Meetings International has taken an initiative to felicitate attendees with awards to recognise, celebrate and encourage achievement in its various conferences and events. We salute and acknowledge attainment within an industry that is continuously evolving and re-drawing the boundaries of best practice. These awards represent the pinnacle of professional achievement for event professionals. To win an award you will have been endorsed by our illustrious panel of the foremost industry professionals which is a sure-fire signifier of your formidable credentials.
Outstanding Speaker in Lifestyle Disease 2020: This award recognises academic and business speakers for their wonderful presentation skills and for the significant contribution that they make to their professions, their teams and their patients through their advices, leadership or research endeavour. Winner of this award will be chosen by the session chair and co-chair. The awardee will be felicitated after the completion of oral session. Our Lifestyle Disease 2020 encourages researchers from across the globe to take part as a speaker at these prestigious event.
Best Key Note Speaker in Lifestyle Disease 2020: This award recognises the remarkable presentations given during the course of the event. It also recognizes the enthusiasm and determination of the speaker to improve the experience of all who they come into contact with. The award will be given based on the impact of presentation on the attendees of the event. We will also be taking into account the references taken from the citations of the keynote speaker. This awardee will be felicitated by one of the members of the organizing panel present during the conference.
Best Organising Committee Member in Lifestyle Disease 2020: This award seeks to recognise the continuous support provided by the Organising Committee Member of the conference. Recipient of this award will be selected by the operating committee of the event. The award will be given based on the support and cooperation provided by a member of the organizing panel from the beginning to the successful completion of the conference.
Outstanding Masters/Ph.D./Postdoc Thesis work presentation in Lifestyle Disease 2020: This award seeks to recognise the young brains of the current era. Recipient of this award will be selected by the judge of the Young Researchers Forum. This award will be given based on the presentation skills, impact of research and its applications for the health sector. Participants pursuing Masters, PhD or Post-Doctoral studies are eligible for this award. The awardee will be felicitated after the completion of all the oral presentations delivered under the Young Researchers Forum category.
Best Poster Award in Lifestyle Disease 2020: This award recognises the best poster presentation given during the course of an event. Recipient of this award will be selected by the judge of the poster session. An award winning poster will be evaluated on presentation content and clarity, innovations of approach, communication criteria and scientific aspects. It will also be based on layout, insights, analysis and results description. The awardee will be felicitated after the completion of poster session.
The awards given for our Lifestyle Disease 2020 conference recognise the wide range of responsibilities and dedication of healthcare professionals who promote the highest standards of care across the whole health service. Healthcare events make a huge contribution to maintaining and protecting the health and well-being of people across the globe.
Session on: Lifestyle Diseases
Lifestyle Diseases are the ones which are driven by sedentary lifestyle, poor eating habits, lack of exercise, drug abuse, excessive intake of alcohol and smoking. They account for a voluminous number of non-communicable diseases that have near life- threatening effects. They mostly include diseases with complex aetiology, with multiple risk factors, having long latency period and may lead to functional impairment or disability. Increased incidence of urbanization and globalization along with the changes in dietary habits and preferences has led to the occurrence of many lifestyle diseases. Even the kids prefer sticking to the phones rather than going for outdoor games which leads to the inculcation of poor lifestyle right from the childhood. Occupation also plays an important role in the health status of an individual where physical activity accounts for a fit and healthy body and the jobs with long hours of work on computers leads to lethargic, unhealthy body and mind. These diseases include hypertension, obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), bone disorders, hormonal disorders, neurological disorders, occupational diseases, respiratory disorders, depression and cancer. So, there is an immediate need of spreading the awareness regarding this underestimated aspect at the global level.
Session on: Diet and Lifestyle
Good nutrition pooled with physical activity, can help to maintain a healthy weight, reduce risk of chronic diseases and will also endorse overall health. Introducing organic foods, unprocessed food which is rich in fibre and green veggies, fruit which possess power of fighting diseases can access to a healthy lifestyle. A Healthy diet keeps immune system active and functioning and as well as strengthens it. It also helps to maintain proper body weight and prevent obesity. Nutritionists and Dieticians play a vital role to assist people who need a proper guidance for deciding the amount of calorific intake and for maintaining a healthy body weight.
Session on: Going Vegan-Being Healthy
Vegan diets possess abundant vitamins B1, C, and E, folic acid, magnesium, and iron while also being low in cholesterol and saturated fats. With a little preparation and arrangement a vegetarian diet can meet the needs of people of all ages, including children, teenagers, and pregnant or breast-feeding women and also can reduce the health risk. A healthy dietary method that is beneficial to reducing and improving health diseases in the vegetarian diet.
