As the demand for sustainable materials is increasing in all streams of technology with non-renewable materials depleting, the innovations in Material chemistry plays a crucial role in day to day life. In 2050, there will be nearly 9.8 billion human beings on the planet. With this exponential growth, it has bad effects on herbal resources, with the demand of population it is necessary for the improvement of new materials. Material Chemistry is the fast-growing field in both research and industrial sectors. Materials Chemistry and Science Conference gives the basic ideas related to the innovation of new materials and technologies for sustainability. The field of Materials Science and Chemistry involves a wide range of sectors of markets growing respectively like Engineering Resins, Polymer Alloys and blends, advanced batteries and fuel cells and so on.
Come to be a part of Exploring of New Materials!!
Target Audience:
Why attend?
Materials Chemistry and Science 2019, offers a great opportunity to meet people in the field of Material Chemistry and Science. It enables to know the recent trends in the Material Chemistry and Science by professed scientists globally. It allows the company representatives to exhibit their products and to have meetings with the scientists in order to increase their business opportunities.
Why Singapore?
Singapore ranks 5th on UN Human Development Index with 3rd highest GDP per capita globally. Tourism forms a massive part of the economy with over 17 million visitors visiting the city in 2017. It is a worldwide core for finance, business, arts, culture and it is recognized as one of the most multicultural cities in the world. The Material Research Society in Singapore was framed in 1999 as a non-profit organization to assist rapidly in emerging materials in Singapore, Asia and further afield. which is affiliated with the International Union of Materials Research Societies.
Session 1: Material Chemistry and Development
Materials Chemistry and Science 2019, offers a strong introduction to the concepts of Material Chemistry that can be found on micro and macro structures. It provides the construction and incorporation of advanced materials. These materials carry different properties which led to the development of various manufacture techniques. These materials have different structures and atomic sizes. The various materials with different properties are:
Materials Chemistry Conference | Magnetic Materials | Electric Materials | Semiconductor Materials | Catalytic Material | Singapore Conference
Related Societies/Associations:
European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences, Belgium; Royal Netherland Chemical Society, Netherlands; European Young Chemists Network, Belgium; Jordanian Chemical Society, Jordan; Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry, Spain; Swedish Chemical Society, Sweden; American Chemistry Society, USA; Society of Chemical Manufacturers and Affiliates, USA; The Society of ElectroAnalytical Chemistry, USA; American Oil Chemists Society, USA; Federation of Asian Chemical Societies, China; Chinese Chemical Society, China; Chemical Society of The South Pacific, Fiji.
Related Conferences:
2nd European Congress on Advanced Chemistry on May 09-10, 2019 at Stockholm, Sweden; 5th Global Congress and Expo on Materials Science and Engineering (GCEMSE-2019) on June 10-12, 2019 at Osaka, Japan; 5th International Conference on Surface and Interface of Materials (SIM 2019) on January 03-05, 2019 at Sanya, China; 5th World Congress on Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME 2019) on July 21-25, 2019 at Indiana, USA; 2nd International Joint Conference on Materials Science and Mechanical Engineering on January 18-20, 2019 at Phuket, Thailand; 14th International Conference on Materials Chemistry on July 08-11, 2019 at Birmingham, UK; 5th International Conference on Surface and Interface of Materials (SIM 2019) on January 03-05, 2019 at Sanya, China.
Session 2: Material Characterization
This session allows knowing different processes used in the analysis of physical and chemical characters of the materials. The Different methods used are as follows:
Microscopy | Spectroscopy | X-ray | Mass spectroscopy | Macroscopic testing
Related Societies/Associations:
International Association of Advanced Materials, Sweden; Federation of European Materials Society, Belgium; Suppliers of Advanced Composite Materials Association, USA; Materials Research Society, USA; Nanotechnology World Association, Canada; American Composite Manufacturers, USA; International Association of Advanced Materials, Sweden; Material Science Engineering Association, USA; Asian Polymer Association, India.
