World Nephrology Congress will be held in Paris, France during June 20-22, 2018. It will bring together world-class nephrologists, scientists and professors to discuss strategies for disease remediation for kidney in this nephrology congress. World Nephrology Congress is designed to provide a diverse and current education that will keep medical professionals up to date on issues affecting the diagnosis, treatment of kidney disorders and prevention.
Meetings International (Meetings Int.) is a global leader in producing high quality conferences, meetings, workshops and symposia in all major fields of science, technology and medicine. Since its inception, Meetings Int. has been associated with national and international associations, corporations and high level individuals, dedicated to host world class conferences and events. Meetings Int. supports broad scope research and peer review at a broad range of specialists around the world.
The conference theme "Novel Perspectives on Nephrology and Renal Care" that focuses to share novel approaches related to nephrology and exploring the challenges concerning excellence in renal research and advancements.
Nephrology Conferences and Kidney Disease Meetings from Meetings International are extraordinary events designed for Nephrologists and international medical health professionals to facilitate the dissemination and application of research findings related to nephrology and all the associated research areas. Nephrology Conference from Meetings International invites participants from universities, clinical research institutions and diagnostic companies to share their research experiences on all aspects of this rapidly expanding field and thereby, providing a showcase of the latest techniques.
World Nephrology Congress | Nephrology Conference | Renal Care Conference | Kidney Disease Conference | Medical Conference | CME Conference
About Nephrology
Nephrology is a specialty of medicine that worries about the investigation of kidney function, kidney issues, the treatment of kidney issues and renal substitution treatment (dialysis and kidney transplantation). Fundamental conditions that influence the kidneys and foundational issues that happen because of kidney problems are additionally considered in nephrology. A specialist who is expert in nephrology may call themselves a nephrologist or renal doctor.
Scope and importance:
Our aims to provide nephrologist, specialists, nurses, technologists and anyone professionally involved in nephrology with an opportunity to learn about the complexity of the disease, discuss interventional procedures, look at new and advanced renal practices and their efficiency and efficacy in the treatment of various cases, and understand local realities and practical constraints in improving patient-care.
Why to attend??
With people across the globe focused on finding a few solutions concerning Nephrology, this is the best platform to meet the eminent personalities of Nephrology. This scientific stage will allow the researcher to showcase their research work through presentations and have a chance to gain knowledge about the current situation of kidney treatment and receive name recognition at this 3-day event.
Target Audience
Eminent personalities, Directors, CEO, President, Vice-president, Organizations, Associations heads and Professors, Research scientists, laboratory heads, Post-docs, Students other affiliates related to the area of Nephrology can be as target Audience.
Members associated with Nephrology research:
Fellows or postdoctoral students-23%
Nephrology Academicians-37%
Young research scientists-20%
Business delegates-60%
As per the WHO, more than 190 million patients are experiencing constant renal failure and experience renal dialysis and more than 220 million males experience the effects of kidney diseases related with prostate organs, for example, swelling that outcomes in blockage of the stream of urine through the body. The United States national establishment of diabetes and stomach related and kidney diseases announced that more than 1.3 million kidney stone patients are analyzed each year over the Middle East. By and by, the worldwide market for incontinence gadgets is principally determined by the rising pervasiveness of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) and End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Also, expanding commonness of diabetes and hypertension, maturing populace and a lack of kidney donors for transplant. Developing programs session these specific infection and individual public health among patients will lead the market in the upcoming years.
Investment on Equipment
The incontinence devices category is expected to show the quickest growth rate with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.7% between 2016 and 2023, closely followed by the renal dialysis equipment category with a CAGR of 4.4% for the same period.
In 2016, renal dialysis equipment accounted for over 55% of the market value—at over $17 billion—and is expected to rise to over $26 billion by 2026.
List of Societies Associated with Nephrology Research around the Globe:
Hospitals Associated with Nephrology Worldwide:
Universities Associated with Nephrology around the Globe
· Stanford University
· University of Michigan
· Yale school of medicine
· University of Washington
· University of Wisconsin
· Budapest Nephrology School
Industries Associated with Nephrology around the Globe
· Amgen
· Astellas
· Baxter International Inc.
· DaVita HealthCare Partners Inc.
· Amerisourcebergen
· Genentech
· Keryx Biopharmaceuticals, Inc.
· Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals
Statistics of Physicians, Researchers and Academicians working on Nephrology across Globe
· Academicians-16500
· Students-1, 25,075
· Physicians-45,650
· Total nephrologists-55,545
Fund Allotment to Nephrology Research Worldwide
· Feeding America- $2.14 billion- up 24.2% from a year earlier.
