We are delighted to announce our upcoming "International Conference on Neonatology" at Paris, France on Oct 18-19, 2021. It is primarily based upon the theme “Developing the new Horizons in Pediatric & Neonatal care.” Neonatology will focus on the latest provoking topics and research in the field of Neonatology & Pediatrics. It will throw light on wide range of topics that include Perinatology, Neonatal care, Pediatric infections, Neonatal complications, Pediatric and Neonatal Nutrition, Developmental Disorders, Psychosocial aspects of Pediatrics, Child psychiatry and Behavioral Problems, Adolescent problems. Neonatology provides a platform to all experts to put forth their research studies and experiments before a large number of individuals who have a keen interest in the field of Neonatology. Neonatology will focus on the latest provoking topics and research in the field of Neonatology & Pediatrics. It will throw light on wide range of topics that include Perinatology, Neonatal care, Pediatric infections, Neonatal complications, Pediatric and Neonatal Nutrition, Developmental Disorders, Psychosocial aspects of Pediatrics, Child Psychiatry and Behavioral Problems, Adolescent problems. Neonatology provides a platform to all experts to put forth their research studies and experiments before a large number of individuals who have a keen interest in the field of Neonatology.
Track 1: Neonatology Research and Innovation
As faculty, they conduct Clinical Trials and perform research to ultimately improve outcomes for Newborn Babies. These physician-scientists look for ways to treat neonatal problems-or to prevent them completely-using the least invasive and least traumatic methods to give your baby the best chance to lead a healthy life. We are one of 14 large academic medical center nurseries across the United States that participates in Neonatal Network NICHD (National Institute for Child Health and Human Development) clinical trials.
Track 2: Broncho pulmonary Dysplasia- Chronic Lung Disease of Prematurity
Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) is a breathing disorder where an infant's lungs become irritated and do not develop normally. It occurs most often in low-weight infants born more than two months early. Bronchi pulmonary dysplasia is also known as: Chronic lung disease of premature babies. Chronic lung disease happens when a breathing machine or oxygen injures a premature baby's lungs. The lungs of premature babies are very fragile. They can be damaged easily. With a lung injury, the tissues inside your baby's lungs get inflamed. The tissue can break down, causing scarring.
Track 3: Feeding Disorders
Pediatric feeding disorders (also termed avoidant/restrictive food intake disorders) are conditions in which a child avoids eating or limits what or how much he or she will eat. This leads to problems including weight loss, nutritional deficiency, need for nutritional supplements, or problems with daily functioning. These disorders often limit a child’s ability to participate in normal social activities such as eating with others, and disrupt family functioning. No child/family needs to suffer. Behavioral problems and other mental health disorders can be a heavy burden for children and teens as well as their families. Access to care is easy and treatment works! Childhood and adolescence are important developmental periods in a person’s life.Addiction and its Disorders
Track 4: Pediatrics
Pediatrics is the branch of medicine dealing with the health and medical care of infants, children, and adolescents from birth up to the age of 18. Pediatrics is a relatively new medical specialty, developing only in the mid-19th century. Abraham Jacobi (1830–1919) is known as the father of pediatrics. Pediatrics is concerned not only about immediate management of the ill child but also long term effects on quality of life, disability and survival. Pediatricians are involved with the prevention, early detection, and management of problems including:
Track 5: Neurological Developments in Premature Infants
Premature infants, loosely defined as babies born before 34 weeks gestation, arrive in a state of arrested development. The lungs, the heart, the system, the eyes, the ears—and the brain—may not have reached their full potential when a preemie comes into the world. Lacking proper brain developmedigestive nt, premature infants are at elevated risk for problems with learning, communication, emotional regulation, and social bonding. But new research suggests that an intervention that focuses on calm, physical bonding between mother and infant can promote the development, in both the brain and body that was hindered by early birth, significantly improving long-term outcomes for preemies.
