Global experts meet on International Conference on Oncology and Radiology programmed on December 03-04, 2018 in Edinburgh, Scotland with a theme of “Advancements in Oncology and Radiology, different perspectives to cure cancer”. Meetings Int. is a global leader in producing high quality conferences meetings, workshops and symposia in all major fields of science, technology and medicine. Oncology and Radiology Meeting 2018 will provide you the massive idea about the causes, symptoms of both common as well as rare cancers and the important point is about the remedy for those cancers. The Meeting will yield a look on new radiology techniques that are widely used in diagnostic purposes and also in treatment of several diseases. By combination of these two firms, a well suitable remedy can be found for curing cancer patients.
Why Edinburgh?
Edinburgh, capital of Scotland is located in Lothian on the Firth of Forth's southern shore. Edinburgh is the second largest financial centre in United Kingdom and it has long been a centre of education especially in the fields of medicine, law, literature, engineering and so on. It had made the United Kingdom as the second most popular tourist destination because of the city’s historical and cultural attractions. It is home to many national institutions such as National Museum of Scotland, National library of Scotland and Scottish National Gallery.
Scotland is home to world’s most significant inventions from adhesive stamp to penicillin. The universities in Scotland hold world’s renowned professors, scholars and experts. The reputation is built on pioneering research and innovation. The University of Edinburgh ranks 23rd in QS World University Ranking. Edinburgh has a distinguished literary tradition. The city was declared as the first UNESCO City of literature. Today, the city is home of many publishing companies.
Session 1. Oncology and Radiology
Oncology – The study of cancer, is a much known firm with emerging inventions patenting in order to cure as well as prevent people from the risk of cancer. Since now, more than 120 types of cancer have been reported. Apart from more common cancers, rare cancers like Ataxia-Telangiectasia, Familial GIST are also affecting peoples in various parts of the world.
Radiology is the use of radiations for imaging that are used to diagnose and in sometimes to treat diseases within human body. This was done by a trained physician, called as Radiologist. Oncology 2018 will fetch you a different aspect of looking these firms and promote developments in these areas.
Oncology Conferences 2018 | Radiology Conferences 2018 | Oncology & Radiology Meetings | Global Oncology and Radiology Conference | Oncology Congress 2018 | Oncology symposium | Oncology Workshop | Radiology workshop | Oncology and Radiology Annual Meeting 2018
Session 2. Life Style and Cancer Risk
About a third of most cancers could be cured by following a good lifestyle changes. According to WHO report, four non-communicable diseases (NCDs) - cancers, diabetes, respiratory, cardiovascular diseases are responsible for 80% of all deaths worldwide. On a global research it was cleared that there is a link between life style and NCDs, so changing to good lifestyle, maintaining a healthy diet, taking regular physical activity are possible ways of not getting diseased. Oncology Meeting 2018 could give you a tremendous ways for maintaining good health in all possible circumstances to stay away from these diseases.
Oncology Conferences 2018 | Radiology Conferences 2018 | Oncology & Radiology Meetings | Global Oncology and Radiology Conference | Oncology Congress 2018 | Oncology symposium | Oncology Workshop | Radiology workshop | Oncology and Radiology Annual Meeting 2018
Session 3. Statistics of Oncology
As per the UICC report, around 8 million people are dying worldwide because of cancer. One in three of us will develop cancer at some time in our lives, and one in four will die of it. As we see locally, cancer is now the most commonest cause of premature death in Scotland. Each year, around 29,000 people will have a new cancer diagnosed and at any one time around 150,000 people may be affected. This number will be increasing towards the end of the century due to the increase in the elderly population.
Oncology Conferences 2018 | Radiology Conferences 2018 | Oncology & Radiology Meetings | Global Oncology and Radiology Conference | Oncology Congress 2018 | Oncology symposium | Oncology Workshop | Radiology workshop | Oncology and Radiology Annual Meeting 2018
Session 4. Progress in Oncology
Research is being conducted every day in each cancer type with the main intention to prevent it. These researches are mainly focused on the development of oncology with the production of novel therapy for cancer treatment. Advancements in upcoming technologies that are being used in cancer treatment are more effective than the previous technologies. Oncology 2018 will provide you a platform to discuss the progressment of research in cancer that could help humankind.
Oncology Conferences 2018 | Radiology Conferences 2018 | Oncology & Radiology Meetings | Global Oncology and Radiology Conference | Oncology Congress 2018 | Oncology symposium | Oncology Workshop | Radiology workshop | Oncology and Radiology Annual Meeting 2018
Session 5. Medical oncology
Medical oncology is a method of treating cancer by using principles of Chemotherapy, Immunotherapy, Hormonal therapy and targeted therapy in a sufficient way to treat cancer. In order to get effective positive outcomes, medical oncology is used in conjunction with surgical oncology and radiation oncology. Oncology conference 2018 will give you the ideas about developing these techniques which could melt down the certain hurdles in diagnostics and treatment.