· Salvation Army - $2.42 billion- year-to-year 11.7% increase
· Predictive factors of long-term dysfunction and renal graft loss- 5.500 €- Source: Centro Hospitalar do Porto and UMIB/FCT
· American Kidney Fund- $245 M
Session 1: Nephrology
Nephrology is a specialty of medicine and pediatrics that worries the determination and treatment of kidney maladies, including electrolyte unsettling influences and hypertension, the care of that requiring renal substitution treatment, including dialysis and renal transplant patients. Numerous maladies influencing the kidney are foundational issue not restricted to the organ itself, and may require extraordinary treatment. Illustrations incorporate procured conditions, for example, fundamental vasculitides (e.g. ANCA vasculitis) and immune system ailments (e.g., lupus), and in addition inherent or hereditary conditions, for example, polycystic kidney malady. Patients are alluded to nephrology specialists after a urinalysis, for different reasons, for example, intense kidney disappointment, ceaseless kidney illness, hematuria, proteinuria, kidney stones, hypertension, and clutters of corrosive or electrolytes. This Nephrology Conference include topic such as Medullary sponge kidney, Multicystic Renal dysplasia & microscopic, Normal adult kidney, cross section, gross, Cut section of Kidney, Kidney glomerulus parietal cell, Kidney glomerulus podocyte, Artificial kidney, Pelvic kidney.
World Nephrology Congress | Nephrology Conference | Renal Care Conference | Kidney Disease Conference | Medical Conference | CME Conference
Session 2: Clinical Nephrology
Clinical Nephrology covers the conclusion and treatment of renal disorders, including essential and optional hypertension. Various infections impacting the kidney are foundational disperses not compelled to the organ itself, and may require remarkable treatment. Representations consolidate acquired conditions, for instance, systems, intense kidney disappointment, hematuria, proteinuria, unending kidney ailments, kidney stones, hypertension, and disarranges of corrosive/base or electrolyte. This Nephrology Meeting will cover the topic such as Onconephrology, Thrombotic microangiopathy, Kidney care Physicians, Kidney care Physicians, Nephritis, Nephrectomy, Nephrotoxicity, Nephronophthisis, Renal Pediatricians, Chemotherapy.
World Nephrology Congress | Nephrology Conference | Renal Care Conference | Kidney Disease Conference | Medical Conference | CME Conference
Session 3: Pediatric Nephrology
The investigation of pediatric nephrology decides determination and administration of babies with an incessant and intense kidney issue. The division of pediatric nephrology evaluates and treats hypertension, hematuria, proteinuria, renal tubular acidosis, nephrolithiasis, glomerulonephritis and kidney harm in kids. It additionally incorporates finish care to pediatric patients with end organize kidney disorders, including thought to patients encountering peritoneal dialysis, hemodialysis and kidney transplantation in babies. This Pediatric Nephrology Events will cover the topic such as Pediatric Renal Nutrition, Pediatric Renal Transplantation, Kidney Care in children, Pediatric Kidney Dialysis, Pediatric Kidney stones, Pediatric Nephritis, Advances in Pediatric Kidney Operation, Pediatric chronic hemodialysis, Pediatric Urology.
World Nephrology Congress | Nephrology Conference | Renal Care Conference | Kidney Disease Conference | Medical Conference | CME Conference
Session 4: Treatment in Nephrology
The kidneys play a vital role in maintaining every day bodily function. They not only filter the blood and get rid of waste, but they also balance out electrolyte levels in the body which help encourage the production of red blood cells and normalize blood pressure. Understanding what kidney failure is will help you better prevent it from occurring. Kidney failure, also known as renal failure, may not present many symptoms in the beginning. However, as the kidneys continue to decrease in function, they become unable to regulate water and electrolyte balances, clear waste products from the body, and promote red blood cell production which leads to the onset of symptoms including: lethargy, weakness, shortness of breath and occasional swelling. If left untreated, then life-threatening symptoms can occur, which range from heart failure to coma. When kidney function gets significantly reduced due to kidney failure, the damage cannot usually be reversed. However, if the proper steps are taken early enough, then it could slow down the progress of kidney failure or even halt it altogether. The treatment for kidney failure differs depending on what phase the kidney failure is and other individual factors. For those whose kidneys no longer function well enough on their own without renal therapy, specialist will typically recommend either renal dialysis or a kidney transplant. There are two kinds of dialysis—Hemodialysis and Peritoneal Dialysis (Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis). Dialysis does some of the things a normal kidney does, such as: removes extra water from the body and removes the waste products that have built up in the blood. Hemodialysis is usually done in a dialysis center; however there are some patients who use this therapy at home. Nurses and technicians do your dialysis treatment.The aim of organizing the Nephrology Conference is to provide exposure to technologies, government / institutional assistance, increase international tie-ups and to provide knowledge about research work going on nephrology.
