International Conference on Oil and Gas welcomes attendees, presenters, and exhibitors from all over the world to Paris, France. We are delighted to invite you all to attend and register for the Oil and Gas 2022 which is going to be held during October 17-18, 2022 in Paris, France.
The theme of the conference is “ Future Challenges for Oil and Gas Exploration and Consumption”. The organizing committee is gearing up for an exciting and informative conference program including plenary lectures, symposia, workshops on a variety of topics, poster presentations, and various programs for participants from all over the world, where you will be sure to have a meaningful experience with scholars from around the world.
Sessions 1 : Advanced Drilling Technologies and Safety:
As demand for oil and its derivatives is growing, education, research, and technology are also swiftly developing to drive the oil and gas sector forward by developing new technical solutions, standards and industry best practices. Drilling is a unique mechanical process that is designed to bring petroleum oil hydrocarbons to the surface by making a hole or bore into the earth’s surface. In geotechnical engineering, drilling fluid is used to aid the drilling of boreholes into the earth. Drilling rigs are used not only to identify geologic reservoirs but also to create holes that allow the extraction of oil or natural gas from those reservoirs. Traditionally oil and gas wells are vertically drilled. Technological advancements have allowed operators to save time, reduce operational costs, and lessen their environmental impact.
Keywords : Oil and Gas Conference | Oil and Gas Meetings | Oil Meetings | Oil and Gas Events | Oil and Gas Conferences | Gas Conferences
Sessions 2 : Advances in Oil Recovery and Refining Operations:
Refining is a process of converting crude oil into usable products. Crude oil is a mixture of hundreds of different types of hydrocarbons with carbon chains of different lengths. These can be separated through refining. The refining technics as follows: Physical separation through crude distillation, Conversion or upgrading of the basic distillation streams, Product treatment to purify and remove contaminants and pollutants, Product blending to create products that comply with market specifications. Cracking: Cracking processes break down heavier hydrocarbon molecules (high boiling point oils) into lighter products such as petrol and diesel, using heat (thermal) or catalysts (catalytic). Enhancing Oil Recovery With Bottom Water Drainage Completion. Field tests with DWS well completions have shown that DWS can control water coning and increase oil production rate.
Keywords : Oil and Gas Conference | Oil and Gas Meetings | Oil Meetings | Oil and Gas Events | Oil and Gas Conferences | Gas Conferences
Sessions 3 : Digital Transformation:
The Digital Transformation Initiative that focuses at the Forum for brand spanking new opportunities and themes arising from latest developments within the digitalisation of business and society. Digitalization's impact on Oil and Gas was considered across the value chain, from exploration and production to midstream, (refinery) and retail. Oil, Gas and Petroleum industries are began to digitalization, focusing on better understanding a reservoir's resource and production potential, improving health and safety, and boosting marginal operational efficiencies at oil fields around the world. Digital asset life cycle management, Circular collaborative ecosystem, beyond the barrel, Energizing new energies.
Keywords : Oil and Gas Conference | Oil and Gas Meetings | Oil Meetings | Oil and Gas Events | Oil and Gas Conferences | Gas Conferences
Sessions 4 : Pipelines and Transportation:
Pipeline transport is the transportation of goods through a pipe. Liquids and gases are transferred in pipes and any chemically stable substance can be sent all through a pipeline. Pipes exist for the transport of crude and refined petroleum, fuels - such as oil, natural gas and biofuels - and other fluids including sewage, slurry, water, and beer. Pipelines are suitable for carrying water for imbibing or irrigation over long distances when it wants to move over hills, or where canals or channels are poor choices due to considerations of dehydration, pollution, or environmental impact.
Keywords : Oil and Gas Conference | Oil and Gas Meetings | Oil Meetings | Oil and Gas Events | Oil and Gas Conferences | Gas Conferences
Sessions 5 : Upstream, Downstream and Midstream Integration:
Upstream oil and gas companies identify deposits, drill wells, and recover raw materials from underground. This sector also includes related services, such as rig operations, feasibility studies, and machinery rental and extraction chemical supply. Many of the largest upstream operators are the major diversified oil and gas firms, such as Exxon-Mobil. Midstream operations link the upstream and downstream entities. Midstream operations mostly include resource transportation and storage, such as pipelines and gathering systems. Kinder Morgan and Williams Companies are two examples of midstream firms.
