International Conference on Oil and Gas has been scheduled during August 16-17, 2021, Amsterdam, Netherlands. With the support and guidance of Organizing Committee Members along with of all participants, Scientists, Researchers, Students and leaders from various fields of earth science and Oil Gas make this event a grand success. Oil and Gas Conference provides a platform for scientists, students to share and globalise their research work whereas the participants from trade sectors will promote their products. The scope of Oil and Gas Event 2021 is to bring the advancements within the field of oil and gas, petroleum, fossil fuel and its allied areas. Oil and Gas Event accomplishes a lot of significance worldwide essentiality because the world economy has been making with oil as its backbone for over 100 years. The conference will bring key call within management and government positions to cultivate a far better understanding of however trade and regulators will work together.
With members from around the world focused on learning about oil and gas and its advances; this is the best opportunity to reach the largest assemblage of participants from the petroleum community. Conduct presentations, distribute information, meet with current and potential scientists, make a splash with new researches and its developments, and receive name recognition at this 2-days event at oil and gas conference. World-renowned speakers, the most recent techniques, developments and the newest updates in petroleum industry are hallmarks of this conference. With people across the globe focused on finding a few solution concerning oil and gas .This is the best platform which gives opportunity to meet the eminent personalities such as oil and gas engineering industry, Scientists, geologists, Engineers, Researchers, professors together in field of Petroleum Engineering, oil and gas engineering services and chemical engineering which gives an international forum for the sharing research results, new invention, and most recent techniques.
Session 01.Health, Safety and Environmental concerns
Oil industry holds a major potential of hazards for the environment, and may impact it at different levels: air, water, soil, and consequently all living beings on our planet. Within this context, the most widespread and dangerous consequence of oil and gas industry activities is pollution. Pollution is associated with virtually all activities throughout all stages of oil and gas production, from exploratory activities to refining Crude. Wastewaters, gas emissions, solid waste and aerosols generated during drilling, production, purification (responsible for the most pollution) and transportation amount to over 800 different chemicals, among which, of course, prevail oil and petroleum products.
Oil and Gas conference | Oil and Gas Congress | Oil and Gas Meeting | Health, Safety and Environmental concerns | Petroleum Geology conference | Association on oil and gas | Annual event on oil and gas
Session 02.Oil and Gas processing
Oil and gas wells convey a mixture of organic compound gas, atmospheric phenomenon or oil, water with mixed minerals, sometimes involves an oversized amount of salt as well as element, carbon dioxide(CO2) and presumably sulphide(H2S) and solids together with sand that gathered from the reservoir and corrosion product from the tube. Motivation driving oil and gas process is to separate, remove or remodel these available elements to provide the hydrocarbons prepared purchasable.
Oil and Gas conference | Oil and Gas Congress | Oil and Gas Meeting | Oil and Gas processing | Petroleum Geology conference | Association on oil and gas | Annual event on oil and gas
Session 03.Advanced oil and gas technologies
Oil and gas square measure naturally collected from chemicals that created from solely two elements that are gas and carbon. Recently oil and gas reserves square measure found in varied elements of the planet. In antecedent, demand was low and reserves were straightforward to seek out. The first users of oil relied on surface oil discharge for his or her provides. Day by day demand of oil has inflated, all effectively discovered oils has been used. Today, oil investigation takes place in a number of the foremost difficult places on earth. Presently all square measure trying over for brand new oil reserves thousands of feet below the ocean and lands.
Oil and Gas conference | Oil and Gas Congress | Oil and Gas Meeting | Advanced oil and gas technologies | Petroleum Geology conference | Association on oil and gas| Annual event on oil and gas
Session 04.Impacts of climate change
The oil business could be a vital a part of the world energy sector, as their processes have important effects on all the productive sectors of the economy and also the population. For several years, oil and oil merchandise had the most important share in gross inland energy consumption, whereas they're still the principal energy supply for electricity generation and also the main supply for thermal power. Recently, the main focus of the world energy business has shifted to the carbon contents of fossil primarily based energy sources particularly with the worldwide spotlight on carbon emissions reduction. This paradigm shift and also the extension of metropolis Protocol’s commitment amount to 2020 (i.e., the second commitment amount 2013–2020) have thrown up a significant economic challenge for countries that are obsessed with oil export revenues particularly OPEC.