Related Conferences:
5th International Conference on Thin Film Technology and Applications (TFTA 2019) on January 03-05, 2019 at Sanya, China; 6th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials (ACM 2019) on January 03-05, 2019 at Sanya, China; 5th International Conference on Polymer Materials Science (PMS 2019) on January 03-05, 2019 at Sanya, China; 6th Nano Today Conference on June 16-20, 2019 at Lisbon, Portugal; 8th Conference on Nanomaterials (CN 2019) on January 03-05,2019 at Sanya, China; Advanced Materials and Engineering Meeting on February 18-20, 2019 at San Francisco, USA; 3rd International Conference on Recent Advances In Material Chemistry (ICRAMC 2019) on February 13-15, 2019 at Chennai, India.
Session 3: Energy Materials
This provides innovative materials for transmission of the sustainable energy system. It includes the materials required for Photovoltaic panels, and fuel cells in order to shift the world from nonrenewable to renewable system. Material chemistry helps to research for the new materials in order to maintain sustainability globally. These include for development in
Photovoltaic Panels | Fuel Cells | Solar Cells | Polymer Materials | Thermoelectric Materials | Energy Efficient Materials
Related Societies/Associations:
Nano Technology Association, Canada; Society of Biomaterials, USA; International Union of Materials Research Societies, USA; Society of Experimental Mechanics, USA; Society of Glass, UK; The Materials Information Society, USA; International Society for Optical Research, USA; The American Ceramic Society, USA.
Related Conferences:
2nd International Conference on Materials Engineering and Applications (ICMEA 2019) on January 16-18, 2019 at Da Nang, Vietnam; International Conference on Materials Science and Engineering on February 19-21, 2019 at Barcelona, Spain; Conference on Ceramics expo on April 29-May 01, 2019 at Ohio, USA; 22nd International Conference on Wear of Materials on April 14-18, 2019 at Hyatt Regency Miami, USA; 5th International Conference on Thin Film Technology and Applications (TFTA 2019) on January 03-05, 2019 at Sanya, China; 2nd European Congress on Advanced Chemistry on May 09-10, 2019 at Stockholm, Sweden; 11th International Conference on Porous Metals and Metallic Foams (MetFoam 2019) on August 20-23, 2019 at Michigan, USA.
Session 4: Biomaterials
Biomaterials are used in wide operations of medical applications. These are produced naturally in nature. With the study of material chemistry, these are synthesized with various chemical processes for various usage. The various ongoing research includes
Biomaterials | Medical Applications | Tissue engineering
Related Societies/Associations:
European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences, Belgium; Royal Netherland Chemical Society, Netherlands; European Young Chemists Network, Belgium; Jordanian Chemical Society, Jordan; Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry, Spain; Swedish Chemical Society, Sweden; American Chemistry Society, USA; Society of Chemical Manufacturers and Affiliates, USA; The Society of ElectroAnalytical Chemistry, USA; American Oil Chemists Society, USA; Federation of Asian Chemical Societies, China; Chinese Chemical Society, China; Chemical Society of The South Pacific, Fiji.
Related Conferences:
2nd European Congress on Advanced Chemistry on May 09-10, 2019 at Stockholm, Sweden; 5th Global Congress and Expo on Materials Science and Engineering (GCEMSE-2019) on June 10-12, 2019 at Osaka, Japan; 5th International Conference on Surface and Interface of Materials (SIM 2019) on January 03-05, 2019 at Sanya, China; 5th World Congress on Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME 2019) on July 21-25, 2019 at Indiana, USA; 2nd International Joint Conference on Materials Science and Mechanical Engineering on January 18-20, 2019 at Phuket, Thailand; 14th International Conference on Materials Chemistry on July 08-11, 2019 at Birmingham, UK; 5th International Conference on Surface and Interface of Materials (SIM 2019) on January 03-05, 2019 at Sanya, China.
Session 5: Nanomaterials
Nanomaterials are produced by nanotechnology, sometimes are produced naturally. These materials have various applications in Engineering, medical and in various fields. These have a property to change their size into nanometers. Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology are used to develop enhanced material like:
Nanomaterials | Carbon Nano Tubes | Nano Robotics | Nano Technology
Related Societies/Associations:
International Association of Advanced Materials, Sweden; Federation of European Materials Society, Belgium; Suppliers of Advanced Composite Materials Association, USA; Materials Research Society, USA; Nanotechnology World Association, Canada; American Composite Manufacturers, USA; International Association Of Advanced Materials, Sweden; Material Science Engineering Association, USA; Asian Polymer Association, India.
