We welcome everyone around the globe to join the International Microfluidics Congress scheduled during August 13-14 2018 San Diego, USA and discuss the most recent progressions in the field of Microfluidics.
Meetings International (Meetings Int.) is a global leader in producing high quality conferences, meetings, workshops and symposia in all major fields of science, technology and medicine. Since its inception, Meetings Int. has been associated with national and international associations, corporations and high level individuals, dedicated to host world class conferences and events. Meetings Int. supports broad scope research and peer review at a broad range of specialists around the world. The key strategic objective of Meetings Int. is to communicate science and medical research between academia, and industry. Through inspiring sessions and tons of networking, you will learn to be even more audacious and bold than you are now and free to grow your mind, grow your business, and grow your bottom-line. We can relieve you of the time and resource draining elements of the events that you plan to hold. From planning to coordinating, start to finish; we will be there to ensure you take the accolades for yet another brilliant program. We organize conferences world-wide. All major conferences of Meetings International are accredited with Continuing Professional Development (CPD), Continuing Education (CE), and Continuing Medical Education (CME) Credits
Microfluidics is the science of handling and controlling fluids, which deals with the flow of liquids inside micrometer sized channels and its usually ranges from microliters (10-6) to Pico liters (10-12), and its networks of channels vary with the dimensions from tens to hundreds of micrometers. This discipline takes its origins in the early 1990’s and has grown exponentially. Microfluidics is also considered both as a science and technology.
Microfluidics workshops continues on being an energizing and quickly creating region in the life sciences with a persistently extending scope of utilizations. As advances and methodologies keep on developing, this congress unites specialists in scholastics, enterprises and businesses to make network and share ideas.
The conference will inspect the most recent advancements in the innovations and technology methods being utilized for advancing medicinal research, also the challenges and future of microfluidics.
Importance of Microfluidics:-
Microfluidics deals with small liquid volumes, the technology may enable cost-efficient, ultra-high-throughput assays in fields like biology and drug discovery. Many groups are also working on microfluidic devices for point-of-care diagnostics and also in the field of therapeutics (e.g., drug delivery). In addition to making present experimental techniques efficient, microfluidics can be used in new types of experiments. Research on Microfluidics has been conducted since decades in academia, the market potential is only beginning to be explored.
Topics of Microfluidics and Case studies and applications in Medical Research
Point-of-care diagnostic
POCT is a medical diagnostic testing performed outside the clinical laboratory in close to where the patient is receiving care. It’s performed by non-laboratory personnel and results used for clinical decision making.
Organs On Chips
Organs-on-chips are plastic micro devices the size of a USB-stay with micro-channels and little chambers that are loaded with fluid. The device contain various human cell sorts which are refined in an innovatively controlled microenvironment that misleadingly mimics parts of the human body like morphology, development, movement, flow, stream, electrical stimuli and liquid gradients. The subsequent device mimics human organ functions and can be utilized utilized in biomedical phenomena.
Droplet Microfluids
Droplet-based microfluidics or computerized microfluidics is a subclass of microfluidic devices, wherein droplets are created utilizing active or passive techniques. The active strategy for age of droplets includes the utilization of an outer factor, for example, an electric field for droplet generation. Two procedures that fall in this category are electrophoresis (DEP) and electro wetting on dielectric (EWOD). In passive strategies, the droplet generation relies upon the geometry and measurements of the device. T-intersection and stream centering strategies are cases of passive techniques utilized for generation of droplets.
Micro-fabrication is the process of fabricating miniature structures of micrometer scales and smaller. Historically, the most punctual micro-fabrication forms were utilized for coordinated circuit fabrication, otherwise called "semiconductor assembling" or "semiconductor device manufacture".
Isolation and analysis of CTCs
Isolation and analysis of cancer cells from body fluids have huge significant in diagnosis and treatment of tumors. Circling tumor cells (CTCs) are cancer cells flowing in the fringe blood or spreading in the peripheral blood veins, which is an early step in the cascade of events proceeding to cancer metastasis.