Track 6: Necrotizing Enter colitis Research
Necrotizing enter colitis is among the most common and devastating diseases in neonates. It has also been one of the most difficult to eradicate and thus has become a priority for research. Conditions closely resembling necrotizing enter colitis were described before the 1960s, but the entity was not widely recognized until after the advent of modern neonatal intensive care. Since that time, the incidence of necrotizing enter colitis and the associated morbidity and mortality have remained unchanged because of ever-improving survival of the smallest infants; in some instances, these rates have actually increased. On the basis of large, multicenter, neonatal network databases from the United States and Canada, the mean prevalence of the disorder is about 7% among infants with a birth weight between 500 and 1500 g .The estimated rate of death associated with necrotizing enter colitis ranges between 20 and 30%, with the highest rate among infants requiring surgery.
Track 7: Treatments to Prevent Premature Birth
Currently, treatment options for preventing preterm labor or birth are somewhat limited, in part because the cause of Preterm labor or birth is often unknown. But there are a few options, described below. Hormone treatment. The only preventive drug therapy is progesterone a hormone produced by the body during pregnancy, which is given to women at risk of preterm birth, such as those with a prior preterm birth. The NICHD’s found that progesterone given to women at risk of preterm birth due to a prior preterm birth reduces chances of a subsequent preterm birth by one-third. This preventive therapy is given beginning at 16 weeks of gestation and continues to 37 weeks of gestation. The treatment works among all ethnic groups and can improve outcomes for infants
Track 8: Fungal Infections in Neonatal Intensive Care
The birth of a baby is a wonderful and very complex process. Many physical and emotional changes occur for both mother and baby. A baby must make many physical adjustments to life outside the mother's body. Leaving the uterus means that a baby can no longer depend on the mother's blood supply and placenta for important body functions.
Track 9: Management of Newborn illness and complications
Health statistics show that worldwide about 4 million newborn babies die each year; another 4 million babies each year are stillborn; most die in late pregnancy or labor and most newborn deaths occur in developing countries. The same statistics show that about two-thirds of deaths in the first year of life occur in the first month of life; of those who die in the first month, about two-thirds die in the first week of life and of those who die in the first week, two-thirds die in the first 24 hours of life. Eighty-five percent of newborn deaths are due to three main causes: infection, birth asphyxia, and complications of prematurity and low birth weight (LBW).In addition to the direct causes of death, many newborns die because of their mother’s poor health (see Box 2.1), or because of lack of access to essential care. Sometimes the family may live hours away from a referral facility or there may not be a skilled health worker in their community. The newborn child is extremely vulnerable unless he or she receives appropriate basic newborn care. When newborns don’t receive this essential care, they quickly fall sick and too often they die. For premature or LBW babies, the danger is even greater.care, also called essential
Track 10: Maternal Fetal Medicine
Maternal Fetal Medicine specialist is a doctor specializes in providing care for women who are at high risk problems during their pregnancies. Maternal Fetal Medicine specialist gives regular prenatal care for women with high-risk pregnancies which help to manage the mother's existing health problems, such as high blood pressure and diabetes. MFM is a sub-specialty of obstetrics which focuses on the treatment and diagnosis of expectant mothers and their unborn babies. Specialist gives regular prenatal care for women with high-risk pregnancies and helps to manage the mother's existing health problems, such as high blood pressure and diabetes. MFM physician frequently monitors the growing fetus to check for the developmental conditions. We can also check for any birth defects and genetic disorders with tests such as amniocentesis and umbilical cord sampling. An MFM specialist will work closely with pregnant women and her regular health providers for a safe labor and delivery.