Oil and Gas conference | Oil and Gas Congress | Oil and Gas Meeting | Impacts of climate change | Petroleum Geology conference | Association on oil and gas | Annual event on oil and gas
Session 05.Recent advancements in petro chemistry
Without continuous technological innovation, more energy savings can become progressively tough to achieve. whereas organic compound producers have created vast progress in energy reduction, they need nearly reached a physical limit wherever to any extent further reduction wouldn't be of an equivalent proportions as that already achieved. To continue the momentum of energy savings, the organic compound sector is specializing in making merchandise with increased performance that successively scale back energy consumption throughout their life. Such examples include Insulation in construction, light-weight plastics utilized in cars and transportation; star panels; wind mills and water purification systems among several others.
. Teaching, Assessment, and Learning in University and Industries
. Technology, Simulation, and Education
. Continuing skilled Development
. Continuing Education
Oil and Gas conference | Oil and Gas Congress | Oil and Gas Meeting | Recent advancements in petro chemistry | Petroleum Geology conference | Association on oil and gas | Annual event on oil and gas
Session 06.Conventional and Unconventional Resources
Conventional resources and unconventional resources are two completely different separate sets of resources that may probably be extracted. Each talk to some amount of fossil fuels that would contribute to a reserve if they may be extracted economically. The distinction between a resource and reserve is explored with a diagram referred to as a McKinley box. The distinction between typical and unconventional is comparatively simple, and should do principally with the convenience the fuels may be extracted with.
Oil and Gas conference | Oil and Gas Congress | Oil and Gas Meeting | Conventional and Unconventional Resources | Petroleum Geology conference | Association on oil and gas | Annual event on oil and gas
Session 07.Renewable Energy Sources
A renewable resource, also known as a flow resource is a natural resource which will replenish to replace the portion depleted by usage and consumption, either through natural reproduction or other recurring processes in a finite amount of time in a human time scale. When such recovery rate of resources is unlikely to ever exceed a human time scale, these are called perpetual resources Renewable resources are a part of Earth's natural environment and the largest components of its ecosphere. A positive life-cycle assessment is a key indicator of a resource's sustainability.
Oil and Gas conference | Oil and Gas Congress | Oil and Gas Meeting | Renewable Energy Sources | Petroleum Geology conference | Association on oil and gas | Annual event on oil and gas
Session 08.Safety and Integrity of City Gas Distribution
Natural gas may be a present organic compound gas mixture consisting primarily of methane series, however usually includes variable amounts of different higher hydrocarbons and a lesser proportion of CO2, nitrogen, and chemical element compound. It’s colourless, shapeless and odourless. Fossil fuel is associate degree energy supply usually used as a fuel for heating, cooking, and electricity generation. Different additionally used as fuel for vehicles and as a chemical feedstock within the manufacture of plastics and alternative commercially vital organic chemicals.
Oil and Gas conference | Oil and Gas Congress | Oil and Gas Meeting | Safety and Integrity of City Gas Distribution | Petroleum Geology conference | Association on oil and gas | Annual event on oil and gas
Session 09.Future challenges for oil exploration and consumption
A developing manpower joined with an effect in new oil and gas investigation is creating challenges for imperativeness associations within the scopes of enrolment, support, and designing. The oil and gas business goes up against an acquiring capability pool for those with specific ability. Around ninety percent of senior unit of time managers at twenty two best universal oil and gas organizations trust this can be one among the foremost vital business problems tackling their organizations.