Related Conferences:
5th International Conference on Thin Film Technology and Applications (TFTA 2019) on January 03-05, 2019 at Sanya, China; 6th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials (ACM 2019) on January 03-05, 2019 at Sanya, China; 5th International Conference on Polymer Materials Science (PMS 2019) on January 03-05, 2019 at Sanya, China; 6th Nano Today Conference on June 16-20, 2019 at Lisbon, Portugal; 8th Conference on Nanomaterials (CN 2019) on January 03-05,2019 at Sanya, China; Advanced Materials and Engineering Meeting on February 18-20, 2019 at San Francisco, USA; 3rd International Conference on Recent Advances in Material Chemistry (ICRAMC 2019) on February 13-15, 2019 at Chennai, India.
Session 6: Ceramic and Composite Materials
The first ceramics made by humans are pottery which is made from clay or blended with other materials like silica. These are glazed in order to produce fine and smooth surfaces. These are the inorganic mixture of either metal or metalloids molecules. These are emphatic in pressure and powerless in cutting off. The ceramic industry is likely to grow to USD 502.8 billion in 2020 as all the manufacturing industries are upgraded with high renewable energy efficiency. The recent research includes:
Ceramic Materials | Composite Materials | Silica | Metal Composites
Related Societies/Associations:
Nano Technology Association; Society of Biomaterials, USA; International Union of Materials Research Societies, USA; Society of Experimental Mechanics, USA; Society of Glass, UK; The Materials Information Society, USA; International Society for Optical Research, USA; The American Ceramic Society, USA.
Related Conferences:
2nd International Conference on Materials Engineering and Applications (ICMEA 2019) on January 16-18, 2019 at Da Nang, Vietnam; International Conference on Materials Science and Engineering on February 19-21, 2019 at Barcelona, Spain; Conference on Ceramics expo on April 29-May 01, 2019 at Ohio, USA; 22nd International Conference on Wear of Materials on April 14-18, 2019 at Hyatt Regency Miami, USA; 5th International Conference on Thin Film Technology and Applications (TFTA 2019) on January 03-05, 2019 at Sanya, China; 2nd European Congress on Advanced Chemistry on May 09-10, 2019 at Stockholm, Sweden; 11th International Conference on Porous Metals and Metallic Foams (MetFoam 2019) on August 20-23, 2019 at Michigan, USA.
Session 7: Materials in Industry and Information Technology
Material chemistry plays an important role in the development of current technologies with the invention of new exploratory materials. Even the fast-growing sector, Information technology also uses new materials for better performance. The research area includes:
Materials In Industry | Information Technology | Optical Materials | Chalcogenide Materials
Related Societies/Associations:
European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences, Belgium; Royal Netherland Chemical Society, Netherlands; European Young Chemists Network, Belgium; Jordanian Chemical Society, Jordan; Spanish Royal Society Of Chemistry, Spain; Swedish Chemical Society, Sweden; American Chemistry Society, USA; Society Of Chemical Manufacturers And Affiliates, USA; The Society Of ElectroAnalytical Chemistry, USA; American Oil Chemists Society, USA; Federation Of Asian Chemical Societies, China; Chinese Chemical Society, China; Chemical Society Of The South Pacific, Fiji.
Related Conferences:
2nd European Congress on Advanced Chemistry on May 09-10, 2019 at Stockholm, Sweden; 5th Global Congress and Expo on Materials Science and Engineering (GCEMSE-2019) on June 10-12, 2019 at Osaka, Japan; 5th International Conference on Surface and Interface of Materials (SIM 2019) on January 03-05, 2019 at Sanya, China; 5th World Congress on Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME 2019) on July 21-25, 2019 at Indiana, USA; 2nd International Joint Conference on Materials Science and Mechanical Engineering on January 18-20, 2019 at Phuket, Thailand; 14th International Conference on Materials Chemistry on July 08-11, 2019 at Birmingham, UK; 5th International Conference on Surface and Interface of Materials (SIM 2019) on January 03-05, 2019 at Sanya, China.
