Annual Congress on Midwifery and Women`s Health will be held during November 25-26, 2019 in Sigapore City, Singapore. It is going to host health care professionals, practitioners and trainers from government as well as private sectors with years of expereince in this field along with students and recent gradutates. At the Midwifery Conference eminent keynote speakers along with the young fellows will showcase their research in the form of oral and poster presentations along with questionnaire and networking sessions. This time Midwifery 2019 will be primaryly focusing on the theme “Caring in the journey from womb to the world” with a aim to make a convergence of connoisseurs, so that we can bridge up the gap bettwen labs and research centers with the day to day issues patients are facing.
Why Singapore?
Singapore, an island city-state off southern Malaysia, is a global financial center with a tropical climate and multicultural population. It has been Southeast Asia's most modern city for over a century. The city blends Malay, Chinese, Arab, Indian and English cultures and religions. Its unique ethnic tapestry affords visitors a wide array of sightseeing and culinary opportunities from which to choose. Singapore is also considered as an important center for higher education and harbors, healthcare, well reputed and prestigious colleges and Universities. Singapore conferences indeed play a vital role in promoting scientific information and ideas all over the world. It can be considered as a suitable medium for the relocation of valuable knowledge about research and novel advancements worldwide. Singapore has full calendar of traditional festivals and holidays celebrated throughout the year adds to its cultural appeal. Its colonial core centers on the Padang, a cricket field since the 1830s and now flanked by grand buildings such as City Hall, with its 18 Corinthian columns.Singapore as it is expected to reduce the expenditure of the government caused due to redundant data and repetition of diagnostic tests. Nurses and related healthcare professionals will have an ample opportunity to connect with colleagues, researchers, exhibitors and young talents and have discussions on emerging trends and challenges in real-time practice.
Why to attend:
With members from around the world focused on learning about Midwifery, this is your best opportunity to reach the largest assemblage of participants from the Midwifery and Women’s Health community. Conduct presentations, distribute information, meet with current and potential scientists, make a splash with new discoveries in the Midwifery and Women’s Health, and receive name recognition at this 2-day event. World-renowned speakers, the most recent techniques, developments, and the newest updates in, Midwifery, Women’s health, gynecological issues, pregnancy, Woman Psychology, women disorders, Maternal and Child Health are hallmarks of this conference.
Who should attend:
Midwifery Congress 2019 is intended for:
Nurse Practitioner
Community Health Workers
Midwife Nurse Educator
Nurse Researcher
Scientist and Professor
Registered Nurse (Child and Family Health)
Registered Nurse (Community Health)
Registered Nurse (Developmental Disability)
Mothercraft Nurse
Business Entrepreneurs
Training Institutes
Data Management Companies
Software Developing Companies
Medical Devices Manufacturing Companies
Session 1: Midwifery: Innovation, Practice and Research
As the new millennium begins, instructors are tested to keep on adapting midwifery assistance training to the changing needs of our health care services framework. It is imperative that the midwifery assistance model of care is kept up by giving graduates who rehearse evidence based care with social capability and are talented in the extra abilities of essential watch over women across their life span. Joint effort with other healthcare professionals will likewise be required. Truly, the key driver of development and change in maternity administrations has been security. A later driver of progress is the desire to expand decision for ladies through pregnancy, birth and in postnatal care. Moreover, quality and incentive for cash have likewise been critical. For instance there has been far reaching support to expand the typical birth rate, in the conviction that ordinary birth rate bears great results for ladies and babies and is a more viable utilization of assets. Midwifery and Women’s Health Conference asks for keynote personalities to join and utilize this platform to share and update their knowledge.
