The International Conference on Lifestyle Diseases and Management is going to be held on March 27-28, 2019 at Paris, France. This conference on lifestyle diseases and management gives a chance to scientists, medical practitioners, research scholars and students to interact and share their knowledge and experience in different lifestyle diseases. It also provides a global opportunity to the people from both academia and industry to interact for a noble cause of bringing about a change in the society by exchanging their ideas and putting forth the causes and solutions to the effects of lifestyle diseases on a wide number of people worldwide. This conference aims at discussing the role of lifestyle in causing different chronic diseases which can be otherwise prevented by taking adequate measures. Lifestyle Diseases 2019 covers all the comprehensive sessions which are related to the hypertension, obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disorders, respiratory disorders, hormonal disorders, neurological disorders, food allergies, bone disorder, depression and cancer. The International Conference on Lifestyle Diseases and Management provides a common platform to professors, researchers, enterprisers and students to exchange new ideas and experiences in person, to establish business or research relations and to find global partners for future associations. In this meeting, contemporaneous sessions and a poster session covering a wide range of topics and issues will be organized focusing on specific themes. The core aim of this conference is to provide an opportunity for the people to meet, interact and exchange new ideas about various classifications of lifestyle diseases.
Lifestyle Diseases are the ones which are driven by sedentary lifestyle, poor eating habits, lack of exercise, drug abuse, excessive intake of alcohol and smoking. They account for a voluminous number of non-communicable diseases that have near life- threatening effects. They mostly include diseases with complex aetiology, with multiple risk factors, having long latency period and may lead to functional impairment or disability. Increased incidence of urbanization and globalization along with the changes in dietary habits and preferences have led to the occurrence of many lifestyle diseases. Even the kids prefer sticking to the phones rather than going for outdoor games which leads to the inculcation of poor lifestyle right from the childhood. Occupation also plays an important role in the health status of an individual where physical activity accounts for a fit and healthy body and the jobs with long hours of work on computers leads to lethargic, unhealthy body and mind. These diseases include hypertension, obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), bone disorders, hormonal disorders, neurological disorders, occupational diseases, respiratory disorders, depression and cancer. So, there is an immediate need of spreading the awareness regarding this underestimated aspect at the global level.
Lifestyle Diseases Conference | Global Lifestyle Diseases Conference | Lifestyle Diseases Congress | Lifestyle Diseases Meeting | Lifestyle Diseases 2019 | Lifestyle Diseases Seminar | European Lifestyle Diseases Conference
Hypertension or high blood pressure (>130/90 mmHg) is one of the global health concern which has its effect on all vital organs. Intake of processed salty food, increased stress, physical inactivity, higher body mass index, excessive use of recreational drugs, high cholesterol, certain diseases and medications contribute to hypertension. Even, a long-term sleep deprivation leads to hypertension which is further a major risk factor for many fatal diseases. Some people are predisposed to hypertension due to their family history and the lifestyle changes can help them lead a normal healthy life. High blood pressure is also observed in pregnant women and may fall back to normal after the delivery, but it might have a negative effect on the foetus and can be prevented through balanced diet and regular exercise. Through this conference people coming from different medical backgrounds can discuss about its causes, outcomes, management and prevention.
Hypertension Conference | Lifestyle Diseases Conference | Global Lifestyle Diseases Conference | Lifestyle Diseases Congress | Lifestyle Diseases Meeting | Lifestyle Diseases 2019 | Lifestyle Diseases Seminar | European Lifestyle Diseases Conference
Obesity is the increased fat accumulation in the body and mechanized transportation and labour- saving technologies have added to the increased Body mass index (BMI) which is one of the important measures of obesity. It may vary based upon the gender, age, race and ethnicity. Excessive fat further leads to increased cholesterol, cardio vascular diseases, liver damage and other health related complications. Moreover, Genetics plays an important role in childhood-onset and congenital obesity. There are many congenital diseases like Prader Willi Syndrome where obesity is an important measure. Lifestyle changes can help these children lead a normal life even after being predisposed. It is important to educate children and adults regarding its adverse outcomes.