Session 8: Defence and Aerospace Materials
Advanced materials play a crucial role in the breakthrough of new technologies for superior applications. Though processing of novel materials for Defence and Aerospace takes lengthways it is possible to precisely manage these materials. The research area includes:
Defence And Aerospace Materials | Thermoelectric Materials
Related Societies/Associations:
International Association of Advanced Materials, Sweden; Federation of European Materials Society, Belgium; Suppliers of Advanced Composite Materials Association, USA; Materials Research Society, USA; Nanotechnology World Association, Canada; American Composite Manufacturers, USA; International Association of Advanced Materials, Sweden; Material Science Engineering Association, USA; Asian Polymer Association, India.
Related Conferences:
5th International Conference on Thin Film Technology and Applications (TFTA 2019) on January 03-05, 2019 at Sanya, China; 6th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials (ACM 2019) on January 03-05, 2019 at Sanya, China; 5th International Conference on Polymer Materials Science (PMS 2019) on January 03-05, 2019 at Sanya, China; 6th Nano Today Conference on June 16-20, 2019 at Lisbon, Portugal; 8th Conference On Nanomaterials (CN 2019) on January 03-05,2019 at Sanya, China; Advanced Materials and Engineering Meeting on February 18-20, 2019 at San Francisco, USA; 3rd International Conference on Recent Advances In Material Chemistry (ICRAMC 2019) on February 13-15, 2019 at Chennai, India.
Session 9: Computational Material Chemistry and Science
The aim of the Computational Material Chemistry is to understand the properties and chemistry of the materials associated with their structure, design, processing, characterization and processing. All the modern methods include Quantum chemical methods, Density and functional theory (DFT), Semi-empirical and classical approaches, Statistical mechanics, Atomic-scale simulations, Mesoscale modelling and phase-field modelling. The research area includes:
Computational Material Chemistry | Chemical Methods | Modelling | Material Dynamics | Electrochemical Materials
Related Societies/Associations:
Nano Technology Association; Society of Biomaterials, USA; International Union of Materials Research Societies, USA; Society of Experimental Mechanics, USA; Society of Glass, UK; The Materials Information Society, USA; International Society for Optical Research, USA; The American Ceramic Society, USA.
Related Conferences:
2nd International Conference on Materials Engineering And Applications (ICMEA 2019) on January 16-18, 2019 at Da Nang, Vietnam; International Conference on Materials Science and Engineering on February 19-21, 2019 at Barcelona, Spain; Conference on Ceramics expo on April 29-May 01, 2019 at Ohio, USA; 22nd International Conference on Wear of Materials on April 14-18, 2019 at Hyatt Regency Miami, USA; 5th International Conference on Thin Film Technology and Applications (TFTA 2019) on January 03-05, 2019 at Sanya, China; 2nd European Congress on Advanced Chemistry on May 09-10, 2019 at Stockholm, Sweden; 11th International Conference on Porous Metals and Metallic Foams (MetFoam 2019) on August 20-23, 2019 at Michigan, USA.
Session 10: Imaging of Materials
Imaging is a technique to identify and the structure and surface chemistry of catalytic effects to understand the ability of chemical processes. 2D and 3D imaging techniques provide the information regarding recorded microscopy approaches. 4D imaging characterizes the structures from nanoscale to the mesoscale with the time range from picoseconds. Imaging helps in the development of new materials in order to incorporate advanced metals, alloys, ceramics in order to understand the role and defects. The research area includes:
2D and 3D Imaging | Alloys | Tomography | Microstructural
Related Societies/Associations:
European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences, Belgium; Royal Netherland Chemical Society, Netherlands; European Young Chemists Network, Belgium; Jordanian Chemical Society, Jordan; Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry, Spain; Swedish Chemical Society, Sweden; American Chemistry Society, USA; Society of Chemical Manufacturers and Affiliates, USA; The Society of ElectroAnalytical Chemistry, USA; American Oil Chemists Society, USA; Federation of Asian Chemical Societies, China; Chinese Chemical Society, China; Chemical Society of The South Pacific, Fiji.