Keywords : Oil and Gas Conference | Oil and Gas Meetings | Oil Meetings | Oil and Gas Events | Oil and Gas Conferences | Gas Conferences
Sessions 6 : Geology and Exploration:
Geological prospecting and exploration for oil and gas is a set of manufacturing and R&D pursuits for geological study of subsurface reserves, identification of promising areas, and detection of fields, their evaluation and pre-development. The final objective of geological prospecting is training of subsurface resources. The main principle of geological prospecting is the complete geological study of subsurface resources when along with oil and gas exploration all associated components (petroleum gas and its composition, sulphur, rare metals, etc.), possibility and realism of their production or use are investigated; hydrogeological, coal mining, engineering, geological and other studies are performed; natural, climatic, socioeconomic, geological engineering and financial indicator and their changes caused by future field development are analysed.
Keywords : Oil and Gas Conference | Oil and Gas Meetings | Oil Meetings | Oil and Gas Events | Oil and Gas Conferences | Gas Conferences
Sessions 7 : Fuels and Refining:
For the foremost half, rough oil is warm and adjusted into a gas. The hot gases area unit passed into the bottom of a refining section and become cooler as they climb the tallness of the segment. Because the gases cool beneath their brink, they gather into a fluid. The fluids area unit then drawn off the refining section at express statures, running from overwhelming dwells at the base, crude diesel energizes within the midriff, and crude gas at the top. These crude divisions’ area unit then ready to create a number of various completed things.Albeit all parts of oil discover utilizes, the best request is for gas. One barrel of rough oil contains just 30-40% fuel. Transportation requests require that over half of the unrefined petroleum be "changed over" into gas.
Keywords : Oil and Gas Conference | Oil and Gas Meetings | Oil Meetings | Oil and Gas Events | Oil and Gas Conferences | Gas Conferences
Sessions 8 : Advanced Oil and Gas Technologies:
Oil and gas are naturally occurred chemicals that are made up of just two elements Hydrogen and Carbon. Nowadays Oil and natural gas reserves are found in many parts of the world. In the past, demand was low, and reserves were easy to find. In fact, the first users of oil depended on surface oil excretion for their supplies. However, as demand has increased, all easily found oils have been used. Today, oil exploration takes place in some of the most challenging places on earth. Now all are surveying for new oil reserves thousands of feet under the ocean and lands. This session explains about Hydrocarbons and Hydrocarbon Reservoir, formation of Oil and Natural Gas, refining of crude oil and its restoring, pipelines for refined oils, natural Gas exploration and production.
Keywords : Oil and Gas Conference | Oil and Gas Meetings | Oil Meetings | Oil and Gas Events | Oil and Gas Conferences | Gas Conferences
Sessions 9 : Computational Modelling Techniques:
Petroleum Engineering includes use of the technology in a numerous ways depending on the particular area because the capacity to extract hydrocarbon has become more difficult even the terrain has become more difficult including deep-water, arctic and desert condition. Therefore, new ideas had to be formed in order to access these hard to reach deposits and this means that petroleum engineering need to understand different aspects such as thermo-hydraulics, geo-mechanics and intelligent systems. As the result petroleum engineering technology application has higher role in aiding engineers in their work. Petroleum engineering technology continues to enhance and has been advance in computer modelling and simulation, statistical and probability analysis, and also in new ideas such as ghorizontal drillin and betterment of oil recovery.
Keywords : Oil and Gas Conference | Oil and Gas Meetings | Oil Meetings | Oil and Gas Events | Oil and Gas Conferences | Gas Conferences
Sessions 10 : Global Crisis and Major Challenges in Oil:
Petroleum Economics has a vibrant role to play in the oil & gas Industry and it lies at the centre of all decision making. Various methods have evolved over time in determining and calculating economic inputs, evaluating investments, quantifying risk and generating feasible portfolios. Petroleum economics brings together information and expertise across the E&P spectrum and a clear understanding of concepts such as cash flow analysis, organizational challenges, price forecasting, cost drivers and risk management is required. The Petroleum Engineering 2019 wants to bring together a wide industry audience including practitioners of economics and decision making.
Keywords : Oil and Gas Conference | Oil and Gas Meetings | Oil Meetings | Oil and Gas Events | Oil and Gas Conferences | Gas Conferences
Sessions 11 : Impacts of Oil and Gas Industries:
Hydrocarbons are a class of mixes basically made out of carbon and hydrogen, and they are significant segments of oil and common gas. These substances add to the nursery impact and a worldwide temperature alteration, drain the ozone, increment events of growth and respiratory issue, diminish the photosynthetic capacity of plants and, in the infamous type of oil slicks, do untold harm to biological systems. Enormous oil slicks are a conspicuous wellspring of harm to biological systems and human wellbeing, obstructing pores, restraining respiratory capacities and harming creatures that ingest them. Oil is not just unfavourable in vast spills; little emanations from car spills and different sources can have total impacts that can be exceptionally harming to the earth.