Oncology Conferences 2018 | Radiology Conferences 2018 | Oncology & Radiology Meetings | Global Oncology and Radiology Conference | Oncology Congress 2018 | Oncology symposium | Oncology Workshop | Radiology workshop | Oncology and Radiology Annual Meeting 2018
Session 6. Radiation Oncology
Since the discovery of x-rays, when it was extensively used in diagnostic purposes, development was made to use for therapeutic purposes simultaneously. In this new era, imaging has passed to computer development from radiographs. The simultaneous development of high energy treatment machines and softwares which are used for treatment planning has made radiotherapy as a therapeutic tool for various malignancies. Imaging is not only used for pre-treatment evaluation but also can be used as Radiation therapy treatment planning tool.
Oncology and Radiology Conference 2018 will expose new techniques in radiology that are being used to treat various diseases.
Oncology Conferences 2018 | Radiology Conferences 2018 | Oncology & Radiology Meetings | Global Oncology and Radiology Conference | Oncology Congress 2018 | Oncology symposium | Oncology Workshop | Radiology workshop | Oncology and Radiology Annual Meeting 2018
Session 7. Oncology diagnostics & therapeutics
Most common method includes the identification of biological markers in blood and biopsy. Besides, the imaging techniques like CT, MRI, X-rays, Scintigraphy, Nuclear medicine techniques are in wide usage for diagnosing and treating cancer. In several cases, surgery is also done to treat cancers. Several molecular targeting agents are also approved in past ten years for the treatment of cancer by US FDA.
Oncology Meeting 2018 will yield you a ground-breaking concepts about the old and newly developing techniques that are being used in cancer research for facilitating diagnostics and treatment.
Oncology Conferences 2018 | Radiology Conferences 2018 | Oncology & Radiology Meetings | Global Oncology and Radiology Conference | Oncology Congress 2018 | Oncology symposium | Oncology Workshop | Radiology workshop | Oncology and Radiology Annual Meeting 2018
Session 8. Functional Molecular imaging
The functional imaging platform like PET, SPECTR are becoming vital role in cancer care. By using the multimodality hybrid features like PET-CT, we can visualize an idea of characterizing the drug effects based upon the anatomy and physiology of the tumour. This functional molecular imaging gives non-invasive diagnosis and evaluation of treatment response when compared to morphological imaging.
Oncology conference 2018 will be a platform to elaborate the research findings of a scientist to young people to bolster their knowledge on oncology.
Oncology Conferences 2018 | Radiology Conferences 2018 | Oncology & Radiology Meetings | Global Oncology and Radiology Conference | Oncology Congress 2018 | Oncology symposium | Oncology Workshop | Radiology workshop | Oncology and Radiology Annual Meeting 2018
Session 9. Translational cancer biology
Once a time, before 10 years the scientists had a thrusting goal in order to sequence the genome of cancer patients at minimum cost. But by means of today’s sequencing advancements, it’s a routine part in translational oncology which reveals that these techniques are changing the landscape of cancer biology. Most cancers are studied by means of model organisms. These model organisms are genetically modified in such a way that will be useful for us to study.
Oncology Meeting 2018 will provide you good knowledge about the recent studies of cancer by using modern technologies and so that it will be boon to the society.
Oncology Conferences 2018 | Radiology Conferences 2018 | Oncology & Radiology Meetings | Global Oncology and Radiology Conference | Oncology Congress 2018 | Oncology symposium | Oncology Workshop | Radiology workshop | Oncology and Radiology Annual Meeting 2018
Session 10. Cancer Biotechnology
Biotechnology played and also will continue to play a massive role in oncology ranging from immune-oncology, monoclonal antibodies, CAR-T and also everything in between. There is a main limitation in traditional way is that the lack of specificity which can be achieved by monoclonal antibodies. These can act well than chemical drugs in blocking signal pathways as well as invoking immune response against the tumour. Oncology Meeting 2018 will be a remarkable platform for Biotechnologists, and Life science Professionals to know about the recent inventions in oncology as the future of cancer treatment will remain of utmost interest to Biotech industry.
Oncology Conferences 2018 | Radiology Conferences 2018 | Oncology & Radiology Meetings | Global Oncology and Radiology Conference | Oncology Congress 2018 | Oncology symposium | Oncology Workshop | Radiology workshop | Oncology and Radiology Annual Meeting 2018
Session 11. Molecular Oncology
Molecular Oncology is the study about the combination of oncology and medicinal chemistry. It involves the evaluation of chemistry of cancers and tumours at molecular scale. The researchers in this field use diverse techniques to study biological and clinical phenotypes. They validate a novel candidate gene in the development of cancer. Oncology Conference 2018 will mainly focus to give its audience about diverse areas in oncology and the on-going research in development of remedy for treating cancer.