Track 11: Neonatal Intensive Care Units
Mostly new born babies are admitted to the NICU, they comes under premature (born before 37 weeks of pregnancy), have low birth weight (less than 5.5 pounds), or have a health condition that requires special care. Neonates who require intensive medical attention are often admitted into the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) in the hospital. These premature babies require a special care in an incubator, which provides heat to keep a constant body temperature and mimics the uterine environment. IV hydration and other evidence-based therapies are given to them along with high caloric food. Some of the below reasons might sent babies to NICU.Infants born prematurely have unique nutritional needs. The nutrition will have a lifelong impact which is provided during the first days, weeks, and months after birth. Without proper weight gain, new-born are at risk for delays in their growth and development. Numerous studies from around the world suggest that Breast milk is the safest and healthiest food for babies. It provides all the essential nutrition for infants. Breast feeding protects infants from a long list of illnesses along with better development and stronger immune system
TRACK 12: Child & Adolescent Behavioral Health
Child & Adolescent Behavioral Health specializes in the emotional and behavioral needs of children, adolescents, young adults and their families. Concerns such as depression and anxiety and behavior problems like ADHD if left untreated, lead to a child's failure in school, separation from their families, drug involvement, delinquency, and suicide. No child/family needs to suffer. Behavioral problems and other mental health disorders can be a heavy burden for children and teens as well as their families. Access to care is easy and treatment works! Childhood and adolescence are important developmental periods in a person’s life.Addiction and its Disorders
Neonatal Infant Care Market size was surpassed USD 2.4 billion in 2019 and is expected to register over 7% CAGR from 2020 to 2026. The growing market size is attributed to increase in number of neonatal healthcare facilities across the globe along with rise in number of premature new-born in both the developed and developing economies. As per the recent statistic published by a research article, around 11% of the total pregnancies result in premature or early deliveries. In the U.S. alone around 450,000 babies are born prematurely and globally over 15 million new births are early or premature. Hence, the new-born babies that need special care and attention will often need to be admitted in the neonatal healthcare facilities providing technologically advanced treatment and specialized nursing care. Currently, the amalgamation of technology with computer intelligence has extended their support to daily caretakers. Various devices including thermo regulators, monitoring devices such as ventilators, blood gas monitoring systems among others are developed with the latest technology for better clinical outcomes. However, poor accessibility towards neonatal infant care in the lower-middle and low-income countries will be a major market impeding factor. In the rural and remote areas, the pregnant women need to travel long distance for deliveries, thereby resulting in increasing the gap for necessary and better treatment. Hence, such conditions are responsible for high mortality rate of the new-born. Moreover, poor infrastructure and poor-quality equipment are also one of the major threats to the market growth. The ongoing pandemic of COVID-19 has somewhat impacted the neonatal infant care market. The pandemic has affected millions of people including adults, pediatric and neonates across the globe. The rapid spread of COVID-19 has resulted in several thousands of hospital admissions, thereby providing demand for medical equipment in facilities. The new-born and pediatrics are at increased risk of COVID-19 infection as they have underdeveloped immune systems. Hence, several government organizations have established specific regulations and standards for testing as well as efficient diagnostic procedures for the new-born and pediatric. This will result in stimulating the demand for diagnostic and monitoring equipment for neonatal care during pandemic across the globe.
Rising number of premature births is expected to spur the market value
Increase in number of premature births across the globe will be a prominent factor augmenting the neonatal infant care market growth. The pre-term birth complications are considered as the foremost cause of death among the children less than 5 years of age. The preterm birth complications are responsible for millions of deaths across the globe every year and could be prevented with technologically advanced and cost-effective neonatal infant care interventions. The survival rates of the premature babies are quite different around the world. In the low-income economies, around half of the babies are born 2 months early and die owing to lack of cost-effective and basic care. Whereas in the high-income nations, almost all the pre-term babies survive. The optimal use of neonatal infant care technology in middle-income countries is resulting in an increased healthcare burden among preterm babies. Hence, rise in need and demand for neonatal infant care in the middle and low income countries will result in growing market share.
Recent industry developments:
In May 2020, Drägerwerk AG & Co. Kraal launched Babylon VN600 and VN800 ventilators for premature babies. This product launch will help the company in broadening its customer base with product portfolio expansion. In January 2017, Nat us announced the acquisition of GN Optometric. This acquisition strengthened the firms hearing screening, balance care tools and hearing diagnostics portfolio with GN Optometric solutions in the field.
Market, By Product Type, 2015 – 2026 (USD Million and Units)
Market, By End-use, 2015 – 2026 (USD Million)
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North America
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Latin America
Middle East & Africa