International Conference on Nuclear Energy plans to assemble all the researchers, scientists, business professionals, professors from all over the world to Paris, France. We are pleased to welcome all of you and analyse the researches at the “Nuclear Energy 2019” which will be held on September 23-24, 2019. Enormous arrangements are done for plenary lectures, keynote talks, courses by eminent personalities from around the globe in addition to poster presentations, young researcher sessions, symposiums, workshops, and exhibitions with the theme: ‘Emerging Power of Nuclear Energy’ to realize ample opportunities for resolving the challenges. Nuclear Energy 2019 is covering all the major and minor topics like Nuclear Medicine, Nuclear Reactions, Effect of Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Safety and Security, Radioactive Waste, Nuclear Law.
Session 1: Nuclear Reactions
Nuclear reactions artificially obtained to produce the nuclear energy. Nuclear reactions may be shown in a form similar to chemical equations, for which invariant mass must be balance for each side of the equation and in which transformations of particles must follow certain conservation laws. There are different types of nuclear reactions like nuclear fission, nuclear fusion.
Nuclear Reaction Conference | Nuclear Fission Conference | Nuclear Fusion Conference | Nuclear Reaction Congress | Nuclear Reaction Meeting
Related Associations
Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation | World Nuclear Association | International Nuclear Law Association | International Atomic Energy Agency
Session 2: Nuclear Reactor
Nuclear reactors are used to control the self-sustained chain reactions. Nuclear reactors are used to in the nuclear powerplants and also these are designed to generate electricity, to which the explanations below will now be restricted, the heated fluid can be gas, water or a liquid metal.
Nuclear Reactor Conference | Nuclear Reactor Congress | Nuclear Reactor Meeting | Nuclear Reactor Symposium
Related Associations
International Nuclear Regulatory Association | OECD Nuclear Energy Agency | World Energy Council | Nuclear Industry Association | International Energy Agency
Session 3: Nuclear Materials
Nuclear materials most commonly refer to fissile materials that are capable of sustaining a chain reaction in a process that releases energy called nuclear fission. The materials include isotopes of uranium, thorium, and plutonium.
Nuclear Material Conference | Material Conference | Nuclear Material Congress | Nuclear Material Meeting
Related Associations
Oecd Nuclear Energy Agency | World Associations Of Nuclear Operators | International Nuclear Information System | Australia Nuclear Science and Technology Organization
Session 4: Nuclear Fuel
Nuclear Fuel is a substance that is used in nuclear power stations to produce heat to power turbines. Heat is created when nuclear fuel undergoes to a reaction. Most of the nuclear fuel elements contain fissile elements which are capable of the reaction.
Nuclear Fuel Conference | Nuclear Fuel Congress | Nuclear Materials Congress | Nuclear Fuel Meetings
Related Associations
American Nuclear Society | World Nuclear Association | Nuclear Industry Association | International Nuclear Regulatory Association
Session 5: Nuclear Radiation
Nuclear Radiation is the energy in the process of being transmitted due to the reaction. It may take in such forms as light, tiny particles which are too small to see. These all are considered as non-ionizing radiation through at least some ultraviolet radiation is considered to be ionizing.
Types of Radiation
Effects of Radiation
Nuclear Radiation Conference | Radiation Conference | Radiation Congress | Nuclear Radiation Meeting
Related Associations
Nuclear Energy Agency | World Energy Council | International Nuclear Regulatory Association | American Nuclear Society
Session 6: Nuclear Medicine
Nuclear Medicine is a speciality involving the application of radioactive substance in the diagnosis and treatment of the disease. In nuclear medicine, imaging radiopharmaceuticals are taken internally which will be helpful for capturing the image by the emission of radiation from these radiopharmaceuticals.
Nuclear Medicine Conference | Radiotherapy Conference | Nuclear Medicine Congress | Nuclear Medicine Meeting
Related Associations
International Energy Agency | International Atomic Energy Agency | Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation | International Nuclear Society Council
Session 7: Nuclear Law
Nuclear law is the law related to the peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology. This nuclear law has distinct aspects i.e the protection against the radiation hazards connected with the peaceful application of nuclear energy and radioactive substances and the prevention of non-peaceful uses of nuclear energy by means of safeguard systems.
Nuclear law Conference | Nuclear Law Congress | Nuclear Law Meeting | Nuclear Law Symposium
Related Associations
International Nuclear Law Association | International Atomic Energy Agency | Nuclear Industry Association | International Nuclear Society Council
Session 8: Radioactive Waste
Depending on the nuclear waste decay mode and the pharmacokinetics the threat will differ by the given activity of radioisotope. Waste is also generated by the decommissioning of nuclear plants.
