Scientific Sessions
Session-1 Materials science and Development
Materials Research Conference provides an interaction to how science and engineering can be exploited to design materials for many applications. The principles behind the design and exploitation of metals, ceramics, polymers, and composites are presented using examples from everyday life, as well as from existing, new, and future technologies.
Materials science is the production from the row materials which can be good shape and size and helpful or the application in daily basis. Which can be used on daily basis and future basis. To make the product from the row materials by utilizing the technology. Materials researches consider the associations between the hidden structure of the material, its properties, its handling techniques and its execution in application. Materials Science Conference sessions give a great experience to go through the fundamental concepts on the source of material science. The materials science sessions offer a strong introduction to the fundamental concept on the source of materials science.
References: Material Conference 2018 | Material Science 2018 | Materials Research Conference 2018 | Materials Science Conference 2018 | Materials Research Meeting 2018 | Materials Science Workshop 2018
Session-2 Future of Materials
Materials form the foundation for all engineering applications. Advances in materials and their processing are driving all technologies, including the broad areas of nano-, bio-, energy, and electronic (information) technology. Performance requirements for future applications require that engineers continue to design both new structures and new processing methods in order to engineer materials having improved properties.
Materials are basically more important in future purpose and it will be used in industry. More application like energy productions, semiconductor, health technology, Information technology, transportation technology etc. Materials Science conference and Engineering is an acclaimed scientific discipline, expanding in recent decades to surround polymers, ceramics, glass, composite materials and biomaterials. Materials science and engineering involves the discovery and design of new materials.
References: Material Conference 2018 | Material Science 2018 | Materials Research Conference 2018 | Materials Science Conference 2018 | Materials Research Meeting 2018 | Materials Science Workshop 2018
Session-3 Entrepreneur’s investment
Materials Science meeting and Engineering is an acclaimed scientific discipline, expanding in recent decades to surround polymers, ceramics, glass, composite materials and biomaterials. Materials science and engineering, involves the discovery and design of new materials. Many of the most pressing scientific problems humans currently face are due to the limitations of the materials that are available and, as a result, major breakthroughs in materials science are likely to affect the future of technology significantly. Materials scientists lay stress on understanding how the history of a material influences its structure, and thus its properties and performance.
References: Material Conference 2018 | Material Science 2018 | Materials Research Conference 2018 | Materials Science Conference 2018 | Materials Research Meeting 2018 | Materials Science Workshop 2018
Session-4 Mining, metallurgy and materials science
The extraction of productive minerals or other topological materials from the earth is called as Mining and Metallurgy is the field of Materials Science. It basically deals with Ceramics and glass materials, alloy development and casting technique, powder metallurgy, corrosion, heart treatment, metallurgy machinery and automation and environmental protection. As well as materials science conference will provide platform to earn more profit in marketing field and it is a good advantage for the entrepreneurs also.
References: Material Conference 2018 | Material Science 2018 | Materials Research Conference 2018 | Materials Science Conference 2018 | Materials Research Meeting 2018 | Materials Science Workshop 2018
Session-5 Material chemistry and physics
The focus of the conference is interrelationships among structure, properties, processing and performance of materials science . It covers conventional and advanced materials ,metallurgy, engineering ceramics, specialty polymer, composites, low D materials, surface modification and coatings with emphasis on, but not limited to, energy materials, green materials, optical and optoelectronic materials, electronic, magnetic and semiconductor materials, biomaterials, sustainable materials, degradation and reliability, and modelling of materials.
References: Material Conference 2018 | Material Science 2018 | Materials Research Conference 2018 | Materials Science Conference 2018 | Materials Research Meeting 2018 | Materials Science Workshop 2018
Session-6 Materials characterization
Materials characterization is the process of measuring and determining physical, chemical, mechanical and microstructural properties of materials . It used in material science, refers to the broad and general process by which a material's structure and properties are probed and measured. It depends upon different methods like X-ray, electrical properties like measurement of conductivity and mobility. Optical techniques like micro/macro. Surface analysis like Augur, XPS, RBS.