Obesity Conference | Lifestyle Diseases Conference | Global Lifestyle Diseases Conference | Lifestyle Diseases Congress | Lifestyle Diseases Meeting | Lifestyle Diseases 2019 | Lifestyle Diseases Seminar | European Lifestyle Diseases Conference
Diabetes is a complex disease which marks increased blood sugar levels. It affects almost all major organs of our body. There has been a tremendous increase in the number of affected people globally and it is one of the major areas demanding medical expenditure. Moreover, pregnant women have a higher risk of getting gestational diabetes which can be controlled with diet and exercise. If uncontrolled, it might lead to increased birth weight of the child. Packaged food, high energy drinks, wrong eating habits, skipping meals, urban lifestyle, all of them add to the risks for diabetes. The major complications associated with diabetes are nephropathy, cardiomyopathy, retinopathy and neuropathy. About 1 in 11 adults worldwide has diabetes and the number is still increasing. Lifestyle changes can help prevent and manage diabetes which may include regular exercise, low-sugar diet, regular monitoring of blood sugar levels and taking adequate medications and implementing effective strategies. Through this conference we can discuss the latest findings in the field of medicine and research and how these can help in saving people from diseases with such a complex aetiology.
Diabetes Conference | Lifestyle Diseases Conference | Global Lifestyle Diseases Conference | Lifestyle Diseases Congress | Lifestyle Diseases Meeting | Lifestyle Diseases 2019 | Lifestyle Diseases Seminar | European Lifestyle Diseases Conference
There is a spectrum of cardiac diseases which occur due to unhealthy lifestyle, trans-fats and sodium rich diet, lack of physical activity, excessive intake of alcohol and tabacco. Genetics and family history is also responsible for developing heart disease in certain cases. Some late-onset diseases also include heart function disorders which can be prevented by taking preventive measures. Heart diseases are also prevalent in certain ethnic groups and healthy lifestyle can help delay or avoid them. Hypertension and depression also results in cardiovascular diseases. Heart disease is the leading cause of death among all age groups, almost 17.7 million people die each year of cardiovascular diseases. Regular health check-ups, healthy diet and dedicated physical activity can help people lead a normal life.
Cardiology Conference | Lifestyle Diseases Conference | Global Lifestyle Diseases Conference | Lifestyle Diseases Congress | Lifestyle Diseases Meeting | Lifestyle Diseases 2019 | Lifestyle Diseases Seminar | European Lifestyle Diseases Conference
In this era of air conditioners, we have forgotten the walks around the woods and have become urban dwellers. We are not exposed to direct sunlight and hence, there is lack of Vitamin D which affects bones severely. Moreover, reduction in the intake of dairy products also leads to calcium deficiency which may further result in osteoporosis, arthritis and other bone diseases. Thirty minutes of workout on a daily basis, enough intake of low-fat dairy products, green leafy vegetables and fruits also promotes bone health. Moreover, lifestyle changes can help in the management of individuals with genetic conditions like osteogenesis imperfecta.
Orthopedic Conference | Lifestyle Diseases Conference | Global Lifestyle Diseases Conference | Lifestyle Diseases Congress | Lifestyle Diseases Meeting | Lifestyle Diseases 2019 | Lifestyle Diseases Seminar | European Lifestyle Diseases Conference
The current scenario of stressful and busy life results in an imbalance in the necessary hormones which control important physiological and psychological mechanisms in our body. Certain diseases also lead to imbalanced hormonal levels which have visible and hidden outcomes. Dietary habits influence hormonal levels directly which can be easily observed in kids these days. It influences almost all body functions, from growth and development to functioning and reactions. Diseases like thyroid, poly cystic ovarian syndrome, growth disorders and sexual dysfunction are the major outcomes of hormonal disorders. These can all be managed with proper dietary intake and regular exercise
Endocrinology Conference | Lifestyle Diseases Conference | Global Lifestyle Diseases Conference | Lifestyle Diseases Congress | Lifestyle Diseases Meeting | Lifestyle Diseases 2019 | Lifestyle Diseases Seminar | European Lifestyle Diseases Conference
Unhealthy Lifestyle, addiction to certain drugs, sleep deprivation affects brain directly or indirectly and might end up in severe neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s disease, Epilepsy, Multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease and Migraines. Frequent involvement in a number of leisure activities over our lifetime helps to build cognitive reserve and exercise helps in regaining motor functions in dementia. Controlled diet helps in overcoming the symptoms of these diseases and help in recovery along with prevention in case of predisposition. Counselling can be provided to the parents and family of the affected individuals. This conference is a perfect opportunity to discuss about the different way outs which can help save many lives.