Midwifery Conferences | Gynaecology Conferences | Obstetrics Conferences | Pediatrics conference | Neonatology Conference | Women’s Health Conferences | Nursing Conferences | Reproductive Health Conferences
Session 2: Midwife Services in Breast Feeding
Advancing and supporting breastfeeding is an essential piece of the part of the midwife. Clashes emerge from how midwives secure their insight into breastfeeding, which if utilized improperly can debilitate breastfeeding ladies. Advancement of breastfeeding can cause disharmony between giving educated decision and what midwives see as intimidation. The issue of time can enormously undermine midwives bolster for breastfeeding moms and the polarities between evidence based practice and experiential/inpidual encounters can bring about wrong perceptions for women. Midwives can defeat a portion of the contentions inside their part by providing more information about breastfeeding, taking in good communication and reflecting inpidual encounters. Nursing Conference 2018 appeals for eminent personalities to come and discuss thought provoking ideas on this topic
Midwifery Conferences | Gynaecology Conferences | Obstetrics Conferences | Pediatrics conference | Neonatology Conference | Women’s Health Conferences | Nursing Conferences | Reproductive Health Conferences
Session 3: Women's Reproductive Health: Ethical, Legal and Social Issues
An understanding and legitimate utilization of the ethical standards is relied upon to empower these medicinal specialists to realize a definitive and wanted objective of inspiring the sexual and regenerative human services and right of ladies. Four key standards shape the premise of ethical investigation - regard for inpidual, importance, non-wrathfulness, and equity; relevant at four distinct microethical, macroethical, mesoethical, and megaethical levels, each of which can be utilized in the ethical examination of regenerative social insurance. Professionals administering to ladies, for the way that they work in territories of a lady's body that are of specific psychosocial affectability, are relied upon to hold fast to strict ethical standards in their training. Midwifery and Women’s Health Conference asks for eminent speakers to attend and update their knowledge on this emerging subject
Midwifery Conferences | Gynaecology Conferences | Obstetrics Conferences | Pediatrics conference | Neonatology Conference | Women’s Health Conferences | Nursing Conferences | Reproductive Health Conferences
Session 4: Gynaecology and Obstetrics
The branch of physiology and medication which manages the capacities and sicknesses particular to ladies and particularly those influencing the conceptive framework is gynaecology. Obstetrics particularly manages the welfare of the pregnant lady and her child on a broader scale. Amid pregnancy various difficulties can emerge, for example, ectopic pregnancy, which is where the embryo is in a fallopian tube, fetal pain caused by pressure, issues with the placenta or hypertension which can be a harbinger of a genuine diseases, this is where obstetrics arises. Women’s Health Congress warmly welcomes speakers to share their knowledge on this global platform
Midwifery Conferences | Gynaecology Conferences | Obstetrics Conferences | Pediatrics conference | Neonatology Conference | Women’s Health Conferences | Nursing Conferences | Reproductive Health Conferences
Session 5: Maternity Nutrition and Diet Supplements
The sustenance of the mother is vital from conception and in addition all through pregnancy and breast feeding. A regularly expanding number of researches have demonstrated that the sustenance of the mother will affect the child, including the hazard for cancer, cardiovascular infection, hypertension and diabetes all throughout life. An insufficient measure of a few supplements may cause distortions or medicinal issues in the foetus, neurological issue and debilitates. 25% of infants worldwide are assessed to be conceived with lower than ideal weights during childbirth because of absence of appropriate nourishment. Women’s Health Congress warmly welcomes speakers to share their knowledge on this global platform
Midwifery Conferences | Gynaecology Conferences | Obstetrics Conferences | Pediatrics conference | Neonatology Conference | Women’s Health Conferences | Nursing Conferences | Reproductive Health Conferences
Session 6: Midwifery Potent/Traditional Medicine
Utilization of customary and complementary medicines for maternity related wellbeing dissensions is normal. Albeit global assessments differ significantly, there seems, to be expanding complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) use in maternity from numerous locales demonstrating that up to 90% of ladies are utilizing some type of conventional and complementary treatments, with more preservationist gauges extending in the vicinity of 22 and 65%. Ladies in Western Societies utilize CAM for different conditions including the treatment of premenstrual pressure, pregnancy related issues, back pain, infertility, postmenopausal side effects, for acceptance of work. Midwifery Women’s Health Conference asks for keynote personalities to join and utilize this platform to share and update their knowledge
Midwifery Conferences | Gynaecology Conferences | Obstetrics Conferences | Pediatrics conference | Neonatology Conference | Women’s Health Conferences | Nursing Conferences | Reproductive Health Conferences | Europe Conferences | UK Conferences
Session 7: Prenatal Care and Perinatal Depression
