7th World Oil and Gas Congress has been scheduled during May 22-23, 2019 at Dubai, UAE. Oil and Gas Conference provides a platform for researcher scholars, scientists to share and globalize their research work while the participants from industry sectors can promote their products. The scope of Oil and Gas Event 2019 is to bring the advancements in the field of oil and gas, petroleum, natural gas and its allied areas. Oil and Gas Event accomplishes more significance worldwide essentialness as the world economy has been creating with oil as its backbone for over a hundred years. Oil and Gas Congress is going to be largest and most promising conference where oil and gas engineering professionals and decision makers will come to discuss on various aspects. These days Oil and natural gas reserves are found in numerous parts of the world.
Session 1: Advanced Oil and Gas Technologies
Oil and gas are naturally collected from chemicals which made up of only two components that is hydrogen and carbon. These days oil and natural gas reserves are found in numerous parts of the world. In previously, demand was low and reserves were easy to find. The primary users of oil relied on surface oil discharge for their supplies. Day by day demand of oil has increased, all effectively discovered oils has been utilized. Today, oil investigation takes place in some of the most challenging places on earth. Presently all are looking over for new oil reserves thousands of feet under the ocean and lands.
Oil and Gas Conference | Oil and Gas Meetings | Oil and Gas 2019 | Workshop on Oil and Gas | Oil and Gas Events | Natural Hazards and Natural Gas Recovery Congress | Oil and Gas Congress | Workshop on Chemical Process Control | Petroleum Engineering Conference | Enhanced Oil Recovery | Annual Event on Oil and Gas | Petroleum Geology Conference | Association on Oil and Gas | Drilling Conferences | Event on Refinery Gases
Session 2: Oil and Gas Processing
Oil and gas wells convey a mix of hydrocarbon gas, condensate or oil; water with mixed minerals, usually involves a large amount of salt; other gases, including nitrogen, carbon dioxide (CO2), and possibly hydrogen sulfide (H2S); and solids, including sand which gathered from the reservoir and corrosion products from the tubing. motivation driving oil and gas processing is to separate, remove, or transform these different components to produce the hydrocarbons ready for sale.
Oil and Gas Conference | Oil and Gas Meetings | Oil and Gas 2019 | Workshop on Oil and Gas | Oil and Gas Events | Natural Hazards and Natural Gas Recovery Congress | Oil and Gas Congress | Workshop on Chemical Process Control | Petroleum Engineering Conference | Enhanced Oil Recovery | Annual Event on Oil and Gas | Petroleum Geology Conference | Association on Oil and Gas | Drilling Conferences | Event on Refinery Gases
Session 3: Biofuels and Biodiesels
Progressed biofuels are fuels which prepared from various sorts of biomass.Original biofuels are prepared from the vegetable oils shaped in arable harvests, which can be effectively evacuated applying consistent development. , advanced biofuels are produced by using lignocellulose biomass or woody yields, buildups or waste, which change it harder to extricate the essential fuel. Advanced biofuels advancements have been contrived in light of the fact that original biofuels produce has significant confinements. Biodiesel is normally prepared by chemically responding lipids with a liquor producing unsaturated fatty acid esters. Biodiesel can be utilized separately, or dissolve with petro diesel in any extents.
Oil and Gas Conference | Oil and Gas Meetings | Oil and Gas 2019 | Workshop on Oil and Gas | Oil and Gas Events | Natural Hazards and Natural Gas Recovery Congress | Oil and Gas Congress | Workshop on Chemical Process Control | Petroleum Engineering Conference | Enhanced Oil Recovery | Annual Event on Oil and Gas | Petroleum Geology Conference | Association on Oil and Gas | Drilling Conferences | Event on Refinery Gases
Session 4: Oil Formation
Millions of years ago small animals and plants died and fell to the bottom of the ocean. Their remaining parts were secured by mud.Then the mud eventually changed to rock. This rock put a lot of weight on the dead animals and plants. Rocks around them and additionally heated them up. Together the heat and the pressure changed which is known as crude oil without presence of Air or Oxygen. A stone, which has prepare oil and gas which known as a Reservoir Rock. The oil could not float upwards through these rocks and so it gets caught underneath it. Geologists - rock scientists - can frequently tell that where oil might be caught. Oil companies drill by using the porous rocks to get crude oil out. Then they change it into a valuable product by fractional distillation technique.