References: Material Conference 2018 | Material Science 2018 | Materials Research Conference 2018 | Materials Science Conference 2018 | Materials Research Meeting 2018 | Materials Science Workshop 2018
Session-7 Materials for energy conversion and storage devices
Following materials are used as for energy conversion and storage devices like Solar cell materials and devices Photovoltaic Cells, In this material science meeting you can discuss about Advanced batteries ,Super capacitors Fuel cells, Vibration energy harvesting. By the storage devices only we can save the energy and it uses as a daily basis and for the future purpose also. For example we are using the solar cell and it acting a measure role in the tribal village and many more places.
References: Material Conference 2018 | Material Science 2018 | Materials Research Conference 2018 | Materials Science Conference 2018 | Materials Research Meeting 2018 | Materials Science Workshop 2018
Session-8 Material engineer training and career
Material engineers they work with certain materials like metals, composites, plastics, ceramics and other substances to create a new material. Materials science Conference is to discuss among with engineers to develop the new materials by giving the unique ideas. Materials engineers typically do the following to plan and evaluating the programme by the consulting with the other specialists and to managing with the proper budget. They require the proper technologist, technicians and scientists, these many things can discuss in materials science conference.
References: Material Conference 2018 | Material Science 2018 | Materials Research Conference 2018 | Materials Science Conference 2018 | Materials Research Meeting 2018 | Materials Science Workshop 2018
Session-9 Electronic and magnetic materials
Materials Science is totally depends upon electronic and magnetic materials now days. The following points are related to this:-
Materials that can be magnetized and pulled into a magnet are called ferromagnetic materials . These incorporate iron, nickel, cobalt, some combinations of uncommon earth metals, and some normally happening minerals, for example, lodestone. Inside the body the Illustrations are conveying prescriptions to correct areas and for the MRI checker the utilization as a different in specialist , evaluating the danger of organ harm in genetic hemochromatosis, deciding the measurements of iron cheater drugs required for patients with thalassemia, and Now-a-days Scientists are likewise taking a shot at the improvement of manufactured attractive particles that can be infused into the human body for the determination and treatment of malady.
References: Material Conference 2018 | Material Science 2018 | Materials Research Conference 2018 | Materials Science Conference 2018 | Materials Research Meeting 2018 | Materials Science Workshop 2018
Session-10 Batteries and energy materials
We need to make new discoveries by the materials science conference. Nowadays solar cell which is most advanced energy storage and another is nuclear energy. Recently, by the use of X-ray limelight we save the energy (Nuclear energy). So more success and economic energy storage is solar cell. Govt. also planning about the solar cell to providing it home by home in tribal area and giving the subsidies also.
References: Material Conference 2018 | Material Science 2018 | Materials Research Conference 2018 | Materials Science Conference 2018 | Materials Research Meeting 2018 | Materials Science Workshop 2018
Session-11 Nanotechnology in material science
Nanotechnology is the study of extremely small thing and also can be used as over the science, like chemistry, biology, physics, materials science. Manipulation and manufacture of materials in the scale of atoms on small groups of atoms . In the materials science the scientist works to understand those property changes and it can be used in manufacture of materials of Nano scale. It also includes the polymer, it can be natural (organic) or plastic bottle, cover etc. Materials scientists work to understand those property changes and utilize them in the processing and manufacture of materials at the Nano scale. The field of materials science covers the discovery, characterization, properties, and end-use of Nano scale materials.
References: Material Conference 2018 | Material Science 2018 | Materials Research Conference 2018 | Materials Science Conference 2018 | Materials Research Meeting 2018 | Materials Science Workshop 2018
Session-12 Metallurgy and material science
Metallurgical and material science explore relationship among, structure, properties of materials, research significance. This Materials science conference also deals the Allow phases like transformation, transport phenomenon , mechanical behaviour , physics, chemistry etc. It is the branch of material science which totally based upon the transaction of structure of material. The engineers work with metals, ceramics, plastics, composites and other substances to create new materials.
References: Material Conference 2018 | Material Science 2018 | Materials Research Conference 2018 | Materials Science Conference 2018 | Materials Research Meeting 2018 | Materials Science Workshop 2018
Scope and importance
Materials science conference is a syncretic discipline hybridizing metallurgy, ceramics, solid-state physics, and chemistry. A material is defined as a substance (most often a solid, but other condensed phases can be included) that is intended to be used for certain applications. There is a myriad of materials around us they can be found in anything from buildings to spacecraft. Materials can generally be further divided into two classes: crystalline, and non-crystalline. The traditional examples of materials are metals, semiconductor, ceramics and polymers. New and advanced materials that are being developed include Nano-materials, biomaterials, and energy materials to name a few.