Neurology Conference | Phsycology Conference | Lifestyle Diseases Conference | Global Lifestyle Diseases Conference | Lifestyle Diseases Congress | Lifestyle Diseases Meeting | Lifestyle Diseases 2019 | Lifestyle Diseases Seminar | European Lifestyle Diseases Conference
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is an important respiratory disease of concern and is mainly caused due to excessive smoking or exposure to air pollutants. Increased number of vehicles and industrialization has resulted in air pollution and due to that, the lungs get severely affected causing breathing disorders. Long term exposure to dust and chemicals also lead to breathing disorders. Taking necessary measures can help prevent these diseases. Regular exercise, walk around the woods or in the gardens, yoga and meditation can help prevent these diseases. Proper hygiene also needs to be maintained.
Ecology Conference | Lifestyle Diseases Conference | Global Lifestyle Diseases Conference | Lifestyle Diseases Congress | Lifestyle Diseases Meeting | Lifestyle Diseases 2019 | Lifestyle Diseases Seminar | European Lifestyle Diseases Conference
Ailments that occur as a result of work or occupational activity and are usually identified when they are shown to be predominant in a group of workers than in the general population, or in other worker populations. These diseases mainly include skin diseases, lung diseases, cancer, musculoskeletal disorders. Occupations including hairdressing, catering, healthcare, printing, metal machining, motor vehicle repair, mining and construction cause these diseases. They are preventable, and can be lowered with changes in diet, standard of living, and surroundings. Though there are laws for workers compensation, still not many people are aware of them and hence, are not benefited.
Nutrition Conference | Healthcare Conference | Lifestyle Diseases Conference | Global Lifestyle Diseases Conference | Lifestyle Diseases Congress | Lifestyle Diseases Meeting | Lifestyle Diseases 2019 | Lifestyle Diseases Seminar | European Lifestyle Diseases Conference
Depression is a common but serious temper disorder, severely affected by lifestyle. It causes severe symptoms that have an affect on our feelings, reflection, and on how we handle daily activities, such as sleeping, eating, or working. Persistent depressive disorder, Postpartum depression, Psychotic depression, Seasonal affective disorder and Bipolar disorder. Depression is also observed in school and college going individuals due to the study load and peer pressure. Separate counselling cells should be installed in all the academic institutions. Monotonous life also affects the mental state of an individual. Regular exercise, social meetings, meditation, healthy diet, avoiding alcohol and drugs, counselling, yoga and meditation can help prevent and manage depression.
Addiction Research Conference | Lifestyle Diseases Conference | Global Lifestyle Diseases Conference | Lifestyle Diseases Congress | Lifestyle Diseases Meeting | Lifestyle Diseases 2019 | Lifestyle Diseases Seminar | European Lifestyle Diseases Conference
Cancer is the most widespread disease of the era causing a large number of deaths globally and the number is increasing at an exponential rate. Cancers are mainly caused by exposure to ultraviolet radiations, infectious agents, smoking, excessive intake of alcohol and other unhealthy practices. Some cancers like retinoblastoma are congenital too. Some types of cancer can be prevented by avoiding smoking and alcohol, retaining a healthy weight, eating plenty of vegetables, fruits and whole grains, getting vaccination against certain infectious diseases, not consuming much processed and red meat and avoiding too much exposure to sunlight.
Oncology Conference | Cancer Conference | Lifestyle Diseases Conference | Global Lifestyle Diseases Conference | Lifestyle Diseases Congress | Lifestyle Diseases Meeting | Lifestyle Diseases 2019 | Lifestyle Diseases Seminar | European Lifestyle Diseases Conference
Yoga and modern lifestyle go hand in hand for those who want to live a happy, healthy and contented life. Excessive use of the cell phones, modern gadgets, even those helping in our core household work have made us lethargic and prone to many serious ailments. Moreover, easy conveyance has resulted in orthopaedic disorders due to lack of labour intensive work and physical activity. Sedentary lifestyle amplifies loneliness, depression, anxiety and panic disorders. To tackle this, yoga and meditation have proven to be a blessing. Yoga helps tackle stress, helps reduce the body aches, flush out the harmful toxins built up in our body, helps in proper digestion and hence, helps prevent and manage many lifestyle diseases. Likewise, Meditation gives emotional upliftment, helps improve concentration and brings about personal satisfaction.