Oil and Gas conference | Oil and Gas Congress | Oil and Gas Meeting | Future challenges for oil exploration and consumption | Petroleum Geology conference | Association on oil and gas | Annual event on oil and gas
Session 10.Pipeline transportation and storage
Aboveground, underwater and underground pipelines, varied in size from many centimetres to a metre or additional in diameter, move huge amounts of crude, gas, LHGs and liquid fossil fuel merchandise. Pipelines run throughout the globe, from the frozen field of Last Frontier and geographical area to the new deserts of the centre East, across rivers, lakes, seas, swamps and forests, over and thru mountains and underneath cities and cities. Though the initial construction of pipelines is tough and expensive, once they're designed, properly maintained and operated, they supply one amongst the safest and most economical means that of transporting these merchandise.
Oil and Gas conference | Oil and Gas Congress | Oil and Gas Meeting | Pipeline transportation and storage | Petroleum Geology conference | Association on oil and gas | Annual event on oil and gas
Session 11.Oil Formation
Millions of years ago small animals and plants died and fell to the bottom of the ocean. Their remaining parts were secured by mud. Then the mud eventually changed to rock. This rock put a lot of weight on the dead animals and plants. Rocks around them and additionally heated them up. Together the heat and the pressure changed which is known as crude oil without presence of Air or Oxygen. A stone, which has prepare oil and gas which known as a Reservoir Rock. The oil could not float upwards through these rocks and so it gets caught underneath it. Geologists - rock scientists - can frequently tell that where oil might be caught. Oil companies drill by using the porous rocks to get crude oil out. Then they change it into a valuable product by fractional distillation technique.
Oil and Gas conference | Oil and Gas Congress | Oil and Gas Meeting | Oil Formation | Petroleum Geology conference | Association on oil and gas | Annual event on oil and gas
Session 12.Global oil and gas
In Present days, there is a worldwide demand for Oil and Gas which is not going to decline for decades. Environmental Impact Assessment expects global consumption of petroleum and oil fuels to continue to grow by 1.5 million b/d in 2017 and by 1.9 million b/d in 2018. Because of repository attributes and constraints in petroleum extraction innovations, just a small amount of this oil can be conveyed to the surface, and it is just this producible part that is thought to be stored. Dubai, UAE, Qatar, and countries in Asia hold among the most important sites present in the world Oil and Gas scenario and world conserve. There are also continental Oil and Gas growths, Challenges and issues in Oil and Gas developments, Gas industry and profession, Global Price influence and Price Monitoring and maintenance of reserves which control the Fuel economy.
Oil and Gas conference | Oil and Gas Congress | Oil and Gas Meeting | Global oil and gas | Petroleum Geology conference | Association on oil and gas | Annual event on oil and gas
Market Value of Oil and Gas Research
The impact of low oil costs on worldwide economies, advertise members, and also the government scene is introducing another new order for the business one amongst mounted payment and expanded instability. The business is to boot observant mounting strain to decrease air and water contamination and usually natural impression. However, oil and inflammable gas can proceed to fuel and power the world's economy for a substantial length of your time. Investigation resolution for the oil and gas trade picks up a general perspective of the activities; keeps pace with dynamic markets, consumer desires, and controls. Oil and gas examination programming allows organizations to grasp the conditions, destinations and meet the target by breaking down the whole endeavour lifecycle. Besides, enhance task and improve profitableness, consider store network execution and make sure the underlying driver of creation misfortune.
The global analytical standards market is anticipated to be valued at USD one.14 Billion in 2015, growing at a CAGR of half-dozen.5% throughout the forecast amount to succeed in USD one.56 Billion in 2020. This market is especially driven by factors like rising demand for analytical instruments in genetic science & metabolomics and growing importance of analytical tests in drug approval. On the opposite hand, high price of analytical instruments & standards is limiting the expansion of the world analytical standards market.