The basis of materials science involves studying the structure of materials and relating them to their properties. Once a materials scientist knows about this structure-property correlation, they can then go on to study the relative performance of a material in a given application. The major determinants of the structure of a material and thus of its properties are its constituent chemical elements and the way in which it has been processed into its final form. These characteristics, taken together and related through the laws of thermodynamics and kinetics, govern a material's microstructure, and thus its properties.
It totally deals on bonding and structures of physical, mechanical and chemical etc. By one sentence we can call as integration and application of materials. By the economically we can go for materials which will be given us good marketing and also the EUROPIAN are the good commercial purpose.
Prague is also called as the Czech Republic’s largest city and also the capital. The huge Vltava River plays a main role on central Europe‘s politics, culture and economy. The beautiful Charles Bridge enhances beauty of the river banks, well-known for its classic moments. It is for the remarkable view sit offers for the city. This place also be the good weather conditions, as well as the marketing facilities are fabulous. The city has more than ten museums, theatres, cinemas, galleries and historical exhibits. At the same time the weather also friendly. So this is a marvellous chance for to attend the conference and enjoy the Czech river bank. Come on, hurry up to attend the symposium and for the tourism of the Prague with your family.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)- UNITED STATES
Stanford University-UNITED STATES
Imperial College London-UNITED KINGDOM
University of California, Berkeley (UCB)-UNITED STATES
University of Cambridge-UNITED KINGDOM
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU)-SINGAPORE
Northwestern University-UNITED STATES
National University of Singapore (NUS)-SINGAPORE
University of Oxford-UNITED KINGDOM
Tsinghua University-CHINA
Georgia Institute of Technology-UNITED STATES
Harvard University-UNITED STATES
California Institute of Technology (Caltech)-UNITED STATES
The University of Tokyo-JAPAN
KAIST - Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology-SOUTH KOREA
Kyoto University-JAPAN
Tohoku University-CHINA
The American Ceramic Society (ACerS)
American Chemical Society (ACS)
American Physical Society (APS)
The Materials Information Society (ASM International)
The Materials Research Society (MRS)
Microscopy Society of America (MSA)
The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS)
Sigma Xi: The Scientific Research Society
International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE)
American Society of Body Engineers
Ductile Iron Society
History of Science Society
Materials science conference is focussed on the development of new and better materials for the next generation of engineering applications. It views the fundamentals of biomaterials, Nano materials, ceramics, metals, polymers, electronic materials and composites, emphasising the relationships between atomic structure and microstructure as well as the properties, processing and performance of the material.
In this new century, sustainability and environmental impact lie at the core of materials development and application. Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) combines chemistry, physics and biology with mathematics and the principles of mechanical, chemical and electrical engineering. As a result, materials engineers are highly marketable.
Along with a solid technical foundation, you will be equipped with communication, project management, time management, organisational and computing skills.
The MSE degree is a very versatile and widely respected undergraduate degree.
Materials Science meeting and Engineering is an acclaimed scientific discipline, expanding in recent decades to surround polymers, ceramics, glass, composite materials and biomaterials. Materials science and engineering, involves the discovery and design of new materials. Many of the most pressing scientific problems humans currently face are due to the limitations of the materials that are available and, as a result, major breakthroughs in materials science are likely to affect the future of technology significantly. Materials scientists lay stress on understanding how the history of a material influences its structure, and thus its properties and performance. All engineered products from airplanes to musical instruments, alternative energy sources related to ecologically-friendly manufacturing processes, medical devices to artificial tissues, computer chips to data storage devices and many more are made from materials. In fact, all new and altered materials are often at the heart of product innovation in highly diverse applications.Day by day the market of biomaterials are increasing.
Figure 1 Global Market Growth(Past,Present,Future)
University Teknology Malaysia
Charles University
Czech Republic
American University of Beirut, Lebanon
President of World Academy of Materials and Manufacturing Engineering
City University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong
University M Hamed Bougara Boumerdes (UMBB)
Tokyo University of Science
Charles University
Czech Republic
Engineering University Technology
Universiti Putra Malaysia