Methods of Isolation and Analysis
Isolation Methods
Isolation Based on Physical Properties
CTC Analysis
Genetic Analysis of CTCs
Protein and Functional Assays of CTCs
3D printing of microfluidic devices
3D printing can possibly have potential to change the field of microfluidics. The ability to manufacture an entire microfluidic device in single step from a computer model has obvious attractions, however it is the capacity to create three dimensional structures that will give new microfluidic capability that is challenging, if not difficult to make with existing approaches.
Single-cell analysis
The aspects and techniques expected to build up a droplet-based work process for single-cell examination the surfactant framework used to stabilize droplets is a critical component of droplet microfluidics; its properties characterize the sort of droplet based measures and work processes that can be developed.
The microfluidics advertises gives viable use of little liquid volumes for outline of frameworks and development of solutions. The worldwide human services innovations advertise is assessed to came to $53 billion by 2014 at a CAGR of 16%. Microfluidics is an up growing innovation with high agreeableness in medicinal services applications. The key driver for the microfluidics advertises is the â€great (or rising) request in purpose of-mind (POC) and in-vitro diagnostics.
For example, according to World Health Organization (WHO), 95 million people received HIV testing in low and middle-income countries in 2010. Application of microfluidics in HIV testing at POCs is expected to cut cost, thereby increase the demand for the technology.
A few standard models are being made for the execution of Microfluidics Conferences in medicinal services. The administrative devices devour excessively time for the endorsement procedure of microfluidics device. Another test for the development of the market is the usage of rising microfluidics innovation in existing applications To overcome this challenge, companies are investing in research and development.
Enter organizations profiled in this report are Abbott Laboratories, Inc., PerkinElmer, Inc., Cepheid, Inc., Rain dance Technologies, Becton, Dickinson, Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc., Johnson and Johnson, Life Technologies Corporation, Microfluidic Chip shop GMBH and Siemens Healthcare.
Microfluidics International Corporation, the manufacturer of Micro fluidizer high shear fluid processors, is a leader in the design and production of laboratory and commercial processing equipment used in the production of micro- and Nano-scale materials for pharmaceutical, biotech, chemical and diverse industries. Micro fluidizer technology enables some of the world’s top companies to create superior products, develop intellectual property, improve process efficiency and capitalize on new revenue streams. We set the standard for Nano emulsion and nanoparticle applications.
Since 2011, Microfluidics has been a member of the IDEX Corporation family of companies. IDEX is a global leader in highly engineered systems and components. We are part of the IDEX Material Processing Technologies group, a collection of companies that manufacture a range of technologically superior processing equipment for a wide variety of materials. All process equipment, solutions and support provided by this group are optimized to meet the unique needs of each and every customer.
Key Benifits
Globalmarket, By Material Type
Global Market, By Industry
Global Market, By Application
Global Market, By Geography
Microfluidics Research and Advances
Microfluidics identifies with outline and study of devices which move or analyze tiny amount of fluid, smaller than a droplet. Microfluidic conferences deals with the advance research and its devices have micro-channels running from submicron to couple of millimeters. To compare, human hair is around 100 micron thick. Microfluidics has been highly utilized as a part of the biological sciences, controlled examinations can be led at bring down cost and quicker pace. Lab-on-a-Chip devices utilize microfluidics for applications, for example, Point-of-Care testing of infections, or Organ-on-a-Chip considers.
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Nano-fluidics advancements are rising as intense empowering devices for finding and checking of irresistible diseases in both developed and developing countries. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics research and scaled down Nano-fluidics and Micro-fluidic stages that definitely control little liquid volumes can be utilized to empower therapeutic finding in a more fast and precise way. Specifically, Nanofluidics and Microfluidics workshops deals with analytic advances are conceivably relevant to worldwide wellbeing applications, since they are expendable, cheap, convenient, and simple to-use for discovery of irresistible maladies. In this paper, we audit late advances in Nano and microfluidic conferences and its innovations for clinical purpose of-mind applications at asset restricted settings in creating nations.