The effect of low oil prices on worldwide economies, advertise members, and the geopolitical scene is introducing another new order for the business one of fixed spending and expanded instability. The business is additionally observing mounting strain to decrease air and water contamination and generally natural impression. However, oil and flammable gas will proceed to fuel and power the world's economy for a considerable length of time. Investigation solution for the oil and gas industry picks up a general perspective of the activities; keeps pace with dynamic markets, client needs, and controls. Oil and gas examination programming enables organizations to comprehend the conditions, destinations and meet the objective by breaking down the entire undertaking lifecycle. Besides, enhance task and improve profitability, look at store network execution and confirm the underlying driver of creation misfortune.
The influence of the oil and gas industry on different aspects of daily life is enormous. Major environmental disasters such as the ‘Deepwater Horizon Gulf Of Mexico Oil Spill’ in 2013 brought a negative spotlight on the oil and gas industry. The drop in the oil price in 2015 also negatively impacted all oil-dependent economies in the world, especially the Russian Federation, bringing a financial crisis to the nation with the rapid collapse of its currency. The share of the world oil and gas industry revenue in the gross-world product (GWP) during this period decreased from 12% in 2014 to 6% in 2017, but the forecast for this market is promising. The Business Research Company expects the oil and gas market to reach $4.48 trillion in 2023.
The oil and gas market consists of sales of oil and gas by entities (organizations, sole traders or partnerships) that undertake the exploration, extraction, drilling, refining, and/or transportation of oil and gas.
Oil and Gas Market Coverage
The Business Research Company covers 24 markets overall in the oil and gas market providing global market numbers, market growth, market-specific drivers and restraints, trends, and other market specific information. The oil and gas market is segmented in the following manner:
Oil and Gas Upstream Activities
The oil and gas upstream activities market consists of sales of crude oil and natural gas by entities (organizations, sole traders or partnerships) that undertake pre-refining activities of crude oil and natural gas production. This is segmented into crude oil and natural gas pre-refining activities, oil and gas wells drilling services, and oil and gas supporting activities.
The oil downstream activities market consists of sales of the post extraction activities for crude oil and natural gas by entities (organizations, sole traders or partnerships) that provide post extraction activities for crude oil and natural gas, including refined petroleum products manufacturing and asphalt, lubricating oil and grease manufacturing.
How Can We Help?
The Business Research Company`s Oil and Gas Market Research Practice provides marketing, planning and strategy departments with a wider range of market, business, customer and competitor intelligence services across different segments of the oil and gas industry. The oil and gas market research services and solutions The Business Research Company provides are as follows —
In the real world, energy requirements remain high and continue to grow. Under most scenarios, energy from the sun, wind, and biomatter will grow rapidly. But oil and gas still will be needed-in large and growing amounts. Oil and gas companies still need to invest in fossil energy. They'll do so at rates that make contemporaneous sense in relation to economic, technical, and regulatory forces that are difficult to assess year by year and impossible to forecast usefully long term. Greenhouse-gas emissions might even subside faster than expected-but of course not fast enough to satisfy opponents of resource development.
Meetings International is announcing Young Scientist Awards through “International Conference on Oil and Gas” (Oil and Gas 2022) which is scheduled at Singapore City-Singapore during February 21-22, 2022. This Oil and Gas 2022 focuses on “Future Challenges for Oil and Gas Exploration and Consumption”. Oil and Gas 2022 and upcoming conferences will recognize participants who have significantly added value to the scientific community of medical and nursing field and provide them outstanding Young Scientist Awards. The Young Scientist Award will provide a strong professional development opportunity for young researches by meeting experts to exchange and share their experiences at our international conferences. Oil and Gas 2022 aims on the level of thought that individual patients need at various centres in their course. Oil and Gas guidelines are generally perceived as best practice for an inexorably normal nearness in the Chemical composition. Oil and Gas conference organizing committee conference is providing a platform for all the budding young researchers, young investigators, post-graduate/Master students, PhD. students and trainees to showcase their research and innovation.
Young Scientists, faculty members, post-doctoral fellows, PhD scholars and bright Final Year MSc and M.Phil. Candidates. Persons from Scientific Industry can also participate.
The Young Scientist Feature is a platform to promote young researchers in their respective area by giving them a chance to present their achievements and future perspectives.
Conditions of Acceptance:
To receive the award, the awardee must submit the presentation for which the award is given, for publication at the website, along with author permission. Failure to submit the PPT and permission within the designated timeframe will result in forfeiture of award.
Award Announcements:
Official announcement of the recipients will occur after the completion of Oil and Gas Conference.
Institute of Chemical Engineering
American University
United States of America
Revelation Energy Solutions
United States of America
Meddle East Technical university
Eninco Engineering B. V.