Nuclear Decommissioning
Nuclear Waste
Radioactive Waste Conference | Nuclear Decommissioning Conference | Nuclear Waste Conference | Nuclear Radioactive Waste Congress
Related Associations
International Nuclear Law Association | Australia Nuclear Science and Technology organization | International Energy Agency | Women In Nuclear Energy
Session 9: Nuclear Safety and Security
The prevention and detection of and response to, theft, sabotage, unauthorized access, illegal transfer or other malicious acts involving nuclear material, other radioactive substances or their associated facilities. Nuclear safety and security will cover the limitation on exposure of radiation.
Control of Nuclear Weapons
Nuclear safeguards
Nuclear Safety Conference | Nuclear Security Conference | Nuclear Safety and Security Conference | Nuclear Safety Congress | Nuclear Security Congress
Related Associations
Nuclear Energy Agency | International Nuclear Society Council | OECD Nuclear Energy Agency | World Nuclear Association
Session 10: Effect of Nuclear Energy
The effect of nuclear is seen in every organism of the environment from bacteria to plant to human beings. The damage it causes depends on the level of radiation and the resiliency of the organism. Radiation causes molecules to lose electrons thus destroying it. High doses of radiation can be devastating to the environment.
Human health
Nuclear Effect Conference | Nuclear Effect Congress | Nuclear Effect Meeting | Nuclear Effect Symposium
Related Associations
Nuclear Energy Agency | Women In Nuclear | American Nuclear Society | International Nuclear Society Council
Session 11: Applications of Nuclear
There are many applications on nuclear technology which are used directly or indirectly. The nuclear technologies working with the different isotopes of the same element. Nuclear technology can be used for other applications in various fields like industries, military, agriculture, medicine, economy etc.
Nuclear Application Conference | Nuclear Applications Congress | Nuclear Application Meeting
Related Associations
Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation | Australia Nuclear Science and Technology organization | International Nuclear Regulatory Association | World Nuclear Association
Session 12: Recent Trends in Nuclear
Recently there are a lot of tracking trends are going on the nuclear energy supply and demand around the globe in all fields like climate change, environment, energy safety etc. these inventions are also giving significant research on reactors, fuel cycle, designs.
Nuclear Energy Conference | Nuclear Energy Congress | Nuclear Energy Meeting | Nuclear Energy Workshop
Related Associations
International Atomic Energy Agency | International Nuclear Society Council | Women In Nuclear | World Energy Council
Market Analysis
Rapid growth in population across the world along with the improved lifestyle resulted in demand of increase in energy in the household. The rising in demand for energy due variety of products driving by industrial developments, technological advancements, and clean power demand with depleting fossil fuels. Currently, there are 435 operational power plants across 30 countries in the world. Over 71 reactors are under construction phase in 14 countries.
Nuclear Power is the major source of energy in France, with a 40% share of consumption of energy in 2015. Nuclear power is the largest source of electricity in the country, with a generation of 416.8 TWh, or 76.3% of the country's total production of 546 TWh, the highest percentage in the world.
Top Universities in France
PSL University
Sorbanne University
École Polytechnique
Paris Diderot University
Top universities in World
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Georgia Institute of technology
University of California Berkeley
Purdue University
Texas A&M University
Ohio State University
Ghent University
Regents University
Imperial College
Tohoku University
Tsinghua University
Top Universities in the USA
University of Michigan
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Texas A&M University
North Carolina State University
University of California
University of Illinois
University of Wisconsin
Top Universities in Europe
Cambridge University
Imperial College
ETH Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
Oxford University
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Technical University Munich
Delft University of Technology
KU Leuven
Top Universities in Asia
University of Tokyo
National University of Singapore (NUS)
Tsinghua University
Kyoto University
Tokyo Institute of Technology
KAIST - Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Nanyang Technological University (NTU)
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST)
Associations In Nuclear
World Nuclear Association,
International Nuclear Law Association,
International Atomic Energy Agency,
Nuclear Industry Association,
International Nuclear Society Council
International Nuclear Regulatory Association
American Nuclear Society
International Energy Agency
OECD Nuclear Energy Agency
King Saud University, Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology
United Arab Emirates
Jawaharlal Nehru University
Bathinda Colleage Of Law
Tsinghua University