The capital city, also called Singapore, covers about a third of the area of the main island. The most advanced and popular eye centers are like Singapore National Eye Centre (SNEC) and KK Women's & Children's Hospital(KKH) helps to improve the latest technology and research in Ophthalmology.
Conference Highlights
Comprehensive Ophthalmology-
Oculofacial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery
Retinal neurobiology and optogenetics
Vision science
Ocular oncology
Ocular immunity, Autoimmunity & inflammation
Congenital disorders and Glaucoma
Ageing visual impairment
Diabatic Ratinopathy
Optometric diagnosis and management
Optometrist meetings
Ophthalmic pathology & Drug Development
Current trends & Research in ophthalmology
Who to attend
Global Ophthalmology and Optometry meeting is a unique forum to bring together worldwide distinguished academics in the field of Optometry that is optometrists, opticians, researchers, public health professionals, scientists, academic scientists, industry researchers, scholars to exchange about state of the art research and technologies. Aim of this conference is stimulate new ideas for treatment and analyses the current market for the future direction of drugs, devices, and diagnostics, with an emphasis on newer products that will be beneficial across the spectrum of optometry.
Top Audience at Ophthalmology Conferences
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