Title: Nanotechnology And Cannabis
It's no secret that the last five years have been good for the cannabis industry. Although legalization has yet to spread around the world, the stigma surrounding cannabis use has begun to shift towards a more widespread acceptance of the benefits of the plant. In Canada alone, the legal market is worth $ 5 billion by 2021, which is a conservative estimate, as Canada has one of the highest rates of cannabis use.Along with the myriad businesses riding this wave, so are the scientists. An innovation racehas been launched to explore the various applications of cannabis in health and wellness.While nanotechnology has been used in the food and medical industries for some time, its potential with cannabis is only just beginning to be explored.According to the Pot Network, cannabis, and other products in general, appears to work most effectively when broken down into tiny particles. When they break down, chronic pain patients, for example, may feel the first signs of relief within 15 minutes of absorption. This is due to the fact that the nanoparticles are directly absorbed into the bloodstream