Nursing and Healthcare Conference looks forward to welcoming all the participants across the world to attend “World Congress on Nursing and Health Care” during April 15-16, 2019 in Milan, Italy includes the theme “Innovations and Challenges in Nursing and Health Care". Nursing and Healthcare Conference aims at the current issues and challenges of nursing care, management and education in relation to health disparities as well as a breadth of other topics. The Nursing Conference is an opportunity for nursing students, faculty, deans, researchers, and leaders to participate on topics influencing nursing education. Delegates can take advantage of opportunities to learn about Nursing Conference from a various oral and poster presentations. This conference provides the delegates the opportunity of meeting and interacting with the nurses ranging from students, deans, professors and other nursing faculty from around the world. Attend the most important sessions about the present issues effecting nursing care.
Session1: Nursing and Healthcare
Nursing is a part of health care where they mainly concentrate on the care of the individual and their families to improve their quality of life and prevent illness or damage to life. Nurses develop the plan of care in relationship with the doctors, patients and their families. They coordinate with the multidisciplinary health teams to improve the quality of care. There are various branches of nursing. Nursing Conference emphasizes on the following topics
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Session 2: Nursing Education
Nursing Education is a practical and theoretical training to the nurses and prepares them for their professional duties. The nurses are educated and trained by the faculty who are professional in their respective fields. The courses range from general nursing to mental health nursing, paediatric nursing, post-operatory nursing, and many more. Various Universities offer Bachelor’s, Master’s, Doctorates and Diploma courses in Nursing. Nursing Conference 2019 discusses on
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Session 3: Nursing Administration
Nursing administration includes various leadership qualities in decision making and directing the nurses within the organization or the hospital. It includes processes like planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling. Nurse Manager needs to have various qualities like management skills, leadership skills and organizational skills. It is common for a nurse to get an additional master of science in nursing to perform the leadership skills. Management positions increasingly require candidates to hold an advanced degree in nursing. Nurse Manager is provided with needed information in organizing and implementing her tasks. They have to maintain a healthy and professional relationship between the doctors and the staff. Nursing Conference provides knowledge on the following topics
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Session4: Nursing Informatics
The information technology with nursing has come up with many advantages and betterments. To improve the efficiency of the nurses towards care giving, nursing schools have included nursing informatics in the curriculum. It has made the collection, compilation, analysis and sharing of data easy with the reduction of human and medical errors. Nursing Informatics supports in taking quick decision towards the patient healthcare. Nursing Conference highlights on the following tracks
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Session5: Nursing Ethics
The information technology with nursing has come up with many advantages and betterments. To improve the efficiency of the nurses towards care giving, nursing schools have included nursing informatics in the curriculum. It has made the collection, compilation, analysis and sharing of data easy with the reduction of human and medical errors. Nursing Informatics supports in taking quick decision towards the patient healthcare. It also deals with interaction between the nurse and the person in care. Nursing Congress emphasizes on
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Session6: Surgical Nursing
A surgical nurse is a nurse who provides care for a patient before, during and the after the surgery. Pre-operative care of the nurse includes preparation of the surgical site of the patients, getting the informed consents and also preparing the patient psychologically. Surgical nurses may prepare the patient psychologically by explaining and educating them about surgery and their recovery. They also check the patient's vitals, administer medications. Postoperatively monitoring of the patient is done according to his condition and the surgery the patient had undergone. Nursing Meeting highlights on
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Session 7: Pediatric Nursing
The world pediatrics is derived from Greek which means healer of children child health nursing includes the care of patients including infants, toddlers to adolescents. The health care needs of children may differ from that of adults and it may require specialized skills in providing them care and meeting their health needs. Paediatric nurses must also have excellent communication skills so they can provide a safe and supportive environment for young patients and their families. Nursing Meeting discusses on the following topics
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Session 8: Community Health Nursing
Community health nursing is a specialty in nursing where the nurses provide care for the patients at their door steps. They mainly deal with preventing illness and promoting the health of the individuals.it has three levels primary, secondary and tertiary levels of care. They care for individuals who are from different cultural backgrounds. They work with families and communities to provide information and change their unhealthy life practices. Health education is the key concept of community health nursing. Nursing Conference provides knowledge and discuses on
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Session9: Mental Health Nursing
Psychiatric nursing is a specialty of nursing that mainly deal with the mental disorders like mood disorders, eating disorders , perception disorders etc. mental health nurse play a main role in assessing the mental needs of the needs of the patient and their families. The nurse formulates nursing diagnosis according to the priority of the needs of the patient plan the care and implements it. Nursing Conference mainly highlights on the followings topics
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Session10: Disaster Nursing
Disasters have been integral in today human’s life which is leading to severe damage or loss and even causing death. Disaster nursing is defined as the application of knowledge, skills in identifying and reaching the physical and psychological needs of the disaster victims. They are two types of disasters they are natural and manmade disasters. The goal of disaster nursing is mainly identifying the victims who are prone for disaster and caring for all the impacted population. Nursing Meeting discusses on Disaster Nursing under following topics
