Malarvizhi.S has completed her Master's Degree in Nursing at the age of 27 years from The Tamilnadu Dr. MGR Medical University and Ph.D. from Vinayaka Missions University, South India. She is the Professor and Head of Medical-Surgical Nursing Department at College of Nursing, Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences, a premier medical service organization. She has published Four Textbooks as the First Author with renowned publishers like ELSEVIER and Chapter contribution of two books at Tamilnadu Nursing Council and more than 34 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an editorial board member of 5 reputed journals. She is also M.Sc. & Ph. D Nursing guide. Has presented numerous papers and delivered the talk as Guest speaker. Has organized workshops and conferences at State, National and International level. Received two awards from various organizations including the Best Paper Award in 2012.
Patient satisfaction is a major indicator of quality care. Patients are the best source of information about a hospital system’s communication, education and pain-management process, and they are the only source of information about whether they were treated with dignity and respect. The descriptive study was done using quantitative, explorative approach with the objective to assess the level of patients satisfaction with nursing care provided in selected wards in the tertiary care teaching hospital. The study participants were selected from the General wards such as Medical wards, Surgical wards, and OBG wards. The sample size was 120. The study was carried out after getting approval from the Institutional Review Board (IRB No. 1609). Adult patients from 18 years and above, both Male and Female patients, patients admitted in selected wards for > 2 days were selected as participants using Systematic random sampling technique. The study participants were informed about the nature and purpose of the study and written informed consent was obtained from them. The socio-demographic variables and Modified Newcastle Satisfaction with Nursing Scales tool were used to collect the data. The data was collected using the interview method. According to the level of patient satisfaction on nursing care provided in the selected hospital; majority 99 ( 83%) participants had good satisfaction, 15 (12%) had moderate and 6 ( 5%) had poor satisfaction on the nursing care provided in the hospital. This study helps to evaluate the quality of nursing care provided for the patient in the hospital and as well as to identify the areas for better improvement of nursing care.