This paper aims to reach the most optimizing design of the VVER-1200 assembly for achieving large consuming of weapons-grade plutonium (wgPu). This work introduces a significant change in the geometric shape of the fuel rods without introducing change into the fuel assembly’s dimensions. Five pitches are suggested to consume wgPu. The neutronic characteristics of the five pitches have been investigated using MCNPX code version 2.7. The radial power distributions through the five examined pitches are analyzed. The radial power distribution changes from pitch to other depending on the arrangement and the quantity of wgPu in the assembly. The infinity multiplication factor (Kinf) has been calculated for the five examined pitches. Using of Th-wgPu as a fuel in the VVER-1200 assemblies increases the nuclear fuel life cycle. The FIR for the five suggested pitches has been analyzed. The most important safety parameters such as the effective delayed neutrons (βeff), the control rod worth (CRW), the fuel temperature coefficient (FTC) and moderator temperature coefficient (MTC) were calculated for each pitch to identify the most safety pitch. It is found that the distribution and the arrangement of the seed rod have a great effect on these parameters. The effect of Boron insertion in the moderator was analyzed at different boron concentration.