Follow this trend- Walk more, Worry Less!!!
Traditional Medicine Conference | Lifestyle Diseases Conference | Global Lifestyle Diseases Conference | Lifestyle Diseases Congress | Lifestyle Diseases Meeting | Lifestyle Diseases 2019 | Lifestyle Diseases Seminar | European Lifestyle Diseases Conference
A nutritious, balanced diet is the secret to a healthy life. Focusing on organic, unprocessed food which is rich in fibre and includes a whole lot of vegetables and fruits possesses the power of fighting diseases like cancer too. Healthy food strengthens our immune system, helping it to fight infections. It also helps maintain proper body weight and prevent obesity. Nutritionists and Dieticians play an important role in assisting people who need guidance for deciding the amount of calorific intake and for maintaining healthy body weight. Let the Food be the Medicine!!
Food Conference | Lifestyle Diseases Conference | Global Lifestyle Diseases Conference | Lifestyle Diseases Congress | Lifestyle Diseases Meeting | Lifestyle Diseases 2019 | Lifestyle Diseases Seminar | European Lifestyle Diseases Conference
Every individual possesses a unique body makeup while being influenced by lifestyle and the environmental factors. The attempts are being made to make the medicines personalized, but the best cure or preventive measure for the diseases which come out of poor eating habits, drug abuse and physical inactivity can be Lifestyle Medicine. The global burden of lifestyle related diseases is not sustainable and can’t be ignored. Lifestyle medicine includes individual based research, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of the dysfunctions which are caused by poor lifestyle. Hence, proper awareness and education is required, both at the professional and public levels.
Lifestyle Medicine Conference | Lifestyle Diseases Conference | Global Lifestyle Diseases Conference | Lifestyle Diseases Congress | Lifestyle Diseases Meeting | Lifestyle Diseases 2019 | Lifestyle Diseases Seminar | European Lifestyle Diseases Conference
Lifestyle diseases share features similar to the continued exposure to three amendable lifestyle activities like smoking, under-nutritious diet, and physical inactivity and result in the development of chronic diseases, specifically cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity, metabolic disorders, respiratory diseases, and some forms of cancer. These diseases can be considered as diseases of industrialized countries, so-called "Western diseases" or "diseases of affluence". Lifestyle disease can result in years of disability, or death, and impose a considerable economic burden on health services. Today, chronic diseases are a major public health problem worldwide. Therefore, possible medical, social and psychological interventions are needed to prevent and manage these diseases and these can be implemented after a fruitful discussion about the current research and medical practices, which is the main goal of the International Conference on Lifestyle Diseases and Management.
Of the projected 57 million deaths occurring globally, 36 million (almost two thirds) are due to diseases that are caused by lifestyle, which comprise mainly cardiovascular diseases, cancers, diabetes and chronic lung diseases, mostly in middle- and low- income countries. The United Nations have assessed that the increasing loss due to the social and psychosomatic burdens to the global economy could touch $47 trillion by 2030 if things remain status quo.
Annual direct costs of lifestyle diseases were the highest in the USA, followed by European and Western Pacific regions. In USA, the minimum and maximum mean reported annual total direct costs for Cardiovascular diseases were 6,668 USD and 81,096 USD, respectively, whereas the average annual direct costs for Cardiovascular diseases varied from 1,643 USD to 69,440 USD, and from 3,862 USD to 5,693 USD for the European and Western Pacific regions, respectively
The worldwide market for interventional cardiology innovations alone came to an expected $12.2 billion out of 2014. The cost of Medical Devices needed for cardiac surgeries will develop to $22.5 billion (€20.9 billion) by 2021, with a year-on-year increment of 9.1%. The substantial economic burden from the diabetes is about $1.3 million
Cost-effective interventions would obviate more than 5 million untimely deaths from lifestyle maladies by 2030, or a reduction of 28.5% in projected transience from these diseases around the world. These may include increasing the price of tobacco through taxation; providing aspirin to 75 % of those suffering from acute myocardial infarction; reducing salt intake by 30%; reducing the prevalence of high blood pressure with low-cost hypertension medication; and providing preventive drug therapy to 70% of those at high risk of heart disease. Banning certain drugs, controlling liquor market, promoting organic farming and taking measures to save natural environment can also help in reducing the burden of lifestyle diseases.