Oncology Conferences 2018 | Radiology Conferences 2018 | Oncology & Radiology Meetings | Global Oncology and Radiology Conference | Oncology Congress 2018 | Oncology symposium | Oncology Workshop | Radiology workshop | Oncology and Radiology Annual Meeting 2018
Session 12. Drugs for Cancer
Oncology Scientists in all parts of the world are working with the intention of development of drugs for the new cancers and also for existing ones. These drugs are developed through many phases by means of clinical studies. The drug is developed mainly in the form of agonists or antagonists. A drug comes to market only after clinical trials and FDA approval. Oncology Conference 2018 will provide an idea about the drugs that are in current usage and the development of new drugs.
Oncology Conferences 2018 | Radiology Conferences 2018 | Oncology & Radiology Meetings | Global Oncology and Radiology Conference | Oncology Congress 2018 | Oncology symposium | Oncology Workshop | Radiology workshop | Oncology and Radiology Annual Meeting 2018
About Oncology
Oncology is a branch of science that involves the study of causes, symptoms, treatment of cancer. The main types of oncology are Medical oncology (using Chemotherapy, Immunotherapy), Radiation oncology (using radiations), Surgical oncology (using surgery) to treat cancers.
Scope and importance
Cancer is world’s second disease that causes more number of deaths. More children are being affected and the disease is different from the adults. The persons who are childhood cancer survivors develops either physical or mental health problem because of the treatment they received in their childhood. From these illustrations we can see that there is growing need for supporting the treatment for cancer and also to create more awareness among the people for early detection of cancer and research to find a suitable cure for it.
Why to attend??
This scientific stage Oncology and Radiology Conference 2018 is a welcoming platform for those professionals who are in the field of Oncology and Radiology and also from related streams to share their research findings, latest technological advancements, and to bolster the knowledge of young inspiring minds and to get update with the latest researches.
Target Audience
Research scientists, Industrial Professionals, Eminent Professionals, Head of Department in reputed institutions, Presidents, Vice presidents, Research Scholars, Post Doctorates, Professors, Pharmacists, Business men, Student delegates related to Oncology and Radiology and also related streams are invited to attend for Oncology and Radiology conference 2018.
Percentage of all Cancers
The following are the percentage of each type of cancer deaths among all cancers.
Lung Cancer - 13.0%
Breast cancer - 11.9%
Prostate cancer - 7.9%
Stomach - 6.8%
Liver - 5.6%
Leukaemia - 2.8%
Brain - 1.5%
Source: https://www.wcrf.org/int/cancer-facts-figures/worldwide-data
The following are the Age standardised rate of cancer per 100,000 worldwide
Denmark - 338.1
Australia - 323.0
Belgium - 321.1
Norway - 318.3
US - 318.0
Source: https://www.wcrf.org/int/cancer-facts-figures/data-cancer-frequency-country
Fundings on Oncology
Funding done by National Cancer Institute between the year 2013 to 2017
Year Dollars in millions
2013 – 262.2
2014 – 281.8
2015 – 288.7
2016 – 335.0
2017 – 313.0
Source: https://www.cancer.gov/about-nci/budget/fact-book/historical-trends/funding
Universities associated with Oncology worldwide
Drexel Univeristy, Philadelphia.
Georgetown University, Washington DC
Gerstner Sloan-Kettering Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, New york,
Oregon Health & Science University, Portland,
Stanford University, Stanford.
The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
University of Chicago, Chicago.
Duke Univeristy, Durham
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
Hospitals associated with Oncology
Oceania Oncology Maroochydore, QLD, Australia
MacArthur Cancer Service, Sydney, NSW, Australia
James Cancer Hospital & Solove Research Institute Columbus, OH, United States
Peter Maccallum Health Centre Melbourne, VIC, Australia
University of Washington Medical Center/Seattle Cancer Care Alliance Seattle, WA, United States
Oslo Comprehensive Cancer Centre Oslo, Norway
Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center Northwest, Washington, D.C., United States
UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center Chapel Hill, NC, United States
Vall D’Hebron Institute of Oncology Barcelona, Spain
Epworth Radiation Oncology Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Institut Gustave Roussy Villejuif, France
Hong Kong Adventist Hospital Hong Kong, China
Calvary Mater Newcastle Hospital Waratah, NSW, Australia
Townsville Cancer Centre Douglas, QLD, Australia
Genesis Cancer Care Sydney, NSW, Australia
Apollo Hospitals Chennai, India (also Bangladesh, Kuwait, & Qatar)
Industries associated with Oncology
Bristol-Myers Squibb
Merck & Co
Director, Okazaki Medical Clinic
Doctor, Rochester General Hospital
Scientific officer, Mengo Hospital
Beijing University of Chinese Medicine
Russian National Research Medical University
Shandong University
University of Nairobi
Dilla University