World Nephrology Congress | Nephrology Conference | Renal Care Conference | Kidney Disease Conference | Medical Conference | CME Conference
Session 5: Nephrology Nursing
Nephrology Nursing is an arranged endeavor to build nursing information by the disclosure of new realities through deliberate enquiry. It incorporates: Improvement in persistent care, decreased cost of kidney mind arrangement, Accountability and assurance against suit, Addition to the current group of nursing learning, Enhancement of nursing as a calling. This Nephrology Conference will cover the topic such as Hemodialysis Nurse, Care for kidney illnesses, vascular access organizer, Peritoneal dialysis Nurse, Transplant facilitator, Clinical medical attendant authority, Nurse expert, Pharmaceutical agent, Nurse analyst and Educator.
World Nephrology Congress | Nephrology Conference | Renal Care Conference | Kidney Disease Conference | Medical Conference | CME Conference
Session 6: Diabetes and Hypertension
Diabetes Nephrology is defined by the presence of macro albuminuria that is, a urinary albumin excretion of more than 300 mg in a 24-hour collection or macro albuminuria and abnormal renal nephrology function as represented by an abnormality in serum creatinine, calculated creatinine clearance, or glomerular filtration rate (GFR). Patients with all types of nephrology disease and hypertension includes kidney stones, chronic or acute nephrology diseases due to any cause, resistant or secondary hypertension, unexplained proteinuria or hematuria, cystic nephrology diseases, inherited kidney diseases, fluid and electrolyte homeostasis abnormalities, pregnancy related to nephrology diseases, vascular kidney diseases, nephritic syndrome, glomerulonephritis, and others. Hypertension (high blood pressure) occurs when the force of the blood against the artery walls increases enough to cause damage. For people who have diabetes or chronic kidney disease, blood pressure of 130/80 is more considered high. Have a family history of high blood pressure. Your chances of developing high blood pressure may be increased if you have chronic nephrology disease are overweight and Are African American. Use more table salt and eat a lot of packaged or fast foods, take birth control pills, Have diabetes, Use illegal drugs, Drink large amounts of alcohol (beer, wine, or liquor). Some types of kidney failure may cause high blood pressure. More often it is high blood pressure that causes nephrology diseases. The aim of organizing the Nephrology Event is to provide exposure to technologies, government / institutional assistance, increase international tie-ups and to provide knowledge about research work going on nephrology.
World Nephrology Congress | Nephrology Conference | Renal Care Conference | Kidney Disease Conference | Medical Conference | CME Conference
Session 7: Renal Dialysis and Care
Renal dialysis is a treatment that helps your kidneys continue to function when they have stopped working properly. It removes salt and waste from your body, maintains a safe level of chemicals in your blood and keeps your blood pressure in check. Our nephrologists, urologists, dietitians, registered nurses and allied health professional’s work together to minimise the effects of kidney failure. There are two types of renal dialysis: hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis Haemodialysis happens outside the body. It involves pumping blood from your bloodstream into a machine (dialyser) that filters waste and excess water, then pumps the filtered blood back into your bloodstream. The process takes about four to five hours, and is done at least three times per week whereas peritoneal dialysis happens inside your body. It uses the membrane in your peritoneal (abdominal) cavity to filter your blood. A soft tube called a catheter is surgically inserted into your abdomen. One end of the tube sticks out of your body so it can be connected to a bag containing a special fluid called dialysate. Waste products are drawn out of your blood into the dialysate and then removed, in what is known as an exchange.
World Nephrology Congress | Nephrology Conference | Renal Care Conference | Kidney Disease Conference | Medical Conference | CME Conference
Session 8: Renal Surgery
For a few patients with huge narrowing of the renal arteries, especially patients with narrowed areas in the renal arteries on the two sides of the body, or those with extreme side effects, a methodology might be prescribed to open up the blocked arteries. However, opening the blocked arteries may enhance kidney work and may enhance control of hypertension. The methods used to open blocked renal arteries are fundamentally the same as those used to treat blocked coronary arteries. A minor inflatable called renal angioplasty (a little catheter a long and thin tube) is embedded through a little cut in the crotch and guided by X-beam to the kidney artery. At the point when the catheter is guided to the limited piece of the supply route, the inflatable is swelled. As it extends, it packs the plaque against the corridor dividers, re-opening the vessel for blood to move through. Once the vein is open, the doctor may embed a stent at the site to keep the conduit open and bolster the blood vessel divider. Renal angioplasty should be possible as an outpatient technique or with just an overnight stay, does not require general anesthesia and has a short recuperation time. In specific cases, surgical treatment might be important to reestablish blood stream to the kidney and protect kidney work. Surgical medications for renal supply route ailment include: Endarterectomy, amid which a vascular specialist evacuates the sick inward coating of the course and the plaque stores and Bypass technique, which includes utilizing a section from another conduit or vein to build a reroute around the blocked zone of the renal corridor. The most ordinarily utilized strategy makes a sidestep from the stomach aorta (the substantial supply route in the belly) to the kidney utilizing a portion from the saphenous vein in the leg or the hypo gastric corridor from the guts. The aim of organizing the Nephrology Meeitng is to provide exposure to technologies, government / institutional assistance, increase international tie-ups and to provide knowledge about research work going on nephrology.