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Microfluidic-chips are typically made by making thin grooves or little wells on surface of a layer, and then encasing those highlights by methods for a moment layer to shape micro-channels or chambers. Microfluidic Chip focuses on channels should be sealed in the way layers must to be properly reinforced. Contingent upon material decision, the channels are made through delicate lithography, hot emblazoning, infusion shaping, small scale machining, or carving. 3D printing might be utilized for delivering microfluidic chips, in spite of the fact that it has genuine impediments as far as least element estimate, surface unpleasantness, optical straightforwardness, or decision of material.
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Microfluidics in Drug Delivery and Formulations
The science and designing of liquid streams in micro-scale, can be the response for a more successful and focused on tranquilize organization. Pharmacy work shops related to drug delivery deals with the study of how the drug released in to the body. Surely, one of microfluidics' primary applications, the purported lab-on-a-chip (LOC) can give a stage to both medication combination and conveyance. These two viewpoints are essential and entirely related for a decent discharge into the living being. Besides, the utilization of microfluidic devices for sedate organization have different points of interest, for example, the lessening of both torment and danger of reactions. At last, adjacent to the previously mentioned preferences, microfluidics acquires assist upgrades cost, ease of use, wellbeing and transportability.
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Nano-medicine is the medical application of nanotechnology for the treatment and prevention of major ailments, including cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Medicinal workshops related microfluidic nanomedicines are many such materials fail to reach clinical trials due to critical challenges that involves poor reproducibility in large-volume production that have led to the failure in animal studies and clinical trials. Recent research using microfluidic technology has provided emerging platforms with high potential to accelerate the clinical translation of nanomedicine.
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Nano-Materials and Nano-Technology
Nanomaterials benefit from microfluidics in terms of synthesis and simulation of environments for nanomotors and nanorobots. Microfluidics seminars in relational to materials and technology makes easy to understand nanoparticles. In our opinion, the “marriage” of nanomaterials and microfluidics is highly beneficial and is expected to solve vital challenges in related fields.
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Transforming your IVD test or pharmaceutical device into a completely designed in microfluidic product is our activity. Pharmacy workshops related to drugs delivery deals with microfluidics study ,One of our key qualities is the capacity to give novel preparing solutions where conventional manufacturing process are no longer valid. The difficulties that we consistently address involve the consideration of smaller scale measured highlights; and in addition the outline and assembling of a few sorts of miniaturized scale form advancements (Silicon, SU-8 and steel), the mix of miniaturized scale and full scale highlights, mixes of process steps, testing gathering steps, stringent QC prerequisites and bundling of the last item.
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Microfluidics empowers biotechnological procedures to continue on a scale (microns) at which physical procedures, for example, osmotic development, and electrophoretic-motility and surface connections wind up noticeably upgraded. At the micro-scale test volumes and measure times are decreased, and procedural expenses are brought down. The flexibility of microfluidic devices permits interfacing with current techniques and innovations. Microfluidics has been connected to DNA examination techniques and appeared to quicken DNA microarray test hybridization times. The connecting of microfluidics to protein investigation technologies, e.g. mass spectrometry, empowers Pico mole measures of peptide to be broke down inside a controlled small scale condition. The adaptability of microfluidics events will encourage its misuse in test improvement over different biotechnological disciplines.
Microfluidics Conferences | Nano-fluidics Conferences | Microfluidics Events | Microfluidics and Nano fluidics Conference | Pharmacy Conferences | Chemistry Conferences | Meetings International
Lab-on-a-chip refers to advances which permit operations which regularly require a lab - union and investigation of chemicals - on an exceptionally scaled down scale, inside a versatile or handheld device. There are many advantages to working on this scale. Investigation of tests can takes place in situ, precisely where the specimens are created, as opposed to being transported around to an extensive research center office. The distinctions in liquid elements on a small scale imply that it is less demanding to control the development and association of tests, making responses considerably more effective, and lessening substance squander.
The fundamental test to advancement of lab-on-a-chip devices is the outline and creation of gadgets on a little scale which are practical and financially savvy. As of late, progresses in materials, and in small scale and nanofabrication procedures, have permitted various lab-on-a-chip sort devices to be assembled and tried.