Having a healthy pregnancy is extraordinary compared to other approaches to advance a sound birth. Getting early and consistent pre-birth mind enhances the odds of a solid pregnancy. Previously established inclination and pre-birth care can help anticipate confusions and advise women about critical advances they can take to secure their baby and guarantee a solid pregnancy. Also with standard pre-birth care women can: Decrease the danger of pregnancy confusions; Decrease the hatchling's and new-born child's hazard for difficulties; Help guarantee the medicines women take are protected. Prenatal Care Conference inviting prudent talks on this subject for medical practitioners
After labour, the levels of hormones in a lady's body rapidly drop. This prompts compound changes in her mind that may trigger emotional episodes. Moreover, numerous mothers can't get the rest they need to completely recoup from conceiving an offspring. Steady lack of sleep can lead to physical distress and fatigue, which can add to the side effects of post pregnancy anxiety. Antenatal depression will be depression amid pregnancy, and influences up to one of every ten women. Up to one of every eight women encounter postnatal depression, this occurs from one month and up to one year after the birth. Since depression can begin earlier or amid pregnancy and proceed after labour, we frequently tag perinatal depression to cover the entire time frame. Midwifery Women’s Health Conference asks for keynote personalities to join and utilize this platform to share and update their knowledge
Midwifery Conferences | Gynaecology Conferences | Obstetrics Conferences | Pediatrics conference | Neonatology Conference | Women’s Health Conferences | Nursing Conferences | Reproductive Health Conferences | Europe Conferences | UK Conferences
Session 8: Maternal Physiotherapy and Yoga
More than 75% of pregnant ladies encounter back pain, one sixth experience pelvic pain and more than 50% experience urinary incontinence in their first pregnancy – with half staying incontinent at two months post-partum, and 30% encountering another beginning of incontinence after labour. A randomized controlled trial by Morkved et al., of 300 pregnant ladies demonstrated that 12 weeks of uncommonly de-marked gathering preparing by a physiotherapist was powerful in avoiding lumbo-pelvic pain at 36 weeks of pregnancy.Another Cochrane survey directed in 2017 took a gander at intercessions for avoiding and treating back and pelvic pain in pregnant ladies and discovered confirmation for reinforcing works out, pelvic activities and water acrobatic, reducing lower back pain force superior to standard pre-birth mind. Midwifery Women’s Health Conference asks for keynote personalities to join and utilize this platform to share and update their knowledge
Midwifery Conferences | Gynaecology Conferences | Obstetrics Conferences | Pediatrics conference | Neonatology Conference | Women’s Health Conferences | Nursing Conferences | Reproductive Health Conferences | Europe Conferences | UK Conferences
Session 9: Maternal and Child Health: Clinical and Medical Case Reports
The absence of access to skilled care at birth, feeble health frameworks and poverty are among the main considerations proceeding to affect maternal mortality in the Western Pacific Region. The maternal mortality proportion over the region has not changed significantly, compared with different degrees of advance in nations. Advance in accomplishing universal access to reproductive wellbeing and in improving maternal wellbeing changes among nations, despite national strategies and evidence based intercessions. Obstacles to progress incorporate poverty and geology, particularly in remote and poor groups, social factors, feeble health frameworks, an absence of assets and insufficient scope of actually solid mediations and an inadequate number of health specialists. Women’s Health Congress warmly welcomes speakers to share their knowledge on this global platform
Midwifery Conferences | Gynaecology Conferences | Obstetrics Conferences | Paediatrics conference | Neonatology Conference | Women’s Health Conferences | Nursing Conferences | Reproductive Health Conferences | Europe Conferences | UK Conferences
Session 10: Pediatric Nursing
Pediatric nursing is the medicinal care of neonates and youngsters up to pre-adulthood, typically in an in-persistent clinical facility or day-centre. The motivation behind this re-examined proficient practice is to depict and characterize the extent of pediatric nursing practice in accordance with roles of pediatric medical caretakers and pediatric nursing professionals in the various settings wherein they give care to babies, youngsters, youth, and their families whether it be in hospitals, community, group, or school settings. Midwifery Congress invites prudent talks by eminent speakers on this subject.
Midwifery Conferences | Gynaecology Conferences | Obstetrics Conferences | Paediatrics conference | Neonatology Conference | Women’s Health Conferences | Nursing Conferences | Reproductive Health Conferences
Session 11: Hypno birth and Water bith
Hypnobirthing refers to a self-practice of hypnosis, relaxation and breathing techniques that can be used during childbirth to minimise the discomfort, anxieties and pain, making a mother in control of her birth. It can be learnt from medical centres, books and on-line courses which are now easily available. It involves use of certain positions and relaxation techniques through audio or breathing which help in releasing more of oxytocin and lesser adrenaline. It is usually helpful if both partners learn in for mutual support. Midwifery Conference invites prudent talks on this subject for medical practitioners
Water birth refers to the delivery happens while you are in bith pool of warm water. Can take place in a hospital or a birthing center or even at home in the survievillance of a doctor or a nurse/midewife.