Oil and Gas Conference | Oil and Gas Meetings | Oil and Gas 2019 | Workshop on Oil and Gas | Oil and Gas Events | Natural Hazards and Natural Gas Recovery Congress | Oil and Gas Congress | Workshop on Chemical Process Control | Petroleum Engineering Conference | Enhanced Oil Recovery | Annual Event on Oil and Gas | Petroleum Geology Conference | Association on Oil and Gas | Drilling Conferences | Event on Refinery Gases
Session 5 : Global Gas Recovery and Refining
Nowadays, in all over the world Increased demand for oil and gas which wouldn't decrease for quite a long time. Environmental impact assessment expects worldwide utilization of petroleum and oil fuels to keep to grow by 1.5 million b/d in 2017 and by 1.9 million b/d in 2018. Because of vault characteristics and requirements in petroleum extraction innovations, only a small amount of this oil can be passed to the surface, and it is just this produce part that is thought to be stored. Dubai, UAE, Qatar, and nations in Asia hold among the most critical destinations introduce on the planet oil and gas situation and world ration. There are likewise mainland oil and gas developments, challenges and issues in oil and gas advancements, gas industry and calling, global price impact and price monitoring and upkeep of stores which control the fuel economy.
Oil and Gas Conference | Oil and Gas Meetings | Oil and Gas 2019 | Workshop on Oil and Gas | Oil and Gas Events | Natural Hazards and Natural Gas Recovery Congress | Oil and Gas Congress | Workshop on Chemical Process Control | Petroleum Engineering Conference | Enhanced Oil Recovery | Annual Event on Oil and Gas | Petroleum Geology Conference | Association on Oil and Gas | Drilling Conferences | Event on Refinery Gases
Session 6: Enhanced Oil Recovery and Refining
Enhanced oil recovery is use of various techniques for expanding the measure of crude oil which can be separated from an oil field. Enhanced oil recovery is called enhanced oil recuperation Sometimes the term quaternary is used to allude to more progressed, theoretical, EOR strategies.
Oil and Gas Conference | Oil and Gas Meetings | Oil and Gas 2019 | Workshop on Oil and Gas | Oil and Gas Events | Natural Hazards and Natural Gas Recovery Congress | Oil and Gas Congress | Workshop on Chemical Process Control | Petroleum Engineering Conference | Enhanced Oil Recovery | Annual Event on Oil and Gas | Petroleum Geology Conference | Association on Oil and Gas | Drilling Conferences | Event on Refinery Gases
Session 7: Future Challenges for Oil Exploration and Consumption
A developing workforce joined with an impact in new oil and gas investigation is making challenges for imperativeness associations in the scopes of enrollment, support, and planning. The oil and gas industry is going up against a contracting capacity pool for those with specific skill. Around 90 percent of senior HR managers at 22 best universal oil and gas organizations trust this is one of the most important business issues confronting their organizations.
Oil and Gas Conference | Oil and Gas Meetings | Oil and Gas 2019 | Workshop on Oil and Gas | Oil and Gas Events | Natural Hazards and Natural Gas Recovery Congress | Oil and Gas Congress | Workshop on Chemical Process Control | Petroleum Engineering Conference | Enhanced Oil Recovery | Annual Event on Oil and Gas | Petroleum Geology Conference | Association on Oil and Gas | Drilling Conferences | Event on Refinery Gases
Session 8: Impacts of Oil and Gas Industries
Hydrocarbons are a class of blends essentially made out of carbon and hydrogen, and they are significant part of oil and natural gas. These substances add to the nursery affect and overall temperature adjustment, deplete the ozone, increase occasions of development and respiratory issue, and reduce the photosynthetic limit of plants. Enormous oil slicks are a prominent wellspring of mischief to natural frameworks and human prosperity, obstructing pores, restraining respiratory capacities and harming creatures that ingest them oil is not only unfavorable in vast spills; little emanations from car spills and different sources can have total impacts that can be exceptionally harming to the earth.
