Senior researcher at the Institute of Solid Mechanics, Romanian Academy. I work in the Mechatronics and Robotics department and I am focused on research in: concept and design of mechatronic systems: biomecanical systems; command and control of these systems; (nano)technolgies and materials; solid mechanics. I have got habilitation degree in 2017 and I coordinate doctoral theses in the field of mechanical engineering. My previuos work experience involves more than 20 years as professor at „POLITEHNICA” University of Bucharest, Romania – teaching in the field of manufacturing technologies and applied statistics in engineering. Since 2013, I have also worked in a private research and development SME, OPTOELECTRONICA-2001, focusing on laser radiation application in engineering and on technologies for manufacturing photovoltaic cells. My scientific activity results are dissaminated in more than 200 papers (published in journals and conference proceedings), 10 books (as first-author or, co-author), 30 research projects, 5 patents, etc.
Statement of the Problem: There are more than 60 years that has been carried on research on biomechanical system for the human arm. The purpose is to make an easier life for people who lack their arm. This study evidences main aspects related to the design and manufacture of a prototype for human arm prosthesis as follows: kinematic and kinetostatic analysis of hand fingers; 3D modeling of the biomechanical system; hardware – software platform; FDM printing; preliminary tests on the prototype subassemblies.
The Relevant Technology Applications of Mechatronics