Session on: Modern Lifestyle & Obesity
Obesity is initiated by consuming too much and moving too little. Eating of high amounts of energy, particularly fats and sugars and not burning off the energy through exercise and physical activity then the surplus energy will be stored as fat by the body. Obesity increases risk of health problems, such as heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure. Obesity is not a overnight thing, it grows slowly from poor diet and lifestyle choices. We can get rid of obesity by eating more fruit, vegetables, nuts, wholegrain and doing at least 30min workout a day and consuming fatty or sugary foods and by using vegetable-based oils rather than animal-based fats.
Lifestyle Disease Conference | Lifestyle Medicine Conference | Lifestyle Disease Congress | Lifestyle Disease 2020 | Lifestyle Disease Summit | Global Lifestyle Disease Conference | Obesity Conference
Session on: Healthcare & Management
For living a healthy life, some changes in lifestyle is required like eating healthy foods, getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, avoiding smoking, drugs and alcohol. Moreover, maintaining a healthy weight, protecting from STDs are included in Health care. The fundamental purpose of healthcare is to enhance the quality of life by enhancing health. Health professionals have a central and critical role in making better access and quality health care for the population. Health Manager provides vital support to endorse health, prevent diseases and deliver health.
Lifestyle Disease Conference | Lifestyle Medicine Conference | Lifestyle Disease Congress | Lifestyle Disease 2020 | Lifestyle Disease Summit | Global Lifestyle Disease Conference | Healthcare Conference
Session on: Yoga- The Way Forward
Regular yoga practice builds mental clarity and peace as well as increases body consciousness. Yoga also helps to lower blood pressure and lessen the insomnia effect. Maintaining a regular practice can provide physical and mental health benefits. Some physical benefits of yoga include- increased muscle strength, improved respiration, energy and vitality, maintaining a balanced metabolism, weight reduction, etc. In an era where we do not have time for long term exercises, we can opt for simple exercises yoga and pranayama.
Lifestyle Disease Conference | Lifestyle Medicine Conference | Lifestyle Disease Congress | Lifestyle Disease 2020 | Lifestyle Disease Summit | Global Lifestyle Disease Conference | Yoga Conference
Session on: Child Care in Modern Era
Child care mainly focuses on the development of child mentally, socially and psychologically. All working parents with children generally face difficulties to balance the job as well as personal life. In this era children are more advanced and addicted to many luxuries like playing video games, mobile phones, internet, eating junk foods. Early childhood education and care plays a vital care in children’s development and provides a valuable support to families with young children.
Lifestyle Disease Conference | Lifestyle Medicine Conference | Lifestyle Disease Congress | Lifestyle Disease 2020 | Lifestyle Disease Summit | Global Lifestyle Disease Conference | Child Care Conference
Session on: Lifestyle Drugs-Concept and Impact
A lifestyle drug generally applies to non-life threatening as well as non-painful conditions like baldness, wrinkles or acne etc. There is direct effect of lifestyle drugs on humanity, particularly in the developing world. These drugs are related to mostly the modern life style and have an importance due to that. However critics raised the concern that a huge amount of research budget should not be spent on these, rather we can use them to cure AIDS, cancer etc.
Lifestyle Disease Conference | Lifestyle Medicine Conference | Lifestyle Disease Congress | Lifestyle Disease 2020 | Lifestyle Disease Summit | Global Lifestyle Disease Conference | Lifestyle Drug Conference
Session on: Ancient Medicine and Modern Life
Herbal medicine is still used for its natural healing power and many benefits. There is a change in medicine and healthcare system approach to illness and disease from ancient times to present. Ancient medicine always believes in the concept of healthy mind for a healthy body and works towards that. In the modern time where everyone wants to be fit, we can surely rely on the ancient methods and procedures for being healthy.
Session on: Professional Disease
Professional diseases are caused by the work and work conditions. It is developed due to exposures in the workplace and examples of occupational diseases include asbestosis among asbestos miners, black lung (coal worker’s pneumoconiosis) among coal miners, byssinosis among workers of cotton textile industry, silicosis among tunnel operators. Likewise stress, neck pain and back pain are faced by IT professionals which are a major problem in this modern world.
Session on: Heart Problems in Modern Life
There is a spectrum of cardiac diseases which occur due to unhealthy lifestyle, trans-fats and sodium rich diet, lack of physical activity, excessive intake of alcohol and tobacco. Genetics and family history is also responsible for developing heart disease in certain cases. Some late-onset diseases also include heart function disorders which can be prevented by taking preventive measures. Heart diseases are also prevalent in certain ethnic groups and healthy lifestyle can help delay or avoid them. Hypertension and depression also results in cardiovascular diseases. Heart disease is the leading cause of death among all age groups; almost 17.7 million people die each year of cardiovascular diseases. Regular health check-ups, healthy diet and dedicated physical activity can help people lead a normal life.