Related Conferences:
2nd European Congress on Advanced Chemistry on May 09-10, 2019 at Stockholm, Sweden; 5th Global Congress and Expo on Materials Science and Engineering (GCEMSE-2019) on June 10-12, 2019 at Osaka, Japan; 5th International Conference on Surface and Interface of Materials (SIM 2019) on January 03-05, 2019 at Sanya, China; 5th World Congress on Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME 2019) on July 21-25, 2019 at Indiana, USA; 2nd International Joint Conference on Materials Science and Mechanical Engineering on January 18-20, 2019 at Phuket, Thailand; 14th International Conference on Materials Chemistry on July 08-11, 2019 at Birmingham, UK; 5th International Conference on Surface and Interface of Materials (SIM 2019) on January 03-05, 2019 at Sanya, China.
Session 11: Future scope of Material Chemistry
Future of material chemistry is based on innovation of the new materials with the limited natural resources. Research is based on the implementation of applications from one stream to other. Research area includes:
Petro Chemicals | Green Chemistry | Organic Electronics | Processing
Related Societies/Associations:
International Association of Advanced Materials, Sweden; Federation of European Materials Society, Belgium; Suppliers of Advanced Composite Materials Association, USA; Materials Research Society, USA; Nanotechnology World Association, Canada; American Composite Manufacturers, USA; International Association of Advanced Materials, Sweden; Material Science Engineering Association, USA; Asian Polymer Association, India.
Related Conferences:
5th International Conference on Thin Film Technology and Applications (TFTA 2019) on January 03-05, 2019 at Sanya, China; 6th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials (ACM 2019) on January 03-05, 2019 at Sanya, China; 5th International Conference on Polymer Materials Science (PMS 2019) on January 03-05, 2019 at Sanya, China; 6th Nano Today Conference on June 16-20, 2019 at Lisbon, Portugal; 8th Conference on Nanomaterials (CN 2019) on January 03-05,2019 at Sanya, China; Advanced Materials and Engineering Meeting on February 18-20, 2019 at San Francisco, USA; 3rd International Conference on Recent Advances in Material Chemistry (ICRAMC 2019) on February 13-15, 2019 at Chennai, India.
Importance and Scope of the Conference:
Materials Chemistry and Science 2019 has incited to the advent of various Nano Materials, Biomaterials, Energy Materials, Ceramic and Composite materials, Surface materials, Defence and Aerospace materials through the innovation in the advancement of material chemistry. This Conference provides a platform to present recent innovations and research results. All the products from renewable to non-renewable, medical devices to artificial tissues, computers to cell phones, and many more are made from materials. Chemistry of the materials played a crucial role in the research of new materials.
Market value On Materials:
Lightweight material markets are light to grow from USD 88.5 billion in 2014 to USD 133.1 billion in 2019 at a CAGR of 8.5%. These light materials include the usage of Automotive, Marine and Wind energy.
The electroactive polymers were estimated to increase from USD 3.26 billion in 2016 to USD 5.12 billion in 2022 at a CAGR of 7.9%.
Plastics are estimated to increase from USD 340.99 billion in 2016 estimated to accomplish USD 493.74 billion in 2022 at a CAGR of 6%. Nanomaterial markets estimated to grow from USD 14,741.6 million in 2015 to USD 55,016 million in 2022 at a CAGR of 20.7%. Biomaterials markets have increased from USD 70.90 billion in 2016 to USD 149.17 billion by 2021 at a CAGR of 16%.3D Printing material markets are expected to reach USD 1,871 million by 2022 at a CAGR of 18.3%. Polymers are mostly used for printing.
Asian and the Middle East chemical industries are likely to grow by 3% on an average in the next 20 years. Asia alone holds two-thirds of the market by 2030. Growth in Europe is expected to be moderate at just 1% which results in loss of 30% jobs in the European chemical industry by 2030. The current competitive environment suggests that European companies are well positioned in their home markets but not in the global markets.
Acoustical Technologies Singapore Pte Ltd
Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Guangxi University
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Nagaoka University of Technology
University of Oxford
Kindai University
National Tsing Hua University
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Henan University of Science and Technology
Tokyo Institute of Technology
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
Saudi Arabia
Tokyo University
Government College University Faisalabad
Bharath University
AGH University of Science and Technology
K.J. Somaiya College of Science and Commerce
Research Institute of Metrology