Oil and Gas Conference | Oil and Gas Meetings | Oil and Gas 2019 | Workshop on Oil and Gas | Oil and Gas Events | Natural Hazards and Natural Gas Recovery Congress | Oil and Gas Congress | Workshop on Chemical Process Control | Petroleum Engineering Conference | Enhanced Oil Recovery | Annual Event on Oil and Gas | Petroleum Geology Conference | Association on Oil and Gas | Drilling Conferences | Event on Refinery Gases
Session 9: Global Oil and Gas Reserves
N2 is injected into combustible gas supplies to misleadingly manufacture weight which achieves more yields from the well. called "Enhanced Gas Recovery" (EGR), this be expert with other dormant gasses. At USA, carbon dioxide (CO2) sourced from underground wells is a temperate option. Inflammable gas preparing plants purge crude petroleum gas by expelling regular contaminants, for example, water, carbon dioxide (CO2) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S).
Oil and Gas Conference | Oil and Gas Meetings | Oil and Gas 2019 | Workshop on Oil and Gas | Oil and Gas Events | Natural Hazards and Natural Gas Recovery Congress | Oil and Gas Congress | Workshop on Chemical Process Control | Petroleum Engineering Conference | Enhanced Oil Recovery | Annual Event on Oil and Gas | Petroleum Geology Conference | Association on Oil and Gas | Drilling Conferences | Event on Refinery Gases
Session 10: Advanced Natural Gas Engineering
Natural gas is a subcategory of petroleum which is naturally occurring combination of hydrocarbons, with a small amount of inorganic compounds. Gas condensate refers to the gas with high content of liquid form of hydrocarbon reduced toward pressures and temperatures. Natural gas reserves involve reserves and Potential resources. Proved reserves are the amount of gas which has been found by the drill. Possibility assets constitute amount of natural gas that would accepted will exist in different rocks of the Earth’s crust but have not yet been found by drill.
Oil and Gas Conference | Oil and Gas Meetings | Oil and Gas 2019 | Workshop on Oil and Gas | Oil and Gas Events | Natural Hazards and Natural Gas Recovery Congress | Oil and Gas Congress | Workshop on Chemical Process Control | Petroleum Engineering Conference | Enhanced Oil Recovery | Annual Event on Oil and Gas | Petroleum Geology Conference | Association on Oil and Gas | Drilling Conferences | Event on Refinery Gases
Market Value of Oil and Gas Research
The effect of low oil prices on worldwide economies, advertise members, and the geopolitical scene is introducing another new order for the business one of fixed spending and expanded instability. The business is additionally observing mounting strain to decrease air and water contamination and generally natural impression. However, oil and flammable gas will proceed to fuel and power the world's economy for a considerable length of time. Investigation solution for the oil and gas industry picks up a general perspective of the activities; keeps pace with dynamic markets, client needs, and controls. Oil and gas examination programming enables organizations to comprehend the conditions, destinations and meet the objective by breaking down the entire undertaking lifecycle. Besides, enhance task and improve profitability, look at store network execution and confirm the underlying driver of creation misfortune.
Why Dubai?
Dubai oil revenue was first started to flow in 1969. It helps to accelerate the development of the city, but limited numbers of reserves are present and also low production levels today, and nearly 5% of the emirate's revenue comes from oil. Recently Dubai was named as the best destination for travelers. Continuously it builds first, largest constructions in the world. May is the beginning of the mid-year in Dubai and sees temperatures, highs that numerous local Brits are not acclimated with going from 23°C-36°C, with a normal of 31°C, contrasted with June, which has a normal temperature of around 33°C.