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Research center instrumentation and diagnostic device are getting to be smaller, simpler, and smarter. This pattern to scaling down reaches out to fluid handling and fluid examination. However, liquid conduct experiences huge changes as geometric scale diminishes. The laminar stream conduct of liquids in microfluidic device must be suited in the outline and advancement of clinical and bio-clinical scaled down frameworks.
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Computational Methods for Complex Liquid-Fluid Interfaces offers a legitimate and best in class review of computational strategies and reenactment systems for the measurement of interfacial amounts. The microfluidics events based on complex fluid interfaces has an advance research and innovations.
Complex fluids are all around, literally, just need to look within us, or even closer, inside your own body. These fluids are named complex because when they flow, they do not hold a linear relationship in between the rate of deformation and the stress tensors, and consequently the Newton’s law of viscosity is not suitable for them.
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Point-of-care testing (POCT) is necessary to provide a rapid diagnostic result for a prompt on-site diagnosis and treatment. A analysis time and high sensitivity, with an example to-answer format, are the most essential highlights for current POCT indicative frameworks. Microfluidic lab-on-a-chip advancements have been considered as one of the promising arrangements that can meet the necessity of the POCT since they can scale down and incorporate the fundamental modules of the utilitarian used in central laboratories into a small chip.
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Actuators works with the energy fluxes and mass or volume flows can be controlled electrically it works on dimensions in range of millimeters and sub millimeters. Most of them used in the different application fields in stand-alone devices and in Micro electro mechanical system MEMS.
Micro actuators are works on three-dimensional mechanical structures with very small dimensions which are produced with the help of lithographic procedures and non-isotropic etching techniques. Micro actuators are narrow sense and the mechanisms of force generation are integrated monolithically.
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High-Throughput Processing and Analysis
High throughput screening is a major instrument in drug discovery and also used in cell based high throughput screening done by Droplet mode, Microarray mode, Perfusion flow mode. Microfluidics workshops related to flow techniques have High throughput Processing and Analysis.
Rare or low-abundance cells in a much larger population of background cells require extremely accurate also high-throughput selection and enumeration for a various biomedical applications. Conventional bench-top techniques have a limit capability to isolate and analyze rare cells because of their generally low selectivity, significant sample loss, and limit for the ability of bulk measurements in heterogeneous cell populations. Microfluidics has enabled facile handling of minute sample volumes and massively parallel multiplexing capabilities for high-throughput processing, making this platform excellent to handle with the transport, isolation, and analysis of rare cells.
Microfluidics Conferences | Nano-fluidics Conferences | Microfluidics Events | Microfluidics and Nano fluidics Conference | Pharmacy Conferences | Chemistry Conferences | Meetings International
Microfluidics and Coagulation Biology
Microfluidics plays a major role in the study of blood and it can occur in closed or in the open systems and with or without flow.Microfluidic workshop devices have the ability which constrain fluids to a small scale (typically sub millimeter) facilitate analysis of platelet function, coagulation of biology cellular biorhealogy, adhesion dynamics and pharmacology and also in the clinical diagnostics.
Microfluidics Conferences | Nano-fluidics Conferences | Microfluidics Events | Microfluidics and Nano fluidics Conference | Pharmacy Conferences | Chemistry Conferences | Meetings International
Mechanical Engineering
Louisiana State University
PhD in Electronic Engineering
Eltek Group
Chair in Lab on chip Technology
Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics at Purdue University
PhD Tsinghua University
B.E. and M.E in Applied Physics,PhD University of Tokyo
Sensors and Aerosol Laboratory
South Korea
TL Biolabs
University of British Columbia
Sysmex Corporation, Kobe
PhD Osaka University
Microsystem Electronics and Photonics
Wroclaw University of Science and Technology
PhD in bioengineering
University of Tokyo in Japan
Professor KTH-Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden.
University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen
Institute of Sensors and Actuators Systems, TU Wien, Austria
Professor Mechanical Engineering,
Head of the micro-/nano-fluidics laboratory.
Oklahoma State University,
Ph.D.in petroleum engineering.
PhD in physics
French Atomic Energy Agency (CEA)