Scope and Importance
The petroleum industry is enormous and its activities extend over all regions of the world. Given the wide ranging nature of this industry, it is important to define the scope of activities which this book is concerned with. In theory, project finance can be used to fund almost any type of project and hence could be applied to the whole range of activities in the petroleum industry. Large projects in the petroleum industry, whether in the upstream, midstream or downstream, are usually undertaken using multiple contracts with contractors specialised in particular areas of trade. A large offshore project, for instance, will usually require specialised contracts with drillers and well-service specialists, sub-sea equipment fabricators and installers, floating vessel hull and topside manufactures, pipe suppliers and so on.
Targeted Audience
. Oil and Gas Associations
. Petroleum Industries
. Petroleum Chemistry and Petroleum Engineering Faculty
. Oil and Gas Societies
. Petrology Graduates
. Petroleum Chemistry and Petroleum Engineering Students
. Oil and Gas Scientists
. Petroleum Analysts
. Petroleum and Petrochemicals Marketers
Universities Associated with Oil and Gas
. ETH Zurich – Swiss Federal Institute of Technolog
. Stanford University
. The Australian National University
. University of California, Berkeley (UCB)
. California Institute of Technology (Caltech)
. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
. University of Cambridge
. Harvard University
. Stanford University
. University of Washington
Major Oil and Gas Related Societies
. American Petroleum Institute, USA
. China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation, China
. International Society for Rock Mechanics, South Korea
. Independent Oil and Gas Association, New York
. Independent Petroleum Association of America, USA
. Western States Petroleum Association, Canada
. Royal Geological and Mining Society, Netherlands
. Texas Oil & Gas Association, Texas
. National Petroleum Council, Brazil
. Society of Petroleum Engineers, USA
. Federation of Indian Petroleum Industry, India
. Petroleum Society of Canada, Canada
In the universe, energy needs stay high and still grow. Below most situations, energy from the sun, wind, and bio matter can grow quickly. However oil and gas still are needed-in massive and growing amounts. Oil and gas corporations still ought to invest in fossil energy. they're going to do therefore at rates that create contemporaneous sense in respect to economic, technical, and restrictive forces that square measure tough to assess year by year and not possible to forecast usefully future. Greenhouse-gas emissions would possibly even subside quicker than expected-but in fact not quick enough to satisfy opponents of resource development.
International Conference on Oil and Gas
August 16-17, 2021 | Amsterdam, Netherlands
Meetings International is announcing Young Scientist Awards through “International Conference on Oil and Gas and Oil and Gas” (Oil and Gas 2021) which is scheduled at Amsterdam, Netherlands during August 16-17, 2021. This Oil and Gas 2021 focuses on “Technological advancements and innovative approaches in Oil and Gas”.
Oil and Gas 2021 and upcoming conferences will recognise participants who have significantly added value to the scientific community of Oil and Gas and provide them outstanding Young Scientist Awards. The Young Scientist Award will provide a strong professional development opportunity for young researches by meeting experts to exchange and share their experiences at our international conferences.
Oil and Gas 2021 aims on the level of thought that individual patients need at various centres in their course. Clinical decision guidelines are generally perceived as best practice for an inexorably normal nearness in the biomedical composition. Oil and Gas conference organizing committee conference is providing a platform for all the budding young researchers, young investigators, post-graduate/Master students, PhD. students and trainees to showcase their research and innovation.
Young Scientists, faculty members, post-doctoral fellows, PhD scholars and bright Final Year MSc and M.Phil. Candidates. Persons from Scientific Industry can also participate.
The Young Scientist Feature is a platform to promote young researchers in their respective area by giving them a chance to present their achievements and future perspectives.
Conditions of Acceptance:
To receive the award, the awardee must submit the presentation for which the award is given, for publication at the website, along with author permission. Failure to submit the PPT, and permission within the designated timeframe will result in forfeiture of award.
Award Announcements:
Official announcement of the recipients will occur after the completion of Oil and Gas Conference.