A place to begin investigating the legacy and history of Dubai is the Dubai Museum: it's situated inside the Al Fahidi Fort, one of the Dubai's most seasoned structures going back to 1787. This city of tall structures and shopping centers has changed itself from a desert station to a goal of the day, where voyagers run for deals, daylight and family fun. Dubai is acclaimed for touring attractions, for example, the Burj Khalifa (the world's tallest building) and shopping centers that come finish with mammoth aquariums and indoor ski inclines. Take a meander around the Bastakia region, and you'll find the Dubai of old, at that point voyage along Dubai Creek in a customary dhow and you'll before long understand there's something else entirely to this city than its gaudy facade.
Why to attend?
With people across the globe focused on finding a few solution concerning oil and gas .This is the best platform which gives opportunity to meet the eminent personalities such as oil and gas engineering industry, Scientists, geologists, Engineers, Researchers, professors together in field of Petroleum Engineering, oil and gas engineering services and chemical engineering which gives an international forum for the sharing research results, new invention, and most recent techniques.
Targeted Audience
· Oil and Gas Associations
· Petroleum Industries
· Petroleum Chemistry and Petroleum Engineering Faculty
· Oil and Gas Societies
· Petrology Graduates
· Petroleum Chemistry and Petroleum Engineering Students
· Oil and Gas Scientists
· Petroleum Analysts
· Petroleum and Petrochemicals Marketers
Societies/Industries/Universities Associated with Oil and Gas
· American Petroleum Institute, USA
· Independent Oil and Gas Association of New York, USA
· Independent Petroleum Association of America, USA
· National Petroleum Council, USA
· Ohio Oil & Gas Association, USA
· Society of Petroleum Engineers, USA
· Texas Oil & Gas Association, USA
· Western States Petroleum Association, USA
Major Oil and Gas Industries Around the Globe
· Saudi Aramco, Saudi Arabia
· Exxon Mobil, USA
· Royal Dutch Shell, Netherlands
· Kuwait Petroleum Corporation, Kuwait
· Chevron Corporation, USA
· Petrobras, Brazil
· Indian Oil Corporation, India
· Korea National Oil Corporation, South Korea
· Idemitsu Kosan, Japan
· National Iranian Oil, Iran
Major Oil and Gas Related Societies
· American Petroleum Institute, USA
· China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation, China
· International Society for Rock Mechanics, South Korea
· Independent Oil and Gas Association, New York
· Independent Petroleum Association of America, USA
· Western States Petroleum Association, Canada
· National Drilling Company, UAE
· Texas Oil & Gas Association, Texas
· National Petroleum Council, Brazil
· Society of Petroleum Engineers, USA
· Federation of Indian Petroleum Industry, India
· Petroleum Society of Canada, Canada
· Association of Oil and Gas operators, India
· International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers, USA
· Oklahoma Oil & Gas Association, USA
· International Petroleum Investment Company, UAE
· Korea Oil & Petroleum Association, South Korea
· Brazilian Institute of Oil and Gas, Brazil
· Yorkshire Geological Society, England
· Geological Society of Japan, Japan
· Royal Geological and Mining Society, Netherlands
· Australian Institute of Petroleum, Australia
· International Petroleum Investment Company, UAE
· Korea Oil & Petroleum Association, South Korea
· Brazilian Institute of Oil and Gas, Brazil
· Yorkshire Geological Society, England
· Geological Society of Japan, Japan
· Royal Geological and Mining Society, Netherlands
· Australian Institute of Petroleum, Australia
In the real world, energy requirements remain high and continue to grow. Under most scenarios, energy from the sun, wind, and biomatter will grow rapidly. But oil and gas still will be needed-in large and growing amounts. Oil and gas companies still need to invest in fossil energy. They'll do so at rates that make contemporaneous sense in relation to economic, technical, and regulatory forces that are difficult to assess year by year and impossible to forecast usefully long term. Greenhouse-gas emissions might even subside faster than expected-but of course not fast enough to satisfy opponents of resource development.
Yogi Vemana University
Institute of Chemical Engineering
DIT University
SP Pune University
University of Colorado