Session on: Are you Breathing Fresh?
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is an important respiratory disease of concern and is mainly caused due to excessive smoking or exposure to air pollutants. Increased number of vehicles and industrialization has resulted in air pollution and due to that, the lungs get severely affected causing breathing disorders. Long term exposure to dust and chemicals also lead to breathing disorders. Taking necessary measures can help prevent these diseases. Regular exercise, walk around the woods or in the gardens, yoga and meditation can help prevent these diseases. Proper hygiene also needs to be maintained.
Session on: Diabetes & Lifestyle
Diabetes is a complex disease which marks increased blood sugar levels. It affects almost all major organs of our body. There has been a tremendous increase in the number of affected people globally and it is one of the major areas demanding medical expenditure. Moreover, pregnant women have a higher risk of getting gestational diabetes which can be controlled with diet and exercise. If uncontrolled, it might lead to increased birth weight of the child. Packaged food, high energy drinks, wrong eating habits, skipping meals, urban lifestyle, all of them add to the risks for diabetes. The major complications associated with diabetes are nephropathy, cardiomyopathy, retinopathy and neuropathy. About 1 in 11 adults worldwide has diabetes and the number is still increasing. Lifestyle changes can help prevent and manage diabetes which may include regular exercise, low-sugar diet, regular monitoring of blood sugar levels and taking adequate medications and implementing effective strategies. Through this conference we can discuss the latest findings in the field of medicine and research and how these can help in saving people from diseases with such a complex aetiology.
Lifestyle Disease Conference | Lifestyle Medicine Conference | Lifestyle Disease Congress | Lifestyle Disease 2020 | Lifestyle Disease Summit | Global Lifestyle Disease Conference | Diabetes Conference
Session on: Bone Health in Modern Life
In this era of air conditioners, we have forgotten the walks around the woods and have become urban dwellers. We are not exposed to direct sunlight and hence, there is lack of Vitamin D which affects bones severely. Moreover, reduction in the intake of dairy products also leads to calcium deficiency which may further result in osteoporosis, arthritis and other bone diseases. Thirty minutes of workout on a daily basis, enough intake of low-fat dairy products, green leafy vegetables and fruits also promotes bone health. Moreover, lifestyle changes can help in the management of individuals with genetic conditions like osteogenesis imperfecta.
Session on: Lifestyle Medicine
Every individual possesses a unique body makeup while being influenced by lifestyle and the environmental factors. The attempts are being made to make the medicines personalized, but the best cure or preventive measure for the diseases which come out of poor eating habits, drug abuse and physical inactivity can be Lifestyle Medicine. The global burden of lifestyle related diseases is not sustainable and can’t be ignored. Lifestyle medicine includes individual based research, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of the dysfunctions which are caused by poor lifestyle. Hence, proper awareness and education is required, both at the professional and public levels.
Lifestyle Disease Conference | Lifestyle Medicine Conference | Lifestyle Disease Congress | Lifestyle Disease 2020 | Lifestyle Disease Summit | Global Lifestyle Disease Conference | Lifestyle Medicine 2020
Why to Attend Lifestyle Disease2020?
The motto of 2nd Lifestyle Diseases conference is to confer about the modern lifestyle, the diseases linked and to aware people for upholding a precise lifestyle to be healthy. The conference invites eminent and renowned personnel like dieticians, nutritionists, healthcare Professionals, PhDs, cardiologists, psychiatrist, physicians, paediatrics, endocrinologists, food Industrialists to exchange their knowledge, experience, and research innovations to shape a healthy world. The conference constitutes many notable academic programs including keynote sessions, oral presentations, workshops, poster presentations, video presentations etc. The participants will be provided with certifications, brand establishment, rebuilding new customer base, new tips and tactics, global networking.
The global healthcare market is expected to grow to $11801 billion in 2021 at an attractive compound annual growth rate (CAGR). . The healthcare industry is one of the largest and fast growing industries in the world, and it has a direct effect on the quality of life of patients. The term healthcare refers to diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease or illness. Healthcare is one of the highest growth industries in the entire world. According to the Bureau of Labour Statistics, more than 14.3 million people are employed in the healthcare industry, and it's projected that 3.2 million new healthcare related jobs will be created over the next 8 years.