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Session 11: Geriatric Nursing
Geriatric nursing mainly deals with the care for the older adults. They work in collaboration with the family to improve their quality of life and provide healthy aging process. The proportion of older adults is increasing and there is a need for geriatric nursing. Due to the decreased fertility rates the rates of older adults are increasing. Geriatric nurses are trained in providing care, treatment and rehabilitation. Geriatric nurses work in various settings like nursing homes, acute care hospitals and rehabilitation centres. Nursing Conference discusses about
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Sessions12: Critical Care Nursing
Critical care nursing mainly deals with the care of critically ill patients or patients who are unstable following an illness, injury or surgery. They are many kinds of critical care units like medical ICU’s, surgical ICU’s, cardiothoracic ICU’s, paediatric ICU’s. Nurses need to have adequate knowledge on managing patients on mechanical ventilation, patients on endotracheal tubes and on haemodialysis. Continuous education of the staff is necessary for them to keep updated with skills. Critical care nurses should be trained in acute cardiac life support. Nursing Meeting talks about Critical Care Nursing under the following topics
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Session 13: Obstetrics and Gynecology Nursing
Midwives are the nurses who are professionally skilled in providing care for pregnant women from the antennal phase till the postnatal phase. They assist and train the women on antenatal concepts and prepare them for the safe delivery. They educate the women on various topics of pregnancy to prevent antenatal and postnatal complications. They are trained in managing obstetrical emergencies like cord prolapse and postpartum haemorrhage. They are trained in managing gynaecological conditions like menopause, PCODs etc. Nursing Event discusses on the following topics
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Session 14: Emergency and Trauma Nursing
Emergency and trauma nursing is the treatment of patients who had undergone an trauma or an emergency condition where the treatment has to be done immediately. The treatment may be operative or non-operative. Patients who had multiple traumas are more critical. Intensive care units or the emergency unit consists of health care professionals who are trained in providing care to trauma patients. They are various kinds of trauma like obstetric trauma, psychological trauma etc.
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Session 15: Nursing Rehabilitation
Nursing rehabilitation is considered most important in disorders such as stroke, depression etc. stroke is defined as the decreased blood supply or circulation to the brain cells resulting in hypoxia and necrosis which may be result in decreased or restricted movements of the body. Nurses play an important role in helping out the patient to overcome their disability. Nurses in the rehabilitation centre help the individual and their families to change their life styles, provide therapeutic environment and educating them. These nurses are specialized and are professionalized in taking care of the clients with disabilities.
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Nursing and Healthcare invites you Nursing Professionals, Researchers, Deans and Principals of College of Nursing, presenters and exhibitors from the entire world to Milan, Italy. We are glad to welcome you all to attend and register for the “’World Congress on Nursing and healthcare’’ with the theme of Challenges and Innovations in Nursing and healthcare, which is going to be held at Milan, Italy on April 15, 16. This global meeting will provide a great opportunity to meet extraordinary personalities and experience excellent sessions in nursing and there will be a great integration of Healthcare professionals, professors of medical Universities, nurse practitioners, health care researchers, nurse associations, registered nurses, doctors, and faculty of nursing which will help in increasing the knowledge. We invite you all to attend this conference and share your knowledge with the honourable speakers and professionals. Meetings Internationals extends it welcome to you all.
Nursing in USA:
There are many types of Nurses presently working is USA. The demand for Nurses is gradually increasing due to increase in population and also high morbidity rates. Currently there are 1,534,400 certified Nursing Assistants (CNA), 738,400 licensed practical nurses (LPN), 2,711,500 registered nurses (RN) and 151,400 Advanced Registered Nurses Practitioners (ARNP). The Department of Labour’s estimated increase percentage per nurse employer type is 25% offices of physicians,23% home health care services,34% outpatient centres,33% in employment services, 23% in general medical hospitals and 23% nursing care facilities.
Nursing in Europe:
A survey was conducted to determine the association between the professional nurses and the patient mortality rates. This also helped in indicating the quality of care of the patients. Skill mix professional nurses are 65%, total staffing was 6.09%, practice environment was 2.67% and nurse education was 46.8%.
Nursing in Asia-Pacific:
According to the recent statistics there are various kinds of nurses in different specialities. There are25% critical care nurses, 2.1% geriatric nurses, 6.72% L&D nurses, 25.2%in medical surgical nursing, 8.4% in mental health, 13.45% in PCU, 0.8% in paediatrics, 4.25 in rehabilitation nursing, 13.4% in SNF.
Nursing in Middle East:
Due to the growing need for nurses the Middle Eastern countries attempt to set standards in the employment of nurses. In Egypt there are 134,000 nurses, 36,219 nurses in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain has 5000 nurses, 8750 nurses in Jordan, 6906 nurses in Palestine and 2725 nurses in Qatar.
Universities in USA:
Universities at Europe:
Universities at Asia Pacific:
Universities at Middle East:
Allocation of funds is based on the quality of the proposed research, cross-country (at least two countries) collaboration between research teams, and the applicant's research budget. Annual funding for this grant is provided by the Sigma Foundation for Nursing's Patricia E. Thompson Global Research Fund donors.
Grant Details:
Grants available: 1 per year
Funding: up to US $10,000
Deadline: 1 May 2019
Funding date: 1 November 2019
Worldwide Grants for Nursing Research:
Target Audience:
CNO,University of Utah Health system
Consultant Endocrinologist
Senior Nursing Director,University of Utah Health
Director of Nursing and Quality
Saudi Arabia
Nursing educator/ facilitator
South Africa