World Nephrology Congress | Nephrology Conference | Renal Care Conference | Kidney Disease Conference | Medical Conference | CME Conference
Session 9: Kidney Cancer
Kidney Cancer called as renal adenocarcinoma or renal cell cancer is a disease in which cancer cells are found in the lining of tubules in the kidney. We have two kidneys, behind the peritoneum one on each side of the spinal cord, just above the waist. Small tubules in the kidneys purify the blood. Renal cell carcinoma is the most common type of kidney cancer in adults. It occurs most often in men 50 to 70 years old .Blacks are at higher risk than whites Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is also called Hypernephroma, Renal adenocarcinoma or Grawitz’s tumor. Smoking and misuse of certain pain medicines can affect the risk of renal cell cancer. Hereditary factors have a minor impact on individual susceptibility to the disease. Signs of renal cell cancer include blood in the urine and a lump in the abdomen. CT scan,IVP, blood chemistry studies, urinalysis are some of the test that detect and diagnose renal cell cancer in abdomen and kidneys. The principal treatment options may include surgery, molecular-targeted therapy, immunotherapy. Nephrology Conference will also cover the topic such as Renal neoplasm, Proliferative Endocapillary Glomerulonephritis, Urothelial papilloma, Metanephric Tumours, Renal cell carcinoma risk factors.
World Nephrology Congress | Nephrology Conference | Renal Care Conference | Kidney Disease Conference | Medical Conference | CME Conference
Session 10: Kidney Transplantation
Kidney transplantation or renal transplantation is the organ transplant of a kidney into a patient with end-stage renal disease. This one new kidney takes over the work of your two failed kidneys. Kidney transplantation or renal transplantation is the organ transplant of a kidney into a patient with end-stage renal disease. Kidney stones and urinary tract infections can usually be treated successfully. Kidney transplantation is usually named deceased donor known as cadaveric or living contributor transplantation depending upon the wellspring of the provider organ. Living donor kidney transplants are formerly differentiated as non-related living transplants or, living related transplants contingent upon whether a biological relationship exists between the kidney donor and kidney recipient. Exchanges and chains are a novel way to deal with grows the living donor pool. Kidney Transplantation will cover the topic such as Kidney Transplantation recipients, Living donors of kidney, Renal replacement therapy, Renal function in living kidney donors, Kidney Biopsy, Deceased donors, kidney paired donation, Compatible kidney, Kidney exchange, Immunosuppression, Kidney pancreas transplant, Post operation, Nephrotoxicity, Post transplant, lymphoproliferative disorder, Transplantion rejection and Artificial kidney.
World Nephrology Congress | Nephrology Conference | Renal Care Conference | Kidney Disease Conference | Medical Conference | CME Conference
Session 11: Renal Nutrition & Metabolism
Renal Nutrition & Metabolism is concerned with the special nutritional needs of kidney patients. Renal nutrition is concerned with ensuring that kidney patients eat the right foods to make dialysis efficient and improve health. Dialysis clinics have dieticians on staff that who help patients plan meals. Standard guidelines are: eating more high protein foods, and less high salt, high potassium, and high phosphorus foods. Patients are also advised on safe fluid intake levels. Renal Nutrition & Metabolism Will cover the topic Anemia & Erythropoietin (EPO), Low Protein Diet, Low Phosphorous Diet, Low Potassium, Low Sodium, Fluid Intake, Renal Osteodystrophy, Sleep disorders, High protein foods, Insulin, B group vitamins, Bulk minerals, Glucose, Micronutrients, Trace minerals, Dietary needs of kidney patients, Renal Supplements and Nutrition Therapy. The aim of organizing the Nephrology Conference is to provide exposure to technologies, government / institutional assistance, increase international tie-ups and to provide knowledge about research work going on nephrology.
World Nephrology Congress | Nephrology Conference | Renal Care Conference | Kidney Disease Conference | Medical Conference | CME Conference
Montfermeil Dialysis Unit Hospital
I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University
National Cancer Center
South Korea
Director of Fine Treatment
Rodez Toulouse University
Haemek Medical Center
Institute for Research on Cancer and Aging, Nice (IRCAN)
University of South Alabama College of Medicine
Nimes University Hospital
Free University of Brussel
Necker-Enfants Malades Hospital
University of Buenos Aires
Institute of Biology and Technology Saclay
Boston University
University of Nis
Vanderbilt School of Medicine
University Hospital Nante
CHU Isaad Hassani de Beni Messous
Mouloud Mammeri University of Tizi-Ouzou
Charles Nicolle Hospital