Midwifery Conferences | Gynaecology Conferences | Obstetrics Conferences | Paediatrics conference | Neonatology Conference | Women’s Health Conferences | Nursing Conferences | Reproductive Health Conferences
Session 12: Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Side effects and indications of sickness may incorporate penile release, vaginal release, ulcers and pelvic pain. STIs can be transmitted to a newborn child earlier or amid labour and may bring about poor results for the infant. Some STIs may make issues with the capacity get pregnant. More than 35 distinct microbes, infections, and parasites can be transmitted through sexual action. Viral STIs incorporate genital herpes, HIV/AIDS and genital warts among others. Parasitic STIs incorporate trichomoniasis among others. While typically spread by sex, some STIs can be spread by non-sexual contact with giver tissue, blood, breastfeeding or amid labour. STI analytic tests are generally effectively accessible, yet this is regularly not the situation in the creating scene. Nursing Conference 2018 appeals for eminent personalities to come and discuss thought provoking ideas on this topic
Midwifery Conferences | Gynaecology Conferences | Obstetrics Conferences | Paediatrics conference | Neonatology Conference | Women’s Health Conferences | Nursing Conferences | Reproductive Health Conferences
Session 13: Contraception and Pre-Conception Counselling
In the developed nations, cardiovascular intricacies are the main source of maternal mortality. In pregnancies with heart conditions obstetric intricacy rates are raised. Up to 50% outcome in unnatural birth cycles or terminations, perinatal horribleness and mortality is expected. Contraceptive advising ought to be offered to young people with inherent cardiovascular abnormalities and to patients with obtained heart diseases. Research demonstrates that tight glycaemic control earlier and amid pregnancy lessens rates of inherent distortions. The United States Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has suggested that preconception mind be viewed as a fundamental piece of routine essential and preventive administer to ladies of conceptive age. Tragically, ponders have additionally demonstrated that clinicians gave contraceptive or preconception advising less every now and again to ladies with diabetes than ladies with no ceaseless therapeutic conditions. Midwifery Congress invites prudent talks by eminent speakers on this subject
Midwifery Conferences | Gynaecology Conferences | Obstetrics Conferences | Paediatrics conference | Neonatology Conference | Women’s Health Conferences | Nursing Conferences | Reproductive Health Conferences
Session 14: Family Nursing
Family nursing is "The practical science of preventative and remedial support to the family in order to help the family system unit independently and autonomously maintain and improve its family functions.Family nursing is coordinated to enhancing the potential soundness of a family or any of its individuals by surveying individual and family wellbeing needsand qualities, by recognizing issues impacting the human services of the family in general and those affecting the individual members,by utilizing family assets, by instructing and guiding, and by assessing progress toward expressed objectives
Midwifery Conferences | Gynaecology Conferences | Obstetrics Conferences | Pediatrics conference | Neonatology Conference | Women’s Health Conferences | Nursing Conferences | Reproductive Health Conferences
Market Analysis:
The World Congress on Midwifery and Women`s Health aims to bring together experts from various disciplines of healthcare practice, education, research and management and provides an ambient platform for practitioners, public health professionals, researchers and students to sow and reap knowledge on recent and current advancements in the various fields of Midwifery and Women Healthcare. This Midwifery congress aims to have in-depth discussions on healthcare trends, management systems with respect to improved efficiency in healthcare and reduced expenditure. According to reports from the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, Singapore, the country spent $240 billion on healthcare in 2016, which approximates to 4.2% of the GDP. The numbers are expected to increase 3% every year and reach 16% of the GDP by the year 2019.
Importance and scope:
The conference offers the participants, sessions on clinical trends, education, research and healthcare management. Midwifery is a field with higher degrees of scope in the future giving robust employment opportunities with highlighted scopes for travel nurses and foreign nurses with special visa statuses in Singapore. Clinical data management is gaining more importance in Singapore as it is expected to reduce the expenditure of the government caused due to redundant data and repetition of diagnostic tests. Nurses and related healthcare professionals will have an ample opportunity to connect with colleagues, researchers, exhibitors and young talents and have discussions on emerging trends and challenges in real-time practice.
Number of Midwives and Registered Nurses in Singapore:
· Singapore: 40,561
· Worldwide: 20,380,000
Major nursing associations in Singapore:
Elements of Birth
University of Arizona
Nowicky Pharma
National Health Service
Home Sweet Home Birth
Inspirational Speaker and Author
International Forum for Wellbeing in Pregnancy
Earth Sky Foundation
National Health Service
DiastasisRecti Baby Centre
Jeonju Univeristy
South Korea
Philippine League of Government and Private Midwives,Inc
Russian National Research Medical University
Iran University of Medical Sciences
National University of Science and Technology
Cairo University