Business Value of Lifestyle and Related Health Sector:
The World Health Organization estimates there are 9.2 million physicians, 19.4 million nurses and midwives, 1.9 million dentists and other dentistry personnel, 2.6 million pharmacists and other pharmaceutical personnel, and over 1.3 million community health workers worldwide, making the health care industry one of the largest segments of the workforce. Health care facilities are largely owned and operated by private sector businesses. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the United States spent $9,403 on health care per capita, and 17.1% on health care as percentage of its GDP in 2014. Healthcare coverage is provided through a combination of private health insurance and public health coverage (e.g., Medicare, Medicaid). The United States does not have a universal healthcare program, unlike other advanced industrialized countries.
Health care in the United States is provided by many distinct organizations. In 2013, 64% of health spending was paid for by the government, and funded via programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, the Children's Health Insurance Program, and the Veterans Health Administration.
The global health Care market is estimated to be worth some $10tn and is growing at a faster rate than GDP in many countries. The production and provision of health related goods and services, employment in the health work force, new technologies and capital invested in hospitals, clinics and other health infrastructure affect the prospects for stable economic growth and employment in economics around the World and this in turn lead to improvements in population health.
List of Lifestyle and Healthcare Universities Worldwide:
List of Lifestyle and Healthcare Universities in USA:
List of Research Centres Associated with Lifestyle and Healthcare Worldwide:
List of Research Centres Associated with Lifestyle and Healthcare in USA:
List of Hospitals Associated with Healthcare in Worldwide:
List of Hospitals Associated with Healthcare in USA:
The U.S spent $3,492.1 billion on health care in 2017. Expenditure in health sector in U.S. has increased by 3.9% in 2017 to $3.5 trillion or $10,739 per capita. This lower than what was observed in 2016 (4.8 percent) and 2015 (5.8 percent). After a period of relatively fast growth in 2014 and 2015 during the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, 2017 was characterized by slower growth that continued from 2016. In fact, growth in 2017 was similar to the 3.7 percent average annual rate of the 5-year period ending in 2013. These growth rates are the lowest since the early 1960s when health spending was first tracked in its current format.
Reference: https://www.ama-assn.org/about/research/trends-health-care-spending
Forecast for next 5 years in Lifestyle and Healthcare:
The present healthcare system is essentially a sick care system, built in the middle of the last century. Although there’s been tremendous progress on medical diagnosis and treatments, care delivery hasn’t structurally changed much. It’s still largely bricks and mortar where people who are sick or acutely ill come to be seen and treated by medically trained people. It was never designed to deal with the huge growth of chronic disease which now represents well over 80 per cent of all healthcare spend.
At the moment, if someone doesn’t feel well, they may see their GP, get an appointment with a hospital specialist, have tests or scans, have those results looked at, and then receive the necessary treatment. Some future predictions in world regarding health care - Artificial Intelligence (AI) for healthcare IT Application will cross $1.7 billion by 2019, Asia becomes the New Local Innovation Hub for Global Drug and Device OEMs, Digital health tech catering to out of hospital will grow by 30% and cross $25 billion.
Source: Maximize Market Research
In the era of digital life, the value of nutrition and physical activity is still a key for a healthy life. Increasing prosperity has also taken a place in the deciding factors and triggered a health boom. As people are more and more aware of the healthy lifestyle, it is evident that the health care sector will boom along with it and will help to create a prosperous world.
Meetings International is announcing Young Scientist Awards through 2nd International Conference on Lifestyle Disease & Medicine (Lifestyle Disease 2020) which is scheduled at Miami, USA during March 25-26, 2020. This Lifestyle Disease conference focuses on “Changing Lifestyle to be Healthy”.
Lifestyle Disease 2020 and upcoming conferences will recognise participants who have significantly added value to the scientific community of healthcare and provide them outstanding Young Scientist Awards. The Young Scientist Award will provide a strong professional development opportunity for young researches by meeting experts to exchange and share their experiences at our international conferences.
Lifestyle Disease 2020 focuses mainly on various diseases related to lifestyle and medicines related to it. Lifestyle Disease conference operating committee is providing a platform for all the budding young researchers, young investigators, post-graduate/Master students, PhD. students and trainees to showcase their research and innovation.
Young Scientists, faculty members, post-doctoral fellows, PhD scholars and bright Final Year MSc and M.Phil. candidates. Persons from Scientific Industry can also participate.
Benefits: The Young Scientist Feature is a platform to promote young researchers in their respective area by giving them a chance to present their achievements and future perspectives.
Conditions of Acceptance:
To receive the award, the awardee must submit the presentation for which the award is given, for publication at the website, along with author permission. Failure to submit the PPT and permission within the designated timeframe will result in forfeiture of award.
Award Announcements:
Official announcement of the recipients will occur after the completion of Lifestyle Disease Conference.
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
Al Ain Hospital, Abu Dhabi
Global Wellness Institute
LifeStyle Medicine - Regenerate Me
British